
Woe's World: Strangers' Thriller Land

A world where creatures just ignore their past, doesn't care where and whom they came from. But who could imagine that there was a young woman who's different from their perspectives and aims in this demon-like world, Fontana Marie Swundes was her name, she was lost from her past just like all of them but would try to unlock the doors of curiosity to just find the golden truth. Will she find the answers? Come, let's unveil the truth.

paintasy18 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
109 Chs

Chapter 19

The air blows strongly and it almost swayed her away along with the wind and as well as the raindrops are forcefully lands at the surface of this world. No light from the sun could escape from the thick dark cloud in which was the source of these bad surroundings.

"Arghhh! Hate this gale!"

She was crossing her arms uphill to protect her face from things that float along with the wind while the sword was at her right hand, it was lifted above.

She was certainly very wet again after wearing such new clothes. She was like a little chick under the rain.

When she had seen a place for her to stay she immediately walks towards it.

An intense opening of the door made a loud sound for she kicked it once with all of her force. Fontana walked in then slowly closed the door. She could see nothing for the place was too dark. She slowly touches the left side of the door to find a switch to switch on the lights if there is but there was none, she found nothing.

Fontana just sighed then slowly leans at the wall and sit. She closed her eyes and tries to control herself not to feel very cold. There was a slowly appearing of an air breeze throughout this room. Because of that, a sudden opening of her eyes was made.

This weird sound that was caused by the wind was a little bit scary made her heart beats faster.

She was shocked and wondered when saw the candles were being lighted up one by one about meters away from her front. As she thinks, it was made by the wind but it was impossible. She couldn't intend to move from her place.

The wind was still there inside this place. The surroundings are now visible into her eyes for the candles give light into it. She slowly looks around to assure if there was somebody in here but hopelessly, there was none. She started to pale even more.

"S-sakar... Ghost... A ghost."

It seems like she was starting to shudder.

'Do you fear me?'

A voice from the wind appeared. This voice was very familiar with her but because she was being overwhelmed by her fear she tries to deny what she had guessed if who was behind this.

She just remains silent.

'Come closer with the candles.'

As it talked again.

Right now, she was slowly calming down when she had realized that it was not a ghost.

"You are not a ghost, you are Sakar, right? Sakar?"

She heard a gentle laugh from him.

"You're scared of a ghost?"

While she remains looking above the candles.

"Of course I am Sakar. Don't be scared. Come here. Come..."

She slowly stood up while the sword remains on the floor. She walks closer to the candles then sits at the front of them. The wind was circling her slowly and it made her feel relaxed.

"You can do magic, Sakar?"

As she asked calmly.

'I do, we do. But our magic has limitations.'

She bit her lower lip after hearing it and suddenly holds her stomach.

"Can you grant me food?"

'What food do you want?'

A big smile suddenly appeared on Fontana's face.

"All foods that are delicious."

Sakar immediately turned Fontana at the back.

'Let us show you a little magic for now.'

She marveled when saw a large round table suddenly appeared at her front with lots of different delicious foods. Before it was truly put on the floor without any movements these things keeps floating slowly along with the wind. Four chairs also appeared then all of the things are slowly settled. The chairs are about a meter apart then the other chair had moved away from the table as if there was someone who has done it visibly.

'Take a seat.'

Sakar said gently.

She stood up then take a seat. When she had seen these delicious foods at her front her eyes sparkled and her stomach craves more but she had suddenly wondered when saw the three vacant seats.

"To whom it was provided?"

She asked.

The chairs suddenly moved away from the table and there was invisibly someone who had sit in there and brought back again to its latest place.


Her eyebrows almost attached when she had heard the three different voices that had appeared as one. She had noticed that there was a woman's voice with that.

"W-who are you?"

'I am Ashfer.'

The voice came from the chair that was beside her, on the right side. It was a man's voice.

'I am Medona.'

A woman's voice appeared that came from the chair that was at the center, in front of her.

Then Fontana turns her sight at the chair that was beside her, at her left side. She waits for someone to speak.

'This is me, Fontana. It is Sakar.'

She suddenly remembered Sakar's word, the word 'us' that he had always mentioned to her.

"Them... They are the ones that you have been telling me?"

'Yes, Fontana. They are.'

'Pardon us for the surprise. We are many more than what you have expected. For now, let us accompany you in your late lunch.'

She heard a woman's voice talk.

She couldn't open her mouth, indeed, she doesn't know how to respond.

'Let us begin to eat, our dear Fontana.'

Turning her sight to her right side then after awhile a smile slowly appeared on Fontana's face. She immediately picked up the chicken's fried leg by her right hand and took big bites then took a piece of pizza by her left hand.

When it was only the bone of the fried chicken's leg left she put it in rush then took a big bite from the pizza. She lifted her head then noticed that she was just the only one who was eating. Before putting back the remaining pizza that she was holding she chewed it first then immediately swallowed it.

