
The Dreamer

As Harry sits there, touching at his antlers in wide-eyed shock, his last words seem to finally break Jaina from her own initial shock, her tone angry and possessive reaching his ears as a growl.

"If you don't want anymore unexpected changes to your body, you might want to exit the moonwell, Apprentice."

The emphasis she puts on his title as her apprentice is not lost on Harry, but he follows her instructions all the same, detaching from Tyrande and stepping out of the moonwell. He leaves the High Priestess and the leader of the Night Elves a mewling, disappointed mess. Tyrande is in no position to stop him from leaving her grasp, but even in her well-fucked stupor the beautiful female has enough strength to reach out to him with a whine at the back of her throat as she clings to the edge of the moonwell.

Meanwhile, Harry finds himself swiftly accosted by both Jaina and Sylvanas. He goes to recast the glamour on Sylvanas, but the Banshee Queen stops him with a hand around his wrist and a kiss on his lips. At the same time, Jaina is also running her hands along his body, frowning as she starts at his new antlers before going down, much further down his naked, wet form.

"We need to… we need to make sure there's no other… c-changes."

Harry would snort at that, if Sylvanas wasn't currently cleaning his tonsils out with her tongue. Unlike the leader of the Kirin Tor, the Banshee Queen makes no excuse for her actions as she kisses him, one hand clutching at an antler to hold him in place and the other running along his chest. When that second hand finally reaches his navel, Sylvanas encounters resistance in the way of one Jaina Proudmoore, who had already beaten her there.

For a moment, the two women lock eyes as Sylvanas pulls away from Harry's mouth. It's obvious they remember their rivalry, and while they are allies, they're far from friends. Even still, Jaina moves her hand down Harry's length, and gives Sylvanas room. The Banshee Queen happily takes this room, jerking a portion of Harry's cock to full mast even as she returns to kissing him.

Jaina herself slowly descends to her knees, clearly desperate for another type of 'kiss' as she immediately lays her lips on his cockhead, before slipping her tongue out to swirl it around the tip of his member. Harry hisses in pleasure. It's clear that both Jaina and Sylvanas are feeling randy and possessive. Tyrande is watching on with lidded eyes looking forlorn and just as possessive as well.

How in the world did he get himself into these sorts of situations, honestly? Harry knows he should probably be more worried about the antlers right now, but with two absolutely gorgeous women practically throwing themselves at him (again!) how was he supposed to resist… any of this?! Allowing Jaina and Sylvanas to take him for a bit of a ride wouldn't be different to anything he'd done in the past after all.

And perhaps seeing the Kirin Tor leader and the Banshee Queen work together on a task would allow the freshly fucked High Priestess behind him to recognize that Sylvanas was on their side.

… Nah, not even Harry was willing to entertain such a ridiculous idea. As Jaina bobs up and down his cock and Sylvanas moves her lips from his mouth to the crook of his neck, Harry just enjoys the moment, though he does reach one hand back towards Tyrande, a silent offer to join them in what's about to happen. Of course, what actually happens next and what Harry thinks is going to happen next are two very different things.

Before it can all devolve into another round of mind blowing sex, a massive shadow passes over Harry and the two women currently servicing him. All eyes turn upwards and widen substantially at the massive green form of a dragon as it wings about and then comes in for a landing, taking up more than half of Tyrande's private grove with its mass.

This isn't any mere dragon though, Harry recognizes that immediately. He's done his research, he's practically consumed Dalaran's libraries. This is an Aspect, there's no other explanation for the uniquely shaped horns, the size of the beautiful creature… or the crown atop her head. Harry's eyes go even wider still as he recognizes that half-moon crest and finally puts two and two together. His Night Elven dream partner has never been elvish at all.

No, she was a dragon, in a more humanoid form. More than that, she was Ysera the Dreamer, though more recently he'd learned she was now called the Awakened, as she no longer slept for what seemed like an eternity. Ysera's landing does more than just surprise everyone though. The shockwave caused by her coming down to the ground sends Tyrande's exhausted form out of the moonwell and into the trio. Harry barely has time to recognize and put together everything about the Dragon Aspect before him, before Tyrande's admittedly perfect body suddenly fills his vision and smacks him in the face.

All four of them end up on their backs in a bit of a pile as Ysera's ethereal chuckles fill the air, and she slinks her way over to the downed collection of mortals.

"Greetings are in order. Archmage. Banshee Queen. My dear High Priestess. Thank you, Tyrande, for entertaining me with your nightly hunts. I was most amused. And then there's you. Harry James Potter. I have been watching you since you arrived in this world, mortal. I have been enjoying your dreams. It is good to finally be before you physically."

Her voice is lustful, and Harry is already turned on as it is… but she IS still a dragon. He finds himself wondering how he would even go about fucking the immense creature before him. Still, she had a humanoid form in their dreams, and he recalled reading about the Aspects appearing before a select few mortals in smaller form over the length of Azeroth's histories.

All in all, it's not Harry that responds to Ysera's lust-filled tone in the end. No, that falls to Tyrande, who sits up from where she's fallen, glowing eyes wide with anger, her lips curled into a snarl.

"It was y-you?! My dreams, my nightly hunts, they were your doing, teacher! How… how could you betray me like that, Ysera?! How could you see me degraded and humiliated in such a way?!"

It's clear that Tyrande is upset, and that mentally, the shock of Ysera's arrival and confession has broken her from her well-fucked, mind-broken stupor. Not that Harry expected it to hold forever anyways. Tyrande Whisperwind might have been a huge whorish slut once he started giving it to her, but she wasn't named the leader of her people for her cock-sucking or her cum-guzzling skills. She was a powerful, strong-willed woman in her own right.

Though, this explained why she was acting so strangely. If a being like Ysera the Awakened was behind it, Tyrande never stood a chance, certainly not in the realm of dreams. Harry frowns, watching on as Ysera seems to smile. And then, she's actually smiling as her massive scaled form begins to shrink swiftly, and in moments she stands before them in the humanoid, night elven body that she'd visited his dreams in. Shrugging her new shoulders, Ysera is unapologetic as she explains.

