The best laid plans of mice and men and what not. As much as Harry had intended to head back to Shadowmoon to support the Alliance Garrison there, no sooner had he arrived, only to be directed along to Zangarra in Talador, a small cozy valley in which the Archmage Khadgar had made his home. Apparently, while Harry was away in Frostfire and Gorgrond, Gul'dan had sent an assassin named Garona Halforcen to kill Khadgar.
Rather than kill the half-orc, half-Draenei assassin, Khadgar had captured her. Truth be told, Harry was always of the opinion that a beautiful female should be turned rather than slaughtered outright, so he certainly didn't hold that decision against the Archmage. Still, it did leave him wondering what Khadgar intended… after all, Harry's own methods weren't exactly common practice.
"Ah, Commander, please come over here. I have a mission for you… and it is unlikely to be easy."
Inclining his head, Harry smirks slightly even as he directs his emerald eyes to Garona, the half-and-half female held in an orb of arcane might, trapped but no less active as she snarls and squirms this way and that.
"Is anything ever?"
Letting out a chuckle at Harry's jest, Khadgar shakes his head.
"Certainly nothing worth doing is. Regardless, I have already done some… preliminary work. Garona does not act of her own volition, and if we could change that, there's no telling how much information she might have for us. For the time being however, Gul'dan and his Shadow Council have their hooks embedded deep inside of Garona's Soul."
Harry narrows his eyes at that, pondering the captured female a bit more closely now. If he were willing to show the true extent of his power from his previous world, could he do something about that? Perhaps. All of the Hallows were with him, his position as Master of Death was secured. The ring in particular had some connection with souls, did it not?
Ah, but he wasn't necessarily inclined to play out his full hand, especially not in front of an Archmage like Khadgar. Even now, the older man had a disturbing eagerness in his eyes and that was solely based on whatever his own plan was.
"We've tried traditional magical methods and they haven't helped her. It's time to get unorthodox, I do believe. Beneath the Draenei City of Elodor rests a Shadow Council hideout that I've just learned about. There, it is said they are using an Orb of Dominion to brainwash prisoners into spies, just like Garona. If you can quickly assault the cave and recover that orb for me, we may just be able to turn it's dark magics to our advantage."
Harry raises his brow at that. Was Khadgar making a mistake here? An Orb of Dominion did not at all sound good… nor did 'turning dark magics to their advantage' ever work out for those who didn't have enough practice with them in Harry's humble experience. He'd dabbled plenty in all sorts of magic both light and dark himself… and he'd seen idiots who thought they could leap into the other side of the magical pond without first dipping in their toes.
Still, it was Khadgar's best plan, and the Archmage was technically in a spot within the Azerothian Invasion Force's hierarchy that Harry couldn't quite place. All he'd been told was that whatever Khadgar needed, he should do his level best to get it for him.
It was a little irritating, seemingly being unrecognized as Jaina's Apprentice even if 'Commander' was technically a step up. But then, he and Khadgar had never fully met before, had they? It mattered not in the end. Harry might not like being the other man's errand boy, but he would do what was asked of him.
"Consider it done."
With that, Harry turns on his heel and steps out of the tower that Khadgar has put up in the small little swamp valley. Just as he's leaving, a modulated female voice calls out to him and he turns to see a Night Elf Warden piping up.
"Watch yourself, champion. The Shadow Council will do it's best to prey on your doubts and weaknesses."
Quirking the corner of his mouth up in a cocky sort of smile, Harry hums.
"Worried for me? And to think, I don't even know your name."
There's a stiffening to the Warden's shoulders, and then they relax slightly as she shakes her head. Whether it's a rueful shake of the head or a rejecting one, Harry can't tell, not with that massive helmet of hers and the high 'collar' of her chest plate. Nor can he tell from her altogether even tone as she answers him all the same.
"My name is Cordana Felsong. Focus on the mission."
And with that she goes back to guarding the entrance of the tower, seeming to dismiss his presence entirely from her mind. Harry inclines his head towards her all the same before heading for the flight master. He thought he knew who she was now… he'd heard about a Warden being assigned to protect Khadgar during this invasion of Draenor as they took the fight to the Iron Horde, he just hadn't actually got to meet her yet.
