
With Naruto's abilities in another world

Read with me and see what our hero has achieved

Zahar4ik · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 7

"Brother, you ..." Lin Li looked at Lin Qin, who was thrown into the air in terror, with a face full of disbelief. It was obvious that his brother had the advantage to defeat Lin Chuan, why was it instantly reversed, and his brother actually vomits blood when hit with a soft fist.

"Take your brother and leave! Next time, I'll kill him! " said Lin Chuan in a calm voice.

Since the opponent had helped him hone the soft fist, he didn't have an assassin, otherwise Lin Chuan could crush Lin Qin's internal organs with one final blow, killing him with one blow!

Whether he is benevolent or cowardly, Lin Chuan who just came to this world really can't commit a complete cold-blooded murder, especially the other party is only a ten-year-old child, but he doesn't have anyone who would want to kill him. With a soft heart, the other party didn't want to get out of bed for a month or two.

Injuries to the internal organs and meridians are much worse than injuries, and I do not know how long it will take to heal.

Линь Ли и другой ребенок смотрели в жестокие белые глаза Линь Чуаня. Они только чувствовали, что видели самое страшное чудовище в мире. Холодные глаза и спокойное выражение лица заставили их почувствовать, что это не ребенок, которому всего девять лет. Это был свирепый монстр, который не знал, сколько лет он культивировал.

Не смея сказать больше ни слова, двое детей потащили Линь Циня, который был серьезно ранен и без сознания, и выбежали из комнаты Линь Чуаня. Они никогда больше не хотели видеть этого белоглазого монстра, и белоглазый образ Линь Чуаня также превратился в самый страшный кошмар в их сердцах.

После того, как они втроем ушли, Линь Чуань сел у кровати и начал считать свои собственные доходы и потери, восстанавливая свою Чакру.

Что касается силы Линь Циня, то Линь Чуань считает, что в настоящее время он может справиться не более чем с пятью уровнями культивирования в период очищения ци. Независимо от того, насколько он высок, он не будет работать. Даже если он может видеть движения других и предугадывать силу своих ударов, его скорость реакции не успевает, а значит, нет никакой возможности эффективно увернуться.

Lin Chuan had just tried the attack power of a cultivating human, and it was definitely much greater than his strength, so he didn't dare to be attacked by the opponent, otherwise he would have been seriously injured.

The soft fist is supposed to attack the opponent, and it is only effective after a few attacks.Only a random attack is effective, but it is extremely limited, so it can't be used as a losing move.

"It's a little difficult to make a breakthrough in a short time, but I still have another way to quickly improve my strength in a short period of time, that is, cultivation!" said Lin Chuan secretly.

Regardless of whether his guess about the fairy model is correct or not, practicing according to their cultivation methods in this popular cultivation world can definitely increase strength quickly, and Lin Chuan has another consideration, namely, hiding strength!

He tried it. People in this world can only perceive the existence of an aura in the opponent's body, but they can't perceive the existence of a chakra, which means that once Lin Chuan starts cultivating immortals, his power in front of outsiders is to destroy the Chakra. In part, it would definitely cause the opponent to underestimate Lin Chuan's strength, which is good for Lin Chuan.

Moreover, the appearance of a powerful person without spiritual power in his body would definitely attract a lot of attention, and it would be bad if he was caught and used as a test mouse, so Lin Chuan decided to cultivate immortals.

"The Lin family's assessment is still five days away. I do not know if I can reach the first level of the qi purification period. Forget it, I'll check my spiritual roots tomorrow, " Lin Chuan yawned as he thought about it. I'm going to sleep.

No words for the night.

Early the next morning, Lin Chuan got up early and went to the Lin family's magic Treasure pavilion. From his previous memory, he learned that there was a special tool to test the spiritual roots of practitioners in this place, and the students could test themselves at any time. Signs and strengths of the spiritual root.

"Naruto has a chakra check sheet that can detect the attributes of a ninja's chakra. In this world of understanding, there are also special tools for testing spiritual roots that match and complement each other!" Lin Chuan muttered as he walked.

His chakra attributes do not need to be checked after eating the fruit of the sacred tree. These should be the seven types of water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder. This.

And since the blood inheritance trap is a fusion of the seven properties of the chakras, Lin Chuan theoretically also has all the limits of blood inheritance and eliminates blood stains, because the limits of blood inheritance is the fusion of two properties of the chakras. Since these seven can be combined, they are naturally not a problem, and the blood stains that combine the properties of the three chakras are also eliminated.

It's just that Lin Chuan's current strength is small, and the fruits of the sacred tree can't be completely absorbed. Naturally, these abilities cannot be used temporarily.

"I'm really looking forward to it. Even if I can't use the Blood Legacy trap, the power of the Blood Legacy Boundary is enough to make me look forward to it, but I don't know when I can use it!" Lin Chuan shook his head and closed his eyes. Looking forward and excited.

When they arrived at the Magic Treasure pavilion, there were already quite a few people here. Although it was called the magic Treasure pavilion, it actually only sold the lowest level magic weapons and had nothing to do with magic treasures. It is said that they only exist in the Lin family's main locations. A real magic pavilion.

Some people are here to buy magic artifacts, and the other part is to measure spiritual roots, like Lin Chuan.

Because the Linggen is not something that can be accurately recognized with a single measurement, but it needs to be measured many times before it is used.

This does not mean that the spiritual roots will grow innocently, on the contrary, the attributes and the number of spiritual roots are determined at the moment of birth, but they will appear at different times in the future growth.

Therefore, many people will continue to measure spiritual roots with the idea of becoming a genius overnight. Perhaps one day, they might be able to discover a dual-attribute spiritual root or a mutant spiritual root. This is a genius that has reached the sky in one step., Every major family power will rush to cultivate it.

However, the probability of this is obviously very small, probably one chance in a million. As for the mutation of spiritual roots, the probability is about the same as that of dual spiritual roots, and they are all extremely rare: once they appear, they are geniuses among geniuses.

When Lin Chuan entered the Magic Treasure Pavilion, everyone was amazed, mainly because the image of white hair and white eyes was too attractive, and Lin Chuan's original face was very beautiful, and now he adds this unforgettable image: In the blink of an eye, the girl's eyes opened.

Ignoring these people, Lin Chuan went straight to the room where he was checking on Linggen. At this time, there were already a lot of people in this place. Lin Chuan's introduction attracted another bit of attention, but it wasn't as exaggerated as it was on the outside.

"Are you here to check on Linggen?" The responsible employee frowned and asked, "What's your name?»

"Lin Chuan!"

The person in charge checked the previous entry, and it clearly reads: Lin Chuan, a low-level linggen of the mortal level, with very poor qualifications! But this test was not conducted in the Lin family, it had to be passed before joining the Lin family.