
With you till the end

(WARNING:this novel talks about depression,anxiety and ptsd,it also has violence and sexual assault.If you are triggered by any of these things i don't recommend you read.) Layla Griffin,a girl coming from an abusive past and now struggling with anxiety,depression and PTSD. Jacob Santiago,a boy who’s father is a mafia lord and wants him to take over the family business once he is of age. He's helping her get over her past and she's helping him take control over his life. Are they destined to be?Or will this be another tragic love story...

Tt_A · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs


Layla's side:

S -"He what??!"

L -"It-it happened at the party last night"

S -"Oh i swear once i get my hands on that filthy bastard I'LL RIP HIM APARTTT!!!!"

Sam started raging and it took me a while to finally get her to calm down.That's what i liked about her though,she's thougher than most girls i know but she's always kind.Sam gave me a big hug and told me that everything's going to be okay.We went out for ice cream after even though i'm lactose intolerant but it was fun.I felt like i was finally able to breath,because i knew that people were there for me,i knew that everything really was gonna be okay,even if it takes a while for me to recover.


Layla's side:

After we got back and Sam had left,i decided to text Jacob and thank him.'Thank you for helping me last night?'no that isn't right 'Thank you for everything?' no that's a little too much,'Thank you for your help'...and sent.I plopped on my bed,i was exausted,i'm glad today was friday because i don't have to go to school tomorrow,i have the whole weekend to relax.Me and Sam hung out the whole weekend and planned how we would get back at Luke for what he did.And let me just say,he's gonna regret the night of the party.On monday i wore the best outfit i could possibly put together and Sam met me outside of my dorm room to walk to school together.We had stayed up late the night before setting traps for Luke and we even got a few people in on it.We heard from Dustin and Jacob that Luke had gym class this morning,so when the time came and he went to shower after that,Jacob and Dustin would run away with his clothes and a group of people from the photography club would be waiting for him outside.

S -"You ready?"

L -"Yup"

The boys texted us and said that it was almost time.I took a deep breath and we got going.As soon as the boys came running everyone got their cameras ready and just like we planned,Luke came running after them.The priceless look on his face when he realized what was going on made me and Sam laugh so much,we had also contacted some other girls and apparently i wasn't the only one he had done similar things to.The other girls who had also been assaulted by him offered to help and they were the ones that convinced the photography club to help us.

We took the embarrassing photos of Luke in his towel and posted them online to the whole school. Ah,this was the sweet taste of victory.