
2. Moon day

When the search party returned the preparations had already started for the night. He didn't want anyone in the clan to know how near they had come to losing their brother. He was welcomed with great warmth; they were concerned at his cousin's injury but he had instructed all to say it was a rogue attack. He didn't want anyone to become aware of the fact they had come close to breaking the treaty and come close to a war. He changed into the customary robe for blessing the unions and accepting loyalty. It was a long ceremony and somehow tested his patience every time. He would rather read a book or train than sitting on a chair all night.

The moon showed and everyone gathered around the area where celebrations were to be conducted. He took a huge glass of beer and sat in his place in the central chair on the table with mouth watering dishes. He had to commence the feast. He took the knife and carved into the beef and took a big piece he held it for everyone to see. "May the Northern tribe be blessed with love and brotherhood every day", he said aloud. Everyone cheered aloud and a deafening clap followed. He was the first one to rise from the table eager to escape but he was caught by some matchmaking mamas who wanted to show their newly turned daughters.

It was very awkward because he knew none of them were his mates. He already felt it. But every one of the women was hoping they were his mate. He wouldn't wish that horrible fate on any woman, especially on these young girls. They would recognize their mate soon once their attraction towards Alpha fades. The woman had to be 17 to turn into wolves then only they could turn on the other hand boys would turn as soon as they are born. But they could be in wolf form for longer periods only after they turn 14. They were allowed to train only after they turned 18. He never differentiated between man and woman; anyone who wanted to defend their tribe was always welcome.

Next was the swearing of oath, another thing he hated. He never wanted anyone's complete submission; he would rather they submit to their tribe but he had no choice as Alpha but to continue what was done over generations. That night all the people swore their undying allegiance and loyalty to the Alfa of Northern tribe. He had to gracefully accept their oath which went on for more than two hours. Next was another form of torture which was blessing the union as if he was some kind of a God. It also included convincing the parents who didn't like the match as if they had a choice. But they were all happy and he was content just by looking at them. His pack was his family. He loved them all dearly. Now is the time for praying to the moon goddess, the elder woman said. Alpha stood up to the woman. You may continue the rest of the ceremony, he said to her.

"I have to go,'' he said, almost detached. "I think you should stay ", she said. She was of higher ranks but below alfa but she was respected by all. "I'm not interested in praying ", he said. " I know that but there is something I wanted to tell you ", she said in her serious voice. "What's it"? He asked, annoyed by her. "Our pack has been in need of a Luna for a long time. It is your duty to take a wife. You need to pass on your legacy", she said. "I don't need or want a wife. I'm neither interested in fathering a dozen children", he said tightly. "It's not your place to decide that Alpha you must take a wife. If you haven't noticed our pack has been facing an issue over child birth. They believe it's because their Alpha is refusing to bow to the goddess or obeying her rules ".

"So what you are saying is that there had been no children because I'm not taking a mate", he said laughingly. "If it is what they believe it is your responsibility to change it. Remember change happens only when one believes it" she said. "If that's what everyone wants I will do it. But as you know it's only going to be in namesake. I'm not going to dance to everyone's whims ", he said bitterly. She smiled in her heart she knew he wouldn't say no not when his people are concerned. She had accomplished what she wanted. It was only a matter of time the Alfa fell in love. The mate she chose for him was very beautiful.

"I have already chosen the girl for you alpha you will like her. The only thing she ever wanted was to be your Luna. She will accept your condition. Doesn't her mate have a say about it"? He asked distractedly. She hasn't had a mate yet. " who are you talking about "? He asked, confusion clear in his voice. "Annabeth is the one I have in mind for you", she said, her voice betraying her happiness. He now got the idea what the old witch was upto and she had his yes already smart move by her. Annabeth had been an enigma to him. Her love towards becoming Luna was so strong she had rejected her actual mate. Being rejected twice slowly caused his wolf to die. The poor chap left the pack and started living with human beings. Now he couldn't shift at all but she was determined to become Luna so it had no lasting effects on her. "Should we announce it today Alpha", she said enthusiastically. It was her granddaughter after all. "Not today Greta I had enough for a day." She understood and backed off. Alpha took a heavy breath being tired now the battle was with himself. He thought he was done playing houses but apparently not.

