
World Collision, Infinite Soul Essence (I Can Merge With All Races)

After his death at the hands of lighting, Erin wakes up to find out that he has been reborn in another world where magic existed except that, things here weren't what anybody would want. Forced to live undercover as a human, he comes across many challenges and trials, ones that make him realise a very horrible truth about the world he had been living in. " You don't seem to be an other worlder, are you trying to play hero for what you possibly couldn't understand? These people tried to take over our home and it's time they paid for what they did." Half of humanity had been forcibly transported to the world along with him, but unlike them, he was reborn, meaning that his body belonged to this world. He quickly steps away after realising that the constant oppression of the people was something he couldn't change, not until he realised how the world actually worked. ***** Additional tags #trolls, undead, vampire, beast taming, elves, dwarves, succubus, incubus, banshee, werewolf, sorcery, mage-craft, wizards, slow-burn, green skins, demons, angels, rebirth and many more. **** I get that you want the lemons but I will say this and I shall not write any form of gratuitous s@* scenes for any reason. Note: This a story which will involve lots of fantasy and I'll try as much to respect the origins of each of these folklore creatures. My descriptions will not always be accurate which is why I ask you to join my discord or add what opinions you have in the comment section. I have an auxiliary stating the basic description of some of the races and their classification as well. A lot of work and effort was put into this and I want to make the best there has ever been. My discord link can be found in my profile.

noob6 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 1: Failed Promise.

It was almost nightfall and what looked like a man dressed in a pitch black hood, one that merged perfectly with the impending darkness was slowly strolling through a forest path which had multiple footprints leading towards the same direction he was headed.

There were multiple cries of beasts which he had yet to hear, the multiple cracks of branches and ruffling of leaves becoming more frequent as nightfall came.

" How far am I now from home?" He thought as he looked up at the bow dark sky.

After a while of walking he began to hear the voices of people coming from the distance, they all sounded muffled but due to his enhanced senses, he was able to hear everything that they were saying.

" Other-worlders? What's the point of trying to save them anyway," he mumbled, continuing forward.

After a few more very long steps he arrived at their camp and hid behind a tree as he watched everything unfold. The level of the difference in power was quite apparent and not one of the slaves that were constantly being pushed around tried to fight back.

After a while of watching, he finally got tired and looked around to see the guards that were stationed around the campsite.

" Damnit, how many do I have left?" He thought, slowly sliding his hand into his pocket.

He brought out a wooden dart that had its tip slightly darkened and with it came a piece of paper which he immediately wrapped around the dart and loosened it slightly.

He proceeded to do the same to three other darts which he brought out from his pocket and after that, hit his hand hard on the tree he was next to in an attempt to draw some attention after which he quickly backed away.

" Guess that won't be enough of a distraction." He thought as he quickly looked around the entire area.

That was when he saw the leaves on the ground in front of him get ruffled and quickly backed away, only to have his back against what felt like a human body.

The moment he turned around he was instantly punched in the face and sent flying until his back was once again against a tree.

He quickly slid his hand into his pocket and blew one of the tiny spikes at the invisible person who was attacking him. He heard a loud scream come from the man who was standing in front of him and afterwards the invisibility spell began to wear off.

It was only then that the heavy footsteps of the guards running towards his location could be heard and he quickly hid from from their sight.

" Who could have done this?" One of the guards asked as he gazed at the man who was lying on the ground with a dart inserted into his right eye.

" Quickly, get him back to the camp and have him receive some care. You two make sure whoever it is that's trying to sabotage our plan gets captured." Another man who wasn't in armour like the others ordered as he turned around.

Just as one of the guards bent down to pick up the man, another tiny dart flew straight into the side of his neck and he collapsed a few seconds after, along with the other one standing next to him.

The now hopeless man tried to call for help as he took to his heels but just as he moved he felt a heavy weight land on him and he was immediately pushed down and squashed onto the ground.

" I hope I didn't kill him." The hooded person thought as he turned his gaze to the man who was now unconscious on the ground.

He then proceeded to clear the scene and tie up the men a few meters away from where they had fallen. After that, he took out the darts from their bodies and went back to where he had spied on the camp.

From where he was he could see shadows of the people inside the four camp houses that had been mounted and one of them was empty, most likely where the guards were supposed to be staying.

To the right side were the two camps where the so-called other worlders were kept and he saw a guard who seemed to be the last one left, go inside one of them and come out with a young lady who seemed to be in her early twenties.

" Those bastards." He mumbled as he watched the guard push her into the camp house in the middle and he could see the faint shadow of a large man sitting inside it.

It was quite obvious to him what was about to happen since it had been a common scenario ever since the day he was born, one that he had grown tired of seeing.

As soon as the remaining guard left the boss's camp house and was about to return to guarding the entrance, he took up his weapon and blew into it. The deadly dart flew straight towards the man and ended up piercing through his lips for more reasons than one.

The guard wanted to scream but the spike had done more than simply pierce through his lips, it pierced through his tongue and into his upper jaw as well.

" Seems like my timing and execution were a hundred percent this time around." He thought as he slowly began to move forward, taking each step carefully and lightly.

The final gurad finally gave in to the poison and collapsed on the ground leaving him with only the boss to deal with. Just a few meters away from the camp house, he blew another dart which tore through the camp house, only for the man's scream to be heard a second later.

As much as he was joyed to know that he had successfully saved a group of helpless, innocent people, he was also pained knowing that it would only be a while before they would fall victim to the same thing.

He then proceeded towards the camp house in the middle of the campsite to see that the lady was a few meters away from the man and she had a very terrified look on her face.

" Are you okay?" He asked as soon as he entered.

She instantly turned towards him and backed away in fear with her terrified gaze still intently fixed on him.

" He doesn't seem to have laid a hand on her although most of his clothing has already been stripped off." He thought as he slowly walked towards the man while minding the distance between him and the lady, " She seems to possess a wholesome amount of mana for her race. He must have sent the guard to get him another one while he continued to visually please himself until she arrived. The rarer the goods, the more valuable."

He then slowly walked towards the lady who quickly began to back away but he increased his pace and grabbed her hand in time.

" I'm an other worlder just like you." He said as he slowly took down his hood.

His actions ended up calming her down a bit and he revealed his curly black hair and bright azure eyes along with a pale white complexion.

He then took off his bracelet and handed it to her as he said, " I'll make sure the others get to safety and I can use it to find you and the others in case you're ever in trouble."

He smiled brightly after each of his words and let go of her immediately after that, his warm presence gave her a feeling of safety and without hesitation, she slowly wore the bracelet.

" Check to see if any of them escaped! Search the entire camp, capture all the criminals and other-worlders!" A voice boomed from outside.

He gasped in shock and instantly grabbed a hold of her hand as he ran out of the camp to see a group of soldiers heading towards the campsite from the far right.

" After them!" One of them screamed as soon as he caught sight of the two of them.

He quickly pushed her forward towards the other side and said, "Go now! I'll save the others I promise."

She slowly began to move backwards and after seeing that he was simply standing there waiting for her to finally go forward, she turned around and took to her heels.

" I'm sorry." He mumbled as he ran towards the east rather than help the other slaves like he promised to.