
Wolves and Vampires

After the Massacre of his Pack, he was found a boy in the woods. He was taken in with wolves and became a member of the pack. He had to search for vampires who murdered his parents that's where he fell in love with his enemie's daughter. Love and Revenge with Advanture are Three Different Things.

milliyfah · Fantasia
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38 Chs

Our Little Wolf

That day tonight Milan and his family had a meeting together with Carmen too they were given task by Layla.

"We all know that things are going to be hard now, all we need to do is switching sides to teach her how to control herself, So Elijah you will teach her how to control herself, Deborah you will teach her how to well use her powers, Milan you will teach her how to fight and Camila you will teach her how to Hunt the rest I can do it my self"

"So I guess we will have to switch sides then who starts first?"

"I heard mom first Said Elijah, you will be the first"

"You guys make sure she is ready before the coming full moon do whatever you can"

"Thats 4 days from today"

"Then we have 4 days to make her a complete wolf"

"Carmen are you ready to learn and become one of us?"

"Yes Maam I will do whatever I can"

"Great get ready our first lesson will start 10 minutes later" Elijah left away Carmen was looking at him.

"You will get to know him don't worry" Carmen went to prepare herself.

"So mother tell us what kind of a wolf is she?"

"She was turned by a half omega wolf this means that she is a half omega too however sttong you become or will become she will be like you too, let's pray she doesn't get to hurt human beings"

"She will be fine mother I trust her" Camila was outside with Elijah far from home into the woods learning how to control herself. Elijah was tying her with ropes.

"Is this necessary Elijah?"

"Trust me it is for my own sake, now control is all about how you welcome your emotions to make changes in you, you can turn into a wolf by just getting angry. One thing about wolves once they are angry the monster inside us takes control over us thats when you have to control yourseld don't let your wolf control you"

"Wow look who's taking lessons" Bellamy showed up again

"Don't you have a pack? see I realised You have been stocking on us, go away this is no place for you"

"And where is this place for tying little monsters?"

"Excuse me" Bellamy started teasing Carmen

"You heard me I said monster isn't that what you are now?"

"Elijah is right you need to go now" Carmen was getting angry

"And where should I go? does your mother even know that you are a monster now? oh... I assume what would they think about you when they realised their daughter is a monster, what will they think of you? you have no place for them, not at all because you are a monster now?"

"Shut up!! shut up!!" Carmen got very angry her eyes turned into pearly blue she was half Omega too and she started roaring fangs came out from the mouth she was very strong as she slowly was breaking the ropes.

"Well she's all yours now" Bellamy left he wws helping getting her angry.

"Okay Carmen listen to me this isn't you okay, you have to find inner peace inside your heart to control your self, don't let the wolf control you, you have to fight it" Carmen was breaking the ropes she was stronger then they've imagined Elijah turned his eyes into wolfs and got ready to fight her once she finished breaking the last rope. Carmen was vert near to break the last rope.

"Come on Think find inner peace, look inside your heart find for a thing, someone who makes you happy a lover, a friend think" Carmen managed to break the last rope she fell down and calm down while her eyes and fangs didn't turn back she looked at Elijah while smiling then she turned back into human

"You have managed to made it wow am amazed, it took us 2 years to manage passing the control"

"Is it that hard the control part?"

"Yes it is that is the first stage another is how to control yourself in full moon, now you have ability to turn your self into a hakf wolf anytime you want anywhere you like but to turn into a full complete wolf you must first meet your first full moon and you are have about three days and 8 hours to meet it, it's gonna be a rough night for a first turn"

"Its alright I can take it" Elijah smiled.

"It took me like 20 years to master it, Milan and Deborah they didn't master it untill today come on we have to go" They returned back home they saw everyone was at eating table eating their night meal.

"Wow did she managed to pass the control part?"

"Yes she is very very powerful, more then we think she managed my work is done until the full moon"

"Well I guess its my turn now, the using of powers" Deborah was eating she had a knife on her hand she stared at Camila who was in front of her Camila dug Deborah threw a knife at Carmen very fast Carmen turned into a half wolf and stopped that knife from stabbing her.

"Wow how did I do that?" Layla was smiling while looking at Milan

"You have to eat and take some rest tomorrow is sunday you have all day to train your self" Layla stood up and started walking away going to her room she was getting better. Carmen turned back into human Elijah went to sit down near Milan Carmen went to return back Deborah's knife.

"I think this belongs to you" Carmen went to sit at the table and joined the meal. On the otherside Desmond was with James Miles and Kate talking.

"You have disppointed me James and your vampires look what happened now, we lost another super vampire"

"Sorry Des this wont happen again"

"We are losing many of our kind ran off after those bastads unleashed the spells"

"We have to make a plan otherwise we are dead I have seen how they fight they are stronger then ever you guys shouldn't understimate them"

"And you rralised that just after they broke your neck, I am angry because of that girl she was supposed to be a vampire not a wolf" James and Miles were surprised.

"So Carmen now is a wolf?" What do you plan on doing next?"

"I plan on using wolves to fight Beasts then we kill them soon after we are done with beasts we have to tske our chances" Kate was listening very careful.

