
World Anarchy

Year 3000 Human civilization has gone through leaps and bounds since when it existed as there were better transportation, more advanced weapons that were used for mass destruction and there were also Ai that could help human live a more comfortable life. But while everything was going extremely well for the humans, something suddenly crash landed on earth which unexpectedly made life on earth hellish.....

DaoistL8MLSc · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs



"Subject about to gain consciousness, begin the ejection procedures"

"What?" A dark haired boy muttered as he slowly opened his eyes. But before he could open his eyes fully, an unexpected force suddenly pushed him out of a white colored pod.


  But right after he was pushed out of the white pod, his face landed on a soft and pleasant thing. While still relaxing his face on it, Max thought with a peaceful smile on his face..

'This is so soft….'

"It seems you have taken a liking to it right?" An irritated voice suddenly rang out in Max's ear. 

"Indeed I have…." Max peacefully said as he opened his eyes to see who just spoke. But as soon as he opened his eyes and found out what he was resting on, he expression quickly became grave as he backed away hurriedly while saying…

"I didn't mean it like that ma'am, I wouldn't have taken a liking to your chest if I had known what it was earlier"

  The woman Max was resting his head on has light blue hair and dark eyes, a fully developed body and a height of 6 foot tall. She also looks like someone in her early 20s.

"So you are saying my chest isn't worth liking?" The woman suddenly asked as she suddenly became more irritated. When Max saw this, he quickly replied with a wry smile on his face.

"No ma'am, I didn't mean it like that…"

"Enough Karin, stop messing with the boy" a deep voice rang out in both Max's and the woman's ear as a middle aged man came into the room. This middle aged man has dark brown hair with eyeglasses which is on his brown eyes, a lab coat on top his robust body and a height of 6.2 foot tall.

"Didn't you see what he did to me?" Karin asked in a poutful tone.

"Can't you see it was an accident?" The middle aged man asked back with a straight face while looking at Karin. When Karin saw this face, she shuddered a little and quickly shut her mouth. After Karin kept quiet, the middle aged man turned his gaze to Max before saying.

"Hi Max Lewin, my name is Felix and where you are now is the Project E.A.C training camp"

"Project E.A.C?" Max asked as he looked around the room he was in. The room had only a pod in which Max came out from and a hovering computer which was connected to the pod.

"Yes, the E.A.C in the name simply means Eradicate All Monsters. We are a new organization that was formed 3 months ago to fend off and possibly eradicate all the monster that is making us humans to nearly go extinct"

"Where is my AI guardian named Thomas?" Max suddenly asked as a bad premonition brewed up in him.

"Apparently, he died 2 months ago after being ambushed along with other AI from a group of monsters" Karin suddenly said with a slightly sad look on her face. When Max heard what Karin said, he suddenly becamed dazed as he said…


"I know this is quite painful to hear on a short notice but there is something he told me to tell you before he died. He told me to tell you to achieve it" Felix said with a rather curious look on his face. At the time Thomas told him to tell Max this, he also warned Felix to not tell Max that he is sorry but only what Felix said earlier. Although he was confused why Thomas warned him, he still followed his instructions to see what will happen.

  When Max heard what Felix said, he suddenly remembered when Thomas picked him up from a lonely alley back when he was just a baby, he also remembered all the times he has spent with him. After reminiscing for a few minutes, he suddenly had a resolute expression on his face as he said.

"Alright, I will do what you say this time"

  When Felix and Karin saw the resolute expression on Max's face, both of them were inwardly surprised as they thought…

'i wonder what he told him to achieve'

"But wait, how long have I been in that pod?" Max suddenly asked with a curious look on his face.

"This should be your 6th month now" Karin replied with a slight smile on her face.

"What!?" Max exclaimed with a shocked expression on his face. 

"You should be grateful that you are even alive. When Thomas brought you here, you were on the brink of death as most of your internal organs had been ruptured. We had to use many lab stuffs to fix you back up" Karin explained with an annoyed look on her face.

"Ok we don't have much time. Since you now know what our organization is, it's time to meet your crew to begin training" Felix said with a calm look on his face.

"Crew?" Max asked with a confused expression on his face.

"Yes a crew, our organization agreed that we will form a crew which is made up of 3 teenagers to fight the creatures" Felix explained in a straight face.

"But wait, is it only teenagers that can form a crew? What about you guys the adult?" Max asked again as he became more confused.

"Well apparently, there is something preventing us adults to fight the monsters but I can't explain well enough for you to understand so you just have to see it yourself" Felix answered in a rather awkward tone. But he quickly came back to normal and asked….

"So can you meet your crew now?" 

  After being silent for a while, Max finally answered…


  At the next moment, Felix brought out a box like object with a black button at the top of it. When Max saw this object, he quickly asked…

"What is that?" 

 But before he could get a reply, Felix pressed the button which made the box to surprisenly brought out a halo that enveloped Max, Karin and Felix. In the next moment, they suddenly vanished from the room.


"Wooah!!" Max exclaimed at the place he found himself in. Where Max, Karin and Felix later appeared in was a really large hall as he saw various teenagers accompanied by people like Felix scattered all around the hall. Not only that, but a few AI could also be seen beside a few teenagers.

"This is where your crew will be formed before you get registered as an official crew. But lucky you, your crew has already been formed beforehand so let's go and meet your crew" Felix explained before he began moving towards a particular side of the hall with Max and Karin moving closely behind him.

'I wonder how they would look like' Max thought as he silently anticipated. After walking and greeting a few of his colleagues for a few minutes, Felix finally arrived in front of two people with Karin and Max.

"Good day Mr. Felix" one of the people greeted in a polite tone. This person is a girl that has silky brown hair and dark eyes, she also has a height of 5.6 foot tall.

"Good day Vanessa, today I

have the final member of your crew with me" Felix answered with a slight smile on his face.

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