
Wolves and Vampires

After the Massacre of his Pack, he was found a boy in the woods. He was taken in with wolves and became a member of the pack. He had to search for vampires who murdered his parents that's where he fell in love with his enemie's daughter. Love and Revenge with Advanture are Three Different Things.

milliyfah · Fantasia
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38 Chs

We Came For The Head

Milan and the others went to help Layla she was tired.

"God that bitch is stronger"

"Did you see that she compelled us all without knowing"

"What did she say she wants?"

"She wants Caroline, the same witch who spelled her"

"And what do you plan on doing?"

"I don't know I can't give her what she wants I mean I don't even know if Caroline is still alive out there"

"Well we have Desmond's matter to deal with tonight"

"Yeah Caroline can wait, come on I need a break" They entered inside the house. Desmond was in his custody along with James Kate and Miles talking.

"Okay wolves will come tonight for me am preety sure" Desmond gave them weapons that contains wolfsbane.

"I plan on setting a competition between me and Milan but if they refuse you have to use wolfsbane grenade and kill them I will buy you as much time as I can get"

"We need hands in this we can't just do this alone"

"You have anyone in mind James?"

"We have to turn more people to vampires I have someone noisy and stuborn in Class"

"Okay do as you wish but make sure you be careful The town is in funeral condolences of 12 people"

"I understand" Bellamy was walking down the streets all by himself he was wondering around while sneaking to see if he was being followed he walked and walked until he find an old abondoned building he entered and closed the door it was very dark.

"You are late Bellamy"

"I have to make sure am not being followed besides everyone is so desparate to see you they are planing for war out there"

"Desmond is so stupid he is blinded with love"

"Why cant you just show yourself to your children I mean Milan is so desparate to find you and Camila is worrying sick about you" It was Octavia Bellamy was with Octavia all time.

"Even If show up in Milan's face and offer him a cup of coffee he wouldn't know me but Camila knows me well"

"Well what do you plan on doing? you are with beasts and yet you fight with them secretly do you realise you are doing the most dangerous thing?"

"Am doing this to help my kind untill we find Caroline I can't reveal my true face to them not yet I must find a reason first"

"Come on O you have been living with beast all those years, you know each and every move they make, you know hoe to kill them you have been studying them for years why do you need this witch for"

"Yes I know and all that happened because of you and your dad am grateful to you always thats why I sent you here to ensure their safety I know you can keep them safe untill then"

"Your boy is very stuborn, ruthless, your daughter is kind and you know among all understandable" Octavia laughed.

"Milan takes after his father"

"Its almost night O you should get going before they notice you" Octavia wore her beast clothes and a hood along with a mask.

"Far well James be careful" Octavia flew away..............

Tonight that day it was very quiet Desmond was in his house Nutaila was at the garden she saw Milan Elijah Deborah and Camila walking going to their house they stoped outside the door. Nutaila went Milan.

"Do you really have to do this Milan?"

"I gave you a chance of convicing your father, yet you failed now We came for the Head"

"Please Milan there might the other way"

"Tell me one thing Nutaila why beg for your fathers head when he did nothing but lying to you this entire time? he made you believe you are human being and thought that you can defy your nature, killing innocent people, children, turning innocent lives as tools for his pleasure, spelling people and lock people away betrayer why do you want to save a kind of man like that?"

"Well you forget he is a father, he is my dad and I love him Milan my mother left while I was born he was the only I was left with please I don't want to lose him too am begging you"

"He was the cause of my life's misery because of him I get to grew up with no mother or father besides me and because of him I don't evem recognise my parents you are talking to me to show mercy on him ask him did he showed mercy on my father and my mother he knew they had a family but he couldn't care less so I don't care if he has a family or not you can hate me for this" Desmond heard all the conversation he opened the door and walked out inside. Milan smiled

"Tik tok Desmond your time is up now we are here for the head"

"Really but my guts says we are not gonna die" Desmond turned his eyes into vampirea and got ready to fight...

"Guys lets take him" Elijah Camila Deborah and Milan turned their eyes into wolfs... Desmond laughed.

