Whatever niggling guilt Sun Haowei felt for destroying his wife's precious garden had evaporated immediately when he entered his mansion.
If he was a lesser man, he would have walked out again, just to check if he had got the correct house. But since this was the only mansion for miles, and he wasn't stupid enough to end up walking to another estate, he was absolutely sure that this was his house!
No matter how much it didn't look like it!
"Are my eyes playing tricks on me? What is the meaning of this?" Sun Haowei asked rhetorically. The meaning was clear, it was another one of his wife's petty tricks to get him to divorce her.
His butler didn't reply; he was too busy gawking at the stairs.
"Young Master!" The maids chorused. Noticeably, they all remained on the second floor, refusing to take even a step downwards to greet him. They were on higher ground, but he supposed he could be lenient enough to forgive this lapse in protocol.