
Chapter 35 I'm going to_2

Translator: 549690339

Old Lady Shen saw that everyone had pretty much finished eating, and started chattering on about the second eldest Shen's daughter, Yunfeng's matter.

From their conversation, Shen Yunfang understood. Shen's second uncle's eldest daughter married well last year and moved to the county. Her mother-in-law's family had some connections and found her a formal job sorting scrap at a recycling station.

Although it was an official job, the work was not pleasant. Think about it, in these times, with everyone scrimping and saving, what kind of good items could be sold to a recycling station? She had to sort and classify all these things one by one, so it goes without saying that the work was both dirty and exhausting.

Two days ago, while working at the recycling station, Shen Yunfeng suddenly fainted. After she was rushed to the hospital, they discovered she was pregnant but the pregnancy was unstable. The doctor recommended that she better not do any heavy physical work.

Her husband's family had been hoping for a grandchild for a year and finally, Shen Yunfeng was pregnant, so of course, they couldn't let her go to work on cold days, and besides, with the heavy snow swirling outside, what if she slipped? It was simply unthinkable.

Shen Yunfeng was very pleased with her in-laws' emphasis on the child, but she couldn't bear to give up her monthly salary of twenty-two yuan. Another reason was that she still felt insecure in her position at work and feared that once she took leave until the baby was stable, someone else might take her job. Hence, she discussed with her supervisor if it was possible to rest at home for her pregnancy while finding someone to substitute for her until she was ready to resume work.

Out of concern for the young comrade, and perhaps influenced by the two jin of meat from the kitchen, the supervisor made an exception and agreed to her request.

That's why Shen Yunfeng sent a message back home, hoping her younger sister could substitute for a few days. If her sister couldn't make it, then having Shen Yunxiu from the eldest uncle's family would do as well.

However, her younger sister, Shen Yunling, was only thirteen this year and had also caught a cold recently. Her mother was somewhat reluctant to let her go. So, she set her sights on Shen Yunxiu.

Shen Yunxiu, a country girl though she might be, had a father who was, after all, the head of the production team, and a mother who doted on her excessively, which made this girl carry herself with far more pride than most. Upon hearing her mother's proposal, she immediately shook her head as vehemently as a rattle-drum.

Such work, dirty and tiring with little social status, was not something she could possibly consider.

So, after much discussion among the Shen family members, over the Chinese New Year no less, they realized no one was really available to help. Either they were too young or already committed to someone, and during the New Year, it was customary for them to visit in-laws to make their presence felt; so they couldn't help. Eventually, their thoughts turned to Shen Yunfang, a woman without parents or obligations.

After all, it didn't matter where she spent the New Year.

Though she now had in-laws, the last time they came to pick up rice in October, they had said that rice was meant to be her New Year's gift, and since she took it then, there was no need for Shen Yunfang to visit during the New Year.

This seemed just right.

After listening to Old Lady Shen, Shen Yunfang's first reaction was also to refuse. Not to mention anything else, if she went to live in the county for a month, what would she do with the leeks and earthworms in the west room of her house?

But on further thought, she realized that she would be going to a recycling station in the county, where she might find things she urgently needed...

"What are you thinking? Just say whether you'll go or not. This opportunity wouldn't even be yours if it weren't for you being an orphan, hmph," Shen Yunxiu scolded, seeing that Shen Yunfang hadn't immediately accepted with tearful gratitude, and her little eyes narrowed sharply.

"Bullshit, if you can't speak properly, shut your mouth," Old Man Shen slammed down his chopsticks angrily. Saying such things in front of him, what did that mean, what did it mean?

Shen Yunxiu, not daring to talk back to her father yet still upset, could only glare at Shen Yunfang fiercely and then started poking the steamed bun in her bowl with her chopsticks as if venting her anger on it.

"Oh my, look at you, Yunfang finally comes to have a meal, and you lose your temper. Whatever Yunxiu said was thoughtless. Yunfang doesn't mind, so why are you getting upset?" Old Lady Shen frowned and tugged at her husband. Their daughter was already a big girl; to reprimand her in front of so many people was not appropriate.

Upon hearing her mother, Shen Yunxiu's eyes reddened, her temper flared, and tossing her chopsticks aside, she stormed off to her own room in a huff.

"Ah, you child, not even finishing your food. Are you full? Let mother save some for you," Old Lady Shen saw her daughter's temper flare up again, and didn't know what to do. Unable to manage her daughter, she turned back to comfort Shen Yunfang. "Yunfang, your sister Yunxiu didn't mean anything by it, don't take it to heart."

Shen Yunfang had almost finished eating and also put down her chopsticks. Others had parents to dote on them, to take their side whether they were right or wrong. As for someone like her, even if she was dissatisfied, what could she possibly do about it?

Old Man Shen was beside himself seeing his daughter throwing a tantrum but still mindful of the presence of a guest, refrained from scolding her and picked up a smoke instead.

"Originally your Aunt said to let your sister Yunxiu help out, but you know her temper. She's been spoiled by your Aunt and now doesn't know what's good or bad. She refuses to go, finds it below her. Tell me, we are all farmers living off our strength, what's there to lose face over?"

Shen Yunfang agreed in her heart, but she couldn't show any sign of agreement.

"If your sister Yunxiu doesn't go, your Aunt was going to tell your second Aunt about it and that would be the end of it, but last night your Aunt spoke to me, suggesting I ask if you might be interested, especially since you wouldn't be working for free. Yunfeng will pay you five yuan for a month's work. With that money, whether you save it or buy some sewing supplies, it's all good. We should let our kin benefit from a good thing. I thought it made sense, so we called you here to ask, do you want to go?" Shen Yeqing explained the situation.

After thinking it over and weighing the pros and cons, Shen Yunfang finally nodded in agreement, "I'll go."