"I first discovered the mortal Harry Potter through his dreams. His power is immense, though not particularly out of the ordinary for a world of mortal champions like Azeroth. Even still, while his power drew my attention momentarily, what kept it was the sheer desire in his mind. This is a man who has spent a lifetime reveling in debauchery and perversion. And yet, he is not of the Legion. He is not evil, though he is not necessarily good either."

Here, Ysera pauses and cocks her head to the side as her glowing eyes meet Harry's green pupils.

"But he is oh-so fascinating. I wanted a taste for myself, I'll admit. I am Ysera the Awakened now, but it was not until I dreamed this mortal's dreams that a part of my being I knew not of truly woke up. My desires have been enflamed, my passions ignited by this man. But I ultimately decided that he needed a test. He needed to prove himself worthy… against my greatest pupil."

Tyrande stiffens and Harry lifts a brow, more than a little out of his element. This Dragon Aspect, this Ysera… she was like nothing he'd ever tangled with before. His own world was honestly beginning to feel woefully inadequate in the face of the mysteries, the wonders that Azeroth had to offer. Of course, Harry already understood that all the majesty and splendor one could find on Azeroth came with the price of danger and constant threat as well.

Still, if there was one thing Harry had come to love, especially since arriving in this world, it was a good challenge. He couldn't help himself, a lopsided grin spread across his face as he looked up into Ysera's glowing eyes.

"And? Did I pass your little test?"

Ysera's only response is to smile mysteriously and toss her head down towards his crotch. Harry's eyes slide down there, just as Tyrande's do. Both discover, to their surprise, that ever since Ysera's landing, it hasn't been Jaina or Sylvanas jerking Harry off, but the High Priestess of Elune herself. Tyrande immediately jumps back from Harry's member like it's a dangerous weapon, getting up off the ground and stepping away from him as her face twists in revulsion and a fair bit of loathing, both at him and at herself.

However, when she goes to spin around and direct her anger at her mentor, Ysera is waiting for her, the transformed Dragon Aspect catching Tyrande in her arms and silencing the Night Elf's angry denial with a dominating kiss, even as Tyrande's body freshly fucked, wet form finds itself under assault by Ysera's roving hands.

Harry stares for a moment in abject wonder. The sexy, sensual scene of two-night elves making out before him, even if one isn't truly an elf at all, is something Harry would never disturb. But he's certainly going to enjoy it. His hands instinctively find the hair of the two beauties beside him, and though Jaina growls when he drags her head back over to his cock, pulling her along by her white locks, she nonetheless gets to work on his shaft. Sylvanas, meanwhile, is a lot more appreciative, and the way she attacks his shaft with her lips and tongue can only be described as hungry joy.

Panting under the onslaught of Jaina and Sylvanas' tongues, Harry groans, enjoying everything about this moment. When Ysera's hands slide down to Tyrande's naked, purple buttocks and grip harshly at the High Priestess' ass, Harry can't keep himself quiet anymore.

"Fuck yes… show her what I awoke in you. Teach her some new things, why don'tcha?"

His tone is husky, his words said more instinctively than with any sort of plan to him. Probably best to not be egging on the Dragon Aspect as she molests her betrayed student… but fuck it, Harry wasn't really thinking straight at this point, it was all a haze of pleasure and desire. Still, his words seem to have the intended effect all the same. Ysera grew more and more aggressive as time went on, her fingers eventually pistoning in and out of the trapped Night Elf's cunt as she brought Tyrande to unwanted orgasm after unwanted orgasm at her draconic hands.

In the end, it's just too much for Harry to hold back forever. Jaina and Sylvanas working at his shaft with their tongues and mouths, Ysera's tongue constantly down a betrayed-looking Tyrande's throat as she rubs up against the naked High Priestess for all she's worth. It's basically dinner and a show. It'd be odd if Harry wasn't satisfied by the end of it, right?

With a groan, Harry finally begins to cum. With Jaina and Sylvanas on either side of his cock, lip locked around it, they only get a bit of splatter before the majority of the cum shower sprays across the moaning pair before them, Ysera and Tyrande both getting an outright coating of Harry's white, hot cum as he pants heavily, staring at the sight in a way that makes it clear he's far from done after just one release.

And it's true, he's not. Harry's cock is still unbelievably hard, even as Ysera finally separates from Tyrande, only for the High Priestess to sink to her knees, no longer reluctant, no longer betrayed and more like the version of her Harry had seen at the end of their time in the moonwell together.

"You two. Come help my pupil clean me up."

Tyrande is already licking and lapping at Ysera's cum-covered legs when the transformed Aspect imperiously orders Jaina and Sylvanas to do the same. The Banshee Queen, amusingly enough, is happy to rush over and capture as much of her prize in her mouth as she can. If Harry thought Vereesa was addicted to his seed… Sylvanas is wholly dependent on it by this point, and it's clear she's suffered some withdrawal in their time apart as she hungrily slurps up his cum from across the Dragon Aspect's supple chest.

As Ysera hisses in enjoyment, her fingers curling through Sylvanas' hair, Harry realizes that Jaina is a lot less eager to obey the imperious command directed at her. Frowning slightly, Harry reaches out and gives Jaina a firm smack across her rear. Her eyes snap from Ysera, Tyrande, and Sylvanas back to his, and in a moment of silent conversation, Harry tries to impart on Jaina the importance of NOT angering a being like Ysera the Awakened.

In the end, the Archmage rises from Harry's side and makes her way over to Ysera with an angry blush across her face. She's a lot more hesitant in her own efforts to clean up the Dragon Aspect… but with Tyrande all but catatonic leaning against Ysera's side, the Dreamer has a free hand with which to drag Jaina in for a deep kiss, before forcing the human woman's head further down so she can get to work. Harry watches the domineering display with some intense desire of his own.