He backed away from the lights and colors which were clearly absent from his life. But he wasn't alone, not even once a day though he sometimes wishes to be. He was joined by his general and beta. "Li and Tony I should remind you again if you believe in Goddess curse and bullshit don't follow me. I already have the blame of being a cranky old guy pulling people away from parties. " I said I didn't want to be a pain in the ass for my friends. "No Alpha, we don't blame you for our poor social networking skills. Besides, we want to miss the lovey dovey stuff happening there. Besides, a real party is what happens when elders leave ", Tom said. I smiled at him. He was a really great guy and didn't understand why he was single yet. Li was the quiet type, girls rarely talked to him, they were a bit afraid of him. "We just want to make sure you reach there safely. You will stay in for the night I presume", he said.

I rarely made any long term plans especially with my parents. I just wanted to see them but if I didn't go then my mother would come here. Honestly that is the reason I'm going there. I genuinely wanted to see them but also wanted to be away from them. Seeing their concern for me in their eyes was just getting me real bad. I loved them to the sky and back but every time Seeing them made me realize what kind of shit son I was.

The happiest part was I got to escape from here the pack, Greta and Annabeth. Everyone wanting something from me. Sometimes I wish my mate was here only because she loved me for what I was. Though it was a twisted kind of love. I remember the first time I took her to see them they were very excited, the second and third time they were just doubtful. They said each time meeting her made them think that we will live happily ever after. But it kind of happened again and again for us. Like a story with no proper ending, just an illusion with no real ending.

No one likes to drive in my pack. I was the only exception. They preferred to walk or ride on horses but getting on a motor vehicle scared the shit out of them. Being raised by my human parents made me conquer that inherent fear which was common among us. This time however, considering my company I didn't use my car. I still held a brand new Rolls-Royce Cullinan Black Badge a gift from the Government as a token of friendship which I rarely used. But my favorite was a gift from my parents, an old Ferrari which might have left a huge dent in their savings. Though they weren't very rich they had a bit of ancestral property which they sold for me. They surprised me by giving it as a going away present.

But my friends here never could understand my car obsession because it was unnaturally fast and loud. So we chose to walk. It was a bit odd to walk through the empty road in the middle of the night. We were warriors though so it might have shown in our walking me in front and both of them just a bit behind. They were constantly scanning for any untoward motion. But I was sure they were missing the night and the breeze since it was a residential area there could hardly be any rogues around here.

I have given them an impression of staying in with my parents but in reality I wasn't going to but if I were honest about it then they wouldn't leave me. The long walk was itself quite liberating for me. We rarely walked as wolves. We were always running around. Sometimes it feels good to walk around just to make sure you haven't lost anything to run about. My beta and general were always with me whether it's for planning the attacks or visiting Government officials though dealing with the latter required more time and energy.

Because of me and our endless work my beta and general are not able to find a mate yet. If the moon goddess is real and she did have those powers she better find someone for them as well instead of wasting her energy over me. We as wolves are blessed with a good sense of direction just like a built-in GPS. We just have to go through a road once it will remain in my head forever. The walk was very comfortable though my beta and general didn't seem to agree with me.

They were focusing on everywhere but the road and occasional car honk could push them to shift. It could cause a huge debacle. The Government has asked only one thing from us : secrecy. They didn't want anyone to find out about us. Which was a welcome information for us. We still hold a great deal of discussion and don't have to pay any taxes. I just wanted my younger members to know what life was like outside. Their parents were fearful about the idea. But I was slowly bringing them confidence.

I have even talked with the officers about it. They really welcomed the idea and wouldn't mind sponsoring it. In the past we could have easily fooled human beings but in today's world it is very hard with their technology. I saw a huge barbecue place on the way home and thought of the last time I was here. It was a very long time ago. Many people I had known had died or shifted away. My parents are blessed with good health with a lower aging process but they couldn't probably quite escape it altogether. They had their own rules to follow or to lose their powers which wasn't that much special to begin with.