
With Him By My Side

Jennifer who was living her life as an idol. Her carrer begain from being an athleat runner, gold winner and now she works in every entertainment area such as music album, side roles, adds, modeling and she still continued participating athletes and won lot's of medals. Everyone loved and cherished her work, looks & her attitude. One night she woke up in the middle of night and her whole life took a 180° turn. She was confuse/curios of the things hapening to her. Not scared. She lived her life normally like her everyday. Trying not to mess up things, getting comfortable to how things were now but on another rainy day. Its was not just her, the whole world took a 360° turn. Everything was a mess now.

dusky_ether · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Invaded- III


I was standing behind the big tree stefan left me, holding my mouth making sure not to make a sound, while crowching down. I somehow started thinkibg abhout what was going on again. At this point nothing was clear but I wanted to check news now.

Was this happening all over the world or just us? Are there anything goverment doing to protect us? Or does government had their hand to cause something like this? Are their more like stefan? Why was there blue smoke around him? What does the blue smoke mean? Does changing eye colour, some kind of singh for awakening? Did some multiverse theory is this, merging of two universe resulting in others to come here? Was this some kind of dungous break than? What is this all?


[ there is nothing.... I can do! Where this is an anime cliche or..... whatever, can I do anything..... no, nothing at all .]

While feeling helpless I stayed their, I had no trust in stefan when he started to feel distanced or started acting weiord but now, I was left with no other choise. I waited their helplessly for god-knows what reasons.


'Farway in the slience. '

The lady with more elegance than royalty, more beautiful than a goddess of beauty, the air around her could be dominating but still somewhat, comforting.She was looking at the screen in front of her. And as she spoke, in the most tempting voice of her.

"Hmmmm... I didn't think he would save other's but...*chuckle* guess he became a good boy!"


"I hope... you will get what you deserve..... and I will..... give it to you, Luna."


With her blink, the screen changed what it had been showing her. In the screen now, was a young girl running.

" I can't believe that I am feeling... jealous, I will..... have to wait... maybe sometime.... in the future.... I will get it, eventually!!!"

With a little sad, clam and a face filled with love she carfully started to play with the lotus in her hand. While siting between the lotus garden, under the tree.



I sat there, without moving a finger or couldn't move by the fear in me. To be not noticed myself as a prey. I grasped my mouth, making sure to not let any sound espace from me. Teras were running down my face, all the way to my hands. As a teacher, something like their student's death in front of them, it was a horrbile experince like it's hell before me, and the death was not hunanly either.

Something wild just got in tearing and chewing my student as a part of an entertainment.

[W-W-What is this..... HELL???]

It noticed me, I wanted to to run more than anything but my leg gaved out. I couldn't stand.

[No No No Noooooo... move I have to get away.... please move.... damn it!!!]

As I became it's target now, I knew, I am dead now. I didn't wanted to, I still wanted to fall in love, get married, have a child, who will play with jenni. I wanted to give her a sibbling she would cherrish, herlife was so dull. She acted different now-a-day's cause of her attraction to someone. I wanted to see her in weddin gown. I wanted to see her again.

[Jennie..... please be safe..... god please..... give that child.....alots and alots of happi-]


I had asspected my death but now, Prince one of the trouble maker of the class. Run bettween me and that's. And got bitten insted of me.

[Nooo..... what... why.... why did you come betwee-]


My thoughts were cut off from his creams. He was on the floor between a pool of blood of his own. That things tore his hand and chewed it.

[No... please don't..... he is still alive but... I cant do anything... prince why..... why did you?]

To my question I knew the answer, he had interest in me but was he that serious to throw his youthfull life for me? I regreted ingnoring his feeling till now, more than anything.

[..... why am I so... he died becuse of me.... I...I.... am sorry..... you fell a pathetic person as me....I]



Suddenly I opened my eyes to see one of the student to be standing beside that thing holding the emergenice tool while being coverd in with some green liquid here and there in his cloth. After a fraction of second, did I notice.

[That's.... green liquid is..... it's coming out.... of that thing's body.... it's blood, maybe?]

"You are... the last."

[W-w-what did he mean... the last? Does that mean that...? And... how come he can fight with that so... so easily?]

The boy in front waz surelyin he's a young adult in his 18s. But how he moved around was like he was trained to be a killing machine. I wasn't that knowledgeable about fight but I knew, that he is winning this without sweating.

