
Witches of Mirabu Valley

During a time of chaos an reincarnation the witch Adara is born. Witches see liberation from the humans, vampires and werewolves as they settle in the valley of Mirabu. The reincarnation comes with a past for some, hope for the witches but for most it poses a threat they didn't anticipate. however the four races have no idea that the reincarnation of the witch Adara bears an even bigger threat to all for races.

Mimie_97 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 6


Reeva sat on his chair in his throne room. He was deep in thought about the event that had taken place the past two days. He looked outside the window and would take deep breaths. He held an amulet in his hand and he kept on staring at it. As he was lost in his thoughts his brother walked in. He poured himself a glass of red blood that was on the table. "You are lost in thought. What is on your mind Reeva?" Varsui asked his brother worried. Reeva put the amulet on the arm of his chair and walked from the chair. "I can't stop thinking about her brother. After all these years you'd think I'd have moved on and forgot but I can't stop thinking about her." Reeva told his brother. He wore a white cloak with gold strips hanging all over it. His dark hair was tied in a knot and his dark deep red eyes were just as beautiful. His brother put his drink on the table and walked round it. "You have lived your whole life confined here Reeva. It's been over a thousand years brother. This witch you are hoping is Adara I do not think that is her." His brother told him. Reeva looked at his brother and he reached out for some blood. Varsui poured him some of the blood into the goblet and handed it to him. He drank the blood and smiled. "You worried about the witch or the werewolves?" Reeva asked his brother. Varsui went and sat on the other chair. "I am more worried about Fanah. He has gone on a killing spree in the mines again." He explained to his brother. Reeva shook his head and gave a smirk on his eyes. "This is why you called the council for tomorrow? You had to do it in my house Varsui." He confronted his brother. Varsui smiled. "They respect you Reeva." He told his brother. "You know I do not get involved in matters like this. I do not wish to get myself involved in such matters." He reminded his brother. His brother looked at him and took a deep breath. "This concerns us all. This might as well just be a beginning of a revolution by the witches. We need to stick together." Varsui reminded his brother. "We both know that if she is really a reincarnation of Adara there are bigger problems to worry about than the witches revolting against us. It won't really matter what we all are brother." He reminded his brother but Varsui ignored his brother's comment. Varsui and Reeva knew more about the history of the witches and they had seemed to keep most of it to themselves and a few trusted vampires. Summoning the council with all vampires was something they did only when there was an urgent matter to be attended to.

Kitoli didn't trust that the vampires had told them everything they knew about the mystery witch. She couldn't quite get Reeva's expression out of her head. It was as if he cared for the witch, as if he knew her. This bugged her more that she decided to take a run and meet up with Hansu. She got to the compound where Hansu stayed and she turned fully back to human. One if the servant girls hurried and covered her up with a cloak. She smiled at her and she walked towards Hansu's house. "Seems like you were expecting me Hansu?" She asked rhetorically. He smiled and walked to her. "I knew you'd come. I sensed you didn't buy the whole witchy story about the golden covenant and I knew you'd want to look for answers." He explained to her. She took a few grapes from the bowl on the table and threw them in her mouth. "They are hiding something and I intend on finding out what. Reeva he might have mastered to steady his heartbeat over the years but his poker face game was not on yesterday. He know something and it scares him." She told Hansu as she chewed the grapes she had taken from the bowl. "What do you have in mind? What exactly could have Reeva fazed liked that?" He asked Kitoli and she looked at him trying to figure out what it was. "I do not know but what I know is it scares Reeva and that girl has something that scares him." She further explained to Hansu and she began walking towards the door. "Where do you think you going?" Hansu asked Kitoli. She didn't look back but replied. "To Reeva's place. I intend on finding out what they are hiding from us." Hansu rushed and grabbed Kitoli's hand. "Not now Kitoli. We need to protect that packs." He explained to her. She looked at his hand on her arm. "I am thinking of the packs Hansu. Reeva owes me one." She told him. He frowned and let her hand go. "We can protect the packs. We are from the oldest packs and the other alphas look to us to lead. Out union solidifies our strength and unites all the packs." He tried convincing her of their marriage. Kitoli walked away from him. "I will protect the packs my way." She told him as she walked out. He watched her transform and speed into the wilderness. He hated how Reeva had her wrapped around his little finger and yet he didn't even see her.