Even with four beauties before him, Harry finds himself stroking his own cock to the sight, a novel experience for a man who's almost always got a woman to do the stroking, sucking, or fucking for him. Instead, he's using his own hand to slide up and down his saliva-covered cock. He watches Ysera bully the trio of tongue-bathers into cleaning every single bit of her body. And when they're done, or at least when she deems them done, she all but pushes them aside with a physical strength that should be beyond her.

But then, this is a Dragon Aspect. Harry isn't foolish enough to assume Ysera loses her draconic might just by taking humanoid form. That would leave her so weak that she would probably never do it in the first place if that was indeed the case. Falling to her hands and knees, Ysera crawls over to Harry with lust filling her glowing eyes, a perverse smile stretched across her face.

When she reaches his feet, his legs sprawled out before him, she begins to kiss them, lathering his toes with her tongue in a subservient way… for a moment, Harry wonders if he's broken her already. But the subservience doesn't last as Ysera continues to make her way up his body, kissing him here and there, sliding her tongue along his flesh in a way that prompts goosebumps.

Belatedly, Harry realizes he can feel her. Not just physically, no… but mentally and magically. In all fairness, he himself is fairly powerful. Jaina has a presence, an aura of her own as well. Sylvanas and Tyrande would not be leaders of their respective people if they didn't have the power to back it up. Only now, only with those three off to the side, watching with an array of emotions across their face, does Harry truly feel YSERA.

And boy is she a doozy. He knows that in recent times, the Aspects are stripped of their immortality, of their true immense power. But what's left behind is still almost overwhelming to Harry's senses, as Ysera reaches his chest with her tongue, and slaps her hand down around his cock length at the same time. There's nothing subservient in the way Ysera strokes his cock while staring up into his eyes with her own unreadable gaze. Beyond the lust, Harry can see nothing… though the lust alone is enough to tell him the intentions of this powerful, mighty being.

When she reaches his neck, Harry hisses and tilts his head back to give her better access instinctively, as if bearing himself to a bigger predator. Ysera's hand goes from his impossibly hard shaft to his balls then, and she fondles them eagerly even as she moves her tongue up onto his jawline, and across his face before finally capturing his lips. With their mouths now locked together, Harry can feel Ysera moving into position above him, her shapely tits rubbing against his pecks, even as his cockhead rubs against a pair of glistening, wet pussy lips.

As she lodges just the tip of his member inside of herself, Ysera the Awakened pulls back and looks Harry right in the eye.

"Prepare yourself, Harry."

The cryptic warning is all Harry gets before Ysera impales herself on his cock right then and there. As one might expect, the Dragon Aspect's eyes go wide from the physical sensation, her jaw dropping open as she shudders atop his member. Under normal circumstances, Harry might have wondered when the last time she did something like this was. Certainly, Ysera had a dragonflight of green drakes and dragons to call her own, but from what he read, she was not nearly as… prolific as her counterpart, the Aspect of Life.

Alexstrasza was the one who reportedly took the best of her children as her consorts so that she could propagate more and more red dragons. Ysera, meanwhile, had just left her long slumber for good quite recently. Still, Harry wasn't in a position to contemplate these things, because in truth? Ysera's inner passageway was the best cunt he'd ever found himself inside. There was no way to even begin to describe the feeling of filling her, of being held by her. Ysera's insides clench down on Harry like so many other cunts before her, but at the same time not. This was something new, something he couldn't possibly get enough of.

Ysera's eyes eventually go from wide to half-lidded with pleasure as she looks down at him with a knowing grin. Then, she begins to bounce. Harry's breathe hitches as the Aspect's breasts bounce with her, jiggling each and every time she pushes herself up off of Harry's cock, only to drop down again. She starts off slowly, seeming to enjoy every single penetration as its own event.

Harry does too, grunting if not outright groaning each time Ysera drops down onto his cock again, her pussy lips clinging to the base, her shapely buttocks resting atop his balls and rubbing against them in a way that causes them to churn dangerously. That said, Harry is at the very least a master of his own body. Ysera was something new, certainly. He couldn't control her, he couldn't resist her. He didn't WANT to, to be clear.

But he wasn't going to give in to her. In the end, Harry would cum when he wanted to cum, and not a moment before. Staring down into his eyes as she began to speed up, going from bouncing to riding, Ysera clearly sees his resolve. All it does is make the lewd smile on her elven face widen further as the beautiful, gorgeous Aspect undulates and gyrates her hips across his cock again and again.

With a growl, Harry suddenly sits up, determined not to be a bystander in this encounter. He would never be an inactive participant when it came to sex. Ysera's moans grow tinged with happiness as he runs his hands down her back before eventually centering them on her buttocks. As he sits there with her bouncing up and down on his cock, his fingers dig into her shapely, purple behind and Harry squeezes at her ass cheeks for all he's worth as he forces her to ride him even harder, lifting up when she lifted herself up, and pulling back down when she dropped herself, adding just a bit more force to the whole thing.

At the same time, Harry finds himself face to tit with Ysera's beautiful bouncing breasts. She's slightly bigger than her pupil, but Harry doesn't bother stopping to wonder if that was on purpose. Thinking about such things, distracting himself with such thoughts… there was no room to do so, not when he needed every bit of his concentration in what was akin to a war of intimacy and arousal and sensual fucking going on between the two of them.

So, Harry dives into Ysera's chest without a second thought, burying his face in her tits even as he thrusts his hips up into her cunt with greater and greater force. Ysera cries out as he suckles at one of her nipples, and her fingers glide through his messy mop of black hair as she slides her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer.

Paying homage to her absolutely gorgeous breasts, Harry gives them a good majority of his attention, biting, sucking, slurping at her soft mammaries, all while her insides cling to his cock in ways he's never felt before.

