
Archmage Modera

There was something off about all of this. One did not get to become an Archmage by being a fool. Modera, Archmage of the Kirin Tor and member of the Council of Six could tell that there were things afoot, both in Dalaran and out here that she was not privy to. If nothing else, she could tell that by the circumstances that had led to her coming along on this expedition.

To be fair, the Isle of Thunder was a very real and very present danger. And given that the Kirin Tor were all but aligning themselves with the Alliance now, it made sense, exactly what Jaina wanted them to do. With the Sunreaver's betrayal handled and the organization itself chastised but still a part of Dalaran, it was partially up to them to prove their true loyalty lay with the people who had given them a home, rather than anything else.

So, in the face of the Isle of Thunder reawakening and the possibility of the Thunder King rising from his tomb to wreak havoc on the entire world, Modera was in full support of Jaina's decision to muster a force comprised of both Sunreavers and Silver Covenant and even Kirin Tor mages that would shut the Thunder King down and take the Isle of Thunder under the protection of Dalaran, so tyrants like Garrosh would not have room to wiggle their way in and find more weapons of mass destruction to utilize on the good people of Azeroth.

To that end, Modera had also agreed with Jaina's decision to send Vereesa and the Sunreaver Elsia to Silvermoon in order to help muster up more of the limited elven race for this joint endeavor. Being on the Council of Six, Modera was made privy to much of Jaina's efforts to keep the peace in Dalaran, and she approved of how even-tempered the young Archmage was proving to be, despite the loss of Theramore, despite the loss of Rhonin. It was… good for the heart, seeing Jaina working through her grief in a productive manner that didn't see collateral damage at every turn.

Still, that was about where Modera's ease with the situation ended. First of all, it was clear that for whatever reason, Vereesa Windrunner, Ranger-General of the Silver Covenant, no longer had Jaina's confidence. While Jaina hadn't gone into any details on WHY she was given the orders she was given, that didn't stop Modera from speculating.

She'd been sent to watch over Vereesa and make sure that the High Elf was still on task, whatever that meant. Honestly, Modera hadn't been sure what to think of that. Setting aside the difference in ages between elves and humans and the fact that Vereesa was hundreds of years Modera's senior, there was also the fact that the High Elf was Ranger-General, and very much the Archmage's peer in every way.

Honestly, the Council of Six member had been worried about how Vereesa would react to her arrival and her stated mission, and she'd spent much of her travel to Silvermoon formulating exactly how she was going to break it to the High Elf. Only, when she finally arrived in the elven capital, it was to discover Vereesa had apparently already gone ahead to take care of things on the Isle of Thunder, whatever that meant.

In her place, she'd left Elsia to form up a Sunreaver Onslaught of sorts while she gallivanted about, doing Light knows what. Modera had still been welcomed with open arms, and even invited by a rather surprising group of Horde leaders to join them aboard the Crimson Treader as it set sail for Pandaria and more specifically, the Isle of Thunder. While she could have declined and probably made the journey a lot faster via the magic of arcane portals, as well as stopping off in Dalaran to alert Jaina to this change… in the end, Modera hadn't wanted to be rude.

It was really as simple as that. She'd felt like rejecting their offer would be impolite. Plus, part of her really did want to know how exactly Sylvanas Windrunner was involved in all of this. The Banshee Queen had explained that she was simply assisting her former people with this task, but still… what was the leader of the Forsaken doing so far from her seat of power? And why were an undead and a being of the Light such as Lady Liadrin so damn chummy?

Not that Modera expected the two of them to be at each other's throats or anything, given they were definitely more on the same side as one another than as with her, but still, the way they interacted was… strange, to say the least. And now here she was, making her way to the Captain's Private Dining Room for yet another meal with the gaggle of elven women in charge of this side of the expedition. Until she could get to the Isle of Thunder and meet up with Vereesa to find out just what the hell the High Elf was thinking, she would watch and try to suss out what was going on here, onboard this ship.

Stepping through the door and entering the cabin dining room, Modera smiles as eyes turn towards her, bowing her head slightly.

"Your Majesty, Lady Liadrin, Scout-Captain."

She receives nods in return, as well as secretive smiles as she takes her seat at the table with them. Lady Liadrin leans forward within moments of Modera settling in.

"You're in for a treat tonight, Archmage. Harry's come aboard to help Uda with our meals for the rest of the voyage."

Something glitters in the smiling Blood Knight Matriarch's eyes at that, but Modera is too taken aback by what's been said to notice.

"Harry? As in… Jaina's Apprentice Harry? What… why is he here now? When did he come aboard?"

Sylvanas steps into field that one, the Banshee Queen lounging back in her seat, practically presenting herself given her normal outfit did nothing to cover up a majority of her light-blue, blemish free skin.

