
world peace as a demon lord

this probably my first time I'm writing something and posting it in the internet so please give feedback about my writing so I improve further on. and also please forgive if there's any grammar error because English is not my first language. the synopsis: the Dio Valo has a unfortunate life. he was abandon by his father and her mother died soon after he was born. getting involved with crime. a local gang noticed his exploit and wanted to invite him to their family. he accepted it and soon after gotten a reputation around the under belly of society. being quiet feared in the world for being ruthless and bloodthirsty. he was eventually got ambush and lured to a trap. wounded and scared, he took of to the night and never seen again. couple of years later, he lived a quiet life, the world and underworld has already forgotten about him. so he lived his life to the fullest and gotten married with his childhood best friend. but tragedy struck again. fire consumed his house with his pregnant wife, being consumed with grief and sadness. he took of running toward the inferno. being Isekai to another world where numerous other races roam the earth other than humans. a great war involving two faction, the human and the devil. in a long feud that left both side questioning why they were fighting each other in the first place. each faction has equal power with heroes and demon lord a like, a error in the system. the next candidate to be a demon lord is delay. so the human had fighting chance against the devil, but with the help of heroes they completely eradicate the devil's. couple of hundreds of thousands of year later. the system finally found the candidate of becoming a demon lord, but because how long it was. the demon lord and the rain of tyranny that they given to the world, is only been told in myth. the humanity has advance and change. the only thing that threatens human is other nation and monster. so they were under prepared for dealing against a devil. in his second life, would tragedy follow him, or will he finally realize his own dreams? two wills being clashed against each other, would he change the world for the better or completely ruin it like last time.

the_perverted_kid · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

the person called diablo part 2

my foot step on the dirt below, soil go in-between my toes as I hastened my strive toward the unmoving girl Infront of me. my whole body twisted trying to lessen the time to reach her. my eyesight is still muddled from my rage as I barely articulate my foot forward. my heart was ablaze. pure unadulterated wrath coursed through my body. my head was slightly cleared from the tunnel vision. the booming footsteps slowly approached the little girl. as the unnamed owner was taking it's time walking I was able to reach. the foreboding footsteps gave me a chill down my spine. but can't leave the little girl that was closer to the noise than i was. the sensation of lost wave over me as her pleating back slowly got smaller. the burn that seared into my arms tingle. deciding to not abounded her as i reminisce back than when i meet her. the warm feeling filled my heart as her scent lingered as if she is still here. the small spark isn't even comparable to the warm feeling that used to rest on my chest. I have lost everything but she reminded me what i don't have. my heart that was empty but slowly being filled like back than. not wanting to let this feeling ago for the second time. I rushed and snatched her off the ground while running back toward the opposite direction. she yelp when her body was suddenly lifted up the ground and the earsplitting scream pierced my ear drums. but i didn't let it affect my strive in the desperate sprint. my body trembled as the sound of the footsteps gets closer. a hideous and unbearable screech sounded like a chorus that was screaming bloody murder. as the symphony of horrid screams finally ended my hair stood up and my body is paralyzed in place. through my hazed my eyes that was still drench in blood. the blood lust seems to were off when I heard the cacophony of scream. like being woken up from a trance. my body froze being too terrified to even move while still holding the little girl in my arms. my body ached as I keep this uncomfortable position trying my best to move a muscle. the footsteps only stopped after it roared but didn't continued on. my body is drench in cold sweat as I felt the cold gaze on my back. I held my breathing in but the urge to take a breath is getting more unbearable. I stood while holding my breath trying my best to not be notice but still felt I was being watched. it feel it's been days while I kept standing in same position. my joints scream while my tendons cried. my whole body wanted to rest but couldn't as the thing still kept staring at me. my tendons snapped in my leg but I couldn't feel the pain as my whole body went numb. the static feeling was spreading through my body. everything felt far away, my hearing, my touch and my smell. my vision was clouded and my hearing was muffled. the whole body wanted to rest, I want to rest too. my eyelids were heavy and felt something warm still linger in my heart. feeling relaxed I finally took a deep breath. not caring for the creature behind me that still watched us. my vision was is like being cleared from a fog as every minute detail was visible. the tree rings, the bump and rough surface as well the individual leaves that stuck it self in each branch. someone whimpering beside me but totally forget who it was. the little girl tears fall down like water droplets as the moist and cold tears run down my arm. her tiny whimper tickle my ears as she quietly weep in my arms. her cries wasn't loud but it was the only thing that sounded in the soundless forest. my heart wrenched as she keep crying and stifling in between of her cries. I wanted to comfort her but my body was still frozen in fear. two side of me fought of helping her or stay like this. I weight each option in my mind but was immediately interrupted because of her sudden scream

