
World Collision, Infinite Soul Essence (I Can Merge With All Races)

After his death at the hands of lighting, Erin wakes up to find out that he has been reborn in another world where magic existed except that, things here weren't what anybody would want. Forced to live undercover as a human, he comes across many challenges and trials, ones that make him realise a very horrible truth about the world he had been living in. " You don't seem to be an other worlder, are you trying to play hero for what you possibly couldn't understand? These people tried to take over our home and it's time they paid for what they did." Half of humanity had been forcibly transported to the world along with him, but unlike them, he was reborn, meaning that his body belonged to this world. He quickly steps away after realising that the constant oppression of the people was something he couldn't change, not until he realised how the world actually worked. ***** Additional tags #trolls, undead, vampire, beast taming, elves, dwarves, succubus, incubus, banshee, werewolf, sorcery, mage-craft, wizards, slow-burn, green skins, demons, angels, rebirth and many more. **** I get that you want the lemons but I will say this and I shall not write any form of gratuitous s@* scenes for any reason. Note: This a story which will involve lots of fantasy and I'll try as much to respect the origins of each of these folklore creatures. My descriptions will not always be accurate which is why I ask you to join my discord or add what opinions you have in the comment section. I have an auxiliary stating the basic description of some of the races and their classification as well. A lot of work and effort was put into this and I want to make the best there has ever been. My discord link can be found in my profile.

noob6 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Prologue 2: Fall Of The Tenth.

He was left dumbfounded after what happened at the meeting. He had no reason to reject his position as the new vampire king and with the tenth's honor resting on his shoulders, he couldn't afford to be seen as weak by the other lords.

After the meeting, it was a week before the current king would be laid to rest and the new king would be announced to all residents of the vampire realm.

Sitting before a desk in a large room with a number of scrolls sitting before, he couldn't keep the thought of his new upcoming role out of his mind.

" It's as if they staged this in an attempt to make a mockery of me. I mean, why exactly would any of them choose me to be the succeeding king?"

His days continued as usual until the preceding day. He was finally going to be sworn in as the new vampire king and was ready as early as he could.

Standing by a tree shed a little far from the tenth castle, he was dressed in his usual black attire with his left hand in his pocket and a scroll tightly held in his right hand.

His two guards were right by his side as usual while he spoke to the young boy gripping onto his trousers who seemed to be about six years old.

The scroll was resting slightly on the boy's head and after a while, he slowly went on his right knee and looked into the boy's eyes with a bright smile on his face.

" Now then Cleo, why don't you go see your mother, I'm sure she must be worried about you by now." He said as he quickly pulled his hand out of his pocket, patting the boy on the hand.

The young lad slowly backed away with his eyes almost filled with tears, his grandfather and best friend was leaving.


Inside a dark room, lit by nothing but the glowing eyes of the monstrous that inhabited it, a long while of chatter filled the entire space.

" Today is finally the day when we shall truly be born. The true nature of vampires is what we exhibit, what we were born to do. Today, we shall set our path to greatness and overcome whatever obstacles stand in our way."

A round of applause went throughout the entire space after the short speech and ummmm after that, they all slowly began to move forward towards the exit.

A dark swirling portal appeared before them and they all slowly walked through it with their leader trailing behind them.

They appeared in a bright space with a grassy landscape with their eyes glowing more red than ever. They flinched due to the rays of the sun and their gazes were reduced greatly as well.

It was so painful to their eyes that they all immediately closed it, screeching in pain. That wasn't the end of it, their noses began to sniff in rapid succession, and then they continued forward.

" That's right, all of you! Kill every single one of them!" Their leader yelled as they all immediately charged forward.

It wasn't long before residents began coming into view, running away immediately as they set their sights on the hideous beings. Screams went throughout the distance and many bodies quickly began laying waste on the ground.

" How about we take down the weakest first?" One of them asked with a slight chuckle.

" That was when the plan from the start."

As they rampaged through the few people in their way, they quickly began moving forward toward the tenth family castle, banging on the castle walls as soon as they came close to it.

That was a pressured stream of blood came shooting towards one of the creatures, moving straight through the side of its head.

They all immediately turned their attention towards the vampire soldiers, tearing through almost instantly while suffering very few casualties.


