


July 26, 12:40 pm, Knowledge, Inside the Castle

Irade's footsteps echoed in the large room, even her soft trainers making a noise against the hard, white marble. She looked up, Sakura's body on her back, at the rows of books in front of her, stretching out into what seemed like infinity.

Gently, she placed Sakura's body near the entrance, making sure her head didn't loll too far off. Once she was situated, Irade looked back at the room.

The mahogany shelves seemed to stretch endlessly to her left and right. As she looked down the rows, they seemed to stretch endlessly down in that direction as well. She looked up to find a dome over the high ceiling, multicolored patterns adorning the white marble above. A crystal replica of the solar system hung from the center of the dome, slowly moving, as if in time with the actual movement of the planets.

Irade sighed, looking back at Sakura, then down at her one hand.