
World Anarchy

Year 3000 Human civilization has gone through leaps and bounds since when it existed as there were better transportation, more advanced weapons that were used for mass destruction and there were also Ai that could help human live a more comfortable life. But while everything was going extremely well for the humans, something suddenly crash landed on earth which unexpectedly made life on earth hellish.....

DaoistL8MLSc · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


"As usual, the tournament will be carried out in a battle royal style. Five crew will battle it out in a platform in the first round and the two surviving crew will advance to the next round" Taylor explained with a amicable smile on his face.

Right now all the seats in the stadium have been occupied including the VIP pods that is hovering at the edge of the stadium. There are 3 pods at the stadium and they are covered with a tinted glass and is completely sound proof.

"Now that we all know the initial knockout system of the tournament, let us welcome the people that has come from the imperial continent to spectate the tournament" Taylor said as he glanced at the 3 pods. Along with that, the audience that are located below the pods cheered loudly.

'People from the imperial continent huh?' Max thought as he glanced at the VIP pods above him.

"Now then, let's call in our dear Military General to introduce the crew participating in the tournament" Taylor announced. Immediately after, there was a slight uproar among the audience.

"The Military General!?"

"He is the one hosting the tournament!?"

"What a surprise!!"

Although the mist covering the territories humans lost could harm people above 20 years of age, The government could still invent a suit that could protect them from turning into zombies for a limited time. This helped veteran soldiers and mecenaries to defend the continents borders from the ferocious beasts.

While the audience were mumbling among themselves, an halo graphic man suddenly popped out of the platform that is located at the absolute centre of the stadium. This man wore a full blue colored military suit with five stars at each of his shoulders, he looked like a middle aged man that has gotten through many experiences with his dark brown hair and dark eyes along with a height of 6.1 foot.

"Welcome everyone to the 7th monthly freshmen tournament. My name is Gregory Stallion and I will be the host of this month's tournament" The military general introduced as he saluted at the audience and the 3 VIP pods. After that, he faced the inner entrance of the stadium and said.

"I will now introduced the crews participating in the tournament and while I do so, the crews announced should gently come to the platform"

"The Doomsday Crew"

"The Skull Crushers Crew"

"The Slayers Crew"


As the crew be announced gently come out from the inner entrance, the audience went into an uproar as they cheered for the crew entering the platform. After a few minutes of announcing, Stallion finally called out Max's crew..

"The Daybreakers Crew"

"Let's go" Max said as he began to walk out of the entrance.

"Took them long enough" Wendy said while licking his lips as he followed Max along with Vanessa.

"They are finally out" in the audience a man with dark hair and glasses on his brown eyes exclaimed in an excited tone. This person is none other than Felix who was with Max when he came out of his coma.

"Are you talking about the people you trained?" And next to him, a middle aged man asked. This middle aged man has curly blonde hair with a slightly yellow beard along with a height of 6.0 foot. Although Felix is taller than him, the middle aged man is more robost than him.

"Yes Dave" Felix answered as he stared at the middle aged man with a slight grin on his face.

"Well that makes the tournament interesting since I want to see how the people you personally trained are" Dave said with a curious expression on his face.

"I can guarantee that you will be in for the shock" Felix said as he stared back at the platform all the crew were located.

Right now Stallion has called out all the crews participating in the tournament as they neatly lined up on the platform.

"Well there are a lot of crews here" Vanessa said as she stared at the 15 crews on the platform with a surprised look on her face.

"Of cause there has to be a lot of crew, That will just make the tournament more interesting" Wendy replied with a slight chuckle.

"You aren't wrong" Max said with a slight smile on his face.

"Now that all the crews have been called out, let's see which crew will be facing each other in the platform" Stallion said as he pointed at an open space above the stadium.

Suddenly, a light blue screen appeared in right in the middle of the open space as three groups of crews appeared on the screen.

"It seems we will be in this platform" Max said as he saw the name of their crew in the group staying in platform 1.

"It doesn't matter what platform we are in, we will still shine" Vanessa said with a light smile on her face. But in the next moment, a voice rang out beside them.

"Aren't you guys too overconfident?"

When Max and the others turned to see who owned the voice they just heard, they saw a tough looking boy with curly brown hair and dark eyes. He has a robust body with a height of 5.8 foot.

"Yes we are because we know we will win this measly tournament" Wendy replied to the boy with a confident smile on his face. When the boy saw this, a vein immediately popped out of his forehead as he said grimly.

"Well we will see about that"

"Crews assigned to the other platforms should move to your respective platforms" Right after the boy spoke, Stallion announced as he suddenly started floating above platform one.

Right after that, crews began to go towards the remaining two platforms while the one assigned to platform 1 stayed behind.

"Looks like the heavens is on my side, I never knew we will be on the same platform" The boy said with a wicked smile on his face.

"And how does that have to do with the heavens, can't you see the names of our respective crews in the same group before?" Max said with a confused expression on his face. But the boy didn't reply back as he began to go towards the remaining three crews and began to mumble something in their leaders ear.

"What is he trying to do?" Vanessa asked with a confused expression on her face. But right after that, the three crew's leaders swiftly turned their heads towards Max's crew with sneers on their faces.

"I want to see how exactly they will win this tournament?"

"They won't even pass this round"

"I will just like to see them try"

"Looks like we underestimated them too much" Max said as he looked at the enraged crews with a wry smile on his face.

"You don't need to worry leader, we will still smash them down no matter how many faces us" Wendy said as he looked at the four crews with an indifferent look on his face.

"Well I hope so" Max said calmly.

"All crews should get into position" Suddenly, Stallion said after all the crews are in there various platforms.

"It's finally time!" Wendy said as he excitedly moved along with the others to a particular side of the platform.

'Let's see how this goes' Max thought while staring at the various crews positioning themselves