The boy in infront of me was having no difficulty dealing with it. His hair were flowing in the air when he moved one place to another. His speed was certainly not normal but, it didn't matter at this crucial moment in time. His dress were normal white pants with black shirt but now, it had green liqiud on it making it somewhat a little attractive.

His figure stood againt that thing with a strong confidence and blue smoke was rising from his body. It all gave me a little hope that, maybe I can live on and save prince too.

[He... did it. He got rid... of that thing. God..... thank you!!! Now, all that left is.... for me to get up from here.]

While I was trying to gt up, the boy stood in front of prince. Making an exprision i didn't wanted to see. An expression telling he can't be saved. That not I wanted, prince can't die in exchange for my life nor can the boy decide that he is beyond saving.

"You have lost too much blood,..... it's not just blood but... your internal organs been..... no more useful.... your missing two of your limbs....."

[W-w-what the heck? How can he..... say that to him? I need to get up... from here!!! Come on.]

Maybe the fear in me did let me move before but now, the relie that 'I am saved' relief all the tension and fear that now I didn't had any strength to get up.


[Prince!!! Don't listen to him.... I am coming to you? We still have..... time. I will not let you die for m-]

"Don't try talking.... your vocal cords's been destroyed as well. I....."

[ This boy is..... huh I should get up already!!!!]

Maybe I didn't wanted prince to throw his life for me. I didn't wanted to be guilty for this. I mustered all the strength and now was on my feet with the support I took from the chair.

"You are just.... deadweight?"

[No you jerk!!!!]


[My voice.... I can't speak.]

"You can't be..... saved. Neither I want to deal with troublesome things. You... I think I can make your death soon and painless."

[NO!!! You are..... not the one who will decide that.]

I tried to talk but, I couldn't. I tried to move forword and stop the boy but, I couldn't. The boy went sat beside him and slit prince's throat in front of me. I couldn't stop him in time.

[Nooooo! I shouldn't have..... thanked god. You murder..... I will... I willl never forgive you... you will...pay for this and I wi---..... am I.... loosing..... conscio-.....]


The sounds I could hear before were now getting quieter. I was in fear beacus of the sound around me but this slience which started to grew were making my knees shake in fear.

People around me were starting to looes out of my sight. I just stayed there, I felt the earth tremble under my feet.

[Why now.... why is the earth..... trembling?]

"You..... "


[That scared the.... where did he come?]

"When did you-"

"Less talking."

[Odering me around now... *sigh* what happened to my sweet Stefan?]

Stefan gaved me a piggy back ride on him. While he jumped and climed over the building. Something I only watched on movies or games. I feared that with this incident maybe I will have acrophobia or.

[... form what I witnesses.... hemophobia?]

"Steph.... I want to... take me to my...family!"

I finnaly said it, what had been on the back of my head all this time. What I wanted to do. I said it. I knew he was doing something because he had some reasone. He left me and I stayed just as I promissed but anymore than this, I cant. I wanted to meet them. My family. I want to see tham. I want to see for myself that, they are okay. I really can't wait anymore. I, my family I want to, see them for god'sake.

[Please..... be safe until..... I come for you. Dad..... mom..and emma.....please.....god.]

Stefan stoped on the roof, this was his orginal goal from the start because Miss Emma was lying on the grond just beside me.


[No, just Noooo]

"Noah..... we might be late for you... da-"


Before he finished his sentance, I delivered a punch to his face which he tooked directly.

[ Don't say... anything...]

"Shut up! I don't want to hear anything... I getting back to-"

"There's a car comeing to pick us up."

[Haaggg.... it's hurt..... was his face.... steel now?]

"Use the car, it will be faster."

"Fine.....and..... "

From what he said to me, I couldn't come out and say 'sorry' for hitting. Though it's my writs the one hurting but, I was the one who punch so. I should be the one apologizing, which I delayed for when I am cooled off.

We stayed on the roof for just 1 mint more. Than he took me down to the ground floor from the rooftop which was on 6 building above. Just by jumping down. I scremed the hell out of me to the way all down. After leaving me on the road he jumped to the roof. Just in one leaf he was on the roof again.

[.....not human..... anynore.....]

"Steph..... please... don't change....."