
World of Warcraft: Stormsong

In the vast and ever-expanding world of Azeroth, where epic tales of heroism and valor unfold, a new protagonist emerges – Thorwin Stormsong, the scion of two legendary bloodlines. Born of noble heritage, he bears the weight of his ancestors' legacy upon his shoulders. The son of Lord Stormsong and Lady Adriana Lothar, daughter of the revered Anduin Lothar, Thorwin's destiny intertwines with the fate of Azeroth itself. Raised within the formidable walls of Stormsong Manor, Thorwin's childhood was marked by a unique duality. The echoes of arcane whispers and the scent of ancient tomes permeated the air, as his father, a revered master of elemental magic, introduced him to the secrets of the Stormsong lineage. Amidst these arcane teachings, his mother, Adriana, regaled him with the heroic tales of his grandfather, Anduin Lothar, a legendary figure in the kingdom of Stormwind.

eliot_green · Videojogos
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24 Chs

Chapter 13

"Truth be told, Thorwin, I have no knowledge of using a pistol," Cedric admitted with a hint of regret in his voice, his gaze sympathetic towards Thorwin's situation. "Maybe Falstad can teach you how to use it efficiently, since their kind are the first to invent such weapons."

Thorwin's fingers traced the intricate engravings on the pistol's surface as he pondered his predicament. The weight of the weapon in his hand felt foreign yet strangely empowering. He looked around at his companions, all equally unfamiliar with the pistol. Cedric's suggestion pointed towards the dwarf, Falstad, who was taking a leisurely rest beneath the shade of a tree, his formidable weapons lying nearby. With a mixture of hope and curiosity, Thorwin shifted his gaze towards Falstad, seeking assistance. Their eyes met, and Thorwin's unspoken plea seemed to be understood by the seasoned dwarf. Falstad pushed himself up from his resting position, his face displaying a blend of amusement and willingness.

"Nay, we have no use for such weapons in our clan," Falstad chimed in, his voice carrying the characteristic gruffness of a dwarf. He shook his head in a playful manner, as if the idea of using pistols was absurd to him. "The gryphons find it too loud. Don't forget, lad, not all dwarves hail from Ironforge. Who knows, there might be someone among those lads who can teach you a thing or two about it."

Reminded of the watchful presence of their guards resting beneath the trees, not far from their location, Cedric took the initiative to rally those under the Stormsong banner. Inquiring about any pistol expertise among their group, he initiated a silent yet swift assessment. Thorwin observed with anticipation as hands were hesitantly raised, indicating some level of familiarity with the weapon.

A sense of elation filled Thorwin as he realized that he wouldn't be venturing into the unknown alone. His eyes locked onto those raised hands, a hopeful smile forming on his lips. He wasted no time in approaching the guards who had indicated their experience, his curiosity and eagerness evident in his stance.

With a fervent desire to please their young lord, the guards quickly gathered large boulders, arranging them on the ground to serve as makeshift targets. Among them, a man by the name of Martin stepped forward, radiating an air of confidence in his skills. Thorwin watched attentively as Martin assumed a poised stance, his hands cradling the pistol in a practiced grip.

Pointing to different parts of the pistol, Martin provided Thorwin with a crash course in its mechanics. "This here is what they call the trigger, my lord," Martin explained, his tone patient and instructive. "You use your finger to pull it. It's what makes the weapon fire and hit your target." His fingers guided Thorwin's hand, demonstrating the motion of aiming and firing. Each movement was deliberate, every detail explained with care.

As Martin guided Thorwin through the basic steps, the afternoon sun cast a warm glow on their training ground. The other guards watched with a mix of interest and encouragement, invested in their young lord's progress. Thorwin's fingers settled on the trigger, his heart racing with a blend of excitement and determination. Under Martin's guidance, he took his first shot, the loud report of the pistol echoing through the air as the bullet hit its mark on the boulder.

