
World's Rings

In World's Rings, there is a collection of more than 100,000 civilization worlds. Lin Tian, an ordinary person, gets the mysterious 'World's Rings', which has the ability to enter these worlds and bring out items, and everything will be different! Martial Arts Civilization, Magic Civilization, Cultivation Civilization, Crystal Map Civilization, Soul Civilization ......

Daoist9EZUSA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
120 Chs

Chapter 107 - Duel!

Carl said, "Katie, how long does it take to recover after you run out of magic?" "It takes a day to recover if you use it all up! What's wrong?" Katie said. Carl pointed at Lin Tian on the dueling stage and said, "Lin Tian has used a level 5 Water Barrier in just over an hour, he just used a level 4 Strong Light spell, and that level 2 Great Fireball, I'm afraid he's used more than 20 of them, with your magic power, can you put out this much magic?"

Katie hesitated for a moment, "Almost, but after releasing these, the magic power is probably bottomed out, Lin Tian, he, it seems that he is much more powerful than me, looking at him, it seems that the magic power hasn't been consumed much at all!" Carl nodded, "We've made the acquaintance of a freak, but it's probably a delightful thing to have such a friend!"

The duel continued, although Bernie's level 6 magic Wind Guardian was still there, but the Bernie inside, the heat was already almost unbearable, although he was a fire magic method, but that fireball was not put out by him, it naturally did damage to him. After some of this time, his eyes were barely able to see things!

Another scroll was pulled out by him, but the seal inside was the Water Barrier of the Water Department Level 5, the Water Barrier isolated the heat wave, and Bernie was only slightly relieved! "Good boy, you pissed me off, you really pissed me off!" Bernie said angrily, chanting a spell in a low voice!

At this time, the effect of Wind Guardian was already past, "Flaming Bird Technique!" Bernie let out a furious shout, a flaming bird passed through the water barrier and attacked towards Lin Tian, as for why a flaming bird could pass through the water barrier, such a profound question, that wasn't something that Lin Tian, a rookie, could figure out!

Firebird magic was only a third grade magic, water overpowers fire, Lin Tian waved his hand, a second grade large water ball crashed straight into the firebird, a white mist rose, the firebird and the water ball disappeared at the same time! "This magic is skillfully used!" Lina under the stage praised, low level magic is not unable to restrain high level magic, everything also depends on how to use, these, is the problem of experience!

"Damn it! I'd like to see how much magic power you have!" Bernie narrowed his eyes and said, if he knew that Lin Tian could instantly send out strong light spells, he probably would have prepared a pair of sunglasses for himself! "Explosive Fireball!" With a deep shout, a soccer ball-sized fireball flew rapidly towards Lin Tian!

Explosive Fireball is a level 4 magic, Lin Tian's hand raised, level 5 Water Barrier appeared, Explosive Fireball hit the top of the Water Barrier and exploded fiercely, the Water Barrier trembled for a while, but it didn't consume, with the attack power of Explosive Fireball, it still couldn't break through the Water Barrier!

"Two more for you!" Lin Tian laughed lightly, two explosive fireballs appeared at the same time and blasted onto the water barrier in front of Bernie! One plus one, the power exerted was greater than two, although the water barrier was a level five magic, it also disappeared in a huge tremor, but the two explosive fireballs did not hurt Bernie anymore!

Once the water barrier was broken, Bernie was shocked, and hurriedly took a defensive scroll out from the space ring again, which was sealed with the earth system level 6 magic earth guard, said earth guard, of course it couldn't be a big earth ball that surrounded him, but rather a yellowish light shield that protected the person, that light shield, but the earth element filled it!

Although Earth Guardian was a level 6 magic, its defensive power wasn't much worse than some level 7 defensive magic from other departments, and Lin Tian's several level 4 water spears shot up, but they didn't do anything at all! "Master, the reason why Earth Guardian is called Earth Guardian is not only because it's an earth magic, but also because once this magic is used, it will continue to absorb earth elements from the earth to replenish it!" Little Spirit was in Lin Tian's mind way.

At this time Lin Tian, already did not want to quickly defeat Bernie, such a good sparring partner, not so good to find ah, other people silly will take so many precious scrolls to play with you! As soon as the Earth Guardian was released, Bernie was obviously relieved, he was very clear about the defense of the Earth Guardian, it could never be broken easily!

"Kid, it's too late for you to plead even now, making me lose so many precious scrolls, I'll definitely take care of you later!" Bernie laughed as he closed in on Lin Tian, with the Earth Guardian around, he wasn't worried about what Lin Tian could do to him!

"Sea of Fire!" Lin Tian waved his hand, Bernie's surrounding three meters were up in meter high flames, the flames were very high in temperature, but the earth guardian was indeed a cow, that temperature couldn't even affect Bernie through that layer of yellowish light shield! "Haha, a mere fifth level fire sea art, actually want to hurt me who is protected by the earth guard, your head won't be rusty!" Bernie laughed maniacally.

Underneath the dueling stage, Katie frowned, "The Earth Guardian's protection is too strong, I don't know what Lin Tian has to break it!" Lina smiled faintly, "Lin Tian has already given us a lot of surprises, I'm sure he'll surprise us again next!"