Her face was showing that she was curious about something.

"L-let's eat."

She thinks that it was unfair if she was just the only one who was eating with the foods that they had prepared.

'We will. Let us eat.'

Sakar said.

A sudden realization popped up within her mind.

"D-did you? Did I just do something embarrassing? Forgive me... I am just hungry especially with these foods."

The creature that was in-between the two suddenly laughed.

'You're impressive. You can sense us with this state.'

As Medona said.

'Continue our dear Fontana. Don't worry we will finish these foods.'

As Ashfer said.

Her embarrassment for herself slowly disappears then she slowly turns her sight to where Sakar was located when she heard him chuckled.

'Let us eat.'

Sakar said in a lively way but gently.

A sweet smile on Fontana's face emerged when she realized a great and special feeling with them.

Right now, she was picturing out the faces of her parents within her mind during the moments when they were at that table, sharing food.

'Be careful baby... Don't be careless'

Then his father chuckled.

She eats fast as if anyone would dare to steal the foods on her plate.

'Oh my, honey. You look really hungry.'

Then her mother chuckled also while this little girl keeps eating in rush.

Fontana didn't notice that her mind was floating in the air.


As Sakar tries to awaken her.

His first attempt didn't work to awaken Fontana, are you okay?'

Finally, she was now back to the present reality. She stares at the left chair for a moment and when she had realized that she was being driven into her memories again and Sakar had tried to awaken her from it she immediately shook her head then opens her mouth.

"Y-yeah, yeah... I am okay. I just remembered something. Let's eat."

Then they start eating.

Fontana just simply looks at them even if they are invisible in her naked eyes but she could witness the foods that are floating in the air in which one by one diminishes because of their bites.

"I can't wait to see your real appearance."

As she whispered.

Outside from the place where they are, the fierceness from above was continuously loose. The sound of the rain was like singing in anguish and the wind was swaying it gently to go across the rotten realm of souls, to wipe its tears or let it fall with harmony.

About a few hours bygone, the dark clouds slowly gave their way to the sun's lights. The surroundings began again to lighten and waters in the ground start to evaporate or absorbed. The flesh of the dead bodies began to fade even more. The rain that had just fallen lately seems that it wiped out the unbearable smell of the surroundings but still, right now, the smell began to appear again.

Back to the place where Fontana and the others are located, the food is almost gone while they are laughing and making some jokes for fun.

"Why do zebras have had stripes?"

Fontana asked them while smiling and so much excited to hear their answers.

'Oh! I know! I know! Because their ancestors used to drink ink-'

Medina stopped when the two disturbed her.


'Seriously ink? They will poison themselves.'

Then they are both driven into laughter while Fontana shook her head slowly and stopping herself not to laugh in intense.

'No? Not that ink?'

Medina asked then chuckled next.

'Me! Me!'

Fontana turns her sight to the right chair.

"Okay, what is it?"

'Zebras has stripes because from the beginning I painted it into their bodies.'

Then he severely laughs with his own and the table did shake when two consecutive smashes had made by him. While the three remain silent.

Fontana shook her head again.

"Sakar? What do you think?"

'Umm... Let me guess. I am not good at this but I will try.'

"Okay, go on."

'Because there was a man who was practicing kung fu accompanied with a ribbon while his eyes were covered and there was a zebra that had plain skin who was trying to go across him while carrying a jar of ink at his back-'

'Wait... That ink was my idea.'

Medina said while holding herself not to burst to laugh.

'Let me steal your idea with that ink.'

As Sakar said then laughed but after a few seconds, he stopped and continue his talk.

'This man had guessed that it was his student that he had sensed and that he had called to fight him during his practice so without seeing any things but by his sense, he, forcefully but carefully get the jar uphill by the ribbon and broke it above. He catccaught ink and there had no single droplets that had landed in the ground. The ribbon absorbed this ink. When the zebra saw this man and what he had done he marveled and fear him intensely.'

Sakar stopped.

Fontana was very serious while looking at the left chair and it seems that she craves more of his tale.


Fontana asked in a prolonged way.

'That zebra tried to run but the kung fu master had stopped him by hitting his body by the ribbon with all of his force. The zebra had groaned because of pain and when this man heard a sound of a zebra, he suddenly smirked then say, "Zebra was your style, you impressed me.', and when the zebra had seen the line in his body that was caused by the man his eyes twinkled once because that was the reason why he suffered to carry that jar that was full of ink.'

And Sakar stopped again. He feels that he was not giving them the answer for a joke but instead his giving them a long story, a legendary one.

Fontana was so excited to hear more words from him.

"Then? What was the next?"

'Should I continue?'

As Sakar asked.

'Of course, Sakar.'

Medona said.

'Bring it on. Who knows, you are a great storyteller.'

Ashfer said with a chuckle at the end.

While Fontana made her right hand as a support of her head.