

Kelani wasnt sure if to laught, cry or shout. Her blue orbs narrowed to unmistake the inked letters written on the papers she held on her shaking hands. Words written one she had dreaded all her life only they came from the wrong source.

Divorce papers.

The first of the papers Mr Zayd wanted her to sign. Clear as day and written in black ink.

Divorce papers.

Sure Kelani wasnt happyly married but she wasn't going to divorce her husband. Whether or not Sadiq treated her right or wrong. Good or bad. Affection or not, She loved him, with all of her heart and still held the hope that one day he would see her in the light. She had gone through hops to get him for herself and no arrogant man would could inbetween that. So she scoffed and set the paper aside. She wouldn't be signing those soon. Even if they came from Sadiq himself. The second of the papers stood in front of her and she flipped the first of the white papers open. Ice running through her blood at what she continued to feed her mind. Surely the man wouldn't expect all these from her. She was disgusted. It was pathetic and wrong. Wasn't Maryland capable? Why did she need to fill in for what his own wife could do. Was he divorcing her? Was Sadiq leaving her for her instead? All sorts of thing ran through her shallow mind. Heart beating scared of her husband leaving her, especially for another woman. Why did Mr Zayd request all of this from her and why would a man like him, a handsome man that is be in need of a surrogate for? And her of all the people. Her Kelani Omari. A married woman. He was crazy if he thought that she would leave her husband to be his baby making machine. She left the papers as they where and decided to make something to eat for her self. All this was making her famished. Six days was enough time to give someone to think through papers inconsiderable. She wasn't going to have anyone's child other than Sadiq's, but even so she had decided that having children should come at a later stage. She had a body to die for and she wasnt going to ruin it any time soon. Especially if she would have to compete for attention with a minor of her own blood. She was shallow to think like that but Kelani was mindset. It was bad enough now that Sadiq didn't spare her a glance thus she shudder at the mare thought of what a child would do to their already miserable marriage.

She made a simple salad and poured juice in a glass. Willing her mind to relax but ahe couldn't. Her mind kept on wondering about what threat Mr Zayd would impose to make her do his bidding. Would it be violence?

Shaking her thoughts once more Kelani finished her her meal and returned to the last of the papers awaiting her. She was usually a neat freak and would have cleaned her plates but she had pressing matters at hand.

She picked the Surrogacy contract and placed it aside too. On top of the divorce papers. Shaky hand filling what she hoped was the last of the contracts. Her eyes scan over them quickly. The clear written words making her wonder if maybe she had wronged a God or if she had once done something unforgivable.