"Perhaps Lady Proudmoore has sent him to join us, hm? Perhaps he thought his presence here would be more of a boon than his presence elsewhere. It matters not. What matters is that even I find myself to be a fan of his cooking. Tonight, I will in fact dine with you all."

That gets a wide-eyed look from Modera. The Banshee Queen is undead. From what the Archmage knew, the undead were left without a sense of taste. There was an innate desire to gorge themselves on humanoid flesh in a disgusting display of cannibalism, but Modera had only heard stories of the Forsaken emulating their more feral brothers in the Scourge in that way. She'd never seen it.

What sort of dish could Jaina's Apprentice possibly prepare that would have Sylvanas, by all accounts a banshee inhabiting her own perfectly preserved corpse, practically salivating over it? No doubt sensing Modera's confusion, the Scout-Captain who's taken command of the Sunreaver Onslaught reaches out and places a hand on Modera's arm, smiling at her just as wickedly as the other elves at the table.

"Just be patient, Archmage. You'll see soon enough."

As if prophetic, her words are followed by the door at the far end of the dining room cabin opening up, and a familiar face walking in. Even Modera smiles with the rest of them as Uda the Beast brings out their warm, freshly cooked meals. The former Innkeeper was taking a small sabbatical in order to assist them on their journey and having had a few of Uda's meals over the years back in Dalaran, Modera wasn't at all displeased about this.

On top of that, the cooking had been superb along their nautical journey so far as well. Of course, Uda is walking a little strangely today… and she's carrying not one, but two platters this time around. They both come down gently on the table, one carrying their meals and the other holding four goblets filled to the brim with a strange white fluid. The scent fills the room, and Modera blinks as her nostrils flare in… anticipation?

Just what is that stuff? It seems to be what the elves have been waiting for, if nothing else. They allow Uda to place their meals in front of them, sans Sylvanas, but as soon as she then slides their goblet towards them as well, they snatch that up, losing all sense of propriety as they gulp down at least half of the liquid within right on the spot. Even Sylvanas does this, though given the Banshee Queen has nothing else in front of her… STILL, what the hell is going on here.

Modera is a lot more… hesitant, as Uda places her food and her own drink in front of her.

"Um… Uda, what is this?"

She gestures at the goblet, furrowing her brow. All eyes turn to her in that moment, even as Uda gives a small smile in return, the orc more… flushed or flustered than she's ever seen her before. Modera isn't very good with orcish expressions though, so she could be wrong.

"It is a specialty, Archmage. Go ahead and try it."

"Oh yes, you HAVE to try it."

"It's delicious, Archmage Modera. Go on, just a sip and I swear you'll love it."

"Would we all be drinking it if it was not worthy of us?"

Blinking at the abrupt onslaught as every woman in the room besides her makes their opinion known, Modera slowly reaches out and takes the goblet in her hand. She finds, to her surprise, that its quite warm, whatever it is that's in there. Swallowing the nervous lump in her throat and endeavoring not to let her unease show on her face, the Archmage lifts the goblet to her lips and then takes a sip.

… And then she takes another, and another, and its only after a moment that Modera is able to drag herself away from the goblet as she starts to gulp at its contents. Its not just good, its EXQUISITE. Her eyes are wide as she stares at the half-filled drink. There was… that was…

"Its… Arcane-Infused?"

The elves around the table all grin as they exchange glances.

"Yes, you could say that. Harry makes it. I suppose only a mage like him would be able to."

That gets a blink from Modera, and she regards the drink, as well as the way everyone else seems to be so flustered and dazed after already draining their cups in new light. While conjuring food was a common cantrip among mages, and also the way many in the Kirin Tor kept themselves in good health during particularly long research nights, she'd not really come across arcane magic being used to enhance actual food before.

This drink… it was intoxicating to say the least. Which was exactly why Modera put it down on the table with half its contents still in the goblet, offering Uda a slight smile as she shakes her head.

"Ah… not for me, thank you. Can I just have water instead?"

There are general disappointed noises from around the table at that, but Modera stands firm and is eventually given her water, at which point Uda the Beast walks back into her kitchen, her stride still seeming a little awkward to Modera's gaze, while the rest of them get to work on devouring their meals. As much as it might have helped her fit in with the gaggle of elven women, what they didn't know was Modera's past issues with addiction.

Put bluntly, she had at one point become an alcoholic. Many people were, to be fair. You couldn't experience the dangers of this world without finding something to take the edge off. But Modera… Modera wasn't a functioning alcoholic. When she got enough liquor in her, she was prone to do… well, just about anything. Inhibition-Free, they'd called it. That was the kind of woman she became when she had too much alcohol in her system.