Ysera is the first female he's ever met who can stop him dead in his tracks. Sure, she has plenty of leverage right now, given their positions, but it's still not something that has ever happened to him before. Every few dozen thrusts, just as it feels like Harry's finding his rhythm, Ysera will tilt her head back and let out a particular moan as she cums around his cock. When she does so, when her orgasm rushes through her humanoid form, the Aspect's inner walls clench down and refuse to let him move.

No matter where he is inside of her, be it buried all the way to the entrance of her womb or halfway back out of her, Ysera tenses up and spasms along his cock, and when she does so, he finds himself frozen and tense with her, unable to keep fucking her through her climaxes. The power of her physical form is made abundantly clear in these moments, even as Harry focuses his attentions on her tits, his fingers squeezing and massaging her purple buttocks until she finally releases his cock so that they can begin the process all over again.

But no, Harry wants more. He wants so much more. Eventually, the powerful wizard pushes up with all his physical might, and perhaps a smidge of his magical might too. Ysera yelps when he does so, but she doesn't try to fight him as he pins her beneath him, her back hitting the soft grass of Tyrande's personal grove with a light thump. Moving over his prey, Harry slides his mouth from Ysera's breasts to her mouth, kissing her heatedly, passionately, even as his hands move from her buttocks to her thighs, and he begins to fuck her all the harder.

In this new position, Harry has more leverage. He's not quite stopped each time he pounds an orgasm from the Dragon Aspect, but he is still significantly slowed down by her clenching, clinging, squeezing cunt walls. She feels absolutely amazing, she feels… like a dream, of sorts. Harry knows this is reality, but that's the best way he can find to describe it. It's as if Ysera's very presence blurs the line between the dream and the real world.

Everything is both enhanced and muddled at the same time. Even still, Harry can't stop himself from fucking Ysera for all he's worth. He has no desire to end this, not before he's plowed her into oblivion. Of course, Ysera might have something to say about that. Even as his tongue tries to dominate her mouth, the Dragon Aspect responds with her own tongue. It elongates a bit, not unlike a serpent's, though it's not unnaturally long, nor is it forked.

All the same, Ysera uses her tongue to duel with his, she keeps him constantly on his toes as he tries to fight for control of the kiss. This is but another battle in the war, just like his worship of her breasts was, just like his cock pistoning in and out of her needy little cunt is. And even now, Harry cannot win. He cannot break Ysera, no matter how he tries.

… He needs to take a different tact. Waiting for Ysera's next orgasm, Harry takes his chance. He times it perfectly and pulls out of her right as she cums. Even as the climax wracks her body, Ysera cries out in loss over no longer feeling his cock inside of her. Harry doesn't care, as he's too busy grabbing her wide hips and flipping her over onto her front.

This alone is a monumental effort, but it has the intended effect. Harry forces the Dragon Aspect onto all fours as he pulls her hips up to meet his cock. He crouches behind her and spears his meat rod down into her from above, filling her with inch after inch of his prick in an all new position. This alone is enough to send Ysera through another climax, even as the Dragon Aspect brings her head up, arching her back and crying out in ecstasy.

Her fingers sink into the grass beneath her, and she moans loudly, lewdly and wantonly… before beginning to thrust back towards Harry's pistoning prick. Even here, Harry isn't in as much control as he wants. Fucking Ysera from behind is not controlling her as he likes. In the end, it's more akin to trying to hold onto a bucking bronco for as long as he possibly can.

Not that Ysera is trying to kick him off. More like, her enthusiasm easily matches his own as she bounces her hips back against his cock. Even after at least a dozen orgasms if not more, Ysera was still easily capable of going strong, capable of handling whatever he had to throw at her. Harry tried everything. He smacked her big fat purple bottom with his hands, but she only enjoyed that more. He squeezed her hips to try to hold her in place as he fucked into her from above, but she was impossible to control in any physical way.

Harry didn't dare to test his magic against hers though. While he might have reached out against any warrior woman who gave him this much physical trouble, using his magic to slowly make them succumb to his cock and his power, Ysera the Awakened was not a 'warrior woman'. She was a Dragon Aspect, and Harry had learned enough about Azeroth to know how different dragons on this world were, compared to the ones back on Earth.

All the same, he continues to give it his all. He's not about to give up easily, after all. And so long as he has the upper hand, so long as he's controlling the position, Harry believes he can eventually break this beautiful, buxom babe beneath him. Of course, Ysera has other plans. With a mighty heave, it's Harry who finds himself suddenly once again on his back. Ysera forces him backwards even as she herself rises up, and before Harry knows it, she's riding him, this time reversed.

Looking back over her shoulder at him, Ysera's impish, mischievous grins tells Harry all he needs to know as she undulates her ass across his cock, moaning happily and lewdly from the length still buried in her clenching, squeezing cunt even now. Then, she begins to bounce up and down on his length again. Harry's hands slide back to her hips and he thrusts upwards to meet her of course, but it's obvious that he's not going to beat her half as easily as he thought.

In the end, this is a war of attrition, and it's one Ysera is steadily winning, at least for now. No matter how many times she cums, she never tires. No matter how many times he fills her with his meat, she never once falters. His member could be called his greatest weapon, at least when faced with adversaries of the opposite sex, but here his stamina, his endurance… they're failing him.

Harry realizes then and there that he needs to change up the game. He's not going to win this, but if he stops trying, if he considers this not the war, but a simple battle… then perhaps a strategic sacrifice is necessary. Leaning up, Harry grabs hold of Ysera's ponytail from behind, and drags her backwards onto his chest even as he thrusts upwards powerfully into her cunt, finally spearing into her womb itself.

There was a reason Harry didn't do this before, though he obviously could have when he had her on her hands and knees and was fucking her from above. Put bluntly, Harry already knew how powerful Ysera's inner passage was. Even battered down, he could only imagine the strength, the grip of her cervix, the gate to her womb.

