
Wizard Of Douluo Continent

Travel through the legend of the Dragon King and become the legend of the wizard. ......... If you like Tang Wulin, Tang San or Huo Yuhao than this novel is not for you. Heroine Gu Yuena ........... It is a translation from a novel by Serious Bard 斗罗世界的巫师 .................. Early access of 25 Chapter Translation:-patreon.com/Astridira

Astra_20 · Livros e literatura
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460 Chs

Phoenix Serenity

In the swift dance of combat, Wu Zhangkong faced the onslaught of a space blade, its ethereal edge weaving magic into the fabric of reality. A linear distortion materialized before him, a threat sensed in the very air. Wu Zhangkong, ever vigilant, sidestepped just in time, leaving the telltale mark of the blade on the blackboard behind him.

As Wu Zhangkong evaded, his pointer became a weapon, striking with precision. Anping, calculating silently, avoided the thrusts, a silver glint marking his elusive movements. The fireballs hurled by Gu Yuena were met with swift waves of the pointer, deflecting danger.

In the midst of the clash, Wu Zhangkong's pointer suffered damage, a section falling to the ground. Unfazed, he adapted, transitioning seamlessly between thrusts and stabs, pressing the attack on Gu Yuena. Anping's protective barriers shielded them both, sparing them from harm.

The battle reached a decisive moment. Wu Zhangkong, exhibiting prowess without the use of martial arts or soul skills, halted the skirmish. A commanding glance silenced those poised for further engagement.

"I trust you witnessed the efficacy of combat skills," Wu Zhangkong remarked, addressing the observers. "Minimal soul power, maximum impact. This is your training path."

As the echoes of battle settled, contemplation dawned upon the onlookers. The realization that foundational skills could wield such power lingered in the air. Among them, Xie Xie, the melee soul master, brimmed with excitement, eager for the impending training.

"Teacher Wu," Xie Xie inquired, enthusiasm evident, "how do we embark on this journey of combat skills?"

Wu Zhangkong's gaze met Xie Xie's, and a directive was issued. "In actual combat, soul power is forbidden. It is through this restriction that your combat skills will truly evolve."

Amidst the echoes in Class 0's classroom, the pursuit of mastery began, each student fueled by the prospect of honing their abilities under Wu Zhangkong's watchful guidance.

The day stretched on, and when Wu Zhangkong entered the classroom, a reprieve was granted from the relentless combat. Grateful sighs filled the air as students realized they were spared the bruises of battle.

Led by Wu Zhangkong to the testing grounds, a different challenge awaited – a battery of physical tests. The first trial unfolded with a mental strength assessment.

"Xie Xie, you're up first," Wu Zhangkong declared, documenting the rise in Xie Xie's mental power.

Wang Jinxi followed, earning a modest 18 points. Wu Zhangkong voiced concern, "Wang Jinxi, your mental power needs a swift enhancement for future soul fusion."

Zhang Yangzi scored a respectable 41, but it was Tang Wulin who astonished with a leap from 44 to an impressive 66. The rapid improvement left both Wu Zhangkong and Xie Xie astounded, attributing it to Tang Wulin's absorption of the Golden Dragon King's essence.

Gu Yuena's score surged to 495, showcasing substantial progress. Unacquainted with previous tests, Wang Jinxi and Zhang Yangzi marveled at the displayed values.

Last in line, Anping maintained a steady 500 points. However, his heightened mental power control hinted at a profound advancement beyond mere numerical gains. Anping, mindful of his extraordinary talent, covertly monitored his progress. As the monitor reached five hundred, he skillfully severed the connection between his mental power and the instrument.

Wang Jinxi and Zhang Yangzi were once again taken aback, yet Wu Zhangkong and others deemed this progression as part of the norm. The pursuit of the Spirit Sea realm demanded not only diligence but also elusive opportunities.

"Don't be disheartened," Wu Zhangkong encouraged. "The Spiritual Sea realm isn't solely attained through hard work. When the right opportunity comes, you'll naturally break through."

