
World of Gloria

The boy name Caulier, lives in a world that none of us know. He is a traveller. his purpose of his life hasn't been discovered yet, so he seeks to travel to figure out what he's true purpose in this world of Gloria. What purpose will it be? Will it really be worth it by travelling the entire world...? all of that will be answered by the journey of Caulier...

Everlin_Sorcery · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Weirdest village... Ever..

Hours past by when me and Vanessa got out from the forest... Aunt Neily is dead.. died from a beast called Grim Fhior, i lost everything.. But i have to move on... I have to meet jack holmestone, i just hope it will be worth it..

"Oh, looks like your awake, caulier." Vanessa

"Mm-mm... Where's aunt neily..?" Caulier

When i asked her... she wouldn't speak.. I already know the answer when shi did that....

"No..... Is she dead...?" Caulier


"Yes... your aunt got killed by the beast..." Vanessa

"I see... I understand.. Can i walk alone for a little..?" Caulier

"Are you sure..?" Vanessa

"Yeah... I just wanna walk alone and think this through.." Caulier

She nods, i decided to do a little stroll.. A little far from her... I saw a tree and i punched it with my bare fist and screamed with lower voice so that she wouldn't hear me.. When i pull out my hand on tree. they were bleeding.. And i punched again so i would feel a little better.. and it bleed again. My veins were showing as if my body is full of rage... Well i did just lost my aunt now... I got no one except from the girl....

I've never wanted this kind of life... What did i do to deserve this..

My veins grew bigger and i punched the tree again and i screamed so much that i can hear a big echo of my voice... Surely vanessa should have heard me now..

I walked back to where she is, and she saw my hand bleeding...

"What happened?! why were you screaming? and your bleeding?!" Vanessa

"I'm okay... Its not that bad.." Caulier

"Okay?? your bleeding so much, here let me see if your bag has a bandage.." Vanessa

She looks through my bag searching for a bandage and luckily there's one more bandage on my bag. She put the bandage on my hand, and it hurt a little.. I guess it is that bad..

"The reason why i scream is because i lost everything now.. i was enrage a little... Because of that i punched a tree three times.." Caulier

"I get it.. I know... But don't hurt yourself anymore. Your aunt tell you to run so that you can be safe and not get killed by that beast.. You have to respect her and don't get yourself hurt... And we have to do the one that your aunt ordered you, give this message and this thing to a person name jack holmestone to a village.. Okay?" Vanessa

"Okay... I understand...." Caulier

"Good, now let me finish putting this bandage on your hand.." Vanessa

1 hour past... and i felt better now.. i'm not gonna go find some trees and punched them. I grab my bag and move on and find the village called "Bernally holme" and i might say... That's a weird name.. But i'm not gonna be a judger.. There might be a hero that died saving that and was name after that person or something...

"Do you think were getting closer..?" Vanessa

"I think so, the path in here is getting better as if someone made it.. So i'm guessing we are getting closer to the village.." Caulier

We walked for hours and the path is getting similar to a village pathway.. Were getting closer to it, We decided to rest for a little.. We were starving again... but.. the fruit might be poisonous again..

"Hey look!" Vanessa

"Huh? what??" Caulier

I saw Vanessa pointing her finger to some animal eating some blueberry on a bush.. Its gonna die now.. Rest in peace small animal.. 3 minutes past and the animal is still alive... Maybe its not poisonous then..

"I'll go test it out..." Caulier


"What?! What if its still poisonus.." Vanessa

"There's a way to know if its poisonous or if its not.. Its very easy to know.." Caulier

"How...?" Vanessa

"If you have a knife, go to the food and try to make a little hole on it.. Make sure your nose is covered cause the purple smoke will come out.. If there's purple smoke coming outside.. It means its poisonous, but if nothing is coming out it means its not poisonous." Caulier

- Kids don't do this at real life, i just made it up for this story. I don't think this is true UwU

"Oh, really. I never knew that, here have my knife.." Vanessa

She pulled out her knife behind her back.... I didn't knew she had a knife... She could've killed me with it...

"Oh great!" Caulier

I grab her knife and get closer to the blueberry bush.. I made a little hole while my nose is covered so my nose won't inhale it... Nothing.. nothing is coming outside..

"So? is it okay to eat?" Vanessa

"Yeah, its... Safe to eat.. Its not poisonous.." Caulier

We were glad that were able to eat now.. even though its a blueberry... Thank you small animal for showing up and eating this fruit~

Another time past by... And we made it.. Bernally village.

"We--We're here! We made it!" Vanessa


"Finally... I hope they have better food here..... I'm still hungry.. The blueberry only made me hungry for more..." Caulier

"I'm sure they have great food here, but for now.. We need to find the person name jack holmestone..." Vanessa

"I guess so... lets ask people if they know where jack is." Caulier

We really made it.. I will find you jack... And this better be hope it.

"Look caulier, a performer~" Vanessa

"Huh? oh yeah, kinda look like a clown.. I hate clowns...." Caulier..

"What? why? They kinda look funny." Vanessa

"Not with those big smiles... Lets just move on and find that person.." Caulier

"Okay... Fineee.. Lets go then.." Vanessa

I know.. Why would i hate clowns.. Have you look at their laugh and their smile?? just by their smile can send a shiver to my spine... urghh... i'm already hating this village..

"Hey you, you look a little moody today. Here you can have this food for free!" Strange Woman

"Really? ahh sure.." Caulier

I grab the food and start eating it. It kinda taste good.. Not until...

"This taste good, whats the ingredient for this?" Caulier

"Milk, chicken, a lot more.. and also.." Strange Woman

"Also what?" Caulier

I shouldn't have ask that....

"Human flesh" Strange Woman

Arghh i feel..

"WHAT?! no.. arghh!" Caulier

"Haha you seem new here so i decided to do a joke on ya.. Hehe sorry.." Very strange woman

"arghh... Its okay... Do you perhaps know a person name jack holmestone? and can you tell us where he is?" Caulier

"Ohh jack, yeah i know him. Go to the left side then go right you should be able to see his house there.. A red cloated tent." Very Strange woman yet useful

"Ohh, thank you.. lets go vanessa.." Caulier

"Oh okay.." Vanessa

We decided to walked and... i can still feel it.. Why does she have to joke around while i was eating.. Never asked strange woman while eating.. even if the ingredient of human flesh was just a joke..... or maybe... Aghhh don't think about it... Thats it.. This is the weird village that i have visit.... Lets just find that person.... It really better be worth it...