And as expected, as he forces Ysera to lay back against his chest, as their lips meet in another deep, powerful kiss while his hands slide back to her saliva-covered, bite-marked chest, Ysera's cervix does what the rest of her insides could not. She squeezes down on his cock in such a way that Harry simply can't hold back the churning in his balls any longer.

With a growl directly into her mouth, his eyes meeting hers, Harry cums inside of the Aspect of the Dream. His seed spills forth into Ysera's womb without pause and he paints her inside walls white with his cum. His hot, sticky ejaculate fills her and fills her and fills her some more, and Ysera's body shakes and spasms it's way through one last explosive orgasm as they both ride out their release, before falling back in satisfaction, Harry back onto the grass and Ysera back onto his chest.

Of course, Ysera's cunt has managed to do what none other has managed in one go before it. She's wrung every last ounce of pleasure from Harry, and his softening prick flops out of her cream-stuffed pussy with a slopping noise before familiar voices fill the air.

"Teacher, allow me to assist you..."

"Yesss, we will clean you up once again. That's what you want, isn't it?"

"Heh, I suppose after a sight like that, I'm game."

All three of the other women in the clearing, forgotten until this moment, make their presence known as they crawl up between Harry and Ysera's legs, eager to get at the prize spilling forth from the Dragon Aspect's pussy, the sweet nectar that Harry has just left there. The first tough of Tyrande's tongue brings Ysera back to herself and she moves to sit up, growling as she looks down the length of her form.

"What?! No! Away with you, sluts!"

But even as she tries to close her legs up, even as she tries to ward the trio of needy females off from her cunt, Harry has other ideas. Hooking his feet on the inside of Ysera's ankles, the wizard forces her legs even further apart, giving Jaina and Sylvanas room to join Tyrande in the self-appointed clean up task. Ysera fights, but Harry is already snaking his hands under her arms, placing her in a full nelson as he forces her to watch the others eat out her cunt.

She might have won their first little battle… but he was already getting one up on her with this… with the use of his 'allies'. Ysera struggles and whines a bit, but she doesn't put too much effort into it, and it's not long before she's humping her gushing cunt up into the trio's collective faces as she moans gutturally. In the end, Harry releases her and Ysera flops over, capturing his mouth with her own as she allows her student and the others to work at slurping every bit of cum that falls from her cunt lips.

Of course, that's not even close to all of it. With Harry's cock no longer inside of her, Ysera's cervix is quick to close back up, trapping the vast majority of his seed inside of her womb as she once again does battle with him via their tongues. By the time the trio eating out her cunt are done, Ysera has a wicked smirk on her face as she pulls back from Harry and runs her fingers down his chest.

"I would have you as my prime consort, Harry. If my sister catches wind of you, I have no doubt that the Lifebinder will seek you out and snatch you up. But you're mine. I found you first."

Jaina's growl makes it clear the Archmage doesn't think that's true, but Harry's response is merely an amused smirk, even as he slides his hands from Ysera's tits to her neck, then onto her face. Finally, he goes one step further and reaches up to grab her by the horns. Their eyes meet then, once again, and silent understanding passes between them.

The trio of females behind Ysera are forced to move back when the Dragon Aspect finds herself guided down the length of Harry's body, her face coming into contact with his slowly rising cock. It would have been impossible to NOT get hard with all that was happening over him, but Ysera still has her work cut out for her as he rubs her face all over his growing, lengthening, thickening member. She moans at the feel of their combined juices running off onto her cheeks, the smell causing her nostrils to flare with need.

Then, she opens her mouth when his cockhead slips into range, and Harry groans loudly as Ysera's lips slip over the tip of his length. She's very enthusiastic, and within moments she has her lips around the base of his cock, even as her eyes remain fixed on his face the entire time. Harry's hands curl tighter around Ysera's horns, but as her nostrils flare and her throat continuously swallows, the Dragon Aspect makes it clear that she can do this all day.

It's as if her mouth and her esophagus are but vacuums for Harry to lose himself in. She has no gag reflex, or more likely, she's chosen not to have a gag reflex in this moment. She does not choke on his cock, nor does she try to pull away from his musk. As her chin rests on his balls, the purple-skinned beauty merely looks to him, as if wondering if he truly thinks this was how he was going to subjugate her.

In the end, it's clearly more likely to bring Harry to climax than it is to break Ysera. With that knowledge firm in his mind, the wizard gives up on such an idea, and begins to use Ysera's mouth as he should. His own personal fuck hole. The Dragon Aspect certainly isn't against this as he thrusts in and out of her welcoming, massaging throat. He forces her up and down his cock by his grip on her horns, his balls slapping into her chin each and every time. Meanwhile, Jaina, Sylvanas, and Tyrande seem at a loss for what to do for a time, before ultimately deciding on masturbating.

That is another beautiful sight that Harry gets to watch over the slope of Ysera's round, purple bubble butt, and he enjoys the show even as he thrusts into Ysera's throat while dragging the Dragon Aspect back down his cock. In no time at all, he's cumming. Her mouth feels just as good as her cunt, and once again Harry recognizes that he can't break her like he usually would. She's just too good.

His seed does explode out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth though, leaving her looking more than a little messy when she pulls off of his long cock with a pop, showing him the amount of cum he's left in her face hole, swirling her tongue about the sides of her face, collecting all of his seed, and drinking it up. Before Harry even knows what's happening, Ysera is in his lap again, impaling herself on his still-hard cock.

He grunts as that truly fantastic cunt once again envelops his member. He hits the entrance of her cum-filled womb, feeling his sticky seed running down the sides of his cock, making a mess of things. Harry doesn't mind though. It only makes it easier as Ysera rides him like a woman possessed, groaning as she bounces up and down on his cock.