"If all magicians had as much magic power as he does, and magic was instantaneous, then we martial artists would be completely useless!" Carl said emotionally, and Katie's eyes lit up, "Yeah, Lin Tian, he's still a samurai, or maybe he really does have a way to break the Earth Guardian!"

Lin Tian on the stage didn't send out any more magic to attack Bernie at this time, and for the fireballs and such that Bernie sent out he just avoided them. "Lin Tian has he run out of magic power?" Carl said worriedly. Of course Lin Tian didn't run out of magic power, however, he had just sent out a level 5 Sea of Fire, and his magic power had gone to half at once, so it would take a few minutes for him to recover!

While dodging, Lin Tian was thinking of ways to crack it, Bernie was not in a hurry to hit Lin Tian with offensive magic scrolls at this time, on one hand, naturally, it was because the scrolls were precious and could be saved, on the other hand, he also wanted to enjoy the opportunity of a cat playing with a mouse!

For three minutes, Lin Tian only dodged without attacking or defending, and from time to time, Bernie's maniacal laughter rang out from the stage! "Haha, kid, look at you, how pathetic, a magician who actually has to dodge magic in a sorry state like a samurai!" Bernie said sarcastically. After three minutes, Lin Tian's energy was already back to full!

"Quicksand Technique!" Lin Tian coldly grunted as one quicksand spell was released around Bernie!

The quicksand technique could turn earth and rocks into quicksand, Bernie's body was slowly sinking downward, although the earth guardian was still protecting from letting those quicksand within the guardian's range, it could not stop Bernie's person from sinking downward under the effect of gravity!

A quicksand spell, in fact, can only make a square circle of two meters deep half a meter of earth and stone into quicksand, half a meter, which is only up to the knees, no big deal, but if one by one the quicksand spells stacked up, the effect, it's quite amazing! In Bernie's panicked voice, his body gradually only a head is still exposed to the ground!

Lin Tian revealed a satisfied smile, since the Earth Guardian can't be broken, it's better not to break it, and bury you in the ground so that you'll be guarded by the earth a little more tightly!

Below the dueling stage, Carl laughed, "This method is really wonderful, however, it is estimated that only perverts like Lin Tian will make it, if it can't be instantaneous, people will run out of the range of effect of the quicksand spell in one go, and it's useless to stack it again. Even if a low level magician practiced to instantaneous, the magic power is not enough to release many at once, while a high level magician, although able to instantly, but they can break through the Earth Guardian with a more powerful magic!"

"Bernie, admit defeat or not?" Lin Tian said with a light smile. "Admit your ass!" Bernie cursed! Lin Tian's eyes turned cold, "Ask for it!"

"Rainstorm Magic!" The Rainstorm Spell was originally a level 6 magic, and its area of influence could reach a hundred meters in a circle, but Lin Tian had shrunk it countless times and released it, and its area of influence was just those two or three meters around Bernie. Large raindrops smashed on top of that quicksand, and very quickly, Bernie's side became a large mud pit!

Being in the middle of a mud pit, Bernie felt a wave of nausea! "Damn it!" Bernie was furious and pulled out another scroll from his spatial ring, of course, this Lin Tian couldn't see from the outside! "Angel Wings!" Bernie shouted explosively, a pair of thin light wings appeared behind him, the light wings quickly flapped, driving Bernie a little bit to rush out of the mud pit!

Flying into the sky above the dueling stage, Bernie looked down at Lin Tian, his heart burning with anger, this Angel's Wings scroll was something he had managed to get with great difficulty, it was meant to be used as a means of escaping in the future, but he didn't expect to use it here! Flying into the sky, the Earth Guardian did not have the Earth Earth Elemental System to supplement it, obviously that yellow light dimmed quite a bit!

"Bernie's got a lot to lose this time!" Offstage, Carl said with a light laugh. Katie frowned and said, "He flew into the air, how can Lin Tian attack him? With his angel wings, he's very fast, Lin Tian's magic is afraid that he won't be able to hit him!"

Lina frowned slightly as well!

Of course Bernie couldn't just watch without attacking, and with a flip of his hand, a level six Fire Dragon Magic scroll appeared in his hand! "Kid, let my fire dragon roast you!" Bernie said, already tearing open that scroll!

A huge fire dragon seven or eight meters long appeared with teeth and claws, and as soon as the fire dragon appeared, it was a mouthful of fiery flames that sprayed towards Lin Tian!

Lin Tian wasn't a slow moving magician, with a point of his toes, he had already appeared four meters away, and the flames, naturally, didn't hurt him! "Little Spirit, it seems to be a big game!" Lin Tian said in his mind. "Master, it's just a small fire dragon, if you can't even deal with a small fire dragon, how are you going to face more powerful enemies in the future!" Little Spirit said with a cheeky smile.

One strike missed, the fire dragon even seemed to have a spirit, tilted its head and roared, really made a sound, but that sound and the dragon's roar that was far from it! With a swing of the tail horse, the huge body of the fire dragon lunged towards Lin Tian!