
With you till the end

(WARNING:this novel talks about depression,anxiety and ptsd,it also has violence and sexual assault.If you are triggered by any of these things i don't recommend you read.) Layla Griffin,a girl coming from an abusive past and now struggling with anxiety,depression and PTSD. Jacob Santiago,a boy who’s father is a mafia lord and wants him to take over the family business once he is of age. He's helping her get over her past and she's helping him take control over his life. Are they destined to be?Or will this be another tragic love story...

Tt_A · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

The trip

Layla's side:

The day of the trip came by pretty quickly and we got into the bus and left.It was a two hour long ride but it only felt like a few minutes.When we got there i was stunned,there were two big cottages,one was where the boys would be staying and the other was where the girls would be staying.We where all assigned chores that we had to do,there was a calender in each cottage with the schedule and the chores we had to take care of during our stay.Me and Sam where in charge of making the meals so we planned everything out ahead of time to be prepared.

Jacob's side:

Me and Dustin were in charge of keeping the place clean during our stay which we knew wasn't going to be easy.I would've much rathered to have to make the meals or something easier than this.

Everyone settled in their rooms and got their things ready,we were all going to meet up outside for a bonfire with sausages and smores.

Layla's side:

The smores were better than i tought they'd be,the chocolat was perfectly melted over the marshmello with crispy biskets.And Sam,weirded us all out again by putting a hot dog in her smore.

L -"Ok but seriously Sam,are you okay?"

S -"Oh shut up!"*Nudges*

L -*chuckles*

J -"Haha,i think we just have to get used to it"

We were about to continue our conversation when a teacher stood up and started talking.

"Listen up,listen up.We have to set some rules first before we continue with this trip.No one goes around in the woods around the camp without a teacher,no drinking,no smoking and no sneaking out."


When the bonfire was over we all went back to our rooms,me and Sam hung out a bit before going to bed.

S -"*yawns*Layla it's getting pretty late,i'm going to bed"

L -"Yeah i'm pretty tired too"

Sam left and i went to bed soon after.

This is how i imagine the bonfire looking like(btw idk if you can tell but theres 4 people in the back and that would be where they would be sitting): https://images.app.goo.gl/58FxmCQc5Utqn4hdA

Tt_Acreators' thoughts