
Witches of Mirabu Valley

During a time of chaos an reincarnation the witch Adara is born. Witches see liberation from the humans, vampires and werewolves as they settle in the valley of Mirabu. The reincarnation comes with a past for some, hope for the witches but for most it poses a threat they didn't anticipate. however the four races have no idea that the reincarnation of the witch Adara bears an even bigger threat to all for races.

Mimie_97 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 8

Mira opened her eyes slowly. The linen she lay was soft and she could feel it's silky texture on her. She could smell the sweet scent of lavender mixed with a bit of vanilla. The room was huge but was beautifully designed. She put her hand on her eyes and she slowly sat up straight. The curtains in the room flew in the room from the wind blowing inside. It was already night and the candles in the room lit the whole room. Mira slowly got out of bed and began walking in the room looking around. "Where am I? She asked herself quietly. She saw a huge beautiful painting of a waterfall and she went up to look at it. The room was full of expensive stuff. She touched the painting and wondered how anyone could have the most beautiful and expensive things like this. As she was about to walk to the door it suddenly opened and a human's girl walked through it with a tray of fruits and food. "Oh good you are awake!" She exclaimed happily. Mira looked at the girl as she placed the tray on the table and went back to close the door. Mira walked closer to the girl who was busy pouring wine for Mira. The girl handed the gold cup to Mira and she took it. She took a sip and instantly spit it out."What on earth is this juice?" She asked the girl horrified. The girl laughed out loud. "You have never had wine before I see. It takes time for you to get used to the taste but once you do you won't want to stop." She teased Mira who still looked horrified. "What is this place? A human brothel?" Mira asked the girl concerned she was probably found by the human prostitutes and given a place to stay. The girl giggled. "A brothel? No Mira this is too fancy for a brothel don't you think?" She asked Mira who looked around and thought it was too fancy for a brothel. This looked like a rich man's house or palace. "Then whose house is this?" She asked the girl. "It's Lord Reeva's home. He found you and brought you here." The girl explained to Mira who opened her eyes wide open.

Reeva! Reeva the second oldest vampire? Oh she was totally fucked! How did she end up in a vampire's house? They wanted her dead and if he found out she had killed one of his own she was totally fucked. Mira just stood there trying to think of ways to escape. She quickly went for her neck and she felt nothing. She sighed with relief and the girl burst out in laughter. "Lord Reeva doesn't want to kill you Mira. If I know who you are then he obviously does too. He found you in the mines." She went on to tell Mira who looked scared as fuck. "I can't believe the most powerful witch is freaking out right now! You can't escape there is too many vampires in the house, six clan leaders are here for the council." The girl seemed to enjoy the torturing Mira. She took the cup in Mira's hand and held it to her mouth and without even knowing Mira downed the whole cup of wine down and went to pour more. "See I told you once you have gotten used to the taste you will be fine." She said to Mira laughing. "Why did Reeva bring me here? Does he want to play a power display to the other vampires?" Mira finally asked the girl. The girl chuckled. "Lord Reeva doesn't need to show off his powers to the vampires. Besides if he wanted you dead he'd have done it in the mines don't you think?" She spoke of him with high regard and this confused Mira." If I didn't know I'd think you are in love with this Lord Reeva. You speak of him as if he was God." Mira said sarcastically. The girl sat on the bed and looked up the roof. "He is like that to me. Lord Reeva saved my life and he is the most charming and handsome man I have ever seen. He is kind, thoughtful and he is different." She praised him and Mira frowned. She went and sat next to the girl downing the wine she had in her hand. "He is a vampire for crying out loud! I don't really think you okay up there." Mira was getting tipsy now. She stumbled to the door. "What are those filthy vampires doing anyway?" She asked as she slightly opened the door. The girl hurriedly ran to close the door and she pulled Mira from the door. "You can't open that door. The vampires can't know you are here!" She cautioned Mira as she pulled her from the door. Mira just followed her with her eyes half closed. "Damn that juice you gave me is making me sleepy. Did you happened to drug me?" She asked the girl as she poked her on her shoulder. The girl dragged her back into bed. "I didn't drug you silly witch. You are getting drunk from just two cups. Now just get in here and sleep." She told Mira as she continue to drag her into bed. The girl covered Mira with the white linen and sat at the edge of the bed. "The little witch can't keep her liquor down huh." She said to herself.

