
Wizards of Waverly Place: Troubled past

Abandoned neglected and abused, William Schmidt grew up without the love of his parents and as he grew older he became cold. Years later when the boy is in high school he meets Alex Russo, immediately she grows a hatred for him. Will the hatred remain, or will she warm his cold heart and change it for the better?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · TV
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


14 days later

It had been nearly a month since William and Alex began their relationship, like any other couple they had their ups and downs, mainly the problem was hiding their relationship. They would come to regret this decision later.

Despite that they had grown closer as a couple. William cared about her more than anybody. She was the one person he cherished most in life. Sure, hiding their relationship sucked but he quickly realized that spending any amount of time with her was better than not spending any time with her at all. While he wished Alex would just tell Harper, he knew that it would only damage her relationship with her best friend.

William stretched as he exited his abandoned apartment. He looked to make sure nobody was watching and once he was sure, he had left the area. He decided to go for a light jog before seeing what Alex was up to.

"How goes the hunt for the remaining Precincts?" asked Dahak as he looked at the forms of Adrian and Allen.

Adrian smirked. "We've taken out 35 of those annoying buildings."

Dahak mods smiling a bit. "I've gotten word. We have the necessary men."

Adrian looked surprised. Allen opened his mouth; out of all the things they expected their leader to say that wasn't it.

"Sir…What are your orders?" Allen asked unsure if they were going to do what he was implying.

Dahak chuckled darkly. "Kill them all and should the military get involved eliminate them as well."

Allen nods as Dahak looked at Adrian. "I'm going to rally the men; I need you two to draw as much attention as you can."

"You want us to gather them all in one place, don't you?" Allen asked which caused Dahak to smirk.

"Sounds easy enough." Said Adrian as a cocky expression appeared on his face. "Allen let's go."

"Right behind you, Adrian let's do this." Allen replied.

When the two men exited the construction site Dahak began to laugh. "Let the chaos begin…"

'If the news is to be trusted thirty-five Precincts have been eliminated. It has been close to a month since I encountered those Elementals. Just where are they and how many people are they willing to kill?' William thought to himself as he continued to jog.

The thought of not being able to stop these menaces angered him greatly. He had to stop them no matter what, it was clear to him that whatever the enemy's plan was it involved getting rid of the police. It only made him angrier when he thought of innocent children like that Emma girl suffering. It was odd, he never used to care for others' feelings before, now that he knew more about how to care for another person, he began to show sympathy and compassion for others. He Felt guilty that he couldn't stop these evil monsters.

"Hey." Came a voice from behind. "We should talk, William."

Hearing himself being addressed he turned around to see the familiar visage. His girlfriend's brother.

"You're Justin…" William stared at him with a curious look. "What do you want?"

It came out sounding rude, that wasn't his intention, but he had to know. Justin had never tried to talk to him before, why did he approach him now?

"I know about you and Alex." He revealed causing his eyes to widen in shock.

'What the fuck?' He thought to himself.

"Please spare me." A woman with raven hair begged. She had blood escaping from a cut above her forehead.

Adrian spared her a look before cutting her down cruelly, his wind slicing her at multiple places at once effectively ending her life. He looked at the kid behind her and grinned, ending his life as well.

Hundreds of innocent lives had been taken, whether it was man, woman or child it did not matter. Their orders were absolute.

"They're here!" Allen exclaimed excitedly as police officers began to file into the area. Over four hundred men and woman alike aimed their weapon at them.

"Let's do this." Adrian said as he gathered wind into his fist.

"Right." Allen said as his eyes began to glow a bright orange.

Alex took her phone from her pocket and went into her contact list. She scrolled down until she found her boyfriend. She was going to call him when suddenly she heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Alex." Said the voice. "I need a word."

The wizard turned around and came face to face with her best friend, He noticed that the tone of her voice sounded angry, and she was glaring at her.

"Hey, Harper. What's the matter?" Alex asked.

"Don't 'Hey Harper me.' I know what you've been keeping from me." she said angrily.

Alex looked surprised and wondered how she found out.

"Did you ever intend on telling me about this betrayal?"

