
World End: Lost Bonds

In a post-apocalyptic world where terrifying monsters roam freely, the land has become a perilous place for civilians. However, the resilient survivors have managed to harness the power of magic, enabling them to create floating islands above the dangerous grounds. Among these survivors is Eldric Volker, a man who once faced a near-death situation. Since then, living in the comfort of his home, Eldric engage in dangerous adventures and quests in order to find leads of his near death experience. Everything came out empty, until he overheard news that his childhood friends, whom he once believed to be dead, may still be alive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note This is my first novel, I hope that this story captivates your interest. I know that the story might not have the best pacing, nor the information will be conveyed smoothly, but I will do my best to make it flow as best as I can. I hope you enjoy this story, and thank you very much for reading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information about this novel that might be Important to mention Mc : Will be immature at times, but will mature in the future. Has a serious personality, and won't joke around in serious times. World : Imagine a post apocalyptic world, but with magic, swords, and guns (Steampunk equipment), a lot of things will be baron (like the lands) but there will be exceptions like the occasional forest and plantation. Harem : there will be romance.. I can't say anymore.

RobZ_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

In Pursuit of The Shadows 3

Eldric hurry on towards the hideout situated at the middle of the vast forest. he had known where to go, but still careful, because he don't know the place that well, he only had seen the place by using the person before, he marked a part of the map, its somewhere along there.

Eldric pressed on, determined to reach the hideout situated in the heart of the vast forest. As he ventured deeper into the dense foliage, he felt like someone was watching him, anticipating any signs of an ambush.

Suddenly, he heard rustling in the nearby bushes and before he could react, a group of shadowy figures emerged, surrounding him from all sides.

"You've walked right into our trap, fool," one of them sneered, a wicked grin spreading across their face. "We've been waiting for you."

Eldric narrowed his eyes, his grip tightening around his sword. "You won't stop me from rescuing Aria," he declared, his voice laced with determination.

The leader of the group chuckled darkly, a malevolent glimmer in their eyes. "Oh, we're well aware of your intentions, but your path ends here."

The battle began in a flurry of steel and shadow. Eldric's blade clashed against his opponents' weapons, each strike infused with a mix of skill and desperation. As they fought, the air filled with grunts of exertion and the clash of metal on metal.

Amidst the chaos of the battle, Eldric's eyes darted across the battlefield, searching for any advantage he could exploit. He noticed a brief opening as one of his adversaries stumbled backward, their guard momentarily weakened.

Seizing the opportunity, Eldric closed in with lightning speed, disarming his opponent with a swift strike. With their back against a tree, the disarmed adversary found themselves cornered, unable to defend themselves.

The group scatters as they realize that they are no match for Eldric.

Despite his prowess, Eldric sustained a few minor wounds from the skirmish, the forest terrain proving to be a challenging battleground. Yet, his passive regeneration skill worked its magic, gradually healing his injuries. With each opponent he defeated, his determination to reach Aria grew stronger.

After vanquishing his assailants, Eldric pressed forward, following the path that led to the hidden stronghold. His senses heightened, he anticipated further encounters, prepared to face any obstacle that stood in his way.

As he approached the stronghold, Eldric encountered guards patrolling the vicinity. Swift and silent, he subdued them one by one, ensuring they would not alert the others to his presence. With each guard taken down, he inched closer to his ultimate goal.

Finally, Eldric stood at the entrance of the stronghold, the imposing structure looming before him. He took a moment to assess the situation, considering the best approach to navigate the corridors within.

With a mixture of caution and determination, Eldric ventured deeper into the stronghold, his senses attuned to any signs of danger. He encountered various traps and obstacles along the way, relying on his agility and resourcefulness to overcome each challenge.

After what felt like an eternity, Eldric reached a large chamber within the stronghold. The room exuded an aura of darkness and malevolence, adorned with intricate designs and eerie lighting. Before him stood the leader of the hideout, a formidable adversary with a twisted smile.

"Ah, welcome," the leader greeted, their voice dripping with a mixture of amusement and menace. "I've been expecting you. It seems you are more tenacious than we anticipated."