The satisfaction that surged within Thorwin was palpable. He turned to Martin with a grin, gratitude gleaming in his eyes. "Thank you, Martin," he said earnestly. "Your guidance means a lot to me."

Martin's response was a hearty clap on Thorwin's shoulder, his smile warm and genuine. "Anytime, my lord. We're here to support you in every way we can."

During every respite, no matter how brief, Thorwin's training endured. The rhythmic symphony of gunfire and the resulting thud of bullets striking rocks became a familiar melody, each shot representing a stride forward in Thorwin's quest to master the pistol. It was a weapon that had transformed from an unfamiliar artifact into a potential lifeline, a source of security in the unpredictable path he was treading.

As the journey progressed, so did Thorwin's prowess with the pistol. Guided by the patient tutelage of his companions, he honed his skills, his accuracy sharpening with every shot. The repetitive motion of aiming, steadying his grip, and pulling the trigger became second nature, a dance of familiarity amidst the uncertainty of their mission.

Yet amidst this focused training, Thorwin found opportunities to forge connections beyond the realm of combat. The shared moments of respite provided chances to engage with his companions on a personal level, seizing the chance to familiarize himself with the guards, both those hailing from Stormsong and Lordaeron. Through casual conversations around campfires and while on the move, he discovered the stories that defined each individual. Tales of past battles and triumphs painted a portrait of the men who had pledged to safeguard him.

Ten days later, their collective footfalls resonating with the rhythm of determination, they reached a mountain pass that seemed to be the threshold between the mysterious elven kingdom and Lordaeron. The path ahead was guarded not by the imposing might of stone walls, but by a gate adorned with an intricate tapestry of elven markings and mystic runes. Each symbol seemed to pulse with ancient power, a testament to the elves' mastery over arcane arts.

Standing sentinel before this ethereal barrier were figures of breathtaking elegance. Their ethereal grace and features bestowed by the ages stood as a stark contrast to the rugged terrain that surrounded them. Elven archers, their eyes keen and bows taut, maintained a vigilant watch over the pass. The sunlight filtered through the foliage overhead, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow upon the scene.

As Thorwin's party approached, the atmosphere crackled with both anticipation and apprehension. The elves seemed to embody the very essence of the forest itself, their forms blending seamlessly with the flora that enveloped them. It was as if the boundary between nature and sentient beings had blurred in this sacred place.

Their approach did not go unnoticed. With arrows aimed and voices brimming with authority, the elves commanded the intruders to halt. The command rang out in a language that was both mellifluous and foreign to Thorwin's ears. The words held a tone that was firm yet not hostile, and it was clear that the elves were prepared to defend their domain should the need arise.

Thorwin's party came to a halt, their horses' hooves stirring up a cloud of dust in the stillness that followed. The air seemed to hum with a blend of curiosity, tension, and respect, as both parties assessed each other with a mixture of wariness and intrigue. The weight of their mission and the import of this encounter pressed upon them, creating an atmosphere charged with unspoken significance.

The elven sentinel who had called for their halt stepped forward, his countenance a blend of stern authority and the wisdom borne of centuries. His voice carried an air of command, his words woven with a grace that reflected the legacy of his people. Though the meaning of his speech remained veiled, his intent was clear: this pass was a gateway, and those who sought passage needed to prove their purpose.

The tension in the air hung palpably, a voice emerged from within Thorwin's party, a voice that carried the weight of their purpose. It was Raelor who stepped forward, his demeanor one of calm confidence, as if he was an emissary between not only peoples, but also between worlds. His words, carefully chosen and delivered with a resonance that cut through the stillness, broke the silence that had enveloped the scene.

"We come as envoys from the alliance of Lordaeron," Raelor's voice echoed through the pass, carrying with it a sense of gravity and purpose. His tone was both formal and dignified, each syllable enunciated with a clear intent. The words seemed to weave a connection between the past and the present, invoking the legacy of unity and cooperation that had bound their lands in times long gone.

