

"Goodbye, world." A light covered my eyes as I opened my eyes. 'WHAT THE HELL!!!! WHERE AM I?? AND WHY AM I A BABY !!!???' I thought for a while and learn about the new world and started my life again to be the no.1 in this WONDERLAND.

Ryqa · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1 All Eyes on Me now - 1

At the end of the world, there's broadcast that says a meteor will hit the earth in less than a week. Everyone in the world has given up their hopes. Not to forget, those who still hopes on miracle, they pray every seconds, everyday without sleep or eat.

In a place on the earth, I was silently looked at the sky which is getting redder than before. That's when I knew the time has come. I closed my eyes and let the heat surround me.

"The time has come. Goodbye, world."


A strong light hit my eyes as I try to open my eyes. 'Didn't the world has end? Why am I still alive?" I slowly opened my eyes and looked around me. 'Isn't this a room? Why am I even here?" I try to stand up but I felt a little weird.

'Why are my feet to short?' I wondered. I looked at the side and there's a big mirror.

"Waaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!" I shouted out loud.

I heard a footstep from the outsides and suddenly some people rushing into the room.

This is my first work. So, please don't mind my english as i'm not that good at it. And please leave a comment so that i know what you guys think about my story so far

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