Remembering her request, nay, more like her demand, Harry realizes what Ysera wants from him. Prime consort… what other purpose did a Dragon Aspect have for a consort, then to fertilize her eggs, to give her more children? Harry… wasn't sure how he felt about that. But then, he'd already given her one load of cum. She'd have her new children, one way or the other. He couldn't stop her there. Might as well enjoy the ride… and get his own pleasure from their activities.

Leaning forward, Harry makes a show of kissing Ysera deeply, even as his pecs rub against her soft chest. At the same time though, his hands slide down her sides, before moving to her ass, which he squeezes and gropes to his heart's content. He's done it before of course, and there's no cause for alarm there… until he suddenly pulls away from her lips, resting his chin on her shoulder as he looks at the women arrayed behind her, most specifically, Tyrande herself.

Making eye contact with the once-again addled Night Elf, Harry abruptly spreads Ysera's ass cheeks apart, even as he uses his finger grip to lift her bubble butt off, just enough so that she's suddenly showing off her back door, her sphincter. Grinning roguishly, Harry speaks to Tyrande directly, licking his lips.

"Tyrande, be a dear and come get your teacher ready for me, won't you?"

Ysera freezes up, truly caught off guard for the first time since this whole encounter had begun. Tyrande's already glowing eyes just light up, and then she's crawling across the grove to settle between Harry's legs as fast as she can, her face filled with lust as she buries it in Ysera's purple behind. Harry grins as he pulls back and looks Ysera in the eye. To her credit, Ysera doesn't shriek in outrage or squeal in surprise when Tyrande begins to tongue her asshole for what they both know is to come next.

Nor does she tell him no. In fact, Ysera's unreadable face eventually morphs into a wicked smile as she leans in close and murmurs for Harry's ears alone.

"You truly are a perverted man, Harry Potter."

The wizard snorts in response. Coming from the lust-filled Dragon Aspect that had not only invaded his dreams, but also corrupted those of her pupil's just to throw Tyrande in his way, her judgment was a bit rich. But in the end, Harry also knew that Ysera didn't necessarily mean it as a condemnation, nor did she say it derisively at all. Her tone was playful, husky, and filled with need… as it had been from the beginning.

As Ysera rides Harry for all she's worth, Tyrande's tongue explores Ysera's back door, drawing moans and groans from the Dragon Aspect that weren't there before. Of course, it seems that the minx of a High Priestess isn't completely broken again, because she's got enough mischief in her to bring her hands down to Harry's balls at the same time. As the pair fuck for the second time, Tyrande's fingers massage Harry's nut sack, all while her tongue works its way into Ysera's pristine back door, lubing it up and loosening it up at the exact same time.

Ysera orgasms countless times around Harry's member, and while Harry knows there's no point in trying to hold back forever, he does take his time in finally cumming inside of her again, just enjoying the moment while he gives Tyrande a chance to properly prepare Ysera for what's to come next. In the end though, Ysera's clenching, squeezing, unbelievably hot and tight cunt does the job once more, and Harry groans as he fills the Aspect of the Dream's womb with his seed for the second time that day.

Much more of his cum ends up spilling out from between them this time around, as Ysera's womb is already mostly filled with his seed. This second load still fills it even more, and Ysera even has a slight bump across her otherwise impeccable abdomen when she finally pulls off his length. But more than enough cum falls out of her cunt that Tyrande quickly gives up on both Ysera's ass and Harry's balls in favor of slurping up whatever seed she can get into her mouth.

Harry and Ysera ignore the addled High Priestess, focused solely on one another instead, even as Harry pushes Ysera down onto her back, and then lifts her legs up, up, and up some more. The Dragon Aspect doesn't fight him as he curls her back a bit while lifting her hips off the ground. Her tongued-out back door comes into view, and lines up perfectly with Harry's messy cockhead as he presses it into her asshole.

Ysera hisses in both enjoyment and anticipation, even as she runs her fingers across her body, playing with both her chest and her clit, as well as her slit as she stares up at him in anticipation. Harry leaves her hanging for one moment more… and then he thrusts down into her, his cock piercing her final orifice, filling her back-door inch by fucking inch.

It should feel like a victory. It DOES feel like a triumph… but even with Ysera half folded up beneath him, even with the way her face contorts in pleasure as he fucks her ass, Harry knows he's not truly winning here. He's not sure it's possibly TO win this little contest. Ysera is not a normal woman, she's not even a normal female. She's a Dragon Aspect, and even in this humanoid form, that has been obvious throughout their time together.

It's still the best sex he's ever had, not to knock all the other beauties he's fucked senseless since arriving on Azeroth. Ysera is just a step above them, even if he knows he'll never truly go with her, never consign himself to a life as nothing but her prime consort. And as he fucks her from above, as he pounds into her asshole while reaching out to grasp and grope her titties, their eyes meet, and Harry knows that that passes between them.

Ysera's gaze is filled with silent understanding, even as her mouth opens again and again to let out not-so-silent moans and mewls. Then, Harry kicks it up a notch and finally enjoys the sound of Ysera squealing as he fucks a hole she's not quite used to. Even still, he knows that her asshole isn't some great weakness of hers. Ysera might be a bit more sensitive to the new sensations as he fills her back door with his man meat again and again, but she's not going to break, not even now.

That doesn't mean Harry isn't going to enjoy himself to the fullest. With a growl and a snarl, he pounds down into Ysera from above as hard and as fast as he can. He fucks the Dragon Aspect's back door and his balls slap into her flesh as the rest of him does the same. Her purple ass begins to discolor a bit from the constant smacking, and it shakes and jiggles each and every time he makes contact with it.

Leaning forward, Harry once again lowers his mouth to Ysera's magnificent breasts. He slurps and sucks at one nipple and then the other, even as the Dragon Aspect shakes and spasms beneath him. It's not long before she's climaxing from his anal plundering, and her pussy juices coat his chest each and every time she orgasms from a particularly deep thrust.