"Betrayal? It's not like that, Harper- "

"Did you ever intend on telling me? Were you going to keep lying to me forever?"

"Maybe…I don't know." Alex asked, unsure, if she would tell her about the relationship between her and William if the secret was never revealed to her. "How did you find out?"

"That doesn't matter, you lied to me. How could you date William of all people! I was interested in him, and he rejected me. How could you see him knowing that? William is the coldest person I've ever met, someone like him doesn't even deserve you! What were you thinking?"

"Harper there's a lot you don't understand, he's not the same person. He's changed. I know you'd react this way, that's exactly why I wanted to hide this from you." She spoke.

"Alex, I feel like I don't even know you anymore, how could you." Harper said, her eyes filling with tears. "I thought we were best friends, sisters even."

Alex cursed. 'Damn it. How the hell did she find out?'

William, recovering from his shock, decided to ask a question. "How did you find out?"

"I decided to follow you and Alex one day, I was beyond shocked to find you two on a date."

"Damn it…"

"You should have never kept this a secret in the first place? What were you thinking? In the first place you don't need to be with someone like Alex."

"I know right? I never wanted to hide our relationship, but she insisted and besides Harper would have exploded, from anger that is." William said. He was aware of what Justin was implying. He didn't approve of them as a couple.

"Regardless of what you think or feel me, and your sister are together, I love her- "

"I don't think you love anyone, William. What you said to Harper was cruel, why don't you come out and say it?"

"Say what?"

"That you're just using Alex."

William stared at him, he understood that he was just looking out for his sister, but still this situation he found himself in was annoying to say the least.

"Just so you know I've informed Harper of your relationship with Alex." Justin said using air quotes.

William opened his mouth slightly showing his surprise. He couldn't understand why he'd do such a thing.

"Regardless of whether you wanted to keep this hidden or not, the truth is out now. Even if I didn't discover you two, one day the truth would have come out."


Justin crossed his arms. "Alex and Harper have been in worse fights than this." He said as he remembered the various fights and arguments they had over the years. "Question is, will she forgive you knowing you're the cause for her fight with her best friend?"

Before he could respond the ground shook followed by the sound of a loud explosion.

"What the hell…" Justin stared into the distance where he saw a large amount of smoke rise into the air.

William stared at the smoke before he began to run towards the source of the smoke.

"Hey, I'm not done talking- "Justin was ignored as he disappeared into the distance. "What's got him all riled up I wonder?"

'This is going to be my only chance! I sense two Elementals nearby…Whatever they're up to I'm sure it's nothing good. I should hurry!' William's body began to crackle with lightning causing his form to flicker and his speed to accelerate.

Screams of horror could be heard as the citizens of New York were slain, their blood painting the ground below them. They either died from massive cut's all over their bodies, A severed head, or their bodies were burnt to a crisp. It wasn't just ordinary Citizen who were killed, there was a swarm of dead police officers mixed in with the citizens.

"Here they come." Said Allen, who couldn't hide the smile forming on his face as he eyed several hundred police officers file into the area.

Adrian smirked as they stood by side, both aimed a palm at the cops and a large vortex of flames were sent at them as wind and flames combined together.

The two Elementals watched as the second wave of Cops were swallowed up in their attack causing multiple agonized screams to echo throughout the area as blood splashed onto the ground.

"Emma." Came the voice of a nervous woman with blonde hair and deep brown eyes. She knelt to her level and placed her hands on Emma's shoulders.

"M-Mommy, I'm scared."

"I know sweetie." The woman known as Sarah Smith looked at her daughter softly. "I need you run, as far as your little legs can carry you."

Sarah was trying to take advantage of the situation; she wanted Emma to get away while they were distracted by the police officers.

"I won't leave you mommy!"

Sarah widened her eyes. 'They heard that, for sure.' She thought with panic.

Just as she feared the mass-Murderers looked at them. One smirked while the other had a look that showed no expression at all.

Adrian charged forward displaying a speed the human race just didn't have. His fists swirled with deadly wind; he swung his fist at the woman however the attack never came. Adrian was sent flying, courtesy of a powerful kick.

"Adrian!" Allen exclaimed as his partner recovered before landing beside him.

