
world of darkness

Life and Death, two sides of the same coin. After his death, his hell begins as he gets imprisoned in the endless darkness for eternity... But after an unknown amount of time, his quiet lonely days gets disturbed by an eye-shaped crack that shows him the vision of a newborn child. After that, his fate becomes linked and cannot be separated from the child's. And the question remains, will he ever be able to escape this lonely hell, or will he be stuck here forever... ?

Zied_Younis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Unknown Secrets (2)

Seeing what got out of the pupa looking thing , the boy's eyes were wide opened as he couldn't believe what was infront of him.

Right outside of the pupa thing was a completely naked woman....But that wasn't the reason of the boy's astonishment but the fact that the naked woman looked completely identical to a female version of Astrick..

If the boy didn't know any better he would've guessed that she was Astrick's lost twin, but he knew this wasn't possible as he saw and knew where she came from ,and he's aware that Astrick doesn't have any siblings other than Clara

In the middle of his astonishment the girl that looked like Astrick was gasping for air as if her lungs aren't getting enough of it....

After a few minutes and under the boy's cautious look on her , the girl started to organize her breathing and tried getting up on her feet but failed multiple times , it was like she didn't know how to walk or stand or move...

And thinking about it the boy found out that this makes sense considering she technically just got born .

After some tries that were painful to watch the boy decided to help her out , at first she was aggressive towards this unknown stranger, but she couldn't do anything to him even if she wanted to as he was stronger and faster than her(not that she was weak but he was simply too strong) , and after sometime she realized that this stranger had no bad intentions and was just trying to help her.

After a while of helping her after creating some clothes for her, she was finally able to walk a bit properly , although she was just born , the boy noticed that she learnt thing so quickly, he didn't have any idea about the reasons for that and his only explanation to it is that she might have some of Astrick's basic memories such as walking , running, etc....

The boy didn't know what he should do with her, on one hand he was a bit happy there was someone else with him in this dark space , on the other hand that someone else doesn't know how to talk nor communicate and has the brain of a new born child....

'Most importantly, this girl's appearance is a clue that I still don't know nothing about this dark space and its secrets even after thousands of years' the boy thought as he decided that his next move is going to be finding more about the secrets of this dark world.


Meanwhile Astrick's first lesson today was finally about to start, he saw a man that looked in his twenties getting into class , the man had blonde hair and an average looking face , he entered the classroom with an excited look on his face.

"Hello class, My name is Cleveland and I'm your history teacher..." He said, but as soon as he said his last words most students rolled their eyes and lost all their excitement.

Astrick was one of those who were more polite and didn't show it on his face but he had the same idea as everyone else right now...

'What use is history gonna be in a fight?'

They all had abilities which were used in fights ,so it was understandable that they wanted something that could help them do their best with their ability and they didn't think history was going to do that.

"Y'all are thinking 'what is history going to do in fight' aren't you?" The history teacher said their thoughts as if he could read their minds, which caught their attention , and seeing that Cleveland continued..

"History can help you in many ways , as we won't be talking that much about things around the world, and we'll focus more on strong people throughout time and how they used their abilities which might enlighten some of you to use your powers the same way..."

Hearing Cleveland's words the students were more excited for the class and to listen to the teacher's words, because they wanted to know how strong and famous people used their abilities and listen to their stories, but Cleveland's next words crushed their day dreams as he said,

"But we won't be talking about such people today , as we'll first take the attendance then have a little talk about our world that'll be interesting for you guys..."

as Cleveland said he started taking attendance saying each name with their rank number going from highest rank to lowest...

"Ron Allgar 1"


"Adam Dark blade 2"


"Amelia Blossom 4"


"Mia Griffin 5"


"Kevin Ansel 6"


" Jack Bennett 10"



"Astrick Iolanthe 302"



Finally after saying a few names more Cleveland finished taking the attendance , thankfully Astrick was not the lowest rank in the class so he didn't get much attention when his name was mentioned , but Astrick could see the arrogant look on Jack's face which he completely ignored.


Eventually Cleveland started his lesson for today with a smile on his face..

"As you guys know , our world consists 9 main areas,

1_The human area,

2_The elves area,

3_The dwarves area,

4_The demonic area,

5_The fallen angels area,

6_The dark area,

7_Orcs and goblins area,

8_The Silver area....."

"And the largest of them all, the monsters area, which is the subject of our lesson today, now as you might all know, the monsters area is full of unknown monsters that are ranked the same way humans and other creatures are, they also have their own abilities and powers just like us..."

"But have you ever wondered where did these monsters come from, because they certainly were not originally here on our world , not all of them at least..."

Cleveland took a moment to catch his breath as he continued ,

"For an unknown reason, in the monsters area there are these spatial distortions which are basically a wormhole that leads to different planets which are all planets for fallen civilizations , we still don't know exactly why they only lead to that type of planets, but many people believe it is related to the reason those spatial distortions are formed in the first place..."

" Anyway, those abandoned planets are the source of many of the monsters we have in the monsters area and they are also the destination that explorers seek to get a living, and being an explorer is going to be your future jobs except if you want to join the military or become a bodyguard or something...."


Finally the school bell rang declaring the end of this history class and beginning of a new one which made a lots of students happy that this boring subject was over.....
