
World Quest

Jacob Springer a human from earth met his end during the global extinction. Met with no other choice, before he died he asked for a single wish. A single wish for another life. Who would have guess that right after he died, his wish will be heard. This is the story of Jacob Springer, a human flesh in another world. This is , WORLD QUEST

dionescuyn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Theres a ghost

That night jacob was unable to fall a sleep, thus he picked up his gardening tools trying to make another set of rectangular barricade. Yet to his surprise he can no longer feel the weight of his tools.

Jacob: What is happening to me? I feel strange.

Jacob then proceed to his garden, and he doesn't feel the weight of his tools at all. He could perfectly move it, sway it and hammer it. Trying to concentrate on his work, jacob finished everything after an hour, he then began cleaning out the grasses near the barricade, and starts plowing the field making 8 beddings of soil for his new set of plants. He continued working even thought its late at night. It is already early morning when jacob finished his preparations and finally, he felt sleepy, thus, he took his final chore and watered his plants, Then right after it, jacob took a great rest.

Meanwhile in the kingdom of atlantis, in just a short period of time, the kingdom has maximized all of their militias strength and have made all of their warriors ranked up to level 5. It is thanks to the guidance of General Clayford that the kingdom of Atlantis have managed such a great achievement.

Today the King would like to meet all of the citizens of atlantis. His intent is to open up the first to 4th floor to the regular citizens and asked them to participate on it. At the same time, the rest of his army, the guilds members and adventurers would be able to finally opened up the 6th floor.

At the kingdoms plaza, a massive crowd of atlanteans and adventurers have swarmed up waiting for their king. Thousands of citizens have answered the kings call, they've heard that the king is allowing everyone to enter the tower of doom to gain the favor of the goddess. Well, who wouldnt want to have the recognition of a goddess. Thus theyve assembled into the circle and answered for their kings call.

Then at that moment, the royal trumpet sounded.

sfx: royal hmn.

At the exact time, the royal king of atlantis, king Poseidon shows up with his golden trident. He then raised it up and the crowd shouted with joy.

sfx: crowd cheering.

King: A great day, fellow atlanteans, and a great day for the thousands of you heeding for my call. Today i gathered each and everyone of you to relay a brief message.

sfx: crowd cheering.

King: which is i know, youve already know too.

Sfx: crowd laughing.

King: The news have unexpected circulated in a short period of time that i myself was also surprised.

King: I, your king, would like to confirm the circulated news, I myself am allowing each and everyone of you to fulfil your desire by entering the tower of doom. In return, to that. I humbly ask for your benevolent heart and integrity to love your kingdom and raised its name around the world. Let the world know that your existence is one to be proud off.

Sfx: Cr0wd Cheering!.

King: The summit of strongholds is coming, I hope, you all will have a fruitful encounter inside the tower, the kingdom is waiting for your presence in the War of stronghold. Thank you and May the Deity of Water blessed you all.

The moment king poseidon finished his speech a crowd of thousand have began rallying towards the tower of doom to fulfill their desires and have the recognition of the goddess of water, aquarius.

On the other hand, our hero, jacob springer is inside his residence casually sleeping soundly.

In his dream, he is on a mountain that is constantly covered with lightning clouds. This mountain is the mountain that once saw at the northern cliff, several miles from the vast forest, where in he could see A giant Figure of a Gorilla.

That mountain covered with thundercloud is where he is in his dream. In his dream he is having a hard fought bloody battle, his opponents is tough and strong, it is unpenetretable by the sword and jacob is still trying to figure out how to defeat such opponent. Though his opponent is formidable, his body is tough too, the opponents attack is not giving severe damage at all. To his surprise he noticed that something is wrong with his opponent, he is quite familiar with this type of monster. In his past life, these type of monster are often feared by the people. They called them dark creep monsters, and named them Ghosts.

Unfortunately jacob is one of those people from the past who feared ghost thus when one of the ghosts entered his mouth, jacob freaked out, making him fell from his bed.

"Awts" claimed by jacob as he slowly stood up from his current position.

He then looked at the skies above him. He never realized it before, nor think of the possibility of its existence.

Jacob: "Could there really be a ghost?"