The drink that Apprentice Potter had prepared reminded her of that, as did the reactions that the elves at the table were having to the liquid. Even Sylvanas Windrunner, an undead who shouldn't have even been able to enjoy such a thing, was acting as if it was the best drink in the world. Hell, if Modera didn't know any better, she'd say there was color to the Banshee Queen's flesh that hadn't really been there before, as well as a steady rise and fall of Sylvanas' chest.

That had to be Modera's mind playing tricks on her though. Either way, she couldn't allow herself to indulge in the drink that Harry had made. Besides being mana-infused, it also had to be alcoholic in nature, and that way led ruin for the Archmage. She was too strong-willed to go down that path. Though… as she watches Uda bring out another round of the drink to the elven women at the table with her, Modera begins to wonder if she might have to step in here.

She doesn't like her chances of confronting the three women about their own possible addictions though. Even trying to talk to one of them alone would be a daunting task. Perhaps… perhaps she'd be better off going to Harry directly instead? Mm, perhaps tomorrow. The food is good as usual, and by the time they're all done dining together, Modera is ready to turn in for the night, quite relaxed and eager to sleep off this hefty dinner.

Of course, after making her goodbyes to the rest of the table and slipping away to her quarters, the Archmage finds sleep eluding her, as strange noises come through the wall of her cabin all night long. She's not quite sure what she's hearing. Shrieks, moans? Its odd, to say the least… and it keeps Modera up until finally exhaustion overtakes her and she finally falls asleep.

Even in her dreams though, the Archmage can't escape things. And as she sleeps, her unconscious mind recognizes the noises for what they are, where her conscious mind could not. Slowly… her hands creep down to between her legs as she lets out some moans of her own while slumbering the night away.


The next day, Modera's mind is made up. Especially after the Archmage wakes up to find she's soaked through her bedding like some… some kind of child. Keeping that a secret just seems like the best route to take, even as she ultimately decides she needs to meet with Jaina's Apprentice and have a long talk with him about enticing elves with mana-infused fluids.

Of course, the first issue Archmage Modera runs into is FINDING the damnable man. He's not up on the deck, nor does he seem to have a set of quarters on the ship yet. In the end, Modera has to go to Elsia to ask her for assistance.

"Scout Captain, I am trying to track down Apprentice Potter, but he seems to be in the wind. Is he still on board?"

Turning towards her, the Blood Elf blinks. Then, that secretive smile from the night before comes back as she cocks an eyebrow up into the air.

"Yes, last I heard, he was traveling with us all the way to the Isle of Thunder. What was it you needed to talk to him about, Archmage?"

Straightening up a little, Modera considers how to best answer that question for all of half a second, before ultimately falling back on the usual response.

"Unfortunately, that's private council business that I cannot discuss with anyone. I do apologize for the secrecy, but it IS necessary."

Rather than get upset, Elsia's smile widens further, if anything. Then, she does something that Modera has never seen the composed, poised Blood Elf do before. She snorts derisively, and then actively begins to giggle. For a moment, Modera just stares at the Scout Captain, wondering if the poor elf has been so overworked by Vereesa's departure that she's lost her marbles.

But before Modera can truly begin to worry, Elsia recovers enough to catch her breath and nod her head.

"O-Of course… secret council business… s-sure. Um, well, have you checked the kitchens?"

Blinking at that, Modera furrows her brow.

"The kitchens?"

Now its Elsia's turn to look at the Archmage as if she's stupid.

"Harry is probably in the kitchens, helping Uda prepare lunch for all of us. Where else would he be?"

Modera's mouth opens… and then closes. She repeats this a few more times, even as she realizes that Elsia is right. It just… it seemed so strange, to her. This idea that Harry would be in the kitchens at all, that an Apprentice to the most powerful Archmage in the Kirin Tor would spend his time cooking… how could she not find that odd.

"I… I have not checked there yet. I will do so now."

Bowing her head slightly, Modera moves to take her leave of the Scout Captain. Behind her, Elsia giggles again and waves her hand after the Archmage.

"Have fun~"

The tone of the elven woman's voice is an odd one to Modera, but she puts it out of her mind as she makes her way through the Crimson Treader's underbelly, heading for the kitchen that sits off of the Captain's private dining cabin. Pushing open the door, Modera begins to speak before she even registers what she's looking at, only to be silenced by both the noises coming from within the room and her eyes finally processing the sight before them.

"Apprentice Potter, I need to have a talk with you abo-!"

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Modera cuts herself off as she stares, open-mouthed, at what's happening in the kitchen. Harry is there, oh yes. So is Uda the Beast. But neither of them are cooking right now, not one bit. No, instead, the two are engaged in a very different kind of spit-roast. It takes Modera's mind a moment to catch up and recognize just who the blood elf is between them.

