
Womanizer[DXD/Multi Anime Crossover]

Sometimes understanding what a woman wants is a very difficult thing, my friend. It’s like trying to figure out what color, the letter seven, smells like. I have learned that long long ago, they are like exams, you know. They ask too many questions and are hard to understand… But it feels good when you’ve nailed one.

HentaiisArt · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


Misery was tagging along with me since her skills in mind arts will be of great help to me. I plan to change Yuriya's memories of my old self to my new one. You see playing with mind arts is a very dangerous thing, one wrong step the target might forget all of his/her memories & there is a high chance I will mess things up and left them brain-dead, so yeah, for now, I will keep my hands to myself.

"How did I look, darling~" Misery twirls around showcasing her new attire. "You look great and sexy." Her pink tight shirt and that skirt increased her charms to a whole another level, she is the definition of an office Milf, and boy, did I want to fuck her right here, right now.

But I controlled my raging hormones and my little brother, after I became a primordial demon, my lust has spiraled to a whole another level, it's becoming too hard to control myself.

"I'm a lucky man." I said, Misery flipped her beautiful blonde hair over her shoulder with a satisfied smile graced on her face.

"Ahem…" We turned to see Nol and others staring at us with daggers in their eyes. "I say it would be better if I go instead of her." Delva voiced with crossed arms.

"No, I can take care of his needs better than anyone." Eveline butts in. "Fufu, are you guys jealous?" Misery smiled mischievously. "…That I get to spend more time with, darling~" She trailed off as she wrapped her arm with mine.

"Of course, we are!" Elda growled at Misery, I quickly stepped in before things get messy. "Girls, I will be back by night so please don't go at each other throat." I tried to calm them down.

"Everyone, Issei-Sama is right, no need to fight among ourselves, he will be back by night, right? So let just calm down and let's not disappoint him by straining a simple matter…" Lucie stated with her soft and gentle voice.

"Sorry…" Elda apologized. Delva and others let out a sigh, but a slight smile appears on their face after a second. "Yes, you are right." Nol let out a soft chuckle while others nodded in agreement.

Man, I am proud of them, especially the kind Lucie. She ended the argument so quickly before it can grow into something messy.

We all shared some intimate kisses before I and Misery walked through the portal. The feeling of entering a portal is weird, it's like you are trying to force yourself to pass through a wall made of a thick plastic bag. On entering you will come face to face with an invisible which will try to stop you from passing but the wall is so weak that you can easily tear through it and travel to your choice of place.

When we made it to the other side, Misery moves into action. She raised her staff and pointed at the portal in the middle of my room. The portal slowly wiggled a little and then it drifts itself from the middle of the room and settled on an empty wall.

"Mirror Image!" She stretched her hand forward and cast the most powerful illusion magic of her world and camouflaged the portal with the wall, making it completely invisible to the naked eyes. Although I can't see it anymore, I can sense its overwhelming magical energy so yeah entities with heightened sense might be able to sense it.

"Hide Presence." Misery cast a second spell on the portal, and this time the magical energy also has disappeared.

[Damn, those are some blasted spells she has in her arsenal. If the original one knew these spells, he could have easily won the great war and many more.] Lucifer commented, yeah, he would have but thank God he didn't because, firstly, I wouldn't have been born if he fucked up humankind, and also that dude is way too crazy for this world, by now he would burn the very world down and wage war against other pantheons

<So, the original is a warmonger?> Sin asked. [Yeah, and he was batshit crazy and insane, there was a time when he used to kill his own subordinates because of slight mistakes] Lucifer answered.

<Just like my old master, huh?> Sin chuckled and continued. [My master would kill his maids if the served food was not up to his standards, one time he even killed one of his newborn children just because the youngling vomited on his attire> Sin described the cruelty of Balrog.

"Darling~ what is this?" Misery's voice snapped me out of my stupor, I looked towards her and then at the item she is holding in her hand.

"That's a polaroid Camera, Misery." She looked at me in confusion, I gently took it from her hands and clicked a photo of her.

After shaking the film for a couple of seconds I handed her the photo. "It's a device for recording visual images in the form of photographs." Her eyes gleamed in astonishment.

"That thing you are holding is called a photograph." I explained before handing the camera to her. "Wanna, give it a try?" She nodded her head in excitement.

She followed my earlier instruction and after a couple of failed tries, she finally managed to click a good photo of mine.

"Can I keep it?" She asked hopefully. "You can have it; I currently have no use for it." She squealed with delight and kissed me on the cheeks for the gift.

She sat on the edge of the bed and started to teak with it, hmm, I wonder what she is trying to do with it?

"Tōei" She chanted. Tōei means Projection, right? This one is a new enchantment spell, I guess they will teach me later.

A golden glowing word appeared on the air before her & it slowly levitated downwards towards the polaroid camera and engraved itself on the camera.

I would have continued to observe her but then I remember about PI, where the hell is he? I don't feel the presence of any other living being in this house except for us, then where could he have gone this early in the morning?

