
With a Kick Collection #1

This collection includes Clare London's first two charming London-based novellas of the With a Kick series with two short stories featuring the characters in these books.<br><br>With a Kick is A new and enticing ice cream franchise, with a unique blend of full flavour, mischief and romance. Patrick and Lee are struggling to make a success of their alcoholic ice cream shop in the centre of tourist London. At the same time, their business partnership may take a turn towards the personal -- if either of them can find the time and nerve to go for it! Meanwhile, they cater to the wild and wonderful range of customers in the area, many of whom have their own romantic agenda. Will ice cream be the final ingredient they’re all looking for?<br><br>Each story is a self-contained romance, but will follow the history of the shop throughout. Contains the novellas:<br><br><strong>A Twist and Two Balls</strong>: Eduardo Mancini is going to be a star of the London stage. Unfortunately, his alter ego Eddy March hasn't got further than a bit part in a TV series. One ghastly day, he’s late for an audition, can’t pay his taxi fare, and is chased across Soho by the irate driver, Nuri. But maybe being caught by Nuri is exactly what Eddy needs.<br><br><strong>Slap and Tickle</strong>: Bryan is an accountant who admires order and self-discipline. When he literally bumps into Phiz outside With A Kick, Phiz’s lifestyle and behaviour appear totally chaotic. But they each recognise something in the other that they need. Bryan needs a lover who welcomes his secret desire, and Phiz needs a firm hand–in every way. They both agree that Bryan may be just the man to provide it.<br><br>Also includes two short stories, <strong>Nice and Snow</strong> and <strong>Smack Happy</strong>.

Clare London · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
87 Chs

Chapter 32


Nuri said. “Eduardo would like to take the children to a theatre show one day.”


Now!” said Naz.


eyes lit up. “Wicked!” he said.


took a moment to realise Jamal meant the show, not just expressing teenage

cool. “That’d be good,” he said. “I can take you both. Maybe in a couple of

weeks’ time.”


Can’t anyone go?” Selim was scowling again but his face was a bit pink.


course,” Eddy said and nodded, straight-faced. “Obviously I’ll need help to

keep an eye on the youngsters.”


Is that another obscene thing?” Sadi said mischievously.


mother turned to Eddy with concern. “Eduardo, is that true?”


bit his lip. He didn’t dare catch Nuri’s eye. “Oh no, not at all, it has a very

moralistic message.”



nodded emphatically. “I know it very well, mum. It’s fine for children.”


Emin was obviously mollified. “I think you should accompany Eduardo, though.