Eldric's grip on his sword tightened as he locked eyes with the leader. "Where is Aria?" he demanded, his voice laced with urgency.

The leader chuckled, their gaze filled with cruel satisfaction. "Oh, she's safe, for now," they taunted. "But it won't be long before we tap into the power within her and the artifacts she carries."

He knew he had to free Aria before it was too late. With a swift motion, he lunged forward towards the leader of the place.

However, his attack was swiftly blocked by an agile assassin who intercepted his sword with precision. Eldric's eyes widened in surprise at the assassin's skill, realizing that he was facing a formidable opponent.

Undeterred, Eldric unleashed a flurry of attacks, each strike met with the assassin's swift defense. Their clash echoed through the chamber, the sound of their blades colliding filling the air. The assassin is overpowered, and defeated in mere minutes.

Meanwhile, the leader, realized by the fact that a legendary artifact is in Eldric's possession, ordered all their forces to engage him, seeking to claim the Sword of the Sword God for themselves.

"TAKE THE SWORD!!" The leader shouted. "MAKE SURE IT'S OURS,


As the battle raged on, Aria discovered the hidden power within the staff. With her newfound knowledge, she focused her energy and channeled the staff's original abilities. With a surge of wind magic, she unleashed a powerful spell, shattering the door that held her captive and creating a path to freedom.

Guided by the commotion outside, Aria rushed towards the source of the conflict, her heart pounding with determination. She arrived just in time to join Eldric in the fight against the enemy forces.

Eldric saw Aria in the corner of his eyes.

"ARIA, you're here!" Eldric shouted to Aria, glad she is safe and sound.

Aria's face lit up with a mix of relief and determination as she locked eyes with Eldric. "I told you I'd find my way back to you," she replied, her voice filled with unwavering resolve.

Side by side, Eldric and Aria continued their assault on the remaining enemies. Their movements were synchronized, their attacks seamless as they fought as one. The enemy forces, overwhelmed by their combined strength, began to retreat, their resolve wavering.

As the last of the enemy combatants defeated, silence settled in, punctuated only by the heavy breathing of Eldric and Aria. They stood in the aftermath of the battle.

Eldric approached Aria, a mixture of concern and admiration in his eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine care.

Aria nodded, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. "I'm okay," she replied, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "Just a bit tired, but we did it."

As they caught their breath, they noticed a figure emerging from the shadows. It was the leader of the hideout, the one who had orchestrated the capture of Aria and the theft of the artifacts. He stood tall, his expression a mix of defiance and resignation.

"You may have defeated my comrades, but the truth remains," the leader spoke, his voice filled with a bitter resolve. "This hideout is not just any stronghold. It's one of the four labyrinths of the world."

Eldric's eyes narrowed, his curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?" he demanded, his voice filled with urgency.

The leader let out a bitter chuckle. "You think you had won?"

He revealed. "The treasures found within the labyrinth have the power to summon ancient beings, creatures that will tip the balance of power in our favor."

The leader let out a bitter chuckle. "You think this was just about the artifacts? No, it was always about something much larger," he revealed. "The treasures found within the labyrinth have the power to summon ancient beings, creatures that will tip the balance of power in our favor."

Aria's eyes widened in realization. "You seek to use the artifacts to unleash chaos upon the realm," she stated, her voice filled with a mixture of anger and determination.

The leader nodded, his gaze never wavering. "Indeed," he admitted. "With the power of the labyrinths at our disposal, the Shadow Order will rise to become the dominant force, shaping the world according to our desires."

Eldric's grip tightened on his sword, his determination burning brighter than ever. "You won't succeed," he declared, his voice filled with defiance. "We will stop you!"

The leader sneered, his confidence unwavering. "You're too late," he taunted. "Even if you manage to defeat me, the wheels have already been set in motion. The creatures summoned from the labyrinth will soon be unleashed upon the realm.

With a surge of adrenaline, Eldric lunged forward, his sword aimed at the leader's heart. But before he could strike, an unseen force blocked his attack. Aria's eyes widened as a group of shadowy monster stepped forward, revealing to be fiercely loyal to the leader.