Girana the Blooded was a Sunreaver, a capable battle-mage in her own right. However, right now… she was being used as nothing more than a pair of holes by those who had her in bondage. Because she was very much in bondage, her slender limbs bound over her head, her wrists and ankles stretching back and tied together by a rope that's hooked into the ceiling of the kitchen. The rest of her body, naked as it is, is on full display, her slender breasts and her taut stomach and her long, pale legs all trembling and shaking and swinging back and forth as Harry and Uda have their way with her.

Jaina's Apprentice is standing up, his cock pistoning in and out of Girana's throat at a rapid rate of force. At the same time, laying eyes upon that shockingly large phallus, Modera realizes that the Blood Elf might not be doing all of this by choice, as there's a gag in her mouth that spreads her jaw wide, while also providing an opening large enough for Harry's dick.

Meanwhile, Uda is on her knees behind the trussed-up Blood Elf, her large orcish hands gripping at Girana's inner thighs and spreading them far apart as she dives into the Blood Elf's cunt with her tongue, causing all sorts of interesting sounds to erupt from Girana's cock-stuffed mouth. Speaking of said cock-stuffed mouth…

Modera's eyes go wide as Harry suddenly pulls out of Girana's throat and points his length down into a very familiar goblet. His seed erupts from him a moment later, and he fills that goblet, as well as two more before finishing. The steaming white liquid… its exactly like what she and the others drank the night before. How had… how had she drank a man's cum without even knowing it?

Surely Harry added something else to the drinks to make it taste s-so good, right? To be fair, Modera didn't have much experience with tasting male ejaculate before now, but the few times she'd experimented with fellatio back when she was younger, an apprentice in magic… she'd despised the taste, it had always been bitter and all in all disgusting.

But what she'd had last night… she'd had to force herself to stop drinking it for fear of falling prey to the strange substance. Where… where was the alcohol? Where was the liquor? Surely the drinks weren't done yet. But Harry adds nothing more to the brim-filled goblets, instead he turns back to Girana, and prepares to place his cock back in her groaning, exhausted throat again.

Its while he's turning that he finally pans his gaze wide enough to see her, stopping dead in his tracks, his length partially lodged in the poor Blood Elf's mouth already. Its clear to Modera that her initial words went unheard because of the loud choking noises Girana was making, as well as the slurping of Uda's tongue and the smacking of Harry's balls against the Blood Elf's saliva-covered chin.

Slowly, Harry's surprised expression morphs into one of wicked delight.

"Archmage Modera. What a surprise. What a… delicious surprise."

A shiver runs down her spine, and Modera has to push down both fear and… d-desire as she firms up her resolve and steps forward, stomping down hard on her burgeoning feelings of arousal and lust in the face of this sheer debauchery. Clenching her jaw tightly, the Archmage lifts a hand and points in Harry's direction.

"Apprentice Potter. You will release Girana this instant. And we will have words about just what you think you're doing on this ship."

Harry's brow lifts at that, and his smile widens further still.

"Is that so, Modera? Is that so?"


The private dining room where the leaders of this expedition took their nightly meals is certainly more raucous than ever before as Modera finds herself the centerpiece of the dining table for the night, along with poor Girana. The Archmage couldn't even truly say how she got there, only that it had happened far too fast, Harry's magic overwhelming hers before she could even cast a single spell.

Now here she was, hogtied together with Girana and gagged with the same sort of contraption that spread the Blood Elf's jaw wide open while leaving a nice empty space where someone could slide right into her mouth. Stripped naked and unable to free herself from her bindings, Modera hasn't felt so helpless in a VERY long time.

Whatever Harry was using to tie her up, it negated her magic. Or perhaps there was something else in the room that was doing the negating. Either way, only Harry's magic worked within the dining room, as he'd demonstrated quite readily while preparing them all. The others are there too of course, each of them magically bound to their chairs as conjured vibrating sex toys saw in and out of both of their holes.

Only… neither the Banshee Queen, Lady Liadrin, the Scout Captain, nor Uda the Beast are all that resistant to what's being done to them. Not in the same way Modera is, not in the way Girana was, before she had her fight slowly fucked out of her. Staring up into the Blood Elf's eyes, Modera is rather horrified to find nothing but a resigned gaze looking back down at her, the other woman clearly having given up at this point and just waiting for the next round to start.

Only Modera was actively trying to fight back at this point, only she was gnashing her teeth and struggling in her bondage. The others had all happily allowed Harry to put them in their current places, they'd submitted to his authority without so much as blinking an eye. It was worse than Modera thought, and the Archmage couldn't help but wonder how much Jaina knew about her apprentice's transgressions. Perhaps the Leader of the Kirin Tor had suspicions and that was why she'd sent Modera in the first place.

