
world of darkness

Life and Death, two sides of the same coin. After his death, his hell begins as he gets imprisoned in the endless darkness for eternity... But after an unknown amount of time, his quiet lonely days gets disturbed by an eye-shaped crack that shows him the vision of a newborn child. After that, his fate becomes linked and cannot be separated from the child's. And the question remains, will he ever be able to escape this lonely hell, or will he be stuck here forever... ?

Zied_Younis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Opportunity ?

Opening her classroom door, Amelia wasn't expecting to see what she was seeing right now...

Right infront of her and Kevin, they could see about four students that were surrounding two others, and looking carefully they were able to recognize one of the two students, it was Jack, a kid they both despised because he liked to bully those who are weaker than him for no reason other than his own joy...

As for the other student, at first they didn't recognize him as their vision was blocked by one of the four students but once that student moved away they were shocked to see their childhood friend Astrick...

Witnessing the condition he's in, the two couldn't process the situation for a second...

Astrick's face was a complete mess as some of his teeth could be seen on the ground , his beautiful purple eyes were now completely invisible as the area around them was swollen, and his handsome face was soaked with blood, he looked nothing like the handsome boy he was, and if it wasn't for the look in his eyes, Kevin and Amelia would've probably never guessed that this was Astrick...

After a few seconds Amelia seemed to get out of her amazed condition as she gazed at Jack while her face expressions were distorted with anger...

If looks could kill, then Jack would've been dead a thousand times by now....

Not even two seconds after she got out of her astonishment, she immediately jumped at Jack with the intention of destroying his face...

Jack was still surprised of the situation and before he could get himself together, he suddenly saw Amelia disappear out of her place as he saw the scene of a shoe's heel getting closer and closer to his face....

The next thing he knows is that he found him crashing into the wall behind him, his nose was bleeding and it hurt very bad, it was probably broken, and it probably wasn't the only bone that was broken....

But Amelia wasn't done with him as she once again kicked him right in the face....

She kept kicking him again and again, but unlike Astrick, after the first few kicks Jack had already passed out luckily for him as Amelia's kicks were only getting harder and harder....

But even though he wasn't conscious, Amelia didn't care and kept kicking him until his face was in a similar condition to Astrick's....

She was still planning to keep going but she felt someone block her leg mid-way towards Jack's face, looking at who dared to interrupt her, Amelia was able to see a face she recognizes well...

How couldn't she? Afterall it was Adam Dark Blade, one of the top 10 highest ranks in the academy and someone who's power can be compared to her and she has to be careful if she's fighting him....

"I think that's enough..." finally Adam opened his mouth after a few seconds of staring into each other....

"You've taken your revenge, now they're both even..."

"I don't think they are even at all, your little dog hasn't suffered enough yet."

Adam tried to lighten the mood and fix the situation but he was rudely interrupted by Amelia's harsh words...

"Let's all forget what just happened or else..." Adam's expressions quickly changed as he gave Amelia a threatening look but as soon as he finished his sentence.

"Or else what...?" Kevin appeared besides Amelia returning Adam's threatening look with a one of his own ...

While they all had this serious looks on their faces and trying to intimidate each other suddenly they heard something slamming the ground...

Looking behind them ,Amelia and Kevin were able to see Astrick laying on the ground as his body finally couldn't take it anymore and decided to just give up making him fall unconscious...

"Astrick.." they both shouted in worry as they run to check in on his condition...

After making sure he's alive, Amelia gave Adam a final gaze as she said..

"This isn't over...." finally she, with Kevin took Astrick out to get him to the academy's clinic...


After watching all the drama that just happened, Mia left out a small laugh as she thought to herself...



After about six hours,

In the academy's clinic , Astrick opened his eyes on an unknown scene, he was able to see the white roof of the room he was in...

After few seconds he felt pain all around his body as he remembered what just happened before he passed out...

Thinking about how weak and powerless he was, he felt a wave of shame wash over him as he said inwardly talking to the system..

'Hey, what should I do to learn how to use this teleportation ability..?'

[All the host needs to do is ask for it and the informations about it will be installed in his brain instantly]

[The host needs to know that the human body can not handle many abilities, and so by learning the teleportation ability, the host would lose one of his slots to obtain another ability]

[Would the host still like to learn the teleportation ability]

'Yes' Astrick answered with no hesitation, he wasn't going to let any chance of getting more powerful slip out of his hands...

After his answer his mind was filled with new informations he never learnt before...

After the Informations were completely installed in his brain, Astrick's eyes were wide opened as he thought to himself...

'This...This is much more powerful than i thought ...'

Thinking about the power of the ability he just got, Astrick finally understood the real power of the system and the possibilities of how powerful he can become with its help...

He couldn't help but feel excited about the opportunities he has now....