Adrian looked at the form of William before smirking. "You've saved us the trouble of hunting you down, boy."

William gave a side glance to the mother-daughter duo. "Get out of here, while you still can."

Sarah grabbed Emma's hand.

"It's you." The child said.

"Emma, go with your mom." William said as he got in a battle stance.

Wordlessly Sarah and Emma left the area holding onto her mother's hand firmly.

"That was brave of you boy!" Allen said before charging him at inhuman speeds. William's fist strikes the enemy's just before the fist reached his body, Fist to Fist, Elbow to Elbow, they would counter like this for a while. Allen aimed a kick at him only for William to jump back and do a series of backflips.

Allen laughed as he increased his speed, still William was able to keep up with him. Blow for Blow, seeing an opening in the enemy's defense he strikes with a series of punches and ended the combo with a kick sending him flying.

"You fool, he's the son of the Dragon Hunter. It's going to take more than that to take him down." Said Adrian as he appeared at his partners side in an instant.

"Let's show him what the ultimate team can do." Said Allen causing Adrian to smirk.

William got ready for anything. Allen and Adrian ran at him and began to throw punches and kicks all across his body. The Lightning Elemental blocked them all. He put both hands up to either side of his face as two kicks appeared from the right and the left. Immediately he let lightning course through his body sending both flying. He didn't stop there as he proceeded to punch them all over their bodies, when he was done, he grabbed both and smashed their heads together.

The young Lightning user watched as the enemy slumped to the ground. He knew they were far from out of the battle. He could sense that much.

Suddenly he heard multiple footsteps from behind him. He gave a side glance and he saw over what he imagined was well over 10,000 police officers standing with their weapons ready to fire at any given moment. This was most likely the remainder of the police within New York.

William wanted to tell them to leave this to him. To tell them to go home, but he knew they wouldn't back down. They were fighting for something important. 'I can understand that.' He thought before looking at Adrian and Allen.

"Adrian! Allen! Put your hands where we can see them!" Said one of the brave officers as the partners stood side by side.

Adrian and Allen had similar injuries with blood seeping from their foreheads.

"The boss is right to see him as a threat." said Allen. "He's dangerous, but so are we."

"No more holding back from this point on." Said Adrian

"Right." He replied before his eyes turned into a fiery orange and his body was covered in an aura of Flames.

"Hmph." Adrian grunted as his eyes turned into a stormy grey and an aura of wind surrounded him.

Adrian and Allen ran at him with increased speeds. It was clear both of their speed had increased drastically since earlier.

William was put on the defensive as they threw multiple punches and kicks with speeds that looked like blurs to the ordinary people within the area. He on the other hand could keep up easily, he evaded and countered before jumping back.

One of the officers pointed a gun at them causing one of his comrades to scold him.

'What are you, stupid? The kid's still over there. No guarantee you will hit your mark, is there? Besides he's the key to saving this city. I can tell."

"We're going to leave the fate of our city in the boy's hands?"

"Do we have a choice?"

"Damn it, you may be right."

Adrian and Allen landed safely on the ground as a punch and kick slammed into the center of his body sending him into the rubble of a nearby building.


"I know."

William stood up pushing the rubble off him and wiped some blood that was on the right side of his lips. He looked up at him and smirked.

Adrian and Allen fired fist sized blasts of flames and wind that were circular in size, however when they combined a large portion of the flames fired at him at a fast speed, William didn't have trouble moving out of the way though.

"Is that all you've got?" William asked.

"You cocky little brat." Said Adrian with a cocky grin on his face.

Allen smirked. 'This brat is way stronger than I would've ever imagined. We can't afford to hold our punches.' He thought. "Adrian, Let's do this."

Adrian glanced at his partner as he floated in the air using his flames at the soles of his feet. The wind user nodded before controlling the wind around him enabling him to fly.

Allen aimed his palms at William, flames began to form at a concentrative point in front of his hands. A small sphere turned into a massive size. It began to grow twice in size…four times…six times…

At that exact moment, Adrian did the same thing and once they were ready, they sent their spheres of Wind and Flames at him.

William cursed. He couldn't just move out of the way, if he did all these people would die.