Did something bad happen to him while I was gone? I know one thing for sure that PI is still alive because I didn't get any message from the system… I am talking about the messages when one of my summon dies.

"WINDOW SLIDING SFX" Both our heads snapped towards the window of the room, Misery pointed her palm at the window and was about to cast a spell, but I quickly stopped her when I saw it was PI who entered through it.

He looked at us for a brief second before his neutral and serious look morphed into joy. PI quickly changed back to his default form and circled around me in great excitement.

"Master! Master! You finally have returned! Where have you been?!" Misery slowly lowered her hand on hearing his words.

"Your pet?" I nodded. "More like my summon, this little guy here is the strongest summon I have in my arsenal." I chuckled as PI made himself comfortable on the top of my head.

"He can copy anyone's abilities, including their techniques with a single glance of his eyes." Misery raised one of her eyebrows on hearing this. "Impressive."

"Master, who is this?" PI asked, Misery spoke up before I can reply to him "I am his wife, Little guy, my name is Misery Stentrem, I am a dark magician." She smiled, PI let out a dramatic "OOOH" of understanding and spoke up. "Nice to meet you, Mistress-Sama!" Pi bowed his little round body, getting a chuckle from her.

"I like this one more than those creepy shy guy…" She laughs softly. I made myself comfortable on the bed beside Misery, who wrapped her hand around my torso pushing her massive boobs against my back. The softness of her pillows is simply divine; my back is in heaven right now. Taking a deep breath I calmed my hormones down, this was not the time for me to be lost in the pleasure, I have important things to ask this little guy.

I put PI down on the bed before us. "PI, what is going on? Why did you leave the house so early in the morning?" I asked him.

"Master, Rias Gremory and her devil servants have been keeping tabs on me for the past eight days... they want to enslave me." He growled out with venom in his voice.

"Enslave?" I asked him to explain the matter more clearly to me. "They want to recruit you as a member of their peerage." Peerage, oi, what is this all about?

"Is she danger to Darling?" Misery asked coldly, sweat rolls down the back of my neck when Misery tightened her hold on me, if I was a human being her grip around my torso would have snapped my backbone by now.

"Pi, thinks master & Mistress should not waste their precious time on such weak beings, they aren't a danger to Master and if they were I would have gotten rid of them by now." PI answered, his tone matching the coldness of Misery.

"Hmm~ I see." I sighed in relief as her grip finally lightened on me, she placed her cheek against my back.

[I have no fucking idea what he is talking about, something must have changed after the original one's death] He replied in confusion. [Devils are way too prideful, they see humans as nothing more than filthy feces, they would never try to recruit you unless…] Oi, don't stop, unless what. [… Unless you are of some use to them…] Lucifer paused.

[I see what happened, you have the system to hide your overall aura and your new changes, but your summon doesn't have that, I guess the Gremory chick, sensed the magical energy dwelling inside your summon] Lucifer revealed.

Can you tell me about this Gremory Chick, isn't she is a demon listed in demonological grimoires? I asked.

[Issei, Gremory is one of the clans of 72 pillars in the underworld, not a devil depicted in that fake book. This Rias chick probably hails from the new generation of devils.] Lucifer continues

[I don't remember any Gremory's with that name except for that "Zoeticus Kid", the heir of the clan in my time. I don't know if he is still alive or not, but that kid fought bravely alongside with original one in The Great War… As for the clan, well they are okay I guess... The members of that clan are born with powerful Demonic Powers and have superior control of it, much greater than subjects of other clans] Since Lucifer has little to no information on this peerage thingy, I moved my attention back on PI.

"Did you find anything about this peerage thing?" I asked PI. "No master, but I was keeping an eye on them, Shitori Sōna, the student council president, Liliana Glasya-Labolas, the president of Kendo Club and lastly Rias Gremory, the president of Occult research Club, these three women are all heirs of Powerful devil clans, they and their subjects are mostly active in the night, the member of their peerage would go around the town and will sign contracts with humans, but they must first fulfill their end of the bargain. It came to my notice that each time they complete a contract their magical energy would increase slightly. And lastly, they would sometimes hunt down monsters known as stary devils." PI fill me in with the details of his findings.

After he described what a stray devil is, he moved on to the powers and abilities he copied from these people.

"I copied this from the Rias Gremory." A vile red ball of pure energy materialized in the air. [... What the fuck! The power of Destruction! Gremory doesn't have this ability… This ability is the specialty of the Bael clan! Just what the fuck happened after his death!]

Pi masterfully dismissed the power of destruction and then materialized a sword, which dropped down harmlessly on the bed before us.

"I copied this from Yuuto Kiba, a servant of her peerage, he can create swords of any kind. "Next he summoned a small bolt of electricity and tossed it out of the window. "I copied the ability to control electricity from, Akeno woman… "

To be continued.

A/N: I am going to add a few more anime worlds.

1. Fate Grand order.

2. GATE.

3. Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon.

4. Shield hero.

Hentai World.

1. Emergence[Don't go reading this shit, this is dark, so don't blame me later on]

2. Kyonyuu fantasy[I will merge this with Shield hero world].

More will be added later on.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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