
World Of Isle

PS- Review Read to explore the world full of mysterious island. On each isalnd there is a way to access the dungeon. People go thier and level up becoming adventurer, pirate or navy. Their are many cirminal organization hiding in the dark. Each of these organization have only one goal. It's to conquer 36 Main Island. According to legend anyone who conquers it will be given the opportunity ask any one wish. The pratagonist is reincarnated into the world of Isle, with a god level talent EXTRACT+1. It can help him extract the attributes and skill points from the dead monster killed by himself. It can also level up two level any equipment worn by him. Accompanying him is a small white dragon. The dungeon is all a mysterious place. It has 100 floors. Each floor is guarded by a guardian monster. After defeating it you can teleport to next floor. Overall this a combination of chaotic world, with dungeon style settings. If you like reading the book please give a quick review. Thank you Have a good day.

Shame_less007 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Back To Dungeon

At the shop spent one gold coin to buy enough salt and spice to last for a month. I also bought a water pouch that could store water for three weeks. Draco also insisted on buying food and water. So I bought dried meat and water for him. It was enough to fast for two weeks.

After the shopping was done we walked back to our home.

It was already evening then I spent time training my body and found that it was the same as it was in the dungeon. So next time I decided to train inside the dungeon only.

Since I have already reached level 3, it was time for me to hunt level three monsters.

Also, each floor guardian could be challenged individually or at the party.

After an hour I ate the food and then went inside the dungeon.

It was also nighttime in the dungeon. Feeling the changes I was surprised and I looked at the sky and saw a dark sky and a moon that was lighting up the dark sky.

Draco looked at the monster and said," Jack the monster seems to appear stronger".

I said," maybe it's the night that's why".

Draco replied," yes so shall we wait till morning as most of the adventurer seems to be afraid of spending time in the dungeon during the night time".

I thought for a while and then said," Draco, let's kill the monster and see how hard it feels to fight. Anyway sooner or later we would face the current situation. So it's better to face it now".

Draco said," okay Jack. You attack first I am right behind you".

I said," okay".

Then I climbed down the tree and walked toward the Quasit. I was ten meters away and then it attacked me. Seeing this I kept in mind that monster range doubles during the night. I needed to fight various types of monsters. They had become more aggressive. compared to daytime. I attacked them and found that I could now see the damage done to the monster. One energy ball did 200 damage, while a fireball did 250 damage and 10 burning damage.

Seeing this I nodded my head and then finished off the monster with my next attack.

Draco was watching the fight. After the fight ended he asked," So Jack are we going to fight these monsters or not".

I said," Draco we are going to become the strongest. So how can we cower in fear", saying so I stopped and then added," next we will both fight. As its attacking pattern is regular so you need to fight alone".

Draco said," okay if I can't defeat the monster then help me".

I said," of course".

Draco said," then I will fight one of the monsters and get familiar with it. You watch my back".

I nodded my head and then I watched as Draco fought the monster. Three minutes later the monster died leaving six bronze shells.

Seeing this I said," Draco not only these monsters are stronger during the night but they also drop more during the night".

Draco's eyes also shone with light and said," let's start our hunting season".

I said," let's kill a level 3 monster".

Draco said," Okay".

Then he headed deeper inside the floor. After an hour we finally saw the wood type of monster. Its whole body was made of a trunk, it had a face and eyes carved in it. There were also vines on top of his head acting like its hair or weapon. Fortunately, it was rooted to the ground.

So I attacked it with an energy ball from the distance and did 80 damage. It was too low so I used fireball and it killed it instantly.

Seeing this I said," Draco most of the monsters in the dungeon have a certain affinity with elements and also resistance to magic or element".

Draco asked," what do you mean by that?".

I replied," did you see the damage, the first one was 80 which was due to magic resistance and the next one was elemental damage as wood is mostly afraid of fire. So more damage was done to it".

Draco said," doesn't it mean that I can't do more damage to Ice type of monster".

I replied," of course, we can do but we need suitable weapons also. Like if you have a fire element weapon then it would be easy to deal with more damage".

Draco said," now that you say it makes sense".

I nodded my head and said," okay we will gather the material later. Now let's fight the monster named Trunky.

While I went and used the Extract skill and I got two attribute points. Seeing this I was stunned and then thought maybe at night I might get double the attributes points. Thinking about it made me feel excited as if I hunt an elite monster or guardian boss during the night and then won't I get double drops. I felt that nighttime was an opportunity for me at least to become stronger.

So next we began to hunt Trunky.

After killing fifty of them I harvested 100 attribute points and our level had also reached the limit. No matter how many monsters we killed. They didn't give us any experience. Also, I couldn't extract any more attribute points. They just drop bronze shells and have no equipment. It almost made me doubt my luck.

So I decided to ask Elenwen so I sent her a message," hi are you awake".

Elenwen who staying inside the tent with her friend in 9F saw the message. She then answered back," Hey, what are you doing the night?".

I replied," hunting monster. I had a question to ask. Are you free?".

Elenwen almost screamed out loud after listening to Jack's reply. She then said to herself," are the humans so brave that they dare to venture during the night".

But then later she saw the come 300 meters away from her and then shook her head vigorously and said," no leaving that boy no one would be so crazy".

Then she replied," I am free what question do you need to ask?".