Had Harry done something to Vereesa as well? Just how DEEP did this all run? And how the hell was Modera going to get out of this? Oh, fuck that was his cock! The Archmage tries in vain to bite back a moan as she feels a positively massive phallus rub along her cunt as well as Girana's. Tied up and placed on the table as they both are, their naked bodies are pressed up against one another, Modera's larger, human chest smooshed beneath Girana's slender elven breasts as well as the rest of the Blood Elf's weight.

She doesn't want to admit that it feels good, that all of the preparation feels good. She won't admit it, so long as she has a choice. But with the gag in her mouth, she can't quite clamp down on her moans as Harry continues to cause her treacherous body to react to his touch, his cockhead brushing against her clit in a way that has her nude form trembling with anticipation that Modera DOESN'T want to be feeling.

It doesn't help that the room is filled with the sounds of ecstasy. It's clear that the others are having the time of their lives, moaning wantonly, their own mouths not gagged, allowing them to say whatever they like. The fact that none call for help, and in fact egg Harry on instead is just another strike against them.

"Fuck them, Harry. Fuck them both…"

"Do it! Plow their little holes silly, show them what they're missing out on!"

"Just… do it fast so we can have some fun too~"

"C-Cock… I need coooock. Please, Master! Please fuck this worthless orc slave's cunt!"

Modera meets Girana's eyes and winces at the way the Blood Elf is looking at her. Its clear that the battle-mage doesn't see a way out of this, and if Harry was capable of turning such women as Lady Liadrin and the Banshee Queen herself into cock-hungry, cum-starved whores, what change did they have? At least, that was what Modera saw in Girana's eyes. She just wasn't willing to give up yet, not as the Blood Elf had.

Perhaps that's why Harry chooses Girana to go first. His cock slams home into the gorgeous elven woman's cunt, and Modera watches as Girana's eyes go crossed from the sudden intrusion. Then he begins to fuck her, and it's all the Blood Elf can do not to cum every single damn time he thrusts into her body. Instead, she orgasms right over Modera every third or fourth thrust, whining and whimpering as her own body betrays her just as Modera's is doing.

But it's clear to the Archmage that Girana isn't going to last much longer. Its clear that whatever Jaina's apprentice is capable of, its seriously beginning to effect the elven battle-mage. That doesn't make it any easier for Modera to watch, as slowly but surely, Girana's face warps from helpless resignation, to reluctant pleasure, to absolutely stupid ecstasy. The Blood Elf's tongue lolls out of her mouth uselessly, and she moans as she cums again and again around Harry's cock, her drool dripping down into Modera's open mouth, which causes her to turn her head to the side as the Archmage tastes remnants of that delicious, mana-infused semen in Girana's saliva.

Though Modera can't see it with her own two eyes, she knows the moment that Harry pulls out of Girana's cunt by the Blood Elf's disappointed reaction, as well as exactly what he does with his impending release as Sylvanas' moaning voice is cut off and the sound of swallowing fills the room. Then, Harry is back with them, his hands now on Modera's inner thighs as he speaks down at them both.

"Relish those orgasms, Girana… it's the last release you'll be feeling until you both beg me for more like the sluts you are. As for you, Modera… well, shall we begin?"

And then he's inside of her ass. She thought she was prepared for what was to come. She thought she would be able to fight back as he penetrated her cunt and raped her before the eyes of everyone else in the room. But she wasn't expecting Harry to plunder her asshole. Rather than taking it stoically, as she'd intended, the Archmage squeals like a stuck pig as Harry claims her back door first, fucking into her with his lubed-up cock stretching out her poor insides.

Clenching her teeth, she tries to fight through both the pleasure and the pain. She's a complete anal virgin, or she was before now. This is not the kind of thing her poor butthole is used to, but Harry doesn't seem to care about that. Jaina's apprentice sets himself to the task of ravaging her anus with all his might, and Modera is stuck looking up into Girana's fucked stupid face as the blood elf writhes across her as best she can, moaning needily, clearly wanting Harry to pay her attention again, rather than Modera.

But Harry wasn't paying the blood elf any mind, instead he was all too focused on fucking Modera's asshole with all his might. And much to her shame, the Archmage was beginning to enjoy it. Once the pain faded away and her back door stretched out to accommodate his lubed-up prick, the sensations became pleasurable. Modera tried to hold back, but with the gag in her mouth spreading her jaw wide, she couldn't exactly stifle the moans as she wanted to.

Slowly but surely, Harry was fucking her ass towards an orgasm. He was bringing her to completion with nothing but his big fat dick in her back door, and Girana's soft, slender body writhing across her naked front. It was shameful, it was humiliating, it was- Modera's eyes go wide as Harry pulls out of her mere moments before she would have climaxed. A shudder runs through her body as his seed instead ends up deposited between her and Girana's tied-up forms, his cum splattering between their bound frames as he chuckles darkly.

"Enjoying yourself yet, Archmage?"