Kitoli ran into the forest towards Reeva's territory. She knew his hiding spot behind the fountains so she went directly there. The vampires had become accustomed to seeing her in their territory. They didn't like it but she had never posed any threat to them so they never bothered with her. She ran to the fountains and when she got there Reeva was behind the fountain and he heard her tiny footsteps. He walked out of the caves in the fountains and held out his white coat. "You making it a habit of coming here Kitoli. To what do I owe this visit?" He calmly asked Kitoli as he handed her the white coat. He looked away from her naked body and sat on the rock close by as she wore his coat. "You don't mind smelling like a wolf? She asked him." He chuckled and replied softly. "I have gotten used to smelling like a dog. You always around now." She smiled and sat next to him. She looked at his beautiful face and she was taken aback. "My beauty is not the reason why you came here today? I know you love admiring me but what can I do for you Kitoli?"  He teased her and she laughed. She sighed and took his hand in hers. "Who was she? Who was that woman who broke your heart and left you like this Reeva?" She asked him. He turned and looked at her big black eyes. She was beautiful and fearless and he had liked that about her. He felt comfortable around her but his heart was in his past. "You have never asked me that question before. Since me and you have been friends you never have once asked me about her." He said to her. She smiled and let his hand go. "I didn't because I thought one day you'd trust me enough to tell me or show me what lies behind the fountain walls." She told him sincerely. "I have grown fond of you Kitoli and I do trust you. I just never talk about her. And I cannot give you what you looking for either." He explained to her truthfully. She smiled at him. "I am a patient woman. I might not be immortal but I do have a pretty long life ahead of me and I am going to wait until you ready for me Reeva. She was your first love but I will be your greatest love." She told him and he just looked at her. He was fond of her. Her being a werewolf didn't really matter to him. He cared for her, she had been his friend since she was a little girl when he had met her at the council at her father's house. She instantly liked him he had warmed up to her. "The mystery witch? Do you know her?" Kitoli asked Reeva. He looked at her and he didn't want to lie to her now that they were alone. "If my theory is right then I do know her. I think I know her or knew someone related to her." He answered her honestly. She looked at his face and she could tell he wasn't lying to her. So she got up and began walking. "I am taking the coat with me and I am also going to get one of your horses." She teased him and he just laughed. "You have taken one too many of my coats Kitoli." He replied her smiling.

Reeva looked at the waterfall and he seemed to be looking beyond them. There was a cave behind the waterfall. The trees that covered the area were dense and the sun couldn't get in. he walked towards the fountains and walked right through the waterfall. The caves behind the waterfall had and entrance. Reeva walked around the cave, he looked at the paintings and touched one with a woman. He gave a smirk and walked as he touched the walls. In the cave there was an opening with the sunlight. He walked towards the sun and looked up towards the sunlight and felt the sun on his face. He closed his eyes as if he was imagining something.  Reeva stood in the sunlight and he listened to the noises from the waterfall. "You can walk in the sun?" He heard a familiar voice from behind him asking. He turned and saw Kitoli standing behind her. He walked slowly from the sunlight towards her. "I am not spying on you Reeva I just found this brooch in your coat. So I came back to give it to you and saw you coming through this way." She tried to explain to him. He just stood there quietly looking at her. He took the brooch from her hand. "I know Kitoli. I trust you." He replied her and she smiled. "How long have you been able to walk in the sun Reeva? Are all the other vampires like this?" she asked him curiously. He shook his head to the later. "Only my brother and I can walk in the sun. we have always been able to. Only a few trusted vampires know about this." He told her. Reeva had an understanding when it came to Kitoli. He was known to distance himself from anything and anyone. Vampires respected him and women, werewolf, human or vampire fell for him. His presence was not something the werewolves liked. Kitoli had admired him since she was a little girl. She walked towards the wall. "This woman. Is she the one you loved? Who was she?" Kitoli asked Reeva. He was silent for a while and then he replied. "Her name was….. She was my woman. She died saving me." He told her. Kitoli could see the sadness in his eyes. her heart broke for him but it also broke for herself because she loved him. "She was a witch. The first witch." He explained this to her and she opened her eyes wide open. "The legends are true? Adara is a true story?" She asked him. Reeva smirked and walked towards the painting but he didn't say anything to her