'Damn it, this is bad.' He thought as he watched the flames and wind mixed sending the flames outwards. A scream escaped his mouth as the flames consumed him and the army of police officers.

Alex opened her mouth to speak, however words wouldn't form. What could she say? Harper felt betrayed and she was sure there was little she could say or do that would make up for what she did.

"I don't think I can ever forgive you for this, but if you end things with him. I might consider it." Harper said.


"Can't or won't? You don't seriously have feelings for someone as cold as him, do you?"

Alex could see flashes of all the times she had ever spent with William and a soft smile crossed her features.

'Oh my god.' Harper thought.


Alex widened her eyes as she could feel the ground shaking violently and she could see a large orange glow in the distance. 'It's too soon for the sunset….William, you're fighting them, aren't you?' She thought with worry.

"I'm sorry Harper, but I have to go." Alex said.

"Hey, wait-" Alex ignored her as she retrieved her wand from her boot, Her wand glowed for a moment before she disappeared.

'Alex…' She thought. 'What was that? And why did she look worried?' Harper looked towards the source of the obvious explosion.

Allen and Adrian widened their eyes as the smoke cleared to reveal several hundred police officers dead on the ground, however William was still alive, though he was breathing heavily. From what they could see he surrounded most of the police officers in a barrier of lightning protecting most of them.

Although William was still alive, he had burn marks over both of his arms and the hem of his shirt was scorched. William glared at them angrily as his eyes began to glow electric blue and lightning crackled dangerously across his body.

"Um Adrian we might be in trouble here." Allen said as he gave his partner a nervous look.

Adrian hated to admit it, but Allen might be right. They threw everything they had at him and yet he was still alive. That last attack should've killed him.

'I wonder…could he have reinforced his body with lightning before the attack happened?' Adrian wondered to himself.

Before either William or Adrian and Allen could attack, they were interrupted as a large swarm of men and women filed into the area.

Adrian stared at the form of Dahak and sighed with relief. "Finally." He simply stated.

Dahak looked around the area to see multiple restaurants, a bank and multiple other buildings reduced to rubble. He also saw the amount of blood spilled on the ground, Officers and ordinary citizens alike. He smiled darkly. "You did well you two…but now it's over. Me and the others can take it from here. Take a breather and join us when you can."


"Thank you for your kindness, my lord."

William looked at the man before him. He radiated power, from one look alone he could tell this man was the enemy's leader. Taking him down would be no easy task. 'I have to beat him no matter what!' He thought.

The two combatants walked towards each other, and Dahak grinned. "Hello, son of the Dragon Hunter."

William didn't say anything as the enemy continued to talk. "My name is Dahak, I'm sure you can tell, but I'm the leader of this group." He stated. "You've done a number on my men; I'll show you the true meaning of power."

William narrowed his eyes as he continued to allow lightning to crackle around his body, gathering more energy. He clenched his fists tightly as he took a step forward.


His eyes widened. "What are you doing here?!" He exclaimed as he turned towards her.

"Did you really think I'd let you face them alone?" Alex asked as she looked around the area, the smell of death was present which caused her to wrinkle her nose up in disgust.

If William was honest with himself, he knew Alex would make an appearance at one point, but he just hoped he could've wrapped things up before she got here.

"You know why you can't be here." William said.

"I know. That's why I casted a spell."

"Which Spell?" he asked curiously.

"I've made it so the only people that can see or hear me are beings of the magical world." Alex replied.

"I…see. In that case make sure to save as many lives as possible." William said. "Be careful."

"I will, you don't have to worry about me, truth is I've been training like crazy recently. I won't go down without a fight." Said Alex with a smile as she preceded to clone herself, the original Alex along with her clones raised their wands' and all at once lightning struck at the enemy.

William nods before facing Dahak who grinned at him.

The Officers were unsure where the lightning had come from but at that moment, they decided now was the time to act.

"Men! Fire!"

Suddenly the police officers began to open fire taking out several Elementals, the Elemental's took out more than the cops though. It also looked like Dahak's group was getting serious as they began to kill off the police one by one.

William and Dahak looked at each other before they disappeared in a flash of lightning, Dahak threw a powerful punch at him which he caught before sending his own punch. However, Dahak jumped back.

