
World Collision, Infinite Soul Essence (I Can Merge With All Races)

After his death at the hands of lighting, Erin wakes up to find out that he has been reborn in another world where magic existed except that, things here weren't what anybody would want. Forced to live undercover as a human, he comes across many challenges and trials, ones that make him realise a very horrible truth about the world he had been living in. " You don't seem to be an other worlder, are you trying to play hero for what you possibly couldn't understand? These people tried to take over our home and it's time they paid for what they did." Half of humanity had been forcibly transported to the world along with him, but unlike them, he was reborn, meaning that his body belonged to this world. He quickly steps away after realising that the constant oppression of the people was something he couldn't change, not until he realised how the world actually worked. ***** Additional tags #trolls, undead, vampire, beast taming, elves, dwarves, succubus, incubus, banshee, werewolf, sorcery, mage-craft, wizards, slow-burn, green skins, demons, angels, rebirth and many more. **** I get that you want the lemons but I will say this and I shall not write any form of gratuitous s@* scenes for any reason. Note: This a story which will involve lots of fantasy and I'll try as much to respect the origins of each of these folklore creatures. My descriptions will not always be accurate which is why I ask you to join my discord or add what opinions you have in the comment section. I have an auxiliary stating the basic description of some of the races and their classification as well. A lot of work and effort was put into this and I want to make the best there has ever been. My discord link can be found in my profile.

noob6 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs



1: Humans:

Creatures with a high level of reasoning compared to other mortal beings coupled with immense strength and power. They are known for using a variety of weapons, mostly swords, and specialize in elemental magic. There are also a few rare cases among them who possess special types of magical aptitudes. 

2: Vampires: 

Creatures with very low levels of mortality. They possess immense power and strength and are able to manipulate blood, increasing their power even more. They mostly specialize in blood manipulation and just like humans, have a few rare cases among them. They possess fair white skin and red glowing eyes. 

3: Banshee: 

Creatures, known for their incredible vocal capabilities. They are able to topple nations with their great vocals and quite easily as well. Relying very little on combat, they specialise in word magic, allowing them to manipulate reality with mere words. They are known for their usually dark-as-black hair and usually have bags under their eyes. 

4: Werewolves: 

Creatures, known for their violent nature and flesh-eating habits. Only a few can actually think for themselves but their violent nature still remains accustomed no matter what. They don't specialize in magic and use their energy rawly, forcing them to make use of close-range combat while greatly increasing their power output. They possess human features but transform into man wolves when they want to go into battle. 

5: Elves: 

Creatures, known for their great closeness with nature. They specialise in plant regeneration magic, making them a very formidable form of opponents. Their physique, though lacking in strength, allows them to move swiftly through the tightest of corners and trees as well. They specialise in archery-type weapons. They possess posses, pointy ears, golden eyes and fair golden skin. 

6: Incubus(Succubus>female): 

Creatures, known for nothing other than their lustful nature. They do have a decent level of reasoning though, which has allowed them to counter their unsavoury nature in very satisfying and convincing ways. They specialise in emotion magic and can bend any mortal weaker than them to lust. They possess slightly tanned skins and darkened amber eyes. 

7: Goblins (Green skin): 

Creatures, known for their greenish nature and mischievous acts. They specialise in thievery-based magic and are very quick-thinking as well. Green-skinned creatures with pointed noses and very sharp fingers and nails. 

8: Orcs (Green skin): 

The dumbest of demi-human mortals. Specialising in enhancement magic, they are able to triple their physical capabilities, allowing them to crumble mountains with a mere stump of their feet. They often associate with goblins, being of the same nature of skin colour. Large-bodied compared to other demi human beings and possess almost spherical heads. 

9: Dwarves:

The most inventive of all demi-human beings. Their curiosity and insights into magic have allowed them to grow greatly. They specialise in the invention of varieties of equipment, although they are mostly warriors. They are known for their short stature and body size. 

10: Demons: 

Creatures, known for their malevolent and mischievous nature. They specialise in chaos magic which brings nothing but their most desired outcome, total destruction. They are known for their fairly darkened skin and begin to develop wings once they reach adolescence. 

11: Titans: 

Somewhat similar to werewolves in terms of their magical abilities. These a basically human transforming giants who can only use their magical abilities once they become ten times their original size. They are quite hard to depict from normal humans once they are in their normal state.


1: Fairies:

Small-bodied creatures known far and throughout the sprite realm. They specialize in elemental magic just human beings and seem to have a huge interest in the mortal creatures as well. They are known for their bright, colorful, and starry eyes which usually represent what type of element they use, and their limpid quadruple wings. A few, well adept in magic can increase their original size to a certain point.

2: Pixies:

Another group of creatures with fairly decent similarities to fairies although half their sizes at average. They use pixie magic which allows them to shrink every nonliving thing to their desired size. They possess limpid wings and enjoy wearing shiny outfits.

3: Imps:

The most mischievous and evil of all sprites. Their only desire in their entire existence is to cause nothing but misfortune and mayhem to those around them. Possessing black wings and pointed jaws, they can come in different colors but it has no affiliation with what magic they can use.

4: Brownies:

The most special cases of sprites in their realm. They are able to increase their sizes while maintaining their superhuman strength in every size. Their mass also remains the same as well.

5: Leprechauns:

A very special case of sprites with the ability to manipulate light. They are quite affiliated with rainbows and pots of gold that appear seemingly out of nowhere, they can use the lights of the rainbow to produce quite devastating attacks.

Note: This will be updated in the future as the story progresses.