She seemed like quite the tight ass… he'd love to see about removing that rod up her backdoor and replacing it with something meatier… but as she'd said, it was time to focus on the mission. He could work his way into the Warden's pants later on.
The Orb of Dominion is not difficult for Harry to acquire, even if it is his first solo mission since coming to Draenor. Amusingly enough, there's an actual door guard at the entrance of the cave hideout that tries to turn him away, claiming that he'll find nothing but suffering inside. Harry had let out a laugh before blasting the dark enforcer with fatal magic.
From there, wrecking the shit out of the Shadow Council's hideout was just par for the course. He'd had to deal with several goons that came at him with all sorts of supposedly dangerous fel magic, but truth be told, Harry couldn't have told you how dangerous it really was because not a single one of them ever managed to actually HIT him.
If that were all the Shadow Council had to offer, Harry was less than impressed. Even after reaching the end of the cave and finding an actual ogre using the Orb of Dominion to break down and mind control three Draenei villagers from the city up above, Harry was left altogether disappointed when the ogre, a boastful bloke named Dentarg, had ultimately died just like all the others.
It's not acquiring the Orb that proves difficult, no… it's holding onto it. From the moment Harry is inside the same room as the Orb of Dominion, he knows that it's trying to influence him in some way, he can feel it's pressure on his Occlumency Shields. Unfortunately for it, he is not some villager to be easily broken by an orb's mad whisperings.
After making sure the Draenei prisoners all got home and clearing out the rest of the cave, Harry found himself returning to Zangarra and the Archmage's current accommodations. As he steps back up to the entrance of the tower, Cordana's head snaps to him, or more accurately to the Orb of Dominion in his grasp. He can practically hear the sneer in her voice alongside raw emotion as she stares at the orb.
"I can FEEL the dark energies surrounding you. What IS that thing?!"
Shrugging, Harry inclines his head towards the inside of the tower, ignoring the ramping up pressure of the Orb of Dominion on his shields. It seems to have taken his complete and utter invulnerability to it's mental effects as some sort of challenge. But that's fine by Harry, if it's focused on HIM, then it won't go after anyone else. The last thing they need is for this thing to manage to take over the Warden or the Archmage, after all.
"It's what the Archmage intends to use to break Garona free of her mind control. Shall we?"
Cordana seemed startled by his invitation, but then squares her shoulders and nods sharply. The armored Warden follows him inside of the tower, where Khadgar too senses the darkness before he sees it and whips his head around to look to Harry, eyes lighting up.
"Ah, you've brought it! Then it is time to liberate Garona. I do believe I know what to do… but I'd like you to stay close just in case anything goes wrong."
Harry raises an eyebrow at that, wondering if Khadgar is finally acknowledging his own magical pursuits. So far, he's not even sure if the old Archmage knows who he is beyond the fact that he's the Alliance Commander… but before Harry can response, Cordana pipes up.
"Archmage, that is incredibly dark magic that you're working with."
The smile on Khadgar's face becomes a little fixed, and he looks slightly peeved at being told off. For a magic user as old and experienced as him, Harry can imagine why he might be irritated by being taken to task. After all, Cordana was supposed to be his bodyguard, not his minder… or was Khadgar just realizing that the Warden was clearly sent by her superiors to do BOTH?
"This is exactly what I need to undo Gul'dan hold on Garona. We're using the tools of our enemy against them."
As he rebukes Cordana, he also begins to set up in front of Garona's arcane prison, collecting a few things alongside the Orb of Dominion for whatever he intends to do. It's just the four of them in the room now, Harry, Khadgar, the prisoner, and the Warden. The latter is not quite done making her voice heard however, offering a caustic rejoinder to Khadgar's statement.
"You are using the tools of our enemy!"
Pretending not to have heard her, Khadgar instead calls out to Garona.
"Are you ready to be free, my dear?"
As Harry watches Cordana bristle from being ignored, he also watches Garona shift in her prison, her eyes flashing as her lips curl back in a snarling sneer.
"Haven't you given up yet, mage?"
