
ch 71

Anna's POV:

His curious and warm emerald pools were gazing up at me before he yawned and then continued to devour his meal as I was giving him his bottle. His little hand touched mine and he kicked his tiny leg which meant that he enjoyed his meal.

"He is absolutely perfect." I breathed while I smiled down at him.

"I know," Edward agreed and placed a kiss against my temple before he continued to watch our son eat, patting his little head tenderly.

It had taken me three months, of hard work and many broken objects, to be able to hold my son. I had been freaked out by the thought of causing him any harm and despite as much as I longed to hold him I didn't. I was always around watching over him, talking to him, smiling at him but the only real contact that I could offer him was to let his tiny fist hold my finger.

Jason greedily sucked the last of his special baby formula out of the bottle and sighed contently, looking stuffed and sleepy.

Carlisle, Rosalie and Edward had been working for months to be able to find a material that would be suitable for the nipple of the feeding bottle. The challenge was huge. The material had to be relenting but also had to withstand Jason's sharp teeth.

Only after Jason's birth Carlisle succeeded in creating such a nipple by using the amniotic sac. After it had dried it seemed to have the texture of leather but it was also resilient.

"Yummy. That was tasty right," I smiled at him as he yawned again and Edward was throwing a towel over his shoulder.

I did trust myself with holding my son and feed him but I was too scared to gently pat his back so he would burp.

"Come on little man," Edward carefully lifted the tiny frame out of my arms and gently laid him over his shoulder.

A content smile graced my face as I watched Edward slowly walk around the room humming to our sleepy baby boy while he gently rubbed and patted his back. Jason stuck out his pink tongue and blew a spit bubble before a short burp left his mouth and he spit some baby formula onto the towel.

"That was disappointing rug-rat. You sure can do better." Emmett frowned at Jason when Edward cuddled him in his arms.

Jason yawned in response and snuggled his head against his father's chest, ignoring his uncle.

"Smart boy," Edward beamed proudly.

"Hey," Emmett protested and pouted playfully at my two boys.

"Stop teaching him bad manners," Esme admonished Emmett after she entered the nursery.

"Sorry mom," he shrugged and had the decency to look sheepish but the glint in his eyes gave him away.

Jason stuck out his tongue again and yawned, moving his arms as he did so.

"Aww…" Esme and I both sighed adoringly and laughed with one another after sharing a quick glance.

Edward put Jason into his expensive bassinet. He loved to sleep in the luxurious white device made out of perfect pleats and expensive silk that provided him with the cocoon feeling that small babies found comforting.

Esme sighed and frowned a little.

"It's such a pity that he does not like it to sleep in ones arms."

"Sorry, he got that from me." I stepped to her side as the both of us were looking down at my sleeping angle and I put my arm around her shoulder.

She looked confused at me.

I narrowed my eyes at a distant memory that stirred in my mind.

"My mom used to tell me that after I was born it was as if she had no baby. As long as my diapers were dry and I was fed every four hours or so she could put me into my crib and I would not make a sound, sleeping peacefully. And according to her I hated it when someone was holding me, preferring to lie peacefully in my bed."

My memories got blurrier every day but there were some pictures and pieces of conversations that got stuck in my head.

"Looking at the baby pictures again?" I heard my husband's voice as he sat down next to me on the couch in our living room.

I turned to smile at him in answer when he suddenly captured my mouth for a tender and toe curling kiss. If my heart would still be beating it would go a mile a minute in this moment.

"I got a call from Esme earlier. She said that the new house was ready for us to move in." I informed him after we broke apart and closed the photo album that was lying in my lap.

"That's good considering that Alice just send me a text. Simone is going to go into labour in about an hour." Edward sighed.

"Then I should get started on an apple pie."

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"What? An apple pie always seems to put her into a good mood." He gave me a look. "As far as that is possible with her." I relented.

"Does Jason know?" I asked as I got up.

"Yes," my husband sighed again and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Professor's Millers class is next. I know the man is ancient but it is a pity that this will be the last semester he will be teaching." I said as we walked to our next class.

Suddenly Edward stopped and halted my movements effectively as well since I was holding his hand.

When I looked at him he frowned and narrowed his eyes. College students were passing us by as we stood in the middle of the foyer.

"What is it?" I asked and he looked up at me with stormy eyes.

"Simone just found out that she is pregnant." He hissed quietly.

"Simone? As in Jason's girlfriend?" I asked stunned.

Jason was like his father in many aspects but when it came to girls he did not share Edward's believe to wait for the right one. He would say; "Who knows if I ever meet her." And shrug his shoulders. He was practical not emotional.

Edward nodded.

"Is it his?" I narrowed my eyes.

He nodded again.

"Where is she?"

Edward let go of my hand and drove his hand through his hair. "The bathroom in the basement."

I rushed off, at first at human speed and then a little quicker when no one was in sight. The basement bathroom was rarely used because of it's locating.

I opened the bathroom door quietly and found her standing over the sink, staring stocked at the piece of plastic in her hand. Then she noticed me. She was panicked, flustered, angry and devastated. She tried to hide the pregnancy test but soon realised that it was useless.

"Is it Jason's?"

She bit her teeth together hard and looked at the ground.

"I'm not cut out to be a mother. I don't have a motherly bone in my body. I never wanted to have children." She ranted after I dragged her into the apartment I was sharing with my husband.

"I have a real shot to get accepted into Johns Hopkins. Do you see these hands?" She suddenly stood in front of me shoving her hands in front of my face.

"Those hands are worth millions. Those are the hands of a neurosurgeon."

"How far along are you?" I interrupted her rant.

"Twenty weeks. Twenty fucking weeks. I can't even .." She grumped through her grit teeth, looking pissed beyond measures.

"Oh, I can already hear my mother. Oh, your brother would have never gotten himself into such a situation. No, because Christian is perfect. A child out of wedlock imagine the scandal. I can't have this child."

"Simone!" I grabbed her arms to stop her and make her look at me. "Don't worry. It will be fine."

"Do you really think she is going to eat it while she's in labour?" Edward asked standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"No, but it will be the perfect reason to drop by."

He snorted and shook his head, "and the fact that we pay for the apartment isn't reason enough."

"I'm also not happy that Jason behaved that irresponsibly …"

"He should not have slept with any of those girls if he did not love them." He grumped.

"First of all, it weren't that many and second he learnt his lesson now. He is still young and barely in his twenties."

"Why are you always defending him?" He glared at me.

"I am not. You are too hard on him. After all Jason is taking responsibility for what he did."

"Then way are you the one pretending to be pregnant." He glared at the fake belly that was sitting on the table.

I sighed. "No one knows that Simone is pregnant. That is why we rented that apartment for her, so no one would notice anything. As far as anyone knows that little girl is our child. Simone will go off to Johns Hopkins and we saved ourselves a lot of legal trouble and uncomfortable questioning."

"She won't have a mother." Edward murmured in a quiet voice as he sat down on the stood by the kitchen counter.

I sighed and covered his hands which were resting on the counter top with my own.

His worried pools of gold looked into my own.

"She has a father who loves her. Jason adores that little girl and she is not even born yet. And she has two nanas and two aunties and two grandpas and two uncles. And besides she is my granddaughter she will be a though cookie." Just as I said the last word Edward's cell went off.

"That's Carlisle; he got Alice's text as well and is just leaving the hospital." He informed me as he read the text message.

"Well then," I said and grabbed the freshly baked cake, "let's get the show on the road."