Then, he thrusts into Girana again, much to the elven slut's delighted pleasure. He fucks her ass next, and all Modera can do is watch as her own pleasure slowly recedes. At first, she's grateful for this. The fact that she hadn't cum before all these women, the fact that she hadn't debased or degraded herself yet… Modera was almost thankful to Harry for the reprieve. Until that is, she realized how serious he was about his declaration.

Just as the needy, moaning Girana gets close to climax again, Harry pulls out of her and stuffs his cock back into Modera's gaping ass. The human woman's shocked gasp is practically silenced by Girana's disappointed whine. In response to the Blood Elf's mewling, Harry slaps her ass hard, even as he fucks Modera's back door harder still.

"You heard me slut. Beg for it, and maybe I'll give you release."

His words finally penetrate Girana's feverish mind, and Modera is given a front row seat to watching the blood elf battle-mage immediately break before her eyes.

"Puh-leeeeease. Puh-leeeeease fuuuugh meeeee!!!"

Speaking through the gag, which makes it impossible to properly enunciate certain sounds, Girana still manages to get her begging across well enough. Modera flushes in shame for the Blood Elf, disappointed on Girana's behalf over how quickly the elven woman has fallen. Still, part of her is okay with this, if it means Harry will leave her alone and fuck Girana to climax again. Perhaps it'll give her enough time to think up a way out of this mess. Light knows its all but impossible for the Archmage to contemplate escape with Harry's massive shaft buried up her ass and her mind practically going haywire in response.


Harry's chuckled response cuts through that haze and hits both Modera and Girana at the same time. Where Girana whines, Modera furrows her brow in confusion… only for her eyes to widen in horror as Harry explains himself, his cock still pistoning in and out of her poor ass all the while.

"I said both, didn't I? When you both beg me for release, when you each put aside your pride and mutually accept your place at my feet as the fuck toys you are… then I'll let you cum, you silly sluts. So, Girana… if you want to feel the sweet pleasure of release, your cunt gripping and squeezing around my cock, you'll have to convince your friend here that she wants the same."

Oh, fuck him. Girana's eyes immediately zero in on Modera's face, and the Archmage shudders as she begins to work harder at grinding her body against Modera's nude, helpless form.

"Puhleeease… puhleeease…"

Now Girana is begging HER, rather than Harry. And Harry? Harry is still fucking her ass, plunging his cock in and out of her anus like there's no tomorrow. Not for long though, of course. Soon enough, Modera's getting close to the edge again, and he pulls out before she can go over it, leaving her right before climax but not quite able to get there on her own, even as he slams back into Girana's cunt.

For a time, the blood elf's begging ceases, but only until Harry drags his length out of her and thrusts it into Modera again. Then Girana is back in Modera's face, her beseeching eyes and her slurred pleases all the needier. And as time goes on, as her orgasm is denied her again and again and Girana gets more and more desperate… Modera's pride shatters, her resistance crumbles, and she finds herself reduced to nothing more than a woman in great need of release.

"P… Puh… Puh-leeeease…"

Harry doesn't notice that the 'please' is coming from her at first, or if he does, he ignores her in favor of ramming full strength into Girana, his cock having just left Modera's ass for the umpteenth time, leaving her feeling empty and on the edge of something great, but just not quite able to get there.

"Puh-leeeeeease… Arryyy, puh-leeeease…"

Girana's jerking motions across Modera's body slow down as Harry hears her voice. Moaning through the ring-gag, the lust-filled Archmage humps her crotch upwards as best she can, given the circumstances. Together, she and Girana moan their supplication, their need, in unison.

"Puh-leeeease, puh-leeeeease…"

"… Good girls."

Modera hates the burst of satisfaction that rushes up into her mind at his words, but she doesn't have any time to contemplate them, because the next thing she knows, Harry is buried inside of her cunt, and Jaina's apprentice is thrusting all the way to her womb, his big fat cock filling her to the brim and bringing her right over the edge into an explosive orgasm.

He pulls out a moment later and thrusts into Girana as well, and she too cums above Modera, the two of them practically swapping drool nonstop at this point as they moan into each other's faces. The Archmage hates how much she's enjoying it, but that doesn't stop her from cumming around Harry's cock every single time he penetrates her quivering womb.

In and out he goes, switching between the two of them and making them moan and shriek and writhe in ecstasy as he fucks them both through orgasm after orgasm. Its too easy for her to cum, almost like Harry has always had control over when they release, and his edging was all for show. By the time he fills Modera's womb with his seed, she's already beside herself with pleasure, and the sweet oblivion that comes from the explosive orgasm which slams her into unconsciousness is almost welcome if it will give her a respite from the sensations rushing through her body.

Modera's last memory is Girana shrieking above her as they both fall to darkness, exhaustion in every fiber of their being.