—" Ani, vele! entela "—

her screech was loud enough to make me cringe. being tired of the little girl cry her lungs out I finally decided on the action I'm going to take. while she was hysterically crying to herself I wrap my arms around the small body and comforted her. patting her head and trying to shush her while I desperately ignored the pair of eyes that was stabbing in my back. trying my best to be gentle I patted her back. looking like a father that was comforting their daughter while my mind didn't know what to do. her cries wasn't ending any time soon so I was keep on doing what I only know. her soak filled eyes was burrowed in my shoulder while she her tiny arms wrapped my neck. carrying her like a baby I started to sway back and forward. as i wonder what to do next, a memory pop up in my mind.

" Ninna nanna, ninna oh, questo bimbo a chi lo do? " ~~

" Se lo do alla Befana, me lo tiene una settimana " ~~

I sung the only verse that I remember of the lullaby that she put me to sleep. the lullaby reverberated in my mind like she was singing to me. while still swaying in my arms her cries was slowly going down. her tense face was relaxing as her cry was turning down to a quiet groan. her whole body went limp as she closed her eye that was still leaking tears. her tiny chest went up and down and a quiet groan left her mouth. finally sleeping in my arms as i sigh and slump to the ground. felling like a battle has ended but felt there's going to be more pain in the future. the foreboding loomed over me as I wached her peacefully sleeping in my arms. feeling of relief and pride wave through me as it travel to my face. the muscle in my face twitched and move. feeling the changes on my face I was surprised. I rarely smile nor express any emotion. but when it happens I usually notice the tiny changes through out my face. stroking my face and feeling the bumbs and crevices that the smile left. appreciating the exotic changes that i subconscious made. while she was still sleeping in my arms. my mind worried to accidentally waking her up so i started to consider where to place her down. a flat rough dirt was under my toe nails and i consider another option. the clearing ended and a forest went beyond the border. the blade of grass looked at abit sharp but I improvised by flatting it out. having a comfortable to place your head is ideal but wasn't anything that i can use. my mind considered everything but didn't notice the most important thing. a low growl sent shivers down my spine. like letting me realized again. the animosity that came from the growl made my knee shake. not feeling a single kindness that come from the sound it made. felt like it wanted me dead so I was back to square one and stood like a statue. but this time a low and barely audible footsteps is slowly coming toward me. still clutching the little girl in my arms. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'd like to run but she would only slow me down and the last option didn't even enter my mind. standing there while i deliberated on the only option i have. finally coming to a conclusion after i saw her sleeping peacefully. being careful of where to place her down my muscle was relaxed to save energy. my mind was sharp and i didn't hesitate to put this plan in motion. I was already resolved and only need the motivation to move. my eyes drifted to the peacefully sleeping girl and was reminded of marry. come to think of it. we didn't have a name for our baby. I didn't even know the gender of the baby so being stumb on making a decision. well i can decide after this ends. while putting the problem behind me. and like flipping a switch. twisting my whole body toward the slowly approaching footsteps. as i readied my fist. like turning a engine on, as if activating a power that have lie dormant inside of me. my mind was swallowed up by a inconceivable amount of wrath and blurred my vision in blood.