Inside the castle, a young man with the same hair color and slightly similar facial features as Vistan slowly began walking forward.

With his father now ready to be sworn in as the vampire king, the title of the tenth vampire lord was automatically shifted to him.

" Dear gods, not again." He complained as he slowly walked forward, reaching for the knob of the door in front of him, " I just hope this is something I can handle."

" What's wrong Luna?" He asked as he opened the door.

A lady was squatting in front of the bed with a boy sitting in front of her and she immediately turned towards him and said" I don't know love, but he's been crying ever since father left."

He heaved a sigh and began to walk towards the both of them while the boy continued to stare at him intently with his eyes filled with tears.

The mother stood up, wiping off the boy's tears with the back of her palm, and quickly lifted him up from the bed with a smile on her face in an attempt to make him feel better.

He was still sobbing slightly and as his father closed the gap between them, he slowly took him out of his mother's arms and proceeded to kiss her on the cheek before turning around.

" Alright then, let's go see Grandpa." He said with a bright chuckle as he slowly approached the exit.

Just as he stepped foot into the hallway, he heard the sound of heavy breaths coming from his left and immediately turned his gaze to see one of the guards running towards him, bleeding heavily.

His eyes instantly widened in shock and he quickly ran towards the man, dropping his son by the side as he quickly knelt next to him.

" What happened?" He asked, staring into the man's eyes.

" We were attacked... Blood fiends are attacking the castle." The guard said in his last breath before slowly slumping his head on the floor.

" Cleo, get back to your mother immediately. Tell her to make sure she stays in the room with you." He said turning towards his son.

The boy slowly backed away, trembling in fear at the scene at the scene that had just unfolded before him. He ran immediately after that, straight towards the room which he had just exited from.

Immediately after that, the new vampire king quickly ran forward and it wasn't long before he met with the malevolent creatures. Threading forward with pale white skin, large eye bags, largely elongated fangs, and extended claws.

Monstrosities born of vampires, made to cause nothing but harm and destruction while being more violent and less resistant to their natural urges.

His eyes instantly widened as soon as he set his gaze on the creatures rampaging the building with blood all over their bodies.

He instantly charged straight towards them, tearing through each of them one by one. They were about fifty when they arrived but after their earlier battles, their numbers had dwindled by about twenty.

One of the few things the tenth family is known for is their adeptness in the use of blood magic. This could be seen clearly as well as he tore through the group of vampire dificients with single punches.

As he continued fighting, he suddenly began to feel weak and didn't see the next kick come flying toward his face. He was sent crashing through the wall and left crawling helplessly on the floor.

" Poison... but how?" He thought as he slowly placed his right palm over his mouth, coughing violently.

" That's how weak and pathetic all of you are. We are the true embodiment of what our kind was meant to be and we shall further our legacy after you fall." A voice came from behind him along with a loud mischievous chuckle.

Hearing their voices made him boil with even more rage, clenching his fist as he struggled to get up from the ground. The blood that had been spilled over the place slowly began to rise, all moving towards him.

One of the creatures rushed towards him upon notice of what was happening, but as soon as he did, multiple bullets made of blood went firing towards it.

It was immediately left lying on the ground while blood slowly coated the floor with over a hundred holes made in its body.

There were now only four of them left along with their leader and they all stood there watching as the blood gathered around the man and instantly began to coat him.

They all instantly charged towards him at once with their leader slightly behind and just as they came a few centimeters close, the blood that surrounded them instantly formed bullets which shot towards every last one of them.

He instantly turned around with another round of blood bullets ready for their leader knowing that he had gone missing but that was when things took a horrible turn.

He immediately gasped in shock upon the cry of a very familiar voice, his wife was in trouble. Just as he took a step forward, he felt a great piercing pain through his body.

His teeth clenched and blood gushed out of his mouth. His eyes widened and slightly twitched while his entire body continued to tremble at what had just happened.

He wasn't ready to accept what had just happened and quickly turned around in an attempt to attack the person who had just stabbed him.

Just as he tried to move, the intense pain he felt increased immensely, and even more blood gushed out of his mouth. He slowly looked down to see that a hole was now present in his chest.

It wasn't too long after that that his gaze began to blur and he slumped on the ground with the pained expression vividly on his face.