Something like nostalgia crosses Khadgar's face as a smile grows on his lips. He shakes his head and holds up the Orb of Dominion.
"Not till my dying breath, Garona. I promise you; I will end your torment."
For a brief second, Harry finds himself wondering what lies between Khadgar and his would-be assassin. Why did it sound like Khadgar wasn't just fond of Garona, but outright attached to her? Where did such a deep bond between what should be new enemies come from? He doesn't get an answer however, at least not in the moment, because the next second as Khadgar begins chanting is where everything goes wrong.
"Om na ka om, Fel na om kal."
At the same time he starts his dark chanting, Cordana is shifting in her armor, the grinding of her teeth audible.
"I do not like this…"
And that's when the Orb of Dominion strikes… at Harry. His green eyes widen, and he doesn't even have a moment to respond. The pressure against his Occlumency Shields had never let up, not even when he'd given the orb over to Khadgar for the Archmage to use. But it'd been manageable enough and Harry had trusted in his training to get him through the following ritual until the orb was no longer needed and could be destroyed.
Alas, he wasn't counting on whatever was either inside or controlling the Orb from afar to become absolutely enamored with him. With Khadgar willingly if unknowingly opening himself up to the Orb, it's power grows tenfold with the resources of an Archmage to do it's not-so-subtle fuckery with.
In another timeline in which Harry had never come to Azeroth and the 'champion' who did Khadgar's bidding was not nearly as interesting, the Orb would use this moment to latch onto Cordana Felsong instead, to slowly seep into the Warden's mind and begin twisting and corrupting her into a servant of the Shadow Council. In exchange, Khadgar would be allowed to free Garona from her own mind control… never knowing that in the process he'd created a new slave at the same time.
In this timeline, however, Cordana was passed over entirely in favor of finally breaking through Harry's mental shields, and though he thought he had it all under control, the truth was, he did not. With Khadgar's power supplementing their own, the Orb of Dominion's shadowy masters were finally able to shatter Harry's Occlumency Barriers… much to their detriment.
A scream of agony erupts from Harry's lips that rapidly turns into a roar of something Other, of something Eldritch. The warbling roar draws Khadgar and Cordana's eyes, but far too late for either to do anything about it. The resulting explosion of Old God energy as the attempt at brainwashing Harry completely backfires is enough to throw Khadgar across the room where his head makes contact with the stone wall and a sickening crunch heralds his loss of consciousness.
Meanwhile, Cordana is caught in the blast as well, but not blown back. Instead, the Warden lets out an inhuman shriek of her own, collapsing to her knees, tearing her helm from her head so that she can grip and claw at her skull directly. No mortal, not even a quasi-immortal such as a Night Elf, is meant to withstand direct proximity with an Old God… and in this moment, that's exactly what Harry has become, the human wizard's shields destroyed and the budding eldritch horror he was currently transforming into being unleashed by the hubris of the Orb's shadowy masters.
Garona Halforcen doesn't know what to expect from the pinkskin's inane ritual. Failure seems the most likely result. After all, why would her Masters ever let an Orb of Dominion be used in such a way that they LOST a servant? And true to her expectations, even as the human begins his chanting, she feels a twinge, a tug of sorts as the defenses in her twisted and corrupted mind begin to answer his challenge.
As the Demon within her bellows out, pulsing and growing in power in response to this attempt at 'freeing' her, Garona gasps and falls to her knees in the arcane prison. For the first time in a long time, too long in fact, her mind… her mind is her own. She shudders at that, only to look up and see her Demon coalescing into being before her, wearing her features and carrying with it all of her power, all of her might.
She's as weak as a newborn right now, and once it's done using her strength to kill her would-be savior, it will return to her and she will once again belong to the Shadow Council. She will once again belong to her Master, to Gul'dan.
Resigning herself to that fate, Garona rests in the few moments of respite she has, her eyes fluttering. As such, she misses the next bit just a little, only catching the tail end of the explosion when it buffets into her arcane prison and makes her snap her eyes all the way open.
The pinkskin that had been interrogating her up until this point and was so intent on freeing her from the Shadow Council had been thrown back and knocked out. Meanwhile, her Demon still stood over her… but seemed somewhat confused, or as confused as a black, inky shadow of her form could be as it stared at the scene before it.
