
World of Gloria

The boy name Caulier, lives in a world that none of us know. He is a traveller. his purpose of his life hasn't been discovered yet, so he seeks to travel to figure out what he's true purpose in this world of Gloria. What purpose will it be? Will it really be worth it by travelling the entire world...? all of that will be answered by the journey of Caulier...

Everlin_Sorcery · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

What's your purpose..?

I've been living in this world for 16 years.. My parents and my brother and sister died from the hellflame of a beast... I've been with my aunt for a long time, and we start travelling this world for months....

I don't know how my life will be now since the day i lost my family, except for my aunt.. She's 57 years old now, and i can tell she's getting really old from her face and her skin..

Me and my aunt start to travel this world, so i can at least know my purpose.. And i hope i can find it very soon.

"Aunt neily, do we still have some food on your backpack?" I ask to my aunt while my stomach starts to growl.

"I'm afraid we don't have any food anymore on my backpack, we should try to find a village. And go rest at the inn.." My aunt answered with a not so good expression...

"Ohh.. Okay, then we should go find a village then."

We walked and walked for hours and we still haven't found a village in this road.. And on this day, i thought that this is where my life would end now.. Died from starvation, i know you might ask me that i can find something to eat in this forest.. No.. Every food here is poisonous, and how did we know that? animals who are also starving starts to eat everything in the forest, but once they bit the fruit, the effects was starting and all of them starts to grow weaker and weaker until some of them died from the poison.. So we decided to eat the things we have on our backpack.. until the backpack is filled with nothing but our tools....

"So..... Hungry..." I started to lose my consiousness but i tried to bear it..

"I know, but we can't eat any food on this forest.. Since we just saw animals dying from eating fruits or other things in here.." My aunt said to me with the same state as i am..

Obviously we're not gonna die, if we were dead how on earth would i be telling this story to all of you?

"I feel... so tired.. gonna sleep.. for a little..." i said as i start to shut my eyes to sleep..

"You should go to sleep then i'll wake you up soon once its morning.." Aunt Neily said to me..

I shut my eyes and started to sleep, time past and its night now. And it was quiet.. Too quiet... There's now way that every animal in here would be this quiet... did something happened? I woke up and decided to know the reason why they're so quiet, i have to be stealthy.. Don't want my aunt to know this or she'll kill me...

I walked and i broked a tree branch stick.. My aunt starts to move but she didn't woke up from that noise and she's still sleeping..

- ahh thank god she didn't woke up from that...

I thought in my mind and i started to walk..

10 minutes past and i'm near on some kind of a cave, i started to go through the cave and rest for a little..

"I should be okay from this place.." I sit on the ground.. Waiting for the time to pass and hoping that my aunt is still sleeping..

I thought that i was safe... Until..

"Hey you.. What do you think your doing here huh?" A mysterious girl started to talk to me..

"Eek!! Please don't kill me! I'm too young to die!" I started to lose my control and starts to scream..

"Be quiet! jeez.. Your gonna alarm some of the beast in here..!"

"B-beast...?" i ask her..

"Yeah, that's why i'm here on this cave. So the beast won't notice me.. But if they notice me thanks to your screaming.. I'll let them kill you first before me..!" She said that while her hands were in my neck..

"Okay... okay.. i get it... i'll be quiet.."

She start to pull down her hands on my neck and i begin to lower my voice and stop screaming..

"Good, are you alone? are you with someone? You better answer me"

"N-no... I'm with.. My aunt.. I swear i'm telling the truth.."

"You better be.. let me ask something.."

She's asking again??? might as well...

"What is it..?"

"What's your purpose?"


"I.... I don't know.. I'm travelling with my aunt so i can figured out what my purpose is..."

When i said it to her, she almost has the same eyes as me... Like she has the same experience that i have.. But she's definitely not me.. Not with her scary expression....

"Ohh, i see.. I guess your the same too.. i don't know my purpose too... hey, if your aunt is here, where's your other family?"


"They're... Dead"

When she heard me her eyes grew bigger as if she shouldn't have asked that..

"I'm so sorry to hear that... How?"


Another silent....

"Died from a beast.. The ones that can use hellflame.."

"Fhjolnier... am i right...?" She replied to me...

"Yeah... Fhjolnier.. it was them that killed my family.. only me and my aunt survived from those things because we kept running and running till they lost us.. We were very lucky that we survived.. But there was this time that i wanna die so that i can be with my family again.. but i didn't.. I'll tell you the rest later... You can come with me you know."

I was sad that i remembered every piece of it... I started to shed a tear under my eyes..

"It's okay, i be happy to go and meet your aunt."


"Can i ask you something?" i asked the mysterious girl


"What's your name?"

"Vanessa, what about you?" Vanessa question me..

"My name is Caulier, nice to meet you Vanessa."

"Nice to meet you too, Caulier."

After that we started to go back where my aunt is...

You know, she's actually not that scary anymore.. maybe i will find my purpose very soon....