
Womanizer[DXD/Multi Anime Crossover]

Sometimes understanding what a woman wants is a very difficult thing, my friend. It’s like trying to figure out what color, the letter seven, smells like. I have learned that long long ago, they are like exams, you know. They ask too many questions and are hard to understand… But it feels good when you’ve nailed one.

HentaiisArt · Anime e quadrinhos
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31 Chs


I ordered the other SCP to open up the metal chest, but the second it broke the chains the SCP's body ripped apart at the subatomic level, killing it instantly.

"What the…" The event that took place before fills me with a deep sense of unease, cold sweat rolls down the back of my neck as I started at the chest.

[Someone has placed quite the powerful curse on it, I am impressed…] Lucifer stated with a chuckle. Do you think that's funny? I could have died there… [That's why I warned you to be careful, student Issei] Lucifer replied nonchalantly.

"You open the chest…" The SCP who is holding the wooden casket nodded & after putting the casket aside it reached out to open the chest.

It carefully touched the metal chest; I was half-expecting that this shy guy will also get his ass blasted to smithereens but to our relief he didn't suffer the gruesome fate.

It opened the chest and inside I saw a creepy-ass looking grimoire with a face of an evil demon howling in pain inscribed on the cover of it.

[The book of Damned]

Perk: It amplifies the user's magic by 30%.

[Rarity: Transcendent]

Description: The book of damned was written billions of years ago by Demon Balrog, the monarch of the demon race, the dark book contains thousands of powerful black and vile magic spells that could bring great calamity to the world.

Warning: The book corrupts the reader's mind and feeds on their life force.

No what will I do, should I take them for myself or put them back in their original place? What if I'm not worthy? So many negative thoughts pass through my head but at the right moment my "Gamer Mind" kicks in and calms me down.

I let out a long breath as my thoughts finally grind to a halt as I realize the danger of touching such objects. Agh, fuck it, what more is going to happen except for me being a dead-dead man?

Hey system can I wield these two things? I asked and after a moment of silence later a message window appeared before me and slowly words started to appear on it.

[Positive, Gamer mind will protect the user from any kind of mind attack, and as the progenitor of all demonkind you can indeed wield the two items without any consequences.]

With a sigh of relief, I reach out and grabbed the book, the eyes of the demon on the book glowed with a red hue, accompanied by a release of pure dark aura.

<Worthy> It let out an inhumane guttural cry. [The book of Damned desires to bond with the user.] [Confirm Y] [Confirm N] I clicked on yes and watched in morbid fascination as the book breaks down at a subatomic level and snaked its way on the middle finger of my left hand, the dark black particles wrapped themselves around my finger and settle on my finger in the form of an obsidian ring with demon faces engraved on it.

<So, you are the new Host, huh?> I heard a gruff voice of an elderly man. [You aren't welcome here, old bones, this is my home] I heard lucifer's annoying scream in my head.

<What if I say no?> The elderly voice asked in amusement. [Bitch, Imma smack your ass so hard, you will shit blood instead of poo] Lucifer warned. <You kiss your mother with that mouth?> The elderly voice asked.

[Oh yeah, if I had one, I would give her something more than a measly kiss, old bones, now leave] Lucifer said in irritation. <Kids these days, they don't have any manners at all, this is how you greet an elderly people, Boy?!> Oi, oi what the fuck is going on there? And who the hell are you?

<My master, I am the consciousness of the book of Damned> The new voice greeted me politely. <I will be looking forward to work with you> Great, now I have to deal with two annoying voices inside my head!

[How could you say that? Me annoying…Sniff… You heart my feelings, Issei!] I sweat-dropped on hearing that. [Oh, the betrayal… my weak heart can't take it anymore!] I don't want to hear your cringe-worthy sniffs so please… please stop, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, drama queen!

[I will forgive you if you kick this dude out] Lucifer demands. <Sorry to pop your bubble, boy, once I bond with a person, our contract cannot be broken until the host dies, now move your lazy ass and stop hogging all the sofa space> Sofa? What? Wait a fucking minute, I have a fucking sofa inside my mind!

