
Womanizer[DXD/Multi Anime Crossover]

Sometimes understanding what a woman wants is a very difficult thing, my friend. It’s like trying to figure out what color, the letter seven, smells like. I have learned that long long ago, they are like exams, you know. They ask too many questions and are hard to understand… But it feels good when you’ve nailed one.

HentaiisArt · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Be mindful, little fallen.

Word Count: 2,300.


<Kalawarna POV>

Right before I climaxed, I threw a wild glance over my shoulder. In a hoarse voice, he said. "You little angel, you're making me come!"

In a voice just as choked with emotion, he told me I deserved every bit of pleasure the world had to offer.

A strange fluttery feeling bloomed inside me, tickling my gut & closing around my heart on hearing his words.

I wanted to hear these words a long time ago, but Lucifer-Sama would never show interest in me. This newfound attention is like a drug to me, and I am getting addicted to him as moments passed by in his embrace. I've waited all my life for his recognition and love, and now I am finally getting it!

"I will never leave his side!" I thought to myself and precisely at that moment, my pussy tightened around his cock, and another orgasm as violent as waves shot through me.

I was still bucking & coming when Issei-Sama called out my name and sent his semen shooting deep into me.

We continued to shake our hips against each other like animals in heat, for hours, until 11 pm in the night.

Satiated we finally stopped, he took me in his arms lovingly and kissed me on my forehead. A happy smile found its way onto my face. I was finally safe in his strong arms; I no longer fear anything.

He brushed my hair from my eyes and look at me with a small cheeky grin as he suddenly attacked my ass. "Issei-Sama, that's not allowed… MN~" He chuckled. "You belong to me, don't you?" I nod sheepishly.

"Good Girl." He grinned and let me know how pleased he is with me. He wanted more, I could see the craving in his eyes and that was fine. I wanted more as well… I wanted to please her more.

He played with a strand of my hair and let out a sigh. "Your friend, Raynare, out there is dying to penetrate me with her light spear." He chuckled mockingly.

"That bitch brought you here? What do you mean to kill you? Azazel didn't give us any order like that!" Violent anger bloomed through me like a raging inferno, how dare she! I will kill that filthy harlot with my own hands for thinking of harming my beloved!

"That Bitch!" I was about to climb down from his lap, but he stopped me by wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Anger doesn't suit that beautiful face of yours, honey." He whispered into my ears, a current of ecstasy ran down my body on hearing his compliment.

"He called me beautiful!" I thought to myself as warm heat reached up to my neck and then settle on my cheeks.

"I originally had plans for her, that's why gone with her little game, but now since I have you, Angel Legs. I guess I don't need her… I guess I will kill her." He laughed coldly. That beautiful smile of his put me right on edge and I felt my neither region tingling, my wet pussy was writhing mass of erotic excitement for my beloved love.

[Kalawarna POV ends]

"What can tell me about her group?" I asked Kalawarna as I rested my head on her shoulder. "… She was chosen by Azazel, the governor-general, and Kokabiel to lead a team of three fallen angels and a group of excommunicated priests." She answered immediately and continued.

"Azazel send us here to recruit possible sacred gear users, who will benefit our faction greatly since we lack more force than the other two." She paused and grunted in anger.

"Originally that was the mission… That Bitch Is up to something!" She expressed her hatred with venom in her voice.

"That she is… That she is…" I rubbed her back to calm her down. Now, what should I do? Should I ask her to spy for me… no that will endanger her life.

A low-class fallen angel like Raynare would never stray away from the order of her leader until she was confident in her ability to fend of Azazel himself, and that was impossible. Someone is pulling strings from the shadows and this someone could be a higher member of the faction. My fucking gut is telling me that something big is about to happen, and this Raynare chick is mixed in it too.

Ah, wait! Why I am thinking so hard! When I have a cheat like PI! I will just send him to spy on the group.

"πύλη" I chanted the portal creation spell and opened up a gateway to my room. "Eep!" She let out a cute yelp of surprise when I suddenly picked her up in my arms, one arm under her sexy legs and the other supporting her back like a groom carrying his bride.

"What is this sorcery?" She asked me as she stared at the portal in wonder. "I can open a hole in the universe connecting two non-adjacent locations. A handy trick I picked up quite recently." Her eyes gleamed in more admiration as I explained the capability of it.

I carried her in and put her down on the bed. She studied the room for a brief second before she made herself comfortable on my bed.

I looked around the room for PI and found him sleeping soundly on my study desk. "PI… Buddy…" I called him softly, he woke up seconds later and let out a yawn.

"Master? You are back! Did you kill that crow woman? And who is this? Is she your wife too?" The little guy fired question after question at me.

"W-Wife…!" A terrific shade of blush appeared on her face as she somehow stuttered that one word from her mouth. "Well, I don't have any complaints if sweet Angel Legs here chooses to become my wife." I said teasingly, while my glance strayed toward her, she was certainly wasn't expecting that from me, but I could tell from the gleam in her eyes and her flushed cheeks that she was excited and elated at the thought of starting a family with me.

I really don't have any problems, her likeness toward me already maxed out from the starting and I could tell easily by her body language and the way her eyes stare at me lovingly, she is indeed in love with me.

Thank you, the original one, even if you are a piece of shit and asshole of the highest grade… I thank you for providing such a beautiful and loyal specimen of a woman.