He continued, his words invoking not only his own presence but also that of the young lord beside him, a figure whose lineage carried the echoes of heroic deeds and unbreakable bonds. "With me stands the ambassador of the kings, Lord Thorwin Stormsong," Raelor announced, his voice carrying an almost reverent tone as he introduced Thorwin. The name held weight, and it seemed to ripple through the air, evoking both the legends of the past and the hopes of the future.

The final piece of their introduction was delivered with a sense of lineage that stretched back to the very foundations of their shared history. "Grandson of Sir Anduin Lothar, and descendant of Thoradin, king of Arathor," Raelor's words wove together the threads of lineage that connected their present with the ancient annals of Azeroth. The mention of these names, each representing a chapter in the epic tale of their kingdoms, seemed to resonate with the elven sentinel and the very stones of the pass itself.

It was as if the echoes of history itself had awakened, responding to the lineage and legacy invoked by the envoy's proclamation. The elven sentinel, a figure of both vigilance and understanding, stood poised at the threshold of their passage, his inscrutable eyes now bearing a glimmer of comprehension. It was a recognition that stretched beyond the present circumstances, reaching back to the shared chapters of their intertwined pasts.

In that moment, Thorwin sensed something profound in the sentinel's gaze, a subtle shift that conveyed not only acknowledgment but also a measure of respect. It wasn't directed solely at him as an individual, but rather at the connection he bore to a storied ancestry. The legacy of his ancestor, who had once stood as a beacon of unity and aid to the elven people, seemed to linger in the air like a silent promise renewed.

The sentinel's nod, accompanied by the movement of the gate's opening, signaled not just permission, but a bridge forged by history and an unspoken oath. The heavy doors, adorned with elven markings that seemed to hum with latent magic, swung wide, revealing the path that led forward. Yet, even as the path was cleared, the sentinel's words held a hint of caution and guidance. His address to Raelor, delivered with a voice that carried authority and scrutiny, acknowledged the envoy's unique position as a half-elf and the knowledge he possessed. It was a subtle assurance that their presence and purpose were recognized, and the sentinel's choice not to send a ranger to accompany them conveyed a trust in their ability to navigate the path to Silvermoon.

As the sun embarked on its slow descent towards the horizon, a cascade of warm golden hues spilled across the landscape, painting the surroundings in a tender embrace of light. Thorwin and his newfound companions walked in harmonious cadence along a meandering forest path, their footsteps a whisper against the rustling leaves. This new terrain was a living tapestry of sights hitherto unknown, a vivid departure from the landscapes they had grown accustomed to. It was as if nature itself had donned a new attire to welcome these travelers, revealing a world of wonders they had yet to fathom.

The trees that enveloped them bore a testament to the artist's palette, their leaves adorned in hues that spanned a spectrum of colors. Unlike the more subdued greens of their homeland, this forest wore a jubilant coat of reds, golds, and oranges, each leaf a brushstroke in an enchanting masterpiece. As they walked, the air was alive with the intoxicating scent of earth and foliage, a perfume that was at once invigorating and soothing. The forest whispered secrets in the language of rustling leaves and soft caresses of the wind, inviting them to partake in its mysteries.

Amidst this vibrant spectacle, the pulse of arcane energy was palpable, a subtle undercurrent that seemed to resonate with every step they took. Thorwin felt this mystical force wrapping around him like a gentle embrace, infusing him with a vitality that seemed drawn from the very heart of the land itself. The arcane seemed to surge through the surroundings, an invisible river of magic that nourished every living thing it touched. In this foreign realm, Thorwin sensed a profound connection to a power both ancient and undeniably potent.

And as they ventured further into this woodland wonder, the forest itself seemed to stir with life. Exotic birds of vivid plumage flitted among the branches, their melodic songs creating a symphony of nature's own composition. Creatures, unlike any they had encountered before, emerged from the shadows – animals adorned in colors and forms that were a testament to the diversity of this land.