Dahak chuckled. 'Not bad, Brat.' He thought as he observed the young man, from what he could tell he didn't have many openings in his defense.

William held his hands out and began to fire fist sized blasts of lightning. Dahak grinned as he mirrored his actions, for a couple of minutes neither Dahak nor William seemed to be overpowering the other however over time Dahak managed to force his way in, making his blasts more powerful.

He jumped out of the way just as a blast skidded past him, instantly striking one of the police officers. William glared at him.

"I think that's enough warm up, don't you?" Dahak asked.

In response to Dahak's question, he allowed more energy to course through his body, his eyes continued to glow before he unleashed the Elemental's true power, an elemental shroud.

Lightning cloaked the teen's entire body, there was so much energy that Dahak could practically feel the air vibrating around them.

Dahak wordlessly enabled his Lightning Shroud, with his glowing eyes he gazed at William before running at his fellow lightning user and threw a series of lightning quick punches.

William either moved his head to the side or his body as the punches were thrown at him. He grunted as Dahak dug his knee into his gut.

Dahak smirked before landing multiple punches and kicks across his body, he caused blood to drip from his lip as a kick to his face connected. "Come on, I know that's not all you have. Show me your power, Son of the Dragon Hunter!"

William clenched his fists tightly. 'Looks like there's not a choice, anymore. I must go all out.' He thought before he gathered the familiar energy in his hands and a sword made entirely out of lightning formed.

Dahak ran at him in a speed he hadn't displayed previously, however it seemed like William was faster as well.

Dahak dodged and evaded as much as he could, but he couldn't keep up with William's fast paced swipes. He grunted in pain as the blade slashed across his chest causing the fabric on his shirt to tear revealing the cut on his skin . The blood from the injury dripped onto the ground.

He winced before jumping back evading another slash. 'This isn't good. He's way faster than before. If this keeps up, I might lose here.' He thought with dread.

Alex moved out of the way as flames shot towards her like a jet. Alex stared at the army before her and in an instant, she sent multiple fireballs using her clones.

The battle was rough, Alex had a few close calls but thanks to her clones and a little assistance from the police officers she did all right. (Although they didn't know she was there.)

Alex ran at an enemy and engaged the elemental in a fist fight. Quickly finding an opening she punched the enemy in the gut before using her magic to turn him into a rabbit. She turned around with a small smile on her face as she turned several of them into different animals. She was only getting started.

"I have to admit, it's rather impressive that you've lasted this long against me." Said Dahak as he clutched his wound which continued to spill crimson onto his hand as he pressed against it.

William gave him an incredulous look, as if he couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. He was faster than him and he knew it.

"I never said this was my full power, did I?" Dahak asked with a smirk.

"What-" William was interrupted as the lightning around Dahak began to change. The energy became more deadly, the color changed from a bright blue to purple.

William watched as Dahak's eyes glowed purple and his entire being just radiated power. He'd almost think the form was beautiful if he wasn't in so much danger.

"This is the true power of A Lightning Elemental. It's achieved through intense training. You won't stand a chance against me." Dahak said cockily as a sword formed in both of his hands shocking William.

"Didn't think I used swords, did you?" Dahak asked. "It isn't a skill most Elemental's pick up after all."

William took a step forward, his resolve unwavering. He had to win, too much was at stake for him to lose now. His eyes widened as Dahak immediately appeared in front of him, he cried out in pain as he was slashed in multiple spots across his body in an instant. After his onslaught Dahak kicked him to the ground sending him skidding a few feet away.

Dahak stared at him; blood spilled from the deep slashes across his body.

'D-Damn it. I can't go out like this, Alex…She's still fighting…I-I must…' William stood up slowly, he realized this new form of the enemy was too much for him but still he had to try.

Dahak chuckled as he saw William practically shaking. One more critical attack and he might be done for good.

William's eyes widened as he heard a familiar scream. Turning his eyes, he saw that Alex's clones disappeared as Alex fell to the ground. He saw Adrian and Allen in front of her.

Allen had an emotionless look on his face as his fists ignited his right fists with flames.