The armored female was on her knees and clawing at her head, looking like she was one moment away from taking her eyes from her skull and blinding herself. And the other human male, the one who had retrieved the Orb of Dominion in the first place… was rapidly transforming.
Garona can only watch from within her prison as the human becomes something that is decidedly not human. Something that even Garona recognizes intrinsically as Other and Different. And not just in the way that the humans coming from another world are Other and Different… this is of the Void that surrounds their worlds, the ever-lasting dark vastness that expands between the worlds, filling in all the gaps with pure nothingness.
Except it's not quite as nothing as her Masters would like, isn't it? Garona may not know much, but she knows a little of the Void and it's forces. This, whatever this is… it's they're doing.
Seeming to come to a decision, the Demon that's taken her form and power starts to move forward, drawing daggers of inky blackness and heading with purpose towards the transforming pinkskin. Only, the shadow doesn't make it more than two steps before she's abruptly caught on a sudden impaling tendril of energy coming off of his back.
As he grows bigger and bigger, as his skin turns a darker color and his eyes become smoldering embers… the Orb of Dominion glows and floats up into the air. Ultimately, it settles into the center of his chest. Where before it would have taken up the vast majority of his torso with it's size, his new height and new broadness make it look small in comparison.
He now towers over her Demon, nearing the size of an Ogre but without the rolls of fat and rotund belly. He's as chiseled and built as the most muscular orc, and bigger than any one of them too. He's massive, and his hands now end in claws, as do his feet. But more than that are the other… additions. The first tendril of Void energy coming off of his back is joined by a second, and then a third and fourth and fifth until Garona loses count.
They spread forward and her Demon Shadow is lifted up into the air. Garona can only watch in blank bemusement as it seems like… like the shadowy figure adopting her form is being raped by the tentacles, the energy pulsing into her Demon from all sides, filling it's would-be orifices and holding its arms and legs.
It fights at first, but not for long. Eventually, it goes limp, broken as it is. Garona can only observe, trapped in her arcane prison and weak as she still is. But at the same time, she imagines that the arcane prison is the only reason she's still sane, the only reason she's not clawing at her face like the armored female over there.
"Do Stop Hurting Yourself, Pet. I Have Use For You Yet."
Even through the arcane prison shielding her, Garona feels each of those words impact on her skull as the Eldritch Creature speaks. The impact is lessened however by the fact that the words are not meant for her. Instead, they are very clearly meant for the armored one with her long ears and her glowing eyes. With tears streaking down her face, she stops clawing at her skull, stops rending her own flesh and stares up at him with hope in those glowing eyes.
Yes, Cordana Felsong. Long Have I Waited. I Will Be Satiated."
"O-Of course! A-Anything, please just make the pain s-stop!"
The female is already broken, she just doesn't know it yet. Garona would be disgusted, but who is she to judge? Still, she can't help but stiffen when he turns his gaze away from this 'Cordana' and towards her instead. Her Demon hangs limp in the grip of his tentacles, which still seem to be doing quite… crass things to it.
"As for you… I believe I have something of yours."
Garona's eyes widen and she opens her mouth to beg otherwise, but then he snaps his fingers and easily dispels the Arcane Prison, and she can't speak. For a brief moment, without the protection of her prison, she's assaulted wholesale by the nascent Old God right in front of her. The Void's Champion, she realizes, only to begin crying tears of blood a moment later as that realization degrades her health and outright starts to kill her.
But the pain and agony last only a moment before he slams her Demon back into her. Except it's not HER Demon… or rather, it's not the Shadow Council's creature, not anymore. Twisted and corrupted right before her eyes into something that could and would only serve HIM, Garona finds herself trading one Master for another as a shuddering moan of orgasmic ecstasy escapes her lips.
As the Eldritch Demon slips into her form, she finds herself standing up, not of her own will. The loss of complete control over her body is appalling, though she can't decide if it's better or worse then what she had under Gul'dan and his Shadow Council. She had had a shadow of control with them. A faux sense of self that had left her serving them as their slave, but also able to make some decisions, take some actions of her own.