i face against the creature that made the blood curling roar. looking something similar to a dog. it was two or three times my size and it's fur was ragged and some patches were torn off. like it fought something before coming here. the skin behind the exposed fur looked like spoil meat. a warm liquid travel up my throat when I first looked at the sorry state of the it's skin. its whole body looked sick and some muscle were exposed. there wasn't any flea nor dirt clinging into it's fur surprisingly enough. there wasn't any smell that came from it but only scent was coming of it was blood. although it's wasn't visible bleeding. apart from being gigantic it's looked like just a normal dog. except for the second head sprouting next to it. the pair of eyes was just small red point in it's socket. while the razor sharp teeth stuck out like the teeth outgrown the body. it's paw that was also gigantic and having claws that was essencially kitchen knives. it's whole body gives off a violent and unpredictable feeling. having a lean body but it's muscle bulge. drool keep dripping down in between it's sharp teeth. the two pairs of eyes looked at like I'm it's dinner. each of it's body was tense and was ready to charge at me at any moment. its whole body was tense like it was ready to move any at any second. drool keep on leaking in-between it's teeth and dripping down on the soil ground. the teeth and saliva shimmered under the moon light. looking like a car engine that's is waiting to be turned on. the muscle was shaking and quivering under it's skin. it just waited and stared at me while not moving. both pairs of their eyes were observing every part of my body. tracing every movement that I made. not leaving a detail behind as it diligently stared at me. we face each other and observed. sizing and analysing each other capability. this drawn and long stand off made me tense. my anger was barely in check. so it's inevitable that someone will make the first move. the wrath was building up and I can't bottle them up any more. releasing the cap that was overflowing with hatred. charging like a arrow that was released. releasing my emotion in the most destructive way possible. I sprinted toward the creature that came from hell. it only stood and kept on watching me while I sprinted toward it. unstrained amount of wrath was unleashed toward the two headed creature.

Arnold Reilly panicked. as the connection from the summon orthrus was cut of and being unable to receive any signal from it. he was still in the camp and used the skill called: " Summoner " he used this to summon the orthrus to find the slave girl. this is a special skill and the ability of this skill is to immediately make a construct of a creature that the user have previously seen. it's limited by how much knowledge the user knows about the creature he/she want to summon. the power of the summon is proportional to the summoner strength. this uses a large amount of mana and couldn't able to summon a new one if the first one is still around. the difference of the special skill: " summoner " and the spell called " summon "

a summon that was made from a skill will inheritely be more closer to the summoner than the summon that was created from mana. skills are power that was constructed through someone soul. so a summon that came from a skill is just a small part of the summoner soul being imbued with mana and having a physical form. meanwhile a summon that came from a spell will only be made from the mana in atmosphere or the summoner direct mana storage. while being able to follow orders but couldn't do specific actions. the advantage of this spell is to summon multiple summons at the same time. the summon can be more stronger than the summoner, because instead of being form from the user soul it is being constructed from the mana in the atmosphere and the user. the disadvantage is how long the construction of the runes that is needed in the spell. and similarly it uses a large amount mana to make and to activate. so majority of people that wanted to be a summoner tend to try to get the skill instead of learning the spell. but the skill is based on someone will and soul. so some people weren't able to get their hands on theskill and learned the spell instead. the creature that Arnold summon is called orthrus. a monster that has a sharp sense of smell. it was more agile and has a stronger searching abilities than his other summon. this were specifically used for searching missing people although it is extremely violent. being used for finding missing people, for monster hunting, or finding a secret passage or treasure. Arnold thought there isn't any strong monster or creature who can even kill the orthrus in the forest. his mind is plagued by anxiety as he thought about the slave girl that his searching for