His cock fills her ass, and her ass clings to his cock in a way that's feels even better than the tightness of her pussy. When Ysera cries out from an orgasm, her back door doesn't quite hold him still as her cunt did, but it still massages his length all the more vigorously, squeezing along his shaft in the same rhythmic patterns, time and time again.

Harry cums inside of her like that. He fills her bowels with his hot, sticky seed and then he falls back onto his own butt, finally beginning to feel a little bit of what they've been doing. His stamina and endurance are not infinite after all. And Ysera… Ysera actively growls as she ends up back atop him. Harry's eyes go wide, but his hands instinctively rush to Ysera's hips as she hot dogs his softening prick with her pussy lips.

"Not… yet. You're not done yet, mortal. Far from it."

Losing her famous calm, losing any sense of her playful but in-control demeanor, Ysera's eyes are almost wide as she forces him back to full mast and then buries his cock back inside of her cunt. There's a feral look on her face now, but Harry… Harry is only more turned on as he gives as good as he gets. She's right, after all. He's not done yet. He won't be done until she's done, or until she finally exhausts him.

It'd be a novel experience, getting fucked into oblivion by a female. But Harry isn't going to just let it happen. Even now, he won't be a bystander, he won't be an inactive participant. Oh no, Harry is happy to fight to the bitter end, even as the pair of powerhouses fuck one another to mutual climax after mutual climax, reaching heights unheard of together.

Harry loses track of everything as this happens of course. He has no idea what's going on outside of what's right in front of him. Ysera becomes his world, fucking her becomes his only purpose. But besides that, there's also winning. If he was any lesser man, this was where he would break. If he were any weaker than he was, he would give in then and there, and would become the prime consort that Ysera wanted to take home with her.

But against everything else, Harry was one thing above all others. It was a title they'd given him back home, one that he'd come to embody over the years as he grew from a boy to a man. He'd started out as the Boy-Who-Lived. But he'd evolved into the Man-Who-Won. All the same, Harry could not hope for a true victory against a being such as Ysera the Awakened. The only way to win… was to survive.

And that's what Harry does, at the end of the day. Though he eventually loses all sense of the world around him, though he eventually passes out, he never gives in. He gives as good as he gets, before exhaustion finally sets in, oblivion finally takes him, and he knows no more.


"If you go through with this, you will only push the Sin'dorei further into Garrosh's camp! Don't be a fool, Proudmoore! Think sensibly!"

"Sensibly? Sensibly?! What would you have me do then, hm? Now that I know there is a traitor in the Kirin Tor, now that I know of the rot in Dalaran, am I supposed to just ignore it? Am I supposed to do NOTHING?!"

It was the sound of Jaina and Sylvanas arguing that woke Harry up. Blinking dumbly, Harry slowly sits up on the bed he finds himself in, brow furrowed. He almost immediately tunes out the heated discussion that the two female leaders are having in favor of taking stock of what's going on. His mouth feels like its filled with cobwebs as he smacks his dry, parch lips a few times. His body clock tells him it's been days since he last was awake.

That doesn't make any sense, until he considers exactly what he'd been doing last. Ysera had quite literally fucked him unconscious. Huh, it wasn't a thing he'd ever really experienced before. He wasn't sure how to feel about being on this end of it. Still, Harry supposed it made some sense. You didn't fuck a Dragon Aspect and just expect to be good the next day. Hell, looking back, Harry was pretty sure they'd ended up fornicating for at least half a day alone, fucking for what felt like an eternity. Now that he was able to look back, it was more like a good twelve to sixteen hours of constant, ceaseless fucking.

Grinning, Harry looks around the room he finds himself in. There's Jaina and Sylvanas over by the door of course, but he barely pays them and their argument any mind. It's obvious that while he was out, the two had resumed their investigation and figured out the truth of the matter. Of course, they were both at odds over exactly what to do about the situation. Harry though… Harry couldn't have cared less in that moment.

No, the majority of his focus was on himself, and the fact that no one had bothered to clean him up while he slept. He'd ruined the bed he was laid out on, and his body was covered in dried sexual fluids. He stank of sex, put bluntly. That much was obvious from the way Tyrande wrinkled her nose as she stepped up to his side, hands clasped in front of her and back straight.

Her gaze is imperious as she looks down at him angrily, clearly blaming him for the part he'd played in her degradation and humiliation.

"… I have a message for you, from the Dreamer."

Harry lifts an eyebrow at that, even as his gaze slides up and down the High Priestess' body. She's wearing her official dress this time, and the way it hugs her curves in all the right places is just… superb. She looks a lot more put together now, and even looks better than when they first saw her all flustered and needy in the Temple of Elune. Harry could recognize the signs with hindsight, could tell how she'd been quick to get rid of them so she could run off to masturbate.

Now though, now she just looked at him with disdain. Or at least, she tried to. As Harry sat up, his sheets fell away and revealed his morning wood. The wizard most certainly caught the flicker as Tyrande's gaze slid down to said morning wood and then immediately jumped away again. To her credit, she doesn't even blush as she glares at him and finally relays the message.

"Ysera the Awakened wished for me to inform you that she 'cannot wait for another round' and that she'll wish for one as soon as your children are hatched."

Harry's mouth opens, but he finds himself speechless as he processes the words that Tyrande has delivered in a dry, robotic tone. Right. He'd considered the possibility while they were fucking, hadn't he? He'd known this was likely to happen. There was no other reason that Ysera would want him as her consort except for breeding purposes.

It seemed he'd dodged being tossed into a gilded cage, but he would not dodge being the Dragon Aspect's baby daddy, probably for as long as he was on Azeroth if Ysera had her way. Which in truth, he couldn't say he'd deny her. Her 'way' had certainly been fun. All the same, Harry doesn't miss the slight smirk on Tyrande's face as she enjoys his stupefied reaction.

Turning his gaze to meet the High Priestess' once more, Harry smiles guilelessly.

"Sweetheart. Be a dear and clean me up, won't you?"

