
With you till the end

(WARNING:this novel talks about depression,anxiety and ptsd,it also has violence and sexual assault.If you are triggered by any of these things i don't recommend you read.) Layla Griffin,a girl coming from an abusive past and now struggling with anxiety,depression and PTSD. Jacob Santiago,a boy who’s father is a mafia lord and wants him to take over the family business once he is of age. He's helping her get over her past and she's helping him take control over his life. Are they destined to be?Or will this be another tragic love story...

Tt_A · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Long day

Jacob's side:

After eating and relaxing a bit, i was finally able to fall asleep. I still had a lot on my mind, what about my brothers? What about Layla's safety? I might have been able to protect her this time, but what if it happens again?

Even this time, i was almost too late, i can't even imagine how she must've felt.


I woke up the next morning extremely tired, and my muscles were aching. Layla was sleeping peacefully next to me as she snored, i didn't expect her to sleep so softly. I was still thinking about what had happened, i can't forgive my father for this.

He's done many things that aren't okay, but this draws the line. I never thought i could hate my father more than i already did, i didn't think he was completely heartless either, but now i know for sure.

I got out of bed and started to make breakfast, it was the least i could do for Layla. I still feel guilty for what happened, and i know i'll be thinking about it all day. When will things go back to normal? Will things even go back to normal once this is over?

I was overthinking so much that i didn't even realize Layla woke up.

L -"Good morning"

J -"Oh, good morning"

L -"It smells like somethings burning?"

J -"Oh shoot!"

I looked down at the pan and realized that i burnt the eggs i was cooking, i really need to start paying attention. The eggs were so burnt that they weren't really edible anymore, so i had to throw them out and start over.

J -"Sorry about that"

L -"You don't have to be sorry, thanks anyway"


We finished up our breakfast and got dressed, even though we weren't going to do anything today.

Layla's side:

I looked over at Jacob, who seemed to be very stressed, and gave him a light hug. We had been through a lot so i'm not surprised he feels this way. I've been overthinking as well, and i think we should both try to calm down.

L -"Are you okay?"

J -"Don't worry about me, just get some rest"

L -"I'm fine, don't worry about that. Let's just try to forget about what happened for today and relax, okay?"

J -"Okay"