"You plan on accepting the alliences?"

"I am thinking about that now but even if we do join the alliences we won't be one clan ever again, you may dismiss" Nutaila was home at the garden staring at the stars Jack went to sit beside her.

"You think of Carmen?"

"Yeah I miss her, and I will miss the way she was, she has become this because of me?"

"Don't worry she can be just fine right?"

"Yeah better to be a wolf then a vampire like us"

"If there was a chance for you to choose brteeen vampire and wolf what will you choose to be dear sister?"

"Vampires are scary beings that feed on human and kill them, their all means of pleasures lies on human race but wolves are animals who feed on their prey so ofcourse I would not hesitate and choose to be a wolf"

"Oh may be you choose that because it's where Milan is"

"I don't know If he and I will ever be together again, I mean now that things have got worse I don't think that he will ever think of me again"

"I used to think the same way about Camila but then later on we managed to settle things straight don't let these immortality gets in your way, you have to settle things through" Jack stood up

"And I heard tomorrow you will be going to check out on Carmen, I want to go too if you won't mind"

"Okay we will go together" Jack left. The other day early in the morning Camila and Milan were having a fight practising Camila was beating Milan.

"You are weak Milan"

"I am the one who took down the Omega after her awoken remember"

"That wasn't you, it was the dark power that controled you"

"You have the guts" Milan stood up he was going to hit her Camila flied and jumped at her head then he carries him and throw him at the tree Miln hit tha tree very hard and fell.

"Alright you win" he was caughing. Layla was watching.

"Is that it? you just gonna give up like that?"

"Yeah shes stronger then me" Layla stood up and threw away her walking stick then she went to Milan. Carmen and Deborah got out of the house and went to watch them.

"Then How about you and I fight Milan" Milan laughed.

"Fine mother it's been so long since we had a fight, are sure you are ready to handle me? cos am not affraid of hitting an old woman" Layla smiled.

"We will see about that" Layla drew a circle just like she used to do from the past they got inside and Milan.

"Whoever stepped out from this circle has lose" They started fight Milan was throwing kicks and punches at her Layla was avoiding them and was fighting him using one hand Csrmen was surprised.

"Wow how can she do that?"

"Trust me you don't want to fight her" Layla punched milan hardly Milan felt that he turned her eyes into wolfs and started using wolfs energy to fight he went again to her Layla wanted to kick him but Milan sse it and held her leg he wanted to throw him outside the circle but Layla flied and kicked him at the head Milan fell again He was caughing blood. He got more angry he turned into a complete wolf and started fighting her. Nutaila showed up with Jack Camila went to hug Jack.

"Hey love how are you doing?"

"Great welcome home" Nutaila went to hug her friend.

"Nutaila thank you very much for stoping by"

"I can't stay away while my friend is with wolves you know" Deborah stared at her with angry eyes.

"Wolves are yhe ones who brought your friend back to life, so If I were you I would choose my next words carefult before insulting wolves" Deborah walked inside.

"You know she is right Nutaila?"

"Yeah I misspoken besides why are they fighting?"

"They are practising a mother and a son fight" Deborah came back with cross bows and arrows.

"Come one we have to go Little wolf"

"Wait where are you going with her" Deborsh faced Nutaila

"Darling she is not Carmen you once knew anymore she is Our Little Wolf now" Carmen smiled and went to Nutaila.

"Am happy you are here this shouldn't take long they are teaching me how to control my self before I turn into a monster and you know ripping people's hearts out, stay and watch the fight I will be back soon I have lots of things to discuss with you bye now love yah" Carmen kissed her on the chick and left Nutaila smiled the fight was continue.

Milan was getting tired he turned back into human form he was going to hit Layla but she held his hand and looked at him

"You have become weaker then before" Layla turned her eyes into wolfs she collected her powers and punched Milan hardly on the chest Milan fell and fainted Nutaila was shocked.

"He will be fine just a little something to warm him up" Layla turned and saw Jack and Nutaila.

"They are Desmond's children" Camila went to her. Elijah went to carry Mila. inside the house..

"The boyfriend and the girlfriend what a nice surprise to see you home, you are welcome here"

"Thank you Maam" They went inside the house all of them Jack Camila and Nutaila were in the library talking while Nutaila was searching for a book to read.

"So now she is to learn the power skills and after that Milan will teach her how to fight?" Nutaila said while laughing

"I don't see something funny in there Nutaila"

"He was hit by his mother do you think a person like that can teach Carmen how to fight?"

"He was the same man who hit a beasts just about to snap your neck off remember?"

"I mean why don't Layla herself teach Carmen how to fight?"

"She only taught Milan, Elijah and Deborah before, she can't teach no more" Nutaila opened a book and saw Milan's necklase she was surprised. she shows it to Camila..

"Isn't this supposed to be on Milan's neck?" Camila was shocked.

"So this is where he hid it?" That necklase was shining a red light they were shocked..

"Okay I didn't know that this necklase can do that"

"Love look at yours its shining too" Camila took out her necklase it was shining red just like Milans they were surprised.

"What does this suppose to mean?"