"NO!" William exclaimed as he dashed from his spot to Adrian and Allen's position in an instant. He slashed them deeply across the chest before sending them flying with a powerful punch.

Alex opened her eyes and winced as she stared up at her boyfriend. "W-William be-behind-!"

William gasped as he was pierced through by both of Dahak's blades. Immediately he coughed up blood. In that instant he knew he was a goner.

Dahak raised William over his head as the blood spilled onto his face and onto his clothes before splashing on the ground. He laughed manically before he used his swords to slash him in two.

Alex widened her eyes as the two halves of her boyfriend hit the ground.

"W-WILLIAM!" Alex screamed as tears fell from her eyes uncontrollably. What happened in front of her she just couldn't comprehend it. He was dead. How could something like this happen?

Dahak watched as his men continued to slaughter the police officers. He noticed that while Thousands of Cops remained his men had taken out almost half of them.

Alex closed her eyes as the tears continued to flow. Her eyes flashed with all the memories she had ever shared with William. She never got the chance to tell William how much he meant to her. He died without knowing how much he was loved. 'William...'

"I should wrap this up. Whether those two survive or not I have to end this battle." Dahak said talking to himself as he briefly glanced at Allen and Adrian

"She just ran off?" Justin asked. "That's odd. She ran towards the source of the explosion."

"This is bad." Harper said. "You…don't think this has anything to do with those terrorists, do you?"

Justin clenched his fists. "I'm curious why they both headed in the same direction but for now we should go check it out." He said, getting his wand ready. 'I have a bad feeling about this.'

Justin gasped as he saw all the destroyed buildings, the Restaurants, the bank, and a few buildings were either destroyed or were blazing with flames. He tried to ignore the sound of Harper vomiting, but the sound was just too loud. He wrinkled his nose up in disgust as he looked at all the ground spilled on the ground. He saw thousands of Police officers and ordinary citizens alike.

Harper got off her knees and wiped her mouth before looking around. After a few minutes her eyes widened.


The young wizard looked at the startled look on her face and wondered why she sounded panicked. He gulped. He prayed that his baby sister was alive. He followed Harper's line of sight, and he widened his eyes. Alex looked to be alive, but Justin noticed that she was holding her stomach as if she was in pain. What really shocked him was what was beside her. The upper and lower half of William. He had been slashed in two. Justin walked closer to his sister clenching his fists. Despite how emotionless William was nobody deserved this. Alex loved William. That much was clear as she looked at the heartbroken look on her face.


"I-'m here, Alex." Justin said.

"It all happened so fast." Alex said. "He tried to save me and…the enemy completely wiped out the police force."

Justin looked around seeing all the casualties this war had produced. "That much I can gather, what I really want to know is why were you two here?" He knew his sister was hurting but he had to know.

"William tried to stop them. He is-was an Elemental." Alex said as she tried to choke back a sob. "He came close. He took down two of the enemy's top men, but their leader showed up. He kept up with him for a while until he powered up, this was the result, his men tried to end me, but William got in their way and stopped them."

"That must've been how he ended like this." Justin said assuming the leader of these terrorists had instantly killed him after saving Alex. What he didn't understand was if William was as Emotionless as everyone said he was why would he risk everything to save Alex, let alone the city.

"And now…there's no hope for this city." Alex said sadly.

Before Justin could respond to that he heard shuffling behind him. He glanced at a beautiful woman who ran to what was left of William. He assumed this was his mother. She looked devastated.

"W-WILLIAM! NOO! This can't…" Jenna sniffled as tears rolled down her cheeks. It didn't seem real, how could he be dead, he was only fifteen!

Justin looked away. 'This city is going to shit, somehow I have a feeling it's only going to get worse from here on out.' He thought.

'The enemy got away, even if someone was as strong as William they'd have to go through the leader and those two Elemental's at his side Not to mention the army they commanded. We fought as hard as we could and yet we barely even took any of them down. All hope really is lost.' Alex thought grimly.

Justin looked at his sister. 'Alex.' He thought sadly.

Harper looked at Alex unsure of how she should feel. William wasn't the kindest of individuals, but she just knew she had to be there for her. No matter how angry or betrayed she felt.

To be continued