my body was entagle by vines and tree branches. the sticks poked at me while the vines restricted my movement. it didn't halt my path as cut down the vines and branches with my sword. being in the middle of night while I traversed through endless forest. Infront of me is another summon but I used the spell instead of the skill. the creature is called:" light fairy " even though it has " fairy" in it's name. it wasn't considered as a true fairy. it's size was the same size of my head and has insect wing sprouting on it's back. it has humanoid body that looked like a child but instead of eyes there were insect like. their is a long and thin black antenna placed up on its head. there was abdomen of a insect grew out it's back and emitting a dazzling light. the path Infront was lighten up and the shadows made by the light looked like monsterious creature with horns. this unnerve me but didn't hesitate to go forward while slashing anything that caught up in my path. the light fairy weave through the trees and branches while I followed shorty behind. around me is all darkness as the only light source is flying away from me. slashing any branches in my way I finally spotted a clearing through the maze of trees and branches. speeding my pace as I furiously hack and chopped the tree branches Infront of me. like bursting out of the water, tree branches and leaves flew out in arches. my vision saw only a decimated corpse of a monster while nobody was there. dread filled my stomach but it wasn't necessary as I checked the corpse and it wasn't my orthrus. the deep sigh left with the dread but still couldn't figure where the orthrus went. the clearing beyond it's border was only barely lit forest by the moon. the poor lighting made gaps in between the tree's looked like obsidian black. the whole forest moaned like it was in pain. the cold air prikled my skin while the dead silent of the night beared upon me. the shadow dance and swayed in the trees shadow as if someone was moving between them. I didn't recall the summon but summoned another one. the runes went to there designated place as the i slowly receipted the spell chant. being poured with my mana while constructing the magic circle on the ground. finally finishing the spell i selected in my mind who to summon. a dog like monster with pointed up ears slowly being constructed. first the bones was made after the understructure was constructed than the muscle was added. this process escalated until the skin is added and the complete figure of a the hell hound. not as cable comparing with the orthrus that i summoned but still boast a high sense of smell. it has really cute as tiny beady eyes was constrasted by the fluffy big ears. while appreciating how adorable it looked i ordered in my mind to the hell hound to sniff out the orthrus. it snout pointed down while sniffing the ground. while it sniff it moved around trying to track the orthrus. while it try to search for the orthrus I followed behind it. after traveling up the clearing bordering the forest it finally stopped. sniffing was intensify while it looked around the surroundings. but suddenly it pointed up it's ear like a rabbit. this cute action is main the reason i choosed to be a summoner. while I was engrossed in my delusion on my reason of picking up this skill. the hell hound suddenly sprinted forward and leaving me behind. the light fairy looked confused as well and we watched the hell hound slowly disappeared in the forest. I didn't realize but the light fairy was a second faster than me and it flew forward it. being left by my own summons felt kinda hurtful but not wanting to traverse the whole forest in the dark. I sprinted forward trying to catch up to them while ignoring the branch and vines slashing my sides.

when Arnold was able to catch up to his two summon. he saw another clearing up ahead and signed in relief that he doesn't need to travel through more branches slicing into his skin. the two summons who were upfront stopped at the edge of the forest before reaching the clearing. he still didn't see any thing as the two summons were blocking his line of sight. he slowed his pace down as he approached the clearing. his sides where cut and bleeding. the labored breathing has him grasping for more air. his shoulders felt sore and his arms were the same. the equipment that he was hauling made him more exhausted as he desperately catch his breath. standing against a tree is the only comfort that he had while trying to recover the energy that he used just get here. the first thing he felt when approaching the clearing after he recovered his stamina is the nauseating smell filled his nostrils. he stopped and tried to hold in the vomit that was threatening to be expelled. the puke went into his mouth but he swallowed it right back. the bitter and acidic taste spread all over his throat. coughing the last dropped of vomit that failed to be swallowed. his knees was trembling as he try to recover from the smell that kept assaulting his nose. he covered his nose with his hand trying his best to breathe in with his mouth. his eyes were stinging from the smell and had to squint them to see Infront of him. noises of chewing and mowing of meat propagate in the air as the stench of rotting meat intensify.

slowly moving toward the anonymous chewing sound he was drenched in cold sweat as he hear bones being shattering

*chomp* *chomp* *crunch* *crunch*

before he got to see what making the visceral noises. it suddenly stopped as if noticing he was approaching. his gut dropped as the sound has suddenly stopped and the silent of the wind made him shiver. anxiety and dread mix together inside of his mouth and tasted like copper. his heart pumped out of his chest and drummed in his ear drums. the hollow pit in his stomach grew more and more as he slowly approached the clearing. his two summons were still quietly staring at where the sound came from as he only saw there's back. cautiously taking each steps not stepping on a brach as he cover his mouth who made a wheezing noise. trying to be quiet as he finally reached the clearing