I grab a shirt and shorts from my wardrobe and handed them to her. "If you need anything ask this little guy here." I patted PI's round body.

"Yes, I will!" She nodded as she puts on the shirt and pulled the shorts up her long sexy legs, the view before me sparked an idea in my head.

"I suddenly have a fantasy to fuck her in a maid costume." Yep definitely, I say yes to that, a fantasy like that is definitely worth is dying for.

"I would like that too." Kalawarna grinned mischievously at me, her reply made my cock twitched in my pants.

"Did I say that out loud?" She nodded with a look of amusement. "Ahem! I will be back, baby!" With those words, I made my way back to the club via the portal.

Once I made it back, I cast an illusion on myself to hide my appearance and picked up clothes from the floor and cleaned them with cleaning magic. After that was done, I put them on, and before leaving, I grabbed the whiskey bottle Kalawarna was drinking from earlier, it still has a little bit of whiskey in it and I need it to stage my act.

I parted the curtains open and walked out. I slowly made my way to the bar counter & saw Raynare twirling a glass of half-finished wine in her hand, from time to time her eyes would dart around the club.

"I can't believe that asshole left me here alone!" Even though I am standing quite the distance away from her, my ears picked up whispers quite easily.

"When I get my hands on that human filth, I will tear him apart." She muttered under her breath as she grips the arm of her chair in anger.

"A thousand apologies." I approached the fallen chick and made my voice sounds like I am slurring when I apologized to her.

"God! Where have you been? I thought you ditched me!" She suppressed the boiling anger inside her and asked me with fake tears in her eyes.

"I… Apologize…" I slurred out and acted like it was taking all my will to stand still on my feet. Raynare on seeing this smirked widely.

"You are drunk, Issei-Kun! How much alcohol did you consume?" Raynare asked with a fake worried tone.

"D-Don't… Know." I replied and gulped down the last few sips of whiskey available in the bottle.

"That's great!" She almost squealed in joy. On seeing my supposed condition this bitch shed every skin of cuteness and stared at me coldly. "Huh? Did you say s-something?"

"I mean, that's bad, Issei-Kun, why did you drink so much? You can't even walk properly! How are you going to return home in one piece?" She grinned predatorily, OI, OI, sheesh, what's with that smile?

Do you think I can't see that ugly smile of yours? Bitch you need to take a chill pill, no man will be willing to penetrate you with their little brother if they saw that smile of yours, they would rather penetrate you with a real sowed that sully their thing by putting in you.


Very soon after leaving the club, we are at the park that is away from the town. "This is... where?" I continued on my façade.

There is no sign of people, and no one is here beside us. Raynare already let go of my hand when we stopped in front of the fountain.

"It sure was fun today. I wanted to reward you with a kiss for taking me on an adventurous date." I called that bullshit! The date is more "how to annoy a bitch" type of date.

"Hey, Issei-Kun." She smiled sweetly. "There is something I want to do to celebrate our first date. Can you listen to my wish? I am going to show you a night you won't remember." I kept my silence.

"Will you die for me, Issei-Kun?" She asked with a sweet smile on her face. Black wings appear from her back, she grew taller, taking on a more mature appearance, and her eyes changed, taking on a darker, eviller look.

Her clothing also changed dramatically, now consisting of black, strap-like objects around and under her breasts, a thong-like piece held around her hips by three thin straps, gloves that ran right up her arms with small lengths of chains hanging from them, shoulder guard-like objects on her shoulders with three large spikes sprouting from her right shoulder, and black thigh-high heel boots.

"You, filth! You have no idea… How angry am I! You are probably one of the most annoying piece of human shit I have ever crossed paths with!" She ranted in anger.

"No…" I slurred out. "Hah! No what? Are you scared human? You should be! HAHAHAHA!" Raynare's voice sounds very cold. Her tone is like an adult's. Her mouth is forming a cold smile.

"Hell Nah! Who the fuck will die for a fallen bitch like you, huh?! Bitch you are nasty and crazy as hell!" I dropped my act and the first thing that came out of my mouth is insults.

She gritted her teeth. "So, you have been fooling me, all this time! Die motherfucker! FuckFace! Cunthole! Die felch!" A heavy buzzing sound makes the air vibrates. A light spear appeared in her arms. "Bitch your mouth need an exorcism." She gritted her teeth more savagely.

She threw the damn thing at me. [-500] It shattered like glass upon contact which confused the bitch to no end.

"That's it? I am disappointed… Raynare." Her eyes widened on hearing this. "How… You know my real name?" I grinned at her and lifted my hand. "My turn…" A dark glow encased her whole body before she can even react.

"I have some questions for you, Raynare, I hope you will answer them with the utmost sense of urgency." I told her coldly while she tried to break herself free from the encasing.

"Fuck off! COCK SUCKER!!!" Wrong words, Bitch! Now pay for your blunder! I closed my palm slowly and the second I did that I heard a series of cracks and then screams of agony just naturally flowed out of her mouth like a broken-down dam.

Unlike Nol Magical telekinesis my one gives a dark malicious glow, what I did here is a child play and a beginner could accomplish tasks with ease.

All did is, I used telekinesis to hold her down in one place & snapped some of her pretty little fingers.

"The adult human skeleton is made up of 206 bones. I guess you too have the same numbers of it, right? Next time I will break your toes… So be mindful, little fallen." Tears rolled down her face as she bit down on her lips to hold her screams down.

"Now, shall we continue?"

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