
With this I can make anyone my sex slave

Keith an average teenager get reincarnated and sets off on a mission to fulfill his desires and collect endless women.

Random1boredperson · Urbano
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4 Chs

2 I know exactly what to choose

When I awake I look around and all I see is white then I here a boomimg monotone voice saying to choose three abilities.

Three abilities!! Is this a dream!? "Last chance choose as three abilities" the voice resonates again". If there's even a small chance that this is real than I can't miss out on this opportunity."

I yell out "Mind control, System, and skill shop.". The second I finish the unknown voice says "Analyzing chosen abilities…. Choosing systems best fit for the hosts goals….. Adding shop…..Process complete transporting host." Then the was a sudden flash of light before everything went dark.

I open my eyes to see hot maid in front of me the maid had black hair and blue eyes a voluptuous body snatched in her tight uniform. Transporting and reincarnation process completed. System integration completed. Say active to set up\ open system. I whisper active under my breath and suddenly panals start popping up like crazy and in 4 different colors ( white, blue, black and red ).

Then a panel completely different than the rest pops up it was half blue half black. And it said on it do you wish to merge all systems. There were so many panels that before I could think I chose yes. All the panels start moving to each and then they all giltch together and combine into one.And said combination completed.