Anping nodded in acknowledgment, his silence speaking volumes. Gu Yuena shot a curious glance at Anping as he stepped off the testing apparatus, but opted not to voice her thoughts.

"Now, let's proceed with the strength test," Wu Zhangkong declared, leading the group to the strength-testing equipment. The subsequent displays on the monitor were met with anticipation.

As expected, Tang Wulin dominated, showcasing strength exceeding 1,000 kilograms in both fists. His dragon claw form astonished with a formidable force nearing 4,000 kilograms, eliciting gasps from onlookers.

Anping followed, releasing a force surpassing 900 kilograms, drawing Wu Zhangkong's keen attention. The revelation of Anping's substantial power surprised those accustomed to his avoidance of direct confrontations.

Reaction and speed tests ensued, revealing Anping's unexpected prowess in both categories, leaving Xie Xie feeling momentarily disheartened.

"Are you the agility and attack type soul master, or am I?" Xie Xie exclaimed, grappling with a sense of defeat.

Wu Zhangkong addressed the mixed reactions, "Today's test focuses on physical abilities alone. Martial spirit prowess is equally vital. Those who didn't fare well shouldn't lose faith in themselves. Tang Wulin, come with me. The rest, disband."

As Tang Wulin and Wu Zhangkong left, Anping headed to the dormitory with rare free time. Intent on fulfilling his promise to Gu Yuena, Anping embarked on crafting a special set of alchemy props designed to amplify elemental abilities.

Opting for bracelets and necklaces due to their portability and ease of engraving magic patterns, Anping pondered the design. Seeking inspiration from Gu Yuena proved futile, as she cryptically suggested, "You can figure it out yourself."

Drawing on the newfound connection with the phoenix soul, Anping decided on a phoenix-themed design. After multiple iterations and consultations, the final blueprint emerged.

Crafting commenced, transforming mithril into the envisioned shapes and intricately engraving the magic pattern array. A meticulous process followed, ensuring the compatibility with soul power. Anping then fashioned a fitting box to house the completed set.

Knocking on Gu Yuena's door, he presented the box, explaining, "No need to ask what you like this time. I've made it—a set of props enhancing elemental effects. See if it meets your satisfaction."

Gu Yuena accepted the box and gestured for Anping to enter. Anping hesitated, but Gu Yuena playfully pulled him in, reassuring, "I won't eat you. Let me see what you've created. If it's not up to par, you might need to try again."

Seated on the bed, Gu Yuena opened the box, revealing a pair of bracelets and a necklace crafted by Anping.

The necklace depicted a majestic phoenix, its head held high, wings unfurled, and tail feathers forming an elegant arc. Intricate runes adorned the feather patterns, and a slender mithril chain added a delicate touch. The bracelet comprised two phoenixes connected end to end, the intricate runes forming stunning feather patterns.

Gu Yuena nodded in approval, expressing her satisfaction. "It's not bad," she remarked as she adorned herself with the necklace and bracelets. However, a sudden realization struck, and she shook the bracelet on her wrist. "There's nothing wrong with it now. The necklace is fine. I won't be able to wear the bracelet when I grow up."

Anping explained, "Mithril is highly malleable. I carved corresponding runes, allowing you to control the size with soul power. Give it a try."

Upon experimentation, Gu Yuena confirmed the adjustability. Trying the elemental amplification, she was surprised to discover a 30% increase. "Element amplification is 30%. Only ordinary battle armors boast such capabilities."

Anping, observing Gu Yuena's satisfaction, breathed a sigh of relief. "Battle Armor? I've never seen one, and the data aligns with my test results. Using mental power and accumulated energy could enhance the effect further, but I'm unsure to what extent."

Satisfied, Gu Yuena proposed a name. "Let's call it Phoenix Serenity. That settles it." She then pulled Anping up, announcing, "Let's go. Your sister is in high spirits today, inviting you to dinner."

Anping, unfazed by the "sister" reference, shrugged. "Why invite me when it's free?"

Gu Yuena clarified, "Not the academy cafeteria. I mean dining outside. The academy's food may be nutritious, but it lacks flavor." With that, she led Anping out for an evening meal.