
World Of Isle

PS- Review Read to explore the world full of mysterious island. On each isalnd there is a way to access the dungeon. People go thier and level up becoming adventurer, pirate or navy. Their are many cirminal organization hiding in the dark. Each of these organization have only one goal. It's to conquer 36 Main Island. According to legend anyone who conquers it will be given the opportunity ask any one wish. The pratagonist is reincarnated into the world of Isle, with a god level talent EXTRACT+1. It can help him extract the attributes and skill points from the dead monster killed by himself. It can also level up two level any equipment worn by him. Accompanying him is a small white dragon. The dungeon is all a mysterious place. It has 100 floors. Each floor is guarded by a guardian monster. After defeating it you can teleport to next floor. Overall this a combination of chaotic world, with dungeon style settings. If you like reading the book please give a quick review. Thank you Have a good day.

Shame_less007 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Inside The Dungeon

I listened to dad words and kept them in my mind. Then Amy said," son since you have decided to form the party then we will also leave the island".

I was surprised to listen to mom's words and then I asked," mom where are you going. Will I travel with you".

Drake said," no. Now you have grown up man. You have 5000 gold coins in your possession. So Jack it's time you begin your adventure. We will be waiting for you in the central region".

I couldn't help but ask," dad the place where strong people are living there".

Drake nodded his head and said," yes. We will wait for you there".

I said," when are you leaving".

Drake replied," after you leave the island".

I breathe a sigh of relief and said," dad it will take me a month to level up. That means I still have a month right dad".

Drake said," of course".

I nodded my head and then said," then dad I will go to the dungeon".

Drake said," of course, you can go. Jack did I tell you anything about inventory".

I shook my head and said," no dad".

Drake said," inventory is just like a bag where you carry items with you. In the real world also you can summon the items. So to use it you must say openly inventory. Each person has 5*5*5 cubic meters of space. There you can store your items".

I nodded my head and then said," anything else".

Drake said," lastly, be sure to bind the dungeon stone. Also, be careful of the people inside the dungeon, they are more dangerous than the beast. Be sure to buy mana and health potion before you enter the level 1 dungeon. When you want to return remember to find a safe place and then say return. Next time you will be teleported to the same place. Be sure that the place is not a monster cave or bird nest".

I kept listening seriously and after dad finished saying his words I said," Dad I understand everything, and keep your advice in my mind".

Amy said," okay then best of luck".

I smiled and then looked at Draco and said," let go Draco".

Draco said," okay".

But then I remembered that I had bought the bloodline potion for Draco from Mr. Albert.

So I walked inside the room and took out the potion and then said," let's go".

Draco was also excited. Then I said," Enter the dungeon".

My body along with Draco disappeared from the room and appeared in a large hall. It was very big so I looked around curiously and saw many people going from one place to another.

The information about all important places was written in the Aaric language.

I could see different races, such as elves, dwarfs, night elves, undead, pixies, etc all walking around. So even though I was present with a Draco it didn't attract any attention.

So I looked around and saw an undead party made up of a zombie and a necromancer. While the zombie was playing with the skull summoned by the skeleton. Seeing this scene made me laugh. Few humans could be seen courting the elves. An angry pixie chasing a werewolf. And many more scenes.

Draco said," Jack so where are we going".

I replied," let's go to a safe place first. I need you to consume the bloodline potion. Also, let's look for novice equipment".

Draco said," okay".

Then I saw a newbie place where all the level zero adventures were gatherings. Seeing this I walked towards that place. Surprisingly as I reached the place the surrounding noise became quiet.

" So newbies you can follow into the dungeon but before going inside you must collect the novice equipment. Also if you want then you can register the details you want to get the quest and earn money. You will also get a gathering skill for free. Is there any question?", saying so the female elf looked at the crowd?

I raised my hand and then looked at the elven guide. She looked beautiful. There was a bow and arrow behind her back. A dagger sheathed in her waist.

Elenwen looked at the boy who had a small white dragon sitting on his right shoulder and then asked," what is your question?".

I replied," is it necessary to join an adventure guild to get a quest".

Elenwen nodded her head and replied," yes".

I then asked," will adventurer guild make me do any task that I am not willing to do".

Elenwen replied," no it will not force you to do anything. But in times of crisis, the adventurer guild may ask you to assist it. They will pay a good amount of money".

I nodded my head and then said," thank you miss?".

Elenwen replied," Elenwen".

I said, " Miss Elenwen thank you. I would like to join the adventurer guild".

Elenwen replied," Okay, before going take your weapon first".

I nodded my head and then I said," how to get the weapon".

Elenwen replied," place your hand on the crystal. It will give you a suitable weapon. But remember it is available only for newbies stages. If you want to get new equipment then you have to go to Blacksmith or you must hunt the monster in the forest. The monster that dies will disappear after ten minutes. So if you want to use gathering skill use them before it disappears".

I nodded my head and then I said," thank you miss Elenwen".

Then I bowed to her and walked toward the orb and placed my hand.

I felt suction through my hand and then a second later an orb appeared in my next hand.

I was amazed after seeing the scene.

Then I moved away from the place and said," Draco try to summon your equipment".

Draco flew towards the crystal while I checked the status of the orb.



After I finished checking Draco flew back and said," I got claws. It adds +1 to agility".

I said," it's better than nothing".

Draco nodded his head and then we waited for Elenwen to finish her task.