
Chapter 6

“It sounds to me like you need to get out of where you’re at, urgently. Your living arrangements upset me, and Etienne doesn’t like me to be upset. I’ll bet that you live in a dangerous neighborhood, just as I did when Donal and I first met Alexei. Donal and I will tell you our stories on the plane back to Manhattan. Let’s take you back to your apartment with Julien to pack. Give your landlord notice and quit your jobs. Trust me, Richard, you won’t regret it.”

“After all these years, I still trust you, Julio, and for some reason, I also trust everyone I’ve met today. Since Switched Power, I’m not a person who trusts easily. I have to go back to the apartment now if I don’t want to return too late. Chicago traffic can be a bitch.”

“You haven’t eaten anything. I know you’re hungry.” Julio teased.