Now though, she is trapped in her own mind, watching and even feeling what's happening around and to her as her much-changed, Old God-corrupted demon moans with her lips and feels up her body, the both of them shivering together in a terrifying moment of synchronicity. Never has she been so fully controlled by the Demon within her, nor has she ever felt so close to it before. Garona hates and loves it in equal measure, unsure of how to feel about any of this beyond horror and fear.
"Assist Her."
He doesn't need to say anything else; the twisted thing piloting Garona's body seems to understand instinctively. But even if it didn't, Garona is able to pick up on what he wants through the context clues alone, especially when he accompanies his words by sweeping his hand towards a fumbling Cordana, who is currently doing her level best to strip herself of that bulky looking full-body armor she's wearing.
Moving to her side, Garona assists her, though it's more like she watches her Demon assist the other female. Soon enough, the alien creature (a Night Elf, something in the back of her mind helpfully provides) is completely bared, her strange light-purple skin on display as their Master steps forward and lays out a truly massive phallus, throbbing and twitching and almost swaying with a serpentine life of its own, across Cordana's face.
"Appease Me."
The still sobbing Night Elf wastes no time in doing exactly that, while Garona finds herself helping out. Kneeling before him, this 'Cordana Felsong' begins working her tongue up and down his shaft, kissing it and moaning all over it as she suckles at his cock flesh. The possibility of her managing to take such a massive thing past her lips seems vanishingly small, but that doesn't stop her from doing it all the same, and with Garona's help at that.
As Cordana's mouth stretches unnaturally wide just to take the tip of their Master's huge throbbing phallus past her lips, Garona is there to 'assist' her by taking hold of her white hair, done up in a high-top ponytail, and forcing her further down his length. With Garona's help, Cordana is soon taking over half of his cock down her throat, her neck bulging from the sheer size of his massive dong, completely proportional to his new equally massive body.
"Gluuuuuughk! Gaaaaaaggghk! Huuuullllghkk!"
It quickly becomes apparent as Cordana eagerly struggles to impale her throat on their Master's phallus that she's already being physically twisted and changed. It starts from the inside obviously, with Cordana eventually suctioning down her lips around the base of his dick, taking his entire length down her esophagus in a move that should have had her heart and several other critical organs bursting out of her chest as her rib cage was exploded from the sheer size of his dick.
Instead, she takes it with only some passing difficulty, gagging and gurgling and choking but nothing more than that. The internal changes to make her into the perfect sheathe for his cock were readily apparent to Garona… and prepared her for when the outward changes began as well.
Those very same lips pressed to the crotch of their transformed Eldritch Horror of a Master grow fat and pillowy. Meanwhile, her tits begin to expand as well, and her entire body goes from that of a lithe and toned warrior woman of many years to… well, to that of a pleasure slave. Garona has some experience with such things. Her own body is just as lithe and toned, and though she has been used by her former Masters on the Shadow Council for pleasure before, it is not her primary purpose like some of the other slaves.
The difference between fel corruption and void corruption is apparent however as Cordana's eyes shimmer with a cosmic purple glow, her pillowy lips working over his cock and her new massive rack being brought up by her hands to wrap around his dick as she draws back along his length as well. The Night Elf is all too eager to use her body to please him and appease him, likely to avoid the pain and agony his mere presence had been visiting upon her before.
Her eagerness and enthusiasm to entertain and satisfy has a frankly frantic edge to it, making it abundantly clear that she's driven on by her own selfish desires in making him happy so that he does not shatter her wholesale. Garona pities the Night Elf, even as she feels her twisted and corrupted Demon enjoying the visage quite a lot. One of her hands dips down between her lithe yet muscular thighs and she fingers herself with it as her other hand helps to drive Cordana up and down his dick, gurgling and gagging all the while.
Finally, he cums. Garona ends up splattered with some of the tainted seed, but the vast majority goes down the Night Elf's throat or across her body, only to be absorbed a moment later, twisting her further, transforming her even more into a love-slave caricature of her former self. With widened hips and a truly massive ass, with an utterly gigantic rack and pillowy lips, Cordana kneels there panting as their Master finally slides his cock out of her mouth.