Slowly regaining consciousness, the Archmage moans as she feels questing tongues lavishing her body. Opening her eyes, Modera is both surprised and not to realize that the room's occupancy has grown since she was knocked unconscious. Its as if every female crew member on the Crimson Treader is now engaged in sheer debauchery in the dining room cabin, a mob of elves and one very horny orc working to play with her body and eating out both of her cum-filled orifices.

Uda's hand curls in the moaning Archmage's hair once the orcish cook realizes that she's woken up, and the stronger female happily makes out with Modera, their tongues intertwining even as Uda dominates her mouth. At the same time, even as Modera is being driven absolutely insane from all of this affection, she watches as above her, Girana's limp body is being used as a cocksleeve by Sylvanas and Liadrin, the two once-proud females milking Harry's massive shaft with the blood elf battle mage's body.

Harry's brilliant green eyes are suddenly looking down at her as Uda pulls away, and he chuckles at the sight of her flustered, needy, open-mouthed expression.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, Modera."

And then he pulls out of Girana's trembling, quivering cunt and cums all over Modera's face. The Archmage takes it like a champ, swallowing what lands in her mouth and slurping up what she can from her face with her over-eager tongue. Liadrin and Sylvanas quickly fall upon her features as well, both of them clearly having been aiming for his seed this entire time, growling as they fight over just who gets to clean off her face.

As the Archmage lets the sheer pleasure of the entire experience wash over her, no longer bothered or bogged down by such things as pride and reputation, Harry steps back and smiles down at the debauchery he's created, a wicked grin on his face.

"Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful… Still, it's getting a little smelly in here, isn't it? Hm, I think I'll get some fresh air."

His grin widens as he lifts up a hand and easily conjures a collar with a leash attached to it.

"I wonder just who the lucky cum dump is that will get to join me."

In a moment, Sylvanas and Liadrin are pulling away from Modera, leaving her and Uda to deal with the remnants of Harry's addictive, mana-infused load. Of course, Sylvanas beats Liadrin to him by mere moments, snatching the loosely-held collar from Harry's hands and wrapping it around her neck quite proudly as she preens victoriously on her knees before him, offering up the leash to Harry and then rubbing her face against his cock ferociously once he takes hold of it.

Liadrin whines at having missed out, but she knows better than to push the issue, sitting back on her haunches instead and pouting as Harry waves his hand dismissively at the crowded room.

"Have fun, dears. And Uda? Feel free to bring out the treat once we're gone."

Modera blinks at that, watching Harry walk out of the kitchen with Sylvanas on all fours beside him for a moment, feeling abject jealousy that it wasn't her instead. Of course, then a happy cheer fills the room as the naked, muscular orc woman among them pulls open a cupboard and drags a very large tub out from within it. A tub that's absolutely FILLED with a very familiar sticky, white substance.

The Archmage's eyes widen at the sight, and then a moment later she's cheering as well as things descend into outright pandemonium, the all-female orgy taking things to entirely new levels of depravity as they all feast upon the massive source of Harry's delicious, wondrous cum. Modera is no different than the blood elves she's surrounded with in that. She NEEDS it… she needs it so bad.


Jaina scowled as she watches three very last Blood Elf ships slowly pull into their make-shift port, weighing anchor and offloading the reinforcements that the Sunreavers had sent out to join the Silver Covenant. Archmage Modera had yet to report in all this time, and she'd sent the damnable woman out to check on Vereesa ages ago! Finding out that she'd instead hitched a ride on the Crimson Treader, which Vereesa was NOT on… suffice to say, Jaina had an idea of what had happened to her colleague, and it made her green with envy and red with jealousy.

Whirling about, Jaina retreats to her command tent, having already left orders that Modera and Harry are to be escorted directly to her when they disembark. Staring down at some of the documents and the maps splayed out on her desk before her, Jaina crosses her arms under her chest to keep them from going elsewhere, even as she barely even comprehends what she's looking at. She's far too focused on the matter at hand, on exactly what Harry thinks he's been doing these last few months.

The disobedient brat. She'll… she'll lock him away and throw away the key, so he never sees the light of day again for this! Better, she'll have a dungeon installed in her quarters, so she can watch over him personally. And they'll… they'll… Jaina doesn't get much further with her thoughts before her anal beads, still buried deep in her ass, begins to vibrate quite ferociously.

With a stifled cry, the beautiful Archmage falls to her knees, barely able to support herself with an arm on her desk as she cums almost instantly. A moment later, Harry walks into her tent with a smirk on his face… and a leash in hand. Jaina practically jumps to her feet, fighting through the sensations from the vibrating sex toy in her anus with pure force of will as she goes wide-eyed at the sight before her.