By dusk, Thorwin decided to halt their journey for the day. Consulting with a scout who had been ranging ahead, he learned that there were no nearby villages within sight. This realization gave rise to a sense of intrigue, and Thorwin's innate curiosity drove him to suggest they rest alongside the road for the evening. Yet, his motivation went beyond merely seeking a place to rest.

The idea of taking a break also offered an opportunity to explore their unfamiliar surroundings. Thorwin felt compelled to understand more about this land that was soon to be their temporary home. The decision was not solely rooted in rest but was a conscious choice to glean insights into the nature of their new environment. He knew that in order to lead his companions effectively, he needed to understand the intricacies of the terrain they traversed.

With their mounts tethered and a small camp established, Thorwin's restlessness prompted him to seek companions for his exploration. Cedric and Falstad, both trusted figures among their party, were invited to accompany him. The guards, however, were eager to join as well, viewing their role as that of protectors. Thorwin's smile emerged, a blend of appreciation and amusement, as he gently refused their insistence. "An adventure is best enjoyed without an abundance of company," he remarked, his words laced with a touch of humor.

And so, amidst the fading light of the day, Thorwin, Cedric, and Falstad ventured into the heart of the woodland, leaving behind the camp with Brother Pike and Lyanna in charge. The guarding presence of the Cedric and Falstad remained, yet Thorwin felt the liberating sensation of embarking on an unscripted journey. With the assurance that their exploration would be brief and fruitful, Thorwin strode forward, ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enchanted forest.

In the heart of the forest, the trio of explorers pressed forward, navigating through a tapestry of trees that seemed to stretch endlessly into the distance. The ambiance was one of tranquility, punctuated by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant calls of unseen creatures. Thorwin's eyes, wide with wonder, scanned their surroundings with an insatiable curiosity. Every plant, every unusual growth, drew his attention like a beacon, his steps often faltering as he knelt to examine a unique specimen or to marvel at an intricately patterned flower.

In the heart of the forest, the trio of explorers pressed forward, navigating through a tapestry of Cedric and Falstad, while sharing in Thorwin's fascination, also bore a more practical concern – the discomfort that accompanied long horseback rides. Falstad's playful comment about his sore bottom drew a chuckle from Thorwin, a welcome moment of levity amidst their explorations.

"Have you had your fill, lad?" Falstad asked, making an expression of pain while caressing his bottom. "My arse hurts from all this riding, we should get back soon."

"Right, I suppose my enthusiasm got the best of me," Thorwin admitted, realizing that their adventure had indeed taken them quite far from their camp.

Cedric chimed in, his voice carrying a note of caution, "Perhaps we should begin making our way Thorwin nodded, a mixture of agreement and reluctant disappointment coloring his expression. His adventurous spirit still yearned for more, but the practicalities of their situation held sway. Just as they were preparing to retrace their steps, a distant and ominous cacophony reached their ears. Metallic clashes, strange tongues that sounded alien, and the eerie yet urgent resonance of battle cries drifted on the wind.

Startled, the trio exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and concern. Falstad's words, resonating with a hint of caution, broke the silence. "Trolls, by the sound of it. They've been known to inhabit near these lands."

Thorwin's brows furrowed as he listened to the chaotic sounds. A determination bloomed within him, fueled by his innate sense of justice and a desire to help those in need. "What if they're attacking elves?" he mused aloud, his voice laced with urgency. "We can't just stand by and do nothing."

"Too dangerous, lad," said falstad, "Those trolls are taller and stronger, we would not be help but meat on their dining tables tonight."

Falstad's response carried a note of caution, his words laden with the practicality of experience. "Trolls are formidable opponents, lad. We'd be walking into a dangerous situation."

But Thorwin's resolve was unwavering. The memory of Stormwind's devastation and helpless pleas from its citizens echoed in his mind, igniting a fire within him. "I won't let innocent lives be harmed while I stand idle," he declared, his voice resolute.

