
World of Dalor

Five brave warriors set out on a journey to acquire the five sacred stones of the world.

ApricotBiter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

The Note

"Getting out of that maze took way longer than I thought it would." Kitty said, collapsing on the wooden floor while breathing heavily.

The exit to the maze led to a small room with a well kept wooden floor. At the end of the room was a large dark wood door that everyone knew would lead them closer to the exit. Right next to it was a podium that had a note on top of it. On the sides of the room, armors that had different kinds of markings were placed.

"Look at all the cool armor here." James said, reaching out so he could grab the gauntlets off one of the armor sets.

Right as James was about to put the gauntlets on, he felt his hair stand on edge and quickly placed them back. Something about them felt off, as if they were trying to bind with his very body. James took a step back from the armor and shook his head.

"I don't think wearing this armor is a good idea." James said, still shaking.

"I can't wear it regardless. Doesn't mean I can't hold onto it though!" Satoru said, picking up an entire armor set and tying it around his back to carry it.

"Nice muscles." Hantu said, giving Satoru a thumbs up.

Gayto stood before the podium and looked down at the note. The language written wasn't that of humans or elves. Instead, the language was primordial.

"Oi, Gayto? You look like you've just seen a ghost. You good?" Satoru asked, walking over towards the podium and looking down at the note.

Hantu walked over to Satoru and Gayto and observed the note as well, "isn't that primordial? What's a language like that doing in a place like this?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out myself." Gayto answered, a concerned look covering his face.

"Primordial? Can't you read that, Gayto?" Kitty asked, jumping onto Hantu's back so he could see the note for himself.

"He can if you all would give him a minute." James said, standing back so the group could create some distance from Gayto.

"It's fine. I've already deciphered the message anyway. It was clearly written by someone who had only studied the language. With how bad the grammar was, it was clearly written by a novice at best." Gayto shrugged.

James gave Gayto a confused look, "what does the letter say though?"

"The door only allows three participants to enter at a time so they can enter some kind of arena."

"If it's some kind of arena then we should send our best fit members in, right?" Kitty asked, putting his paw up against his face while he thought of who should end up going.

Everyone turned towards Hantu as if it were the obvious first choice. He was the biggest of the group by a long shot. His physical strength was also unmatched and everyone was fully aware of that.

"I shouldn't go. If there's some kind of heretic I'll end up entering a blind rage again." Hantu said, waving his hand as a way to say no.

"That's true. In that case we should go for those who can dish out moderate damage and can also take a hit while also staying calm. No offense, Hantu." Kitty said, giving Hantu an apologetic look.

"None taken."

"I guess that would leave just me, James, and Gayto. Is that alright with everyone?" Satoru asked, looking over at everyone.

"I'm too squishy to enter something like that so it works for me!" Kitty said, raising his right paw in the air.

"Cracking some heads seems fun so I'm down!" Gayto said, bringing his fists together.

"If it gets me to a good bed faster then I'll do it." James said, letting out a tired yawn.

"Let's go kick some ass then!" Satoru shouted, opening the dark wood door.

The door revealed a black void, most likely operating as a portal to a different location. That was of no matter though, for the three of them had already made up their mind. The three of them all gave each other one final glance before nodding and walking through the door, hearing the sound of it shutting behind them.