"Yeah I knew you couldn't handle rolling solo your'e nothing without your band"

"Stay put guys this shouldn't take long" Milan went bring the fight to him they started fighting, the others were quielty watching the fight. They were fighting one another Milan was fighting for Desmond's head Nutaila went to Deborah.

"Please stop them you know this better then anyone else, this is exactly what they wanted to turn us against ourselves"

"Darling vampires and wolves were never on one side don't forget that" Elijah answered her Nutaila went to Camila.

"Camila are you in this too?, you?"

"Trust me Nutaila am not with them neither am against them, I'm sorry but things have become rough lately can't help you" Desmond managed to punch Milan on the face Milan's become weak.


"Surprise" Desmond was using wolfsbane to weaken Milan. He was Punching him very hard Elijah wanted to join

"Elijah stay where you are this is between the two of them"

"Can't you see he is using wolfsbane he can kill him"

"Even if we can't there are rules if he manages to kill him then let them be" Desmond was continue punching Milan as the wolfsbane was slowly wearing off from him Milan held the last punch he rounded him and bitted him on the neck..

"Nooooooo!!! Dad" Desmond fell down he started becoming weak.

"Look who just ran out of tricks" James and the others were on the roof they threw grenades at them Camila saw it

"Grenade" The grenades exploded the air was filled with wolfsbane James and other vampires started attacking wolves Nutaila joined the vampires fighting wolves She went to fight Camila..

"Well well well I don't wanna hurt you Nutaila"

"Sorry Camila am trying to protect my father am sure you'd do the same too" They started fighting Elijah was fighting Miles and James Deborah was fighting Kate.

"Well is this a second round? too bad girl I was beggining to like you" Kate turned into a vampire.

"Lets get this over with" She took out her knife containing wolfsbane and they started fighting. Desmond was down getting weak. Milan looked at the others they were fighting.

"Eniugh!!!" All of them stopped fighting and stares at him.

"Do you think fighting can save his life? it's over he is down in few hours later he will die vampire couldn't survive a wolf's bite you know that too" Desmond was coughing blood. Nutaila went to him.

"Dad dad please no no don't leave me" Milan picked up the knife he went to stand beside them.

"Move Nutaila you shouldn't be watching this" Nutaila was crying.

"I despise you Milan now more then ever"

"Yeah I know but the job must be done"

"Go on then what are you waiting for? kill me now" Desmond was trying to sit Milan smiled.

"The more you fight it the more it spreads in your body"

"Then why don't you make it quick for me I killed your parents, massicred your village before I have made your life miserable from the begining" Milam smiled

"You know thats the difference between you and me Desmond, yes you killed my family, you made my life miserable but thanks to you I am who I am now, I have become strong just because of you, you killed my father because he was married with the woman you loved, and you killed my mother because at the end she hurted your feelings but you two didn't love eachother deeply because if you would then you would have been the first kind to rewrite the destiny from both sides. So I managed to survive another family took me in you couldn't stand me being the Alpha of the clan because you hated me since I was a drop of spam in my mother's flower, another family gave me a second chance and I couldn't afford to lose it thats why I struggled day and night, hustling and training to survive so that one day I can finaly kill you without blinking yet here I am now Desmond either you like it or not I have and I will always be abouve you and you will always be under me no matter how hard you try to make yourself immortality no matter how much you you spells against me I can always find you. If I kill you now I will take away your daughter's smile for good but am not a killer" Milan bite his hand his blood started droping he took a glass and putted it in the glass.

"A wolf's bite is poison to a vampire and the only cure to the poison is a wolf's blood drink it if you want to live, am giving you a second chance to make something right we all do bad things but we also do change. I don't want to take away the smile on your daughter's face may you live long" Milan wanted to left.

"Why are you doing this? if you don't deliver my head they will kill another innocent lives"

"I am the true Alpha and I have a way to stop from killing everybody, I have a plan so you may join if you want or leave if you like but at the end I will only need on thing from you, your blood that all soon as you give me that then you are free to do whatever you want" Milan turned around with his people and left.