In the court room the vampires gathered. Six clan leaders sat there. From the oldest Varsui, his brother Reeva, Anatoli who was a cruel as she was beautiful, Tezhai the funniest of the vampires, the twins Shekai and his sister Shana the tricksters and were just as reckless as Fanah was. Reeva sat quietly in his chair as he watched the girls from his house serve his guests. The vampires didn't not like going to his home very much as he didn't want any misbehaving in his territory. "Fanah is dead! The little witch killed him! We should be sending them a message right now!" Tezhai said to the other vampires. "It was because he wanted to send a message to the witches that he is dead now. don't you think we need to be strategic about our plans? Not that you of all people would get it Tezhai." Anatoli replied him. She had always wanted to outsmart the other vampires because she wanted to impress Reeva. She was beautiful, smart and equally cruel but she didn't like a mess either. Reeva was her greatest weakness and she had adored him. "You little prick! How dare you disrespect me! You think that little witch will wait for us to think strategically? She will kill us all!" He spat back at Anatoli who rolled her eyes at him. The twin giggled in their corner. Varsui watched his brother drinking his wine silently. It seemed as if he wasn't bothered by this whole issue. To him it was as if the witch had helped him get rid of a situation he had always wanted get rid of but couldn't. "Fanah was one of us. His clan has been mostly wiped out by the witch but we can't go and kill her or kill witches as we like. Anatoli is right we need a plan." Varsui told the vampires. He still had his gaze on his brother who had not even smiled or said anything at all in the council. The twins who were impulsive and wanted to go out and avenge their friend didn't like this at all. "Are we not giving this little witch too much power over us brother?" Shanah asked Varsui curiously. "No we just letting her think she has power." Varsui explained to her and she smiled at him. "Tonight we celebrate and remember our brother Fanah. We carry him in our hearts as we drink our wine and blood." Tezhai toasted and the rest of the vampires followed suit.

Reeva got up and as he was about to leave Anatoli raced in front of him. "My Lord are you not feeling alright?" She asked him. He looked at her and she immediately stepped away quietly. There was a loud laugh and a glass was thrown at the door splashing blood everywhere and some on Reeva's white gown. Reeva turned and saw Tezhai laughing. A human's girl quickly rushed to wipe the blood away frm the wall but Tezhai caught her before she could get there. Reeva rose his head and looked at him. Anatoli could see he was annoyed and she knew an annoyed Reeva was not pleasing to watch. She quickly held his hand. "My Lord don't mind Tezhai he is just a drunk fool. Besides he is mourning his good friend." She tried to calm Reeva. Varsui watched his brother from his seat. Reeva was calm and steady but he was also the worst vampire to cross. Reeva pulled his hand away from Anatoli and turned to leave but as he walked Tezhai took the girl's neck and she bit her neck, the girl screamed in pain and Reeva rushed back pushing Tezhai away from the girl into the wall holding him by his throat. He strangled Tezhai as he held him into the wall. Shanah tried to run and stop Reeva but he looked at her and she immediately stopped. He was angry and the vampires knew of his ugly side when he got annoyed. "You dare touch my maids in my house!? You are disrespectful Tezhai!" He said angrily as he continued to strangle him. Tezhai was turning pale and it seemed as if he was about die when Varsui called out his brother's name. "Reeva! Enough!" Varsui was calm and Reeva didn't move for a moment but then he slowly moved his hand away and Tezhai fell to the ground. Reeva looked at his brother and he walked toward the door. "Council is adjourned. Now all of you get the fuck out of my house!" He ordered everyone as he carried his maid out of the room. Anatoli clapped her hands in sarcasm. "Well played Tezhai, well played." She said as she also walked out of the room. The twins followed suit and Tezhai stood up to walk but Varsui blocked his way. "Next time don't try anything as stupid as that. Or else we will pick your head from the floor." He told him and left him in the room.

In the court yard Reeva gave his blood to the maid who healed up. He let the other maids take her out. He waited in the court yard for his brother who soon caught up with him. "You are awfully cranky these days. Is it because of the witch?" Varsui asked his brother. He was concerned about him and Reeva could tell when his brother was worried about him. "I do not like it when my things and people get hurt. He crossed the line." Reeva replied his brother quietly. Varsui pat his brother on the shoulder. "I know you brother and yes Tezhai crossed a line but something else is eating at you." He asked his brother. Reeva walked closer to the fountain in the court yard. He was silent for a while. "She looks exactly like her brother. She is so much like her. I saw her Varsui." Reeva said to his brother as he held a brooch in his hand. Varsui walked next to his brother and stood there. "You saw the witch? Did she remember you?" He asked him curiously but Reeva shook his head. "Reeva you know that if she is a reincarnation of Adara she might not be the same person? She might not even remember you." Varsui reminded his brother. "I know Varsui, I know." He replied his brother looking at the stars. Varsui held his brother's shoulder and he squeezed it before he left him alone with his thoughts. Reeva walked in th courtyard then he went to the chambers he had left Mira. He found the girl who had been tending to Mira sleeping on the floor by the door. Reeva gently shook her and she was up in no time. "Master I fell asleep. I apologize." She quickly apologized to him. Reeva helped the girl up and he opened the doors to the chambers where Mira slept. He saw her sleeping peacefully. "She had two cups of wine and she slept." The maid quickly told her master. Reeva walked towards Mira he watched her sleeping. She looked so peaceful. He touched her hair and took a closer look to her face. Reeva took a deep breath. "Adara is it you?" He whispered to Mira. He was taken aback by how much they looked so alike. He walked out of the room to his chambers