there's a man with one horn coming out his temple lean down in all fours. the mans whole face was bloodied. but didn't look like it was his own blood. my eyes were staring at the small pint of red light inside of a empty a socket. felt a chill go down my spine as the man looked at me like it's prey. I only saw swirling hatred and blood lust in his empty sockets. this is no man Infront of me but a monster that looked like a human. I didn't even realize that he was clutching something in his mouth. as the man was leaning over the corpse of the orthrus and looking like a monster. while one of the head of it's was missing. while the other head was being held by his mouth and teeth was digging in the the orthrus head. there were blood that were still spilling out of the neck of the decapitated head. my stomach gnaw and the puke that i swallowed is coming out again. trying my best to not puke all over myself i only noticed guts and blood were everywhere. as my stomach cannot handle the disgusting sight. there's a warm filling in my back of my throat and suddenly being ejected out of my system. the bits and chunk of I previously eat was mix in with the disgusting mixture of stomach acid and mushed-up food. the warm feeling was all over my body and the stench made me wanted to vomit even more. trying to gag and cough up the remaining puke that was still stuck in my mouth. after i composed myself but still felt nausea's and disoriented. meanwhile I was trying to compose myself the man with a horn is still staring at me. finally being able to see straight my eyes catch the tiny red dot staring at me. he looked more evil the more i looked at him. noticed something behind him. but he was blocking my sight like shielding it from me. I moved my head to get a better look. there was a small figure that was laid down on the ground. a naked girl that with a metal chain placed on her slim neck. she looked a little different from lazly description but maybe she changed her appearance to try to increase her escape. but couldn't tell because her body was covered in blood. but her body looked unresponsive and dead. not moving and breathing. my eyes was glued on her corpse and reminded of someone. the cries and despised stares of the slave as they pleaded me to save them. my heart ached and being torn apart as the memory player back in my mind. being reminded of all the time when i ignored the plea and cries for the slaves. I bite my lip until blood came out but it wasn't enough. remembering less and less about myself whenever as i ignored the cry for help. reminisced when my mother to hit me. the brushes and sore the she gave me hurts. her face looked upset whenever she beat me but couldn't figure out why. I was always selfish from the start. the beating was the punishment that i deserve from my mother. always wanting to have more than what i have and to the point until it devolved into fighting with my own parents. everything was given to me and i took that for granted. the love and care that my father gave to me that i didn't deserve. didn't deserve the praises of the people who were under me and the title of commander that i cheated to get. people who were more talented and gifted than me can be more qualified to take my position. but was to scared to say anything because it would be devaluing my father's hard work. so i ignored the scream and cry for help while standing helplessly. it only gnawed at my heart even more when I'd knew i can help them. but was to scared of the consequences that my family will face. letting them suffer while i took the easy route was disgusting but wasn't able to do anything about. doing the only thing i can do and give the insignificant amount of my belongings to people. this was the only way of people will stay around me so I let them take anything they want. I was able to only to take but couldn't give anything that was the same value. so to compensate i force myself to spend every penny of helping people but it wasn't enough. but they kept on staying with me even after they saw me for how worthless i am. so i only took advantage of their kindness while not giving anything worth it. looking at the man with horns and a thought came up in my mind. If i could kill this devil with my own hands than it mean i would avenge the slave girl. all of the time when i ignored all their plead. the feeling of helplessness only filled me but now am now being filled with something else besides helplessness. the despair that i felt back than is now being replaced by something new. the idea gave me hope and purpose. all of my sin's can be rectify like finally seeing the light in the dark tunnel. the empty whole in my chest is being filled up with purpose and reason. my world lit up like someone showed me the light. I can see the truth in my destiny and my meaningless existence was given a new purpose. joy spread to my face and grind.

ignoring the exhaustion i was delighted and floating toward the sky. after i kill this devil I'll be taking a little visit to lazly. anticipation made my whole body shake and wearing a smile that cross between my ears. I ordered my summon to prepare for combat and reaching for my weapon while not announcing my name but attacked first before the devil could even respond. i load the magic rifle with my mana and my summon readied to fight. as i aimed at the devil forhead the memory of my father asking me question pop up. but i couldn't remember what he was asking for. probably should asked him what the question that my father asked me.