Tyrande's eyes go wide at the unexpected address, and it takes her a moment to properly process his 'request' because of this. Once she does however, the anger he's expecting does surface, her face contorting into a snarl as her hands pull apart and curl into fists at her sides.

"What?! Who do you think you are, you disgusting, filthy, hu-ack! MMMPH!!!"

It takes Harry barely a smidge of his magic to drag the unsuspecting Night Elf forward, and once she's in range of his hand, he slides his fingers through her lush mane of green hair, even as he drags her onto the bed and atop his messy, grimy body. He really is disgusting right now, but that doesn't stop Harry from pulling Tyrande across his form so that he can kiss her passionately, his tongue dominating her mouth.

She's not longer locked in a haze of pent up lust by Ysera's dreams, but her body… her body is still conditioned to love the Stag, to enjoy being taken by the Stag. And that Dream Stag, that green-eyed beast that fucked her again and again was never meant to be anything BUT a stand-in for Harry James Potter. Tyrande's resistance slowly fades, crumbling before his insistence as he kisses the ever-living daylights out of her.

When they finally pull apart for air, Tyrande's flushed with arousal and need, panting heavily as she presses her hands to his naked, dirty chest. He's already fucked up her robes, her official dress ruined by his grimy body. But then, that was the point and Harry would be lying if he tried to claim he hadn't been hoping to make a mess of her clothes from the moment he saw her standing beside the bed.

"Y-You… you filthy, filthy animal. You've ruined my dress, d-damn you. I don't… ugh, I h-hate you…"

Tyrande's lips fall to Harry's neck, and her hands run up and down his body as she begins to slurp and suck and lick at his naked form, moaning all the while from the taste of his manifold couplings with her mentor that even now still stuck to her body. Her eyes glared at him all the while, filled with anger and lust alike as she grinded on his member against her personal wishes.

She couldn't resist him now, not anymore. She would crumple like a house of cards the moment he decided to have some fun with her, and they both knew it, they both knew her weakness. Eventually, Harry uses his grip on the Night Elf Leader's hair to push her head down. Tyrande scowls but doesn't so much as protest as she gets the memo and moves along his body. Her mouth closes around his cock and though she glares up the length of his form the entire time she's doing so, she still blows him all the same, bobbing up and down his shaft without greater and greater fervor.

Tyrande can't help herself. She moans and slurps at his member, all while swallowing more and more of his cock. Harry groans as he continues to hold her by her lush green mane, his head tilting back as he enjoys every last moment of Tyrande's reluctant, yet altogether enthusiastic blowjob. At the same time though, Jaina and Sylvanas are STILL bickering off on the other side of the room. They haven't yet noticed what he's doing with Tyrande. As amusing as that is, Harry wants them. He wants them all, right here and right now.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Choking Tyrande on his cock gets their attention, and as their eyes turn towards the noise, Harry adopts a genial smile as he waves his free hand to the two female leaders.

"Jaina… Sylvanas. Are you really going to stand there all day, just bickering?"

For Sylvanas, it's like a switch being flicked. Her red eyes light up with desire and the Banshee Queen is already naked by the time she reaches the bed and climbs on board, eager to get her share right alongside Tyrande. It's clear that she's been craving her fix all this time, and it's also clear that for whatever reason she hasn't been able to get it, even while he was asleep. Whether that was because Jaina had forbade it, or because Ysera had drained him so dry he'd been tapped out while unconscious… it didn't matter, in the end.

All that mattered was that Jaina had lost her 'debate partner' and now stood alone, pouting petulantly with her arms crossed under her substantial chest as she watched Sylvanas and Tyrande go at it with Harry's cock. Letting out a cross between a sigh of exasperation and a growl of frustration that really comes out like a sort of 'harrumph', Jaina walks over as well, though she doesn't strip naked as she climbs onto the bed and settles beside Harry rather than trying to partake in what is an already crowded position between his legs.

Instead, she settles for curling into his side, even as Harry nuzzles into her neck, beginning to kiss and suckle at her flesh while she ranted.

"Harry, you've missed a bit while you were out. It turns out, Garrosh's people were able to sneak into Darnassus through Dalaran itself. The damn Sunreavers are surely behind this, even if Sylvanas keeps trying to preach calm and understanding. Like taking our time will help us in this situation! Ugh, I want to expel them all! Those bloody fucking Sin'dorei, cozying up in my city while helping that bastard Garrosh! They need to be removed, now! You agree, don't you Harry?"

Jaina only realizes Harry isn't paying attention to her when his hand closes around the front of the cloth pants she's dawned, and then pulls. A tearing sound fills the room, but Sylvanas and Tyrande barely pay it any mind, their eyes flicking over for all of a moment as Jaina squeals, before returning to staring at the thing that they're both hungrily slurping at with their tongues.

"H-Harry! This is ANOTHER pair of pants you've destroyed, d-damn it! Wait, what are you doing?!"

Harry wastes no time in picking the now pants-less Jaina up and lifting her by her naked behind to his face. Realizing what he's planning, Jaina's knees settle down into the mattress on either side of his propped-up head as Harry's tongue buries itself in her cunt.

"Ooh, Harry. Y-You… it's just as the Dreamer said, isn't it? You're such a damn p-pervert! F-Fuck, don't you dare stop you bastard, you owe me a lot for all the h-headaches you've caused me, a-apprentice!"

Harry does as he's told, but then he already intended to. And Jaina's moaning mumblings about Harry's sex-addled mind do not stop her from locking her legs around his head, nor does it keep her from grinding her deprived slit against his roaming tongue. At this point, while she might not be directly addicted to his seed as Sylvanas is, Jaina has still gone quite a lot longer than she should have to without Harry's cock.

His mouth will have to do now, but as the Archmage glances over her shoulder and watches Sylvanas and Tyrande worship Harry's cock with their mouths, she's already plotting out just how she'll manage to get first ride on his cock. It certainly won't be either of those bitches, not if she has anything to say about it!


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