
World after Earth

—Note: Please read the tag before reading. — English is not my first language, so there would be grammatical mistakes in this story. —Please give my story a proper review. — I accept a suggestion, but no spam! —Artwork page —https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088473842323 ———————//———————— —In 2030 the planet was undergoing several changes, with the advancement of technology humans lived longer. Pollution, global warming, deforestation… Natural disasters were much more constant, millions of people died, realizing that the planet was on the verge of collapse, humanity began the race for salvation. In one of the researches of the atom collider, the first stable dimensional portal was opened, a new world was before humans. With technology on their side, humans tried to dominate by force. Unfortunately in this world the unbelievable was possible, magic, beasts, knights... Arthur, one of the survivors of Earth who lost his father in these conflicts, lives with his mother in an attempt to improve the situation they find themselves in.

Bruno_Brunin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter - 8

Author's note:



Page for arts:


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After the test, the children were separated and taken to the area of each class, the first year Class A children were in a complex with more than 30 rooms, and with a huge area for collective training, as well as areas for individual training.

After the test, Guth and Kariel met with Arthur, they asked if he did some kind of training to increase the number of mana channels, and Arthur's response was to raise his hand and show the training ring.

They thought Arthur wanted to keep the method a secret.

'Who would tell such a secret to anyone is right.'

Kariel also has her family's secret technique to sense mana core.

On the other hand, Guth liked Arthur's nonchalant attitude, as a swordsman he admired the strong.

'At least I found a decent training partner on my first day, maybe I won't be so bored anymore.'

An instructor caught everyone's attention.

"Whatever name I call, come forward to get your uniform and your room key."

Everyone got their stuff, Arthur got room 3, Kariel got 4 and Guth got 5.

Each room was huge, it had a big bed, a bathroom with a bathtub, a small library with some common books, the room had an inscription that increased mana concentration.

Arthur took a shower and lay down on his bed.

'I think I'm going to get used to it, this room is bigger than my house.'

As he thought excitedly, someone knocked on the door.

"We're leaving for the cafeteria, are you coming?"

Guth spoke before hearing Arthur's reply.

'The day went by so fast that I forgot I hadn't eaten all day.'

"Just a minute." Arthur put on a simple outfit that he got from his mother and ran to the door.

Guth and Kariel were dressed as elegant as ever, Kariel was in a blue full body dress and Guth was in a complete set of clothes that Arthur didn't even know the name of.

"How much is the food? And that I'm kind of broke!"

"Pufffff..." Guth and Kariel started laughing at Arthur's question.

"Guess you'll have to ask someone then." Kariel said to him while holding back a laugh

"Hey man, did you live in a cave? The academy pays for everything you need and gives you a small salary."

Guth couldn't understand how someone didn't know anything about the imperial academy.

"Actually, I'm from Earth and I've only been on Teegarden for 6 years."

The three ate and then separated, Arthur noticed that after telling him he was from Earth, the two began to increase their distance from him.

'Maybe it's not a good idea to tell people about my background, well whatever!'

Arthur went back to his room and lay down to sleep. Far away from the academy in the Royal Palace, a person in tight black clothes that looked a lot like a ninja was kneeling in front of the queen.

"Your Highness the boy is called Arthur, he and his mother are from Earth and his father died in the conflicts against the kingdom, he was trained by a hunter called Lucious who has only an advanced green core for 3 years, that was all the information that I managed to pick it up."

'No mystery master or big family behind it, maybe this is just a genius.'

"I understand good work Shadow, keep the boy under surveillance, he will be in constant contact with my children and I'd rather not risk it."

"Understood your Highness."

Shadow blended with the shadows and disappeared.

This same scene was happening in several different locations in the capital, the nobility always recruited the best talent from the academy, in order to maintain control over the commoners.

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Arthur got up very early as usual, he took a shower and wore his academy uniform, on the way to the cafeteria he saw Guth and Kariel.

"Good Morning." Arthur bowed slightly to the two.

"Good Morning." The two responded in unison.

"Any thoughts on today's announcement?"

Kariel asked to Arthur's surprise, he thought the two would keep their distance from him after finding out about his past.

"Maybe the academy schedule?"

"No, my father told me that this year there will be a surprise at the academy, which is why the King was not at the ceremony yesterday."

"Does your dad work at the academy?"

Arthur didn't understand how Guth got this information.

"No, I just made a call to him."

Guth showed a gold ring with runes, which was used for long range communication.

'So this world also has a type of cell phone, I have to buy one for my mother.'

"Hey, where did you get this little guy over here?"

Kariel had the little wolf on her lap, it looked like she had a soft spot for cute things.

"I found it after my hunting with my master."

"Your master must be very strong, to be able to hunt Beasts that develop mana core so early."

Guth chimed in, he also had a mana beast in his house, which cost his family dearly.

"He once told me he was Advanced Green core, maybe that old man is something after all."

Guth and Kariel shrugged their shoulders, after all their families would research Arthur sooner or later.


The students stood in front of a platform while they waited, a few minutes later a man who looked about 35 years old, floated up to the platform, he had long black hair, crimson red eyes and was wearing a robe with a sword tied around his waist.

'Levitation is not every day that you see a technique like this.'

Arthur had read that this was an SS-level advanced blue core technique.

"His name is Ronalds Stormwind, warden and eldest brother to the queen and is one step away from breaking into Red Core."

Kariel noticed that Arthur was lost as usual and clarified.

"Dear students, this year our academy has the honor of teaching not only the sons of our Kings, but the sons of all the Kings of our continent."

From the luxurious cart came a tall and strong man with short blond hair, wearing multicolored scale armor and a crown, behind him came 4 young people who must have been 12 years old, 2 boys and 2 girls.

"Kevin Arkalis King of Sunnyd . . ."

"It is said that he single-handedly faced a thousand mana beasts, and single-handedly prevented the destruction of a city, his mana core is unknown due to his concealment technique, yet it is said that he has already reached the Middle Red Core."

Arthur cut off Kariel who looked at him while frowning.

"At least you know that, I thought I was a goner."

Guth wasn't too surprised, after all the King of Sunnydale was very famous in the 4 empires.

"This year as King of Sunnydale, I have the opportunity to announce the commercial partnership of the 4 kingdoms. And to formalize this agreement, the princes and princesses of each empire attended our academy."

"Alice Arkalis Age 12 Princess of Sunnydale, White Core, 24 mana channels."

Alice was beautiful like her mother's long blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Beatrice Dragonsbane Age 12 Princess of Bedrock, White Core, 40 Mana Channels."

Beatrice was the most beautiful person Arthur had ever seen, her hair was platinum smooth and long tied in a ponytail, her eyes were purple and her pupil was a slit, she was a Dragonian who descended from a true dragon.

"Elric Elven 12 year old Prince of Greenbow, medium White Core, 24 mana channels."

Elric was an Elf, his hair was long white, his eyes were green, and like all good Elves, he had a characteristic look of contempt.

"Lucian Wolfswift 12 Years Prince of Rising, White Core, 20 Mana Channels."

Lucian had gray hair and silver eyes with sharp pupils, he was a Lycan who descended from a Wolf God, he had a fierce look.

"The academy schedule is posted in the main hall, make your preparations and classes start tomorrow, dismissed!"

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