Oi lucifer! Answer me dammit! [Your subconscious plane resembles Kuoh city, with your house in the middle of it, which I am currently using as my humble abode and this fucker appeared out of nowhere and dare to kick me down from the comfort of the heavenly sofa! He dared to kick this prince of hell, the nerves!] Lucifer raged like a five-year-old kid.

<Someone once told me that sharing is caring> The Oldman said sagely. [Nobody fucking cares! I call that bull-fucking-shit! Sharing is caring, are you kidding me! That is some bullshit words you just pull out of your smelly arse] Lucifer snickered. <It is what it is, boy!>

Will you guys shut the fuck up for a fucking moment! I got a bad migraine right now just hearing you two quarreling like children! Lucifer sometimes you need to accept that what's done is done, & you, I hope you will be of some use, if not I will throw you aside.

Even though Lucifer is and will be one annoying son of a bitch he helped me a lot. [Yes, keep it coming!] I ignored him. It's because of him today I am this strong, so hear this loud and clear, I am one greedy scum, & selfish bastard, I simply have no wish for a useless thing or someone who will become a burden to me.

Remember this if you dare to turn on me, I will find a way to put your consciousness inside a body and torture you in the deepest pits of hell for eternity.

"Everyone knows, you don't mess with the devil!" These words came out of my mouth like a natural instinct.

[You… The original one used to say that]

The new voice chuckled mirthfully and spoke. <Quite the master I got this time hoho> He chuckled in amusement.

<Throughout the ages of time I have gone by many names, but useless is not one of them. I assure you, my master, you will not be disappointed> Hmm, only time will tell, so what should I call you?

<My old master has never graced me with a name, except for the book of damned. I am fine with this one> Nope I will just call you, SIN. <Sin, it is then>

"So, what can you tell me about this katana?" I asked about its origin. <My creator forged this blade with the intention to slay divine beings, but before he could use it in a battle, my creator and his whole race were snapped out of existence by an Omnipotent God... poking the wrong hornet nest is probably one of the worst mistakes of his life, and he paid it with his and his subject life> Lucifer burst in a fit of laughter.

[Lol, he got snapped his ass to dust, kekeke… Oh man!] Could you please shine more light on the matter, you have piqued my interest?

<Hmm, where should I start… Well, around 2 billion years ago, my creator discovers the presence of multiple worlds out there in the cosmos. As you can guess he wanted to conquer them too, but things took a wrong turn, a very dark turn I would say… he tried to attack a world with his subjects but the overseer of that world is one heck of a powerful God, he literally snapped his finger and erased him and his army, after my creator's shameful death, the god threw me and that Katana back to our own world and I was docile for eons until an overly curious little elf stepped foot in a place she shouldn't have wandered in, she tried to wield our power but instead she got her life force devoured by that little sucker> He laughed mockingly.

I would have felt pity if I knew Nol's Aunt personally, but I guess since I don't know her, I don't feel anything, no pity or no anger towards this old dude for laughing.

After I stored the weapon in my inventory, I made my way back to the village with Nol and Misery, on the way back to the village I revealed all information about the two items, and also, I truthfully fill in Nol's on the reason behind her aunt died.

Surprisingly my Nol took the news better than I have expected, well I guess by now she already has gotten over her death, but nonetheless she still warned me to be careful and if possible, throw that damn thing somewhere that no one can ever find it, I guess a kind woman's heart will always be in turmoil until she herself makes it sure that no harm will befall on her lover.


The next day, I woke up early in the morning and once I'm dressed in decent clothes, I summoned a portal connecting Nol's lounge to my own room back in my original world.

"Keep it stable, Issei-Sama, I need some time to cast the enchantment" Nol suggested, I nodded as I kept my eyes on the MP bar, and boy it was decreasing quite fast. It was devouring five thousand MP per second, If I keep it open for a minute a shit ton of my MP will be consumed.

Both Misery and Nol started to chant and wave their staff in chorus, and pretty soon glowing words started to appear on the space before us. The letters circled around the portal and suddenly I felt it isn't absorbing any more of my MP.

"The portal will now draw power from both worlds to keep it stable, so you don't have to feed it any more mana, Issei-Sama." Nol explained calmly.

[You are one lucky dude, Issei. Not even the Gods of our world can pull something like that! Your Mates are all Hella strong women's] I guess, lady luck has taken a liking to me.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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