
World Linking High School Boy Emis

Emis Seale, a young high school boy is about to start his high school life in Japan. He wishes he could experience an out-of-the-ordinary experience up until he meets the young, blue, short-haired beauty, Ayaka Aiko, who tends to contradict the boy's way of life as she tends to get extra hard on the young lad. He later realizes that his wish came true. With his manly friend Daiki, the mysterious Hiroto, and their mad homeroom teacher, Takeshi, will young Emis be able to handle this?

addam_david · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

EPISODE 10 - Party Pooper

And so we spent the whole afternoon playing games and stuff. It was extremely fun. We even ate the cake. Delicious!

*2 hours later; it is now 5 PM*

Ayaka: Are you guys having fun?

Emis: Definitely!

Daiki: Of course!

Hiroto: Yup.

Daiki: Well, I'm steppin' out a bit.

Hiroto: Me too.

*Daiki and Hiroto go outside the door*

Emis: You have quite the party, Ayaka.

Ayaka: Geez, I'm all sweaty.

Oh, she's ignoring me.

Ayaka: I'm going to change in this *points to door(not the exit) near her* room, ok?

Emis: Ah, I se-Wait! Why are you telling me this?

*Ayaka opens the door*

Ayaka: So that nobody opens the door while I'm changing.


Ayaka: Anybody whom tries to enter here, will get a big spanking 'kay♥?

*She closes the door when she entered*

*Daiki opens the door while talking with Hiroto*

Daiki: You see? That's what I mean!

Hiroto: Yes, I understand.

Emis: Um, Daiki.

*Daiki approaches the door Ayaka went in*

Daiki: I just can't see why people buy cones with their ice cream! I use my hands!

Goodness me, his hand complication was worse than I thought. Just what else does he use his hands for? Hey, wait...he's approaching THE FORBIDDEN DOOR!

Emis: Daiki, stop! Halt!

*Daiki opens door*

*Daiki stares and gets red*

Daiki: Um...

*Ayaka kicks Daiki*

*He is pushed back*

*Door closes*

*A few seconds later of awkward silence*

*Ayaka opens the door*

Ayaka: What were you doing?

Daiki: Um...sorry...I have a habit of opening doors while talking.

*Ayaka gets angry*

Ayaka: Scum...JERK! PERVERT!

Just what did he see? I wish I knew...

Daiki's thoughts: Worth it.


*Calfurnia is outside hiding in the bushes*

Calfurnia: They must be having one heck of a party. They should be almost done, I think.

*It is 5:30 PM*

*Ayaka angrily stares at blushing Daiki*

Emis: Hey, Ayaka, shouldn't you be already opening your presents?

*Ayaka diverts her attention to Emis*

Ayaka: Nah, I want to open my presents when everyone leaves, so it could be a surprise!

Hiroto: But wouldn't it be fun if you'd open your presents early? So we could know how you feel about them.

Ayaka: Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt if I opened them early.

Daiki: Now we're talking! Let us hear what you feel about our presents.

*Ayaka again looks angrily at Daiki*

*Daiki grows red*

Diki: Um...sorry, Ayaka.

Ayaka: Hmph! You better be. Now, let's open some presents!

*Hiroto, Daiki, and Emis's gifts are placed respectively*

Ayaka: Now, whose present should I open first?

*She looks at the presents thinking carefully what to pick*

Ayaka: Hmmm...Let's start with Hiroto's!

*She opens the gift*

Ayaka: Ooh! A pink ribbon! Pink's my favorite color!

Hiroto: I knew!

Ayaka: How'd you know, Hiroto?

Hiroto: A lot of your stuff's colored pink, Ayaka, so I figured that it should be pink!

*Ayaka is extremely happy*

Ayaka: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Hiroto: My pleasure.

Ayaka: I'll wear it once my hair gets longer!

*She looks at the 2 gifts left*

Ayaka: Now for the next one! How about Daiki's?

*She opens the gift*

Ayaka: Ooh! A box of chocolates! Thanks Daiki! And now for the cheesestick's!

*She opens the gift*

Emis: *nervously* Ehehehe, I hope you like it.

*Ayaka smiles sarcastically*

Ayaka: Cheesestick, can you explain the meaning of this?

Emis: Well...I couldn't find anything better suited than those. Don't you think they'd look cute on you? Wait, are you offended? I didn't mean to. Sorry.

*Ayaka blushes*

Ayaka's thoughts: Wh-What is this guy talking about?

Ayaka: Wh-What? C-c-c-cute? *angrily* Quit it with the smooth talk! P-Plus, if you put it that way, it's actually kind of sweet. Thanks.