With that, he spurred his horse into action, galloping towards the distant sounds of conflict. Cedric and Falstad exchanged a glance, their concern evident, before following suit. The forest seemed to blur around them as they pressed forward, drawn by the urgency of their mission. Their steeds navigated the uneven terrain with practiced ease, carrying them deeper into the heart of the forest and closer to the source of the turmoil.

Fear mingled with determination as Thorwin rode forth, his heart a symphony of conflicting emotions. It was a choice he had made, driven by his sense of duty and an unyielding desire to prevent history from repeating itself.

In a clearing bathed in the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves, a scene of chaotic confrontation unfolded before Thorwin and his companions. The clash of arms resonated through the air as two elves – a lithe female and a determined male – stood their ground against a menacing band of trolls. The trolls, their towering forms bristling with aggression, wielded formidable weapons – jagged spears and massive battle axes that glinted ominously in the shifting light.

Thorwin reined in his horse, his heart pounding with a mixture of awe and concern at the sight before him. The elves moved with an almost ethereal grace, their movements a dance of deadly precision. Their actions painted a portrait of defiance against overwhelming odds, a testament to their skill and courage. As the clash continued, Thorwin's eyes scanned the scene, his gaze flitting from the determined expressions of the elves to the savage visages of the trolls.

As the battle raged on, Thorwin felt a surge of empathy for the elves' plight. He understood the toll of conflict, the weight of responsibility that came with defending those in need. Without a second thought, he spurred his horse forward, his voice carrying a note of determination. "We can't just stand by! We have to help them!"

Cedric and Falstad exchanged a glance, their expressions a mixture of concern and reluctant agreement. "Lad, remember what I said about the trolls," Falstad cautioned, his eyes fixed on the melee unfolding before them.

But Thorwin's conviction remained unshaken. "We may be outnumbered, but we can't let fear guide our actions," he declared, his voice laced with resolve.

Amidst the cacophony of clashing weapons and the guttural roars of trolls, a moment of impending doom gripped the clearing. A hulking troll, its malicious intent evident in its gleaming eyes and raised axe, loomed over the female elf, poised to strike a deadly blow. The air seemed to thicken with tension, the impending tragedy frozen in time.

Then, like a thunderclap cutting through the chaos, a resounding boom echoed through the forest. Thorwin's pistol erupted with a deafening roar, sending a bullet hurtling through the air. The projectile found its mark with chilling precision, piercing the troll's chest and leaving behind a gaping hole of devastation. The troll's advance faltered, its menacing intent extinguished in an instant.

The clearing seemed to hold its breath for a heartbeat, the tremor of the pistol's shot resonating through the air. All eyes, trolls and elves alike, turned towards the source of this unexpected intervention. Thorwin stood with a mixture of determination and urgency, his pistol still smoking from its lethal discharge. The female elf, her eyes reflecting a combination of astonishment and gratitude, locked gazes with him for a fleeting moment, a silent exchange that spoke volumes.

Without hesitation, Thorwin pulled the trigger once more, his aim unerring as another troll fell under the lethal impact. The female elf's expression shifted, her surprise replaced by a spark of admiration. The alliance of necessity was forged in that single moment, a shared understanding that they were united in their fight against a common foe.

Cedric and Falstad, drawn by the tumultuous events unfolding, soon joined the fray. Their seasoned expertise and combat prowess were evident as they engaged in close combat with the trolls. Blades clashed with weapons, the clash of metal ringing through the clearing like a battle hymn. The elves, their initial shock dissipating, rallied alongside the humans, the rhythm of their movements forming a symphony of defiance against overwhelming odds.

As the skirmish continued, the momentum of the battle began to shift. The trolls, once the aggressors, now found themselves on the defensive. The combined efforts of the newly formed alliance pressed against them, their coordinated attacks driving the trolls back step by step. The forest seemed to come alive with the fervor of battle, leaves rustling in response to the ferocious struggle unfolding beneath their branches.