"H-Have I pleased you? D-Did I do well?"
"… Tis A Start."
And then he takes her ponytail from Garona's hand, encircling it with a massive, clawed grip and pulls Cordana not just to her feet, but off the ground entirely. His cock, still almost serpentine in movement, becomes ramrod straight as he sits her down on the length of it. So thick and wide is he, that she can easily straddle his dick and even hold onto it for balance.
But then, right above that flesh and blood Eldritch member comes something else. Much like the Void Tentacles pouring out of his back, this new thing is also of the Void and mostly made up of energy. But as it coalesces and hardens, it is clearly no tentacle… instead, it's another cock, one that flops down atop Cordana's abdomen as she leans back, pinning her between the two members and leaving her panting heavily.
"Y-You're going to ruin me, Master. You're going to break me with those things."
"Let Us See."
Cordana moans, the closest to a protest that the Night Elf seems to be capable of managing. Before he even gets around to fucking her, she already seems like a broken husk of her former self. When he grabs her around the waist, easily encircling it with one hand and lifts her up so that his two cocks can press against both her cunt and her back door at the same time… well, Garona fears she's about to witness a terrible murder.
She need not have fret though. It quickly becomes apparent that all of the foreplay up to this point served the additional purpose of preparing Cordana for her Master's attention. As his cocks find purchase in her holes and begin to push, Garona can only watch, helpless and not even in control of her own body, as Cordana's eyes go wider and wider while her holes do the same. Her cunt and ass stretch and stretch in order to take the Master's massive members.
By the time he has both stuffed inside of her, Cordana looks undeniably grotesque but also unquestionably still alive. It's insane, it's horrifying… but it's also somewhat arousing. It takes Garona a moment to realize that thought is from her corrupted Demon rather than herself. The shadow put over her mind by Gul'dan and now co-opted by a nascent Old God is pleased to watch it's Master wreck one of his servants in this way.
Cordana seems to be enjoying herself too, if the pleasured blubbering and incomprehensible noises coming from her pillowy fat lips are any indication. The corrupted Night Elf can only squeal and scream and cream herself as she's slid up and down his cocks, and eventually she can't even do that much. Her eyes ultimately roll up in her head, her tongue lolls out of her mouth, and she loses all semblance of being for a long moment… but only for a long moment.
When Cordana Felsong comes back to herself a few seconds later… it's not truly her anymore, at least by Garona's humble estimation. Turned into a gibbering wreck of a cocksleeve, it sounds like she's muttering the old language, her mind as twisted as her body at this point as she's used and abused by their Master.
With one hand, he slides her up and down his twin cocks, using her orifices as his own personal toys. His other hand comes up and plays with her tits, and all the while Garona's body moves against her will, touching itself, preparing itself for him. She knows she's next in the same way that she somehow knows Cordana is a Night Elf, in the same way she knows that this is all of the Void and there's no escaping any of it.
The Orb of Dominion buried in their Master's chest glows brighter still with power, seeming to be struggling to contain all that it's current wielder is. It's purpose has been perverted, amusingly enough, as a creation of immense dark magic has met even darker magic and become it's bitch… HIS bitch.
With a triumphant echoing roar that doesn't just hit her ears but also seems to resonate in her mind and through her very soul, the Eldritch Horror in front of Garona cums again, this time filling Cordana's lower orifices with his seed. Squealing like the wrecked bitch she's become, the Night Elf Warden spasms before going limp, her legs and arms kicking and failing briefly before she just collapses into unconsciousness.
Dropping her to the ground, He turns to face Garona and she knows that it's the end of the line. That doesn't stop her from railing against her demon more out of fear then determination or pride. She tries in desperate terror to break free and make some attempt at escape… but there's no hope. Her twisted and corrupted Demon within her reacts with amusement at her feeble attempts more than anything else, and before she can try again, HE is upon them, reaching down and grabbing her by the waist just as he did Cordana.
Lifting her into the air, he lets loose a rumbling purr of sorts.
"My Pet. My Servant. You Will Be Useful."
