
World creator system

So basically he was tranmigrated into formless being or spirit in a sense with a system called World Creator system like the name suggests it helped him create world or model them to his interests. He slowly started creating worlds like the first one was a copy of his world, then a magical world, after that sci fi world, then Cultivation world and so on. He slowly reached the level of high level godly being, which made him bored and with all the missions finished the system left with only leaving the mall option behind. So being bored out of his mind, he got an idea of creating worlds like MCU, GOT, LOTR....etc

Just_for_fun1997 · TV
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Chapter 32 children of Vlad and Eliza

In the warm cocoon of their chambers, a tender scene unfolded. Vlad Tepes cradled his newborn daughter, Raven Tepes, in his strong and gentle arms. Eliza Stark, still recovering, sat on the bed with their elder child, Lucian Tepes, nestled beside her, their eyes fixated on the heartwarming sight before them.

Vlad's deep voice hummed a sweet melody, the soft notes weaving through the air like a soothing lullaby. Baby Raven, her eyes sparkling with innocence, responded with infectious giggles, her tiny hands reaching out to grasp at the world around her. Vlad's love for his daughter was evident in the tender smile that graced his lips as he leaned in, placing a delicate kiss on her tiny nose, eliciting an endearing gurgle from the little one.

Eliza, a contented smile tugging at the corners of her lips, observed the scene with a heart full of warmth. The tableau of her husband and daughter was a sight to behold—a testament to the love that bound their family together. The subtle rhythm of Vlad's hum, the innocent laughter of their daughter, and the exchange of affectionate gestures formed a symphony of parental love that resonated within the chamber's confines.

"Look at them, Vlad," Eliza whispered, her voice a soft murmur of affection, "you have a way with her."

Vlad's gaze shifted briefly from their daughter to meet Eliza's eyes, his expression a mix of joy and tenderness. "She's a bright light, just like her mother," he replied, his voice carrying a depth of emotion.

While Vlad looked at their son, Lucian, who was yawning and casting curious glances around him, his grey eyes, a clear inheritance from the Starks, held a spark of curiosity and wonder.

Vlad's smile deepened as he remarked, "He has your eyes."

Eliza's heart swelled with a mixture of pride and adoration as she watched her little one snuggle into her, his tiny form seeking comfort in her embrace. Her gaze flickered between her husband and her son, a tender smile gracing her lips. "Our family is perfect," she whispered softly, her words were heartfelt.

As Raven's giggles and Vlad's humming agreeing with her, as Vlad hummed a song from his last life.

The soft melody flowed from Vlad's lips, a tune that carried the echoes of a past world, a world where he had lived a different life. The gentle hum filled the room, intertwining with the air and weaving a soothing atmosphere.

Raven, his precious daughter, lay in his arms, her eyes growing heavy as the soothing lullaby wrapped around her. Vlad's voice, tender and warm, cradled her in a cocoon of comfort, lulling her towards the realm of dreams.

As he sang, Vlad's gaze remained fixed on his daughter, his heart overflowing with love and determination. The words he whispered held a promise that resonated deep within him. "Don't worry, I will always be there by your side," he murmured softly, his voice carrying the weight of his devotion. "I will make sure to cherish, protect and guide you down the correct path."

Vlad knew that he was embarking on a new chapter of his life. A chapter where he would rectify his past mistakes, where he would would be the guiding light his daughter and son deserved.

The song's last notes faded, and Vlad gently placed Raven in the crib next to Lucian's. His hand brushed a strand of hair from Raven's forehead, and a smile crossed his lips, with a silent promise in his heart, he watched over her as she drifted into peaceful sleep.