The female elf, her skills a dance of grace and precision, struck a troll with a fluid movement that left it incapacitated. Beside her, the male elf engaged in a flurry of strikes, his movements a blur of calculated aggression. The trolls, once confident in their numerical advantage, were now forced to contend with adversaries who fought with a unity of purpose.

While channeling mana to his pistol, Thorwin felt a surge of exhilaration, his senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He wasn't just an observer anymore – he was a participant, an active agent in a battle that transcended race and origin. The sounds of battle – the clash of weapons, the roars of trolls, the shouts of allies – merged into a symphony of chaos that enveloped him.

And as the skirmish neared its climax, as the trolls' numbers dwindled and their resistance faltered, a sense of shared accomplishment settled over the clearing. Amidst the waning echoes of battle, a voice like a gentle breeze brushed against the clearing, carrying an air of both appreciation and curiosity. The female elf, her bearing a blend of elegance and lethal poise, extracted an arrow from a troll's head with the practiced ease of someone accustomed to combat. Her eyes, an enigmatic hue of gray, met Thorwin's with a blend of gratitude and interest. Beside her stood the male elf, his demeanor a mixture of relief and vigilance, a silent sentinel by her side.

"I am deeply indebted to you, human," the female elf's words carried a melodic quality, like the rustling of leaves in a gentle breeze. She took deliberate steps forward, her lithe form moving with a fluidity that belied her martial prowess. Her waist-length hair cascaded like a waterfall of silver, adding to the ethereal aura that surrounded her. "But I must ask, what has brought you to our lands? Your kind have been forbidden from passing through our gates."

Thorwin, still caught in the reverberations of the battle's intensity, shifted his attention to the elf before him. "We are here on behalf of the human alliance, miss…" Thorwin's voice carried a touch of formality,

"Sylvanas. Sylvanas Windrunner," came her reply, the words like a whispered melody that lingered in the air. Her voice held a timbre that seemed to echo with the trees.

"I assure you we are no mere trespassers," he continued, his words infused with the knowledge bestowed upon him by Raelor. The script flowed easily from his lips, rehearsed in case he encountered high elves during their journey to Silvermoon City, the capital of the elven lands. "I come to your lands as the ambassador of the seven nations, an exchange of mutual trust between your kingdom and ours against the orcish horde."

Sylvanas nodded, a subtle gesture that carried with it a quiet understanding. Her gaze shifted to her companion, Lor'themar, a figure of authority and vigilance. "Have you heard of this, Lor'themar?"

Lor'themar's response was measured, his words carrying a blend of recognition and consideration. "The king has requested for the one with Arathor's bloodline to stay in the kingdom in exchange for our army. It seems they are speaking the truth, and that man must be Thoradin's descendant."

Sylvanas' smile remained, a testament to her discernment and grace. "Anyway, even if they were trespassers, they have still saved us from harm." Turning once more to Thorwin, while their eyes locked, she declared. "My friend and I shall accompany you to Silvermoon City."

Thorwin's voice mingled with genuine warmth. "You are welcome to join us, Miss Sylvanas."

In the interplay of words, a decision was reached, additional companions forged in the aftermath of battle. There was no harm in allowing their new companions to join their journey. Sylvanas and Lor'themar seemed to be much more familiar with the paths leading to the city, a knowledge that could potentially shorten their travels. However, an unexpected impediment reared its head, revealing itself in the wake of the elves' steeds lying lifeless on the battlefield. The aftermath of their struggle had claimed more than just trolls; it had claimed the elves' loyal companions as well. Cedric's horse stepped forward as a sacrificial offering, its reins offered to Sylvanas. This gesture, born from Thorwin's insistence, was a testament to the bond that had formed between these individuals, strangers who had become allies. With Cedric walking alongside Thorwin's steed, they continued their journey, with a pace no longer one of swift gallops; instead, it was marked by the rhythm of determined steps.

And so, as the moon reached its zenith, they returned to the familiar encampment, a nocturnal arrival that whispered of the day's endeavors.

We've finally reached 50k words! Thank you everyone for the support.

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