Emis: *sigh of relief* I'm glad you like it.

Hiroto: I think it's getting kind of late. We should pack up guys!

Daiki: Oh, what time is it? *looks at nearby clock* It's already late!

Ayaka: *sadly* Aw, do you guys have to leave so early? Can't we have a sleepover instead?

Wait. Hold up, did she just say we have a sleepover? But...

Daiki: But, Ayaka, are you sure you want 3 guys staying at your place, a g-girl's house!?

Ayaka: Funny hearing that from you, but I'm fine if it's just you guys.

Daiki: But this is our first time visiting your house...it should happen during the second!

Wrong. Totally wrong.

Emis: Ayaka, you should build your trust with us first. You can't let strangers like us who only went to your house once stay.

Ayaka: But you aren't strangers, you're my friends, and I trust you. Well, it is my first time offering someone to stay at my house.

Emis: Wait, first time? How about your other friends?

Ayaka: Well, *quietly* I...was...um...too...shy...to ask...

She really is incredibly bashful.

Emis: I understand and appreciate the thought, but I think we should do it, maybe, the 3rd visit.

Ayaka: Oh, alright, in the 3rd visit.

*Hiroto and Daiki are at the door*

Daiki: Buddy, prepare your stuff! We're ready to go!

Emis: Ah yes, just a second! Hmm, I think this is goodbye.

Ayaka: *smiles* Goodbye.

*Emis runs toward Daiki and Hiroto*

All three of them: Bye Ayaka! Thanks for everything!

Ayaka: Bye!

*Door closes*

Ayaka's thoughts: It seems you were better than I thought, cheesestick. You really remind me of my childhood friend.

*The three of them are outside*

Daiki: Okay! Time to go! But let's check our stuff to see if anyone forgot some of their stuff.

*They check their bags*

Emis: Nope, nothing.

Hiroto: I think I forgot something.

Daiki: Yup, I forgot my water bottle. Let's go back inside to find the missing items.

Hiroto: You stay here, Emis, we're only going to take a minute.

*The two get back inside*

Emis: Those two are quite forgetful.

*Something whooshes from a bush*

*He is alarmed and surprised*

Emis: What was that? Probably some cat.

*A little ball rolls from behind, passing through his legs*

*He notices*

What is that? A ball? It looks kind of familiar.

??? : Nature Manipulation: Expansion!

*He notices the expansion but he wasn't able to react*

*The ball pushes him*

*Calfurnia held a knife behind Emis aimed at his heart*

Ow! Is it Shrednell?

*In that split second, the knife struck his heart*

*He coughs blood and is completely shocked*

Calfurnia: Got you!

*She removes the knife*

*He falls to the ground with his blood quickly spreading*

Calfurnia: Well, that was quite easy. Now, they'd most likely accept me. Yahoo!

*She jumps with joy*

Calfurnia: Now to make my quick escape.

*A light shines*

Calfurnia: Where's that coming from?

*She looks behind*

Calfurnia: Wha? How'd he come back to life?

Emis: Ow, that hurt you know? You're gonna pay.

*He is shocked*

Emis: Woah, what are you? You look so cute! Are you a half-fox, half-human?

Calfurnia: Don't call me cute! Why should I answer you?

Emis: C'mon now.

Calfurnia: You really don't care about your life do you?

*He gets a bit serious*

Emis: Who are you? Why did you kill me?

Calfurnia: If you must know...I'm Member 2 of "The Terrible Seven". The next is confidential.

Emis: Whoever you are, I can't just let you go around killing people. I'll stop you here.

*Calfurnia raises here eyebrow*

Calfurnia: Hmm?

If I try that to her, it might just be enough!

*A yellow aura surrounds his right arm*

Emis: Sacred Incantation Conversion: Life Extension to Object Manifestation:...

*Calfurnia isn't scared in the least*

Emis: Devastation of-

*Calfurnia knocked him out on the back*

Calfurnia: You're so easy to read.

I...feel bad...like I'm going to pass on at any minute. Is she that strong? I don't think so.

*Daiki and Hiroto get out of the house*

Hiroto: We're read-

Daiki: Emis!


Emis: *weakly* Stop...leave...hurry...

*His eyes close for a bit*

Calfurnia: Now I can't have any witnesses.

*Sounds in distance*

*His vision gets blurry*

*He feels something wet*

*He opens his eyes*

Emis: *weakly* Wh-What is this?

*He is surprised with eyes full of fear*

No...Please not again.

Calfurnia: You look pale, looks like my job here is done.

*He grabs her tail*

Emis: *weakly* Don't...leave...just...yet...justice...

*Calfurnia puts her knife out*


*She slashes his neck*


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