And then, with his claws and a couple of extra toothy mouths along his arms that Garona did NOT see before, he begins to slice and rip and bite her leather armor off of her. Her body doesn't resist so much as it writhes in wanton anticipation, moans leaving her lips that come from her Demon more than Garona herself. Or so she forces herself to believe, even as she feels everything that he's doing to her body, even as she finds herself almost wishing she could touch herself in this moment.
He exposes her figure, and the changes begin without him needing to shove his cock halfway down her gullet. Garona can feel it now that it's being done to her instead of just in front of her. She can feel her body shifting and changing both internally and outwardly. Her lips plump up and her breasts expand, and her holes become so very much more elastic as she becomes his ideal companion, his perfect little fuck toy much like Cordana did.
She doesn't want this, she never wanted it. But then, Garona had never wanted to serve Gul'dan and his Shadow Council either. Unfortunately, she was coming down on the side of this being decidedly worse then that. At least under the control of the Shadow Council she had had some… illusion of self. This, right here and now… she is trapped within her body while a nascent Old God, the Void's newest Champion, looms over her, holding her aloft.
There is nothing she can do to fight, and she wants to fight with every fiber of her being. She wants nothing more than to strike at him with her daggers in one last show of defiance before she is consumed… but she is not allowed even that.
Chuckling darkly, a vocalization that once again goes beyond just that and reverberates through both her mind and soul, his lips curl into a wicked grin as he stares down at her with blazing eyes.
"A Fighter. More Than One Would Expect Of A Slave. Entertaining."
He finishes transforming her body… and proceeds to split her holes on his cocks, filling her with both. It's in that moment as he begins to penetrate her that Garona is shown the truth. She'd thought her Demon was somehow blocking her off from being able to sense of mind-rending presence in it's entirety, and that was thus keeping Garona herself from being corrupted and broken in the same was Cordana was.
This was… not quite true. Her Demon, twisted and corrupted by the Old God now filling her with his twin cocks, hadn't been blocking anything… it had been filtering it, altering it in a way that she had not understood until precisely this moment as she was beginning her final transformation into her Master's next toy.
Like an explosion of light going off right in her face, Garona both sees and is blinded by the reality of her situation. This is it. This is where she belongs. This is… this is the end, but also the beginning. She will serve and she will do so happily and willingly, more happily and willingly then she ever did for the Shadow Council. But at the same time, it will be because she will not be herself any longer, it will be because she is a new Garona Halforcen entirely.
And maybe that's not a bad thing. Maybe that's precisely what is needed. A new start, a fresh perspective. Her Master was molding her and shaping her, and it was honestly hard to focus on the pleasure he was visiting upon her at the same time.
But it WAS there. He was fucking her in both orifices and as much as it should hurt, it did not. As much as he should be tearing her apart with the sheer size of his cocks, with the sheer length of his members, he was not. Instead, her corrupted body was taking him deeply and making allowances where need be, her organs shifting themselves this way and that to make room, her womb being stretched halfway up the length of her figure all the way to her heart as he fucks right past her cervix.
Garona's eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth as her new Master leans forward and nips at the tip of it before kissing her heatedly, his own tongue going halfway down her throat. In that moment, Garona trades one life for a new one, she trades one Dark Master for another that's far, far more sinister.
The Orb of Dominion glows all the brighter in his chest, perverted by the power of the Old Gods, perverted by the power of the Void. Not even Fel Magic is immune to corruption from the most corruptive force in the known universe and the Void made clear work of that in turning the shadowy magic of the Orb of Dominion towards it's own purposes. First, it shaped Cordana Felsong to Harry's subconscious desires. Now, it does the same to Garona.
However, there is a simple truth… the Orb of Dominion was not made to contain an Old God's power, it was not made to be used in this way. Eventually, well after Garona and Cordana have already been fully corrupted by the Void, the strain on the Orb becomes too much.
Just as her Master drops Garona to the ground, satiated and having filled her holes with his seed, she watches through heavily lidded eyes as the orb in her Master's chest… explodes. It does not harm any of them of course, the shards of the Orb of Dominion burning up from the sheer amount of power unleashed in an instant.