Archmage Modera, one of her colleagues and a member of the Council of Six… crawls into her tent on all fours at Harry's side, wearing nothing but a collar and some leather straps that hide nothing. Said collar has the leash Harry is holding attached to it. But if that wasn't humiliation enough, Modera is also gagged with a contraption that forces her jaw open but leaves her mouth free to use, her tongue lolling out from between her lips most uselessly.

Her legs trembling, Jaina hides this as she takes a slow step forward, clasping her hands in front of her and leveling a disappointed glare at Harry, as if he's an unruly student she needs to put in his place. Which in a way… he is?

"Apprentice Potter. What do you think you're doing?"

Harry grins and tugs a little on Modera's leash, causing the once-dignified Archmage to sit back on her knees and her fat ass, her bent legs splayed on either side of her tushie as she moans and rubs her face into Harry's side.

"If you're worried about anyone seeing us as we walked through camp, don't be. They saw exactly what I wanted them to see, and dear Modera's reputation is still intact."

Jaina just stares at that. Mostly because she HADN'T actually been worried about that. She probably should have been though, it was just… well, she had more important things on her mind. Chuckling, Harry shrugs his shoulders as Modera clings to his leg.

"I do have to thank you for sending such a delicious gift my way though, Jaina."

Sputtering, Jaina slices a hand through the air.

"I did NOT send Modera for YOU, Harry! I sent her to check up on Vereesa, because I knew that elven slut couldn't be counted on! You replaced yourself with the damn bitch, and then did this! I had no hand in… in what you've done to Modera!"

If her fellow Archmage is angry or upset with Jaina for essentially setting her up to fall, she doesn't show it. Modera looks well and truly broken as she kneels at Harry's side, and Jaina can't help but feel a bit of jealousy at just how much pleasure and ecstasy the other Archmage must have experienced in the voyage here. Damn wench, it should have been Jaina, not her…

Meanwhile, Harry feigns disappointment as he lets out a put-upon sigh?

"Really? Well, I guess you wouldn't want my Thank You gift then. And to think, I was trying to be thoughtful."

Jaina ends up swallowing her first reaction, which is to issue a quick denial. But then, what else is she supposed to say? No, I lied, I do want it, give it to me? She's almost halfway to saying exactly that, her mouth both dry and salivating at the same time at the thought of what Harry might give her, the anal beads in her ass still vibrating away. But before Jaina can speak, Harry cuts her off, that same wicked grin still on his face.

"Too bad, you'll have to take the gift anyways. I already promised, you see."

With a snap of his fingers, Jaina squeals as she feels a pair of strong, female hands grab her lower robes and literally rip them off her body. Twisting her torso around to look down and behind her, Jaina watches as a collared Banshee Queen buries her tongue in between Jaina's butt cheeks, the flexible muscle digging into Jaina's asshole even as the beads continue to vibrate in the depths of her bowels.

Sylvanas' red eyes glint with desire and lust and greed and a million other things as she pulls Jaina's fat bubble butt back into her face, happily gorging herself on the Archmage's asshole. Before Jaina can react, she's being assault from the front as well, her head whipping back around to find that Modera has quickly rushed forward and is now sliding her tongue deep into Jaina's drooling quim, the leash in Harry's hand elongating to allow this.

Jaina's sputtering outrage only lasts until Harry meets her mouth with his, their lips smashing together in a familiar way that she hasn't experienced in far too damn long, their tongues intertwining as Jaina's knees buckle in happiness, her entire body singing in joy at the return of Harry's touch.

As he kisses her, his hands on the small of her back and Sylvanas and Modera's tongues buried in Jaina's holes, the Archmage finds herself assailed from all angles, and ultimately unable to do much but take it. Melting into Harry's grasp sounds like it'd be fun… of course, before she can completely give in right on the spot, Harry pulls back and smiles at her, reaching up to brush his fingers across her cheek.

"I missed you, Jaina. I missed you quite a lot."

Blushing at the brazen affection and the kind words, Jaina can only lick her lips and respond in kind.

"I missed you too Harry."

And then his lips are back on hers, and Jaina is happy to be swapping saliva with the man again. HER man, in the end. Even if he has clearly had some wild adventures while he was away from her, Jaina has no intention of letting any of these bitches, especially not Modera, take him away from her. No, these needy little wanton sluts, happy to be collared and leashed by her lover… they don't get to be her equals, not any longer.

To that end, Jaina reaches down and grabs hold of Modera's hair with one hand, clutching tightly and forcing the other Archmage's face to grind into her cunt all the harder. At the same time, she reaches back and laces her fingers through the Banshee Queen's locks, before pulling Sylvanas forward as well. Its important that they remember their place. And if they're to be beneath Harry… they're beneath her as well, damn it!

The Leader of the Kirin Tor will accept no less than complete submission from Harry's other women. Because she knows she can't get it from him.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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