But all across Draenor, the Shadow Council feels the destruction of this particular Orb of Dominion most keenly. It's annihilation causes a wave of feedback across the entire network of orbs and those that have used them and been used by them. Other would-be spies of the Shadow Council are brought to their knees by the sudden tendril of Void energy spiking through their minds. In some cases, some are freed of the mind control albeit with no memory of what happened. In others, they claw their eyes out and die frothing at the mouth in madness and agony.
The Shadow Council themselves, the ones who have used the Orbs on others, are not spared of this. Out of all of them, only Gul'dan and Cho'gall are able to truly weather the madness completely unscathed. Except, Cho'gall hears the whispers of the Old Gods and begins to turn just a little earlier unbeknownst to his Fel-driven Master.
Meanwhile, Garona collapses back, falling unconscious before she can watch her Master transform back into the diminutive human he was before. Not that it will matter. She knows who she belongs to now, no matter what form he takes. This was but a preview of what was to come. He would one day truly be ascendant… and she would do everything in her power to make that a reality.
Luckily, Harry wakes up before Khadgar. He'd been having the strangest out of body experience, something he'd assumed was a dream… only, as he sits up and stares at what he's wrought in the Archmage's chamber, he knows it was not a dream. The nightmare that he'd experienced first-hand… it'd been real, hadn't it? This was his new reality.
His Occlumency Shields are back in place at least, and the Orb of Dominion is gone, destroyed. But the consequences of Khadgar's ritual and the Shadow Council's incessant attempt at peeling back the layers of Harry's mind were readily apparent right before his eyes. Garona and Cordana's physical twisting and corruption was incredibly apparent.
He was lucky it hadn't gone beyond bimbofication, he supposed. Even as he stands up and watches Cordana and Garona awaken and immediately crawl to one another, he sees a way to salvage all of this. Casting a quick sleeping spell at Khadgar to make sure the older Archmage STAYS unconscious until Harry decides otherwise, he can only grimace as he watches the two bimbofied mind-broken females he's just enslaved clean themselves of his cum by eating it off of each other.
It gives him a little time to think, so he allows them to take care of that part of the clean-up, even as he uses his magic to hide and fix the effects of his transformation. It turns out, becoming some sort of nine to ten foot tall Eldritch Horror with claws and energy tentacles was hell on an inner chamber of an Archmage's Tower like Khadgar's.
And so, Harry fixes up the floor and ceiling to hide the claw marks and what not. He also fixes up the room itself and cleans it of the fluids that are not currently being cleaned off by Garona and Cordana's tongues.
Eventually though, he's forced to acknowledge the elephant in the room… the two women themselves. There's no denying that they're servants of… of that other version of him now. Judging by the way they stare at him hungrily and in awe, that servility and adoration extends to him as well. They will follow his lead, which is good.
Because really… Harry has no idea what's happening with him. Alright, so he has SOME ideas… but he has no idea how to stop it. And more than that, he has no desire to become the next threat that everyone on Azeroth, likely with Khadgar leading the charge, decides needs to be put down. He… he might not fully comprehend the depths of what he was transforming into, but he still had the best interests of all of the people back on Azeroth that he'd come to care for at heart.
With that in mind, Harry knows he can't let Khadgar find out what truly happened today. And so, as he helps Cordana and Garona get re-dressed and fixes up their respective attire (what with his other self completely destroying Garona's leather armor) Harry explains to his two new servants exactly what they're going to do and how they're going to act. He's relieved to see them agree without a single moment of questioning him, but also just a tad horrified at what he's clearly done to both of them.
Regardless, eventually everything is mostly back to how it should be, with of course some remnants of a much smaller explosion littering the room so that Khadgar didn't get TOO suspicious. However, while Cordana's new body could be mostly hidden by her Warden's Armor, Garona's new figure was not so easy to hide with nothing but leather armor.
As Harry goes to wake Khadgar up, he can only hope the Archmage will chalk up the female half and half's new looks to the unstable effects of the orb and be happy that she was ostensibly 'freed' of the Shadow Council's control. Freed of their control and put under Harry's… but Khadgar didn't need to know that.
After all, they were all on the same side here, weren't they?
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