
Witches of Mirabu Valley

During a time of chaos an reincarnation the witch Adara is born. Witches see liberation from the humans, vampires and werewolves as they settle in the valley of Mirabu. The reincarnation comes with a past for some, hope for the witches but for most it poses a threat they didn't anticipate. however the four races have no idea that the reincarnation of the witch Adara bears an even bigger threat to all for races.

Mimie_97 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 3

The king had moved the execution of Nara up to make his guests the vampires and werewolves happy. Reeva stood in the crown room staring into the horizon in deep thoughts. His brother could tell he was deep in thought. Varsui walked to him and pat him on the shoulder. "Why do you look like something is bothering you Reeva?" The old vampire asked his brother. Varsui was both feared and respected by all the other vampires. He was the oldest and he put his vampires first. He was known for his protective nature when it came to his fellow vampires. Unlike his brother Reeva was more cold and the quiet one. He loved to keep it to himself and never really acquainted himself with anyone. He loved being by himself and never really interfered in any vampire or human matters. "I haven't felt power like that since the beginning of time. This was power like she possessed." He told his brother calmly. Kitoli was standing closer to them and she was eavesdropping. Varsui squeezed his brother's shoulder. "You know that cannot be possible. She died thousands of years ago and no witch can ever possess such powers." He assured his brother. Reeva nodded his head unconvinced and Varsui pat him. Kitoli looked at them suspiciously. She had been trying to get Reeva's attention for quite some time but he had never given her the time of day. She walked to Hansu. "I am pretty sure the vampires are hiding something about the witch. They know something." She told Hansu who looked at the vampires talking. "They have lived for thousands of years and they know more than us. We have lived with them for five hundred years now in peace Kitoli. Stop looking for trouble where there is none because of your unrequited love for Reeva." He quickly put her in her place and walked towards the window. He had know about her feelings since the time she had rejected his marriage proposal to unite their packs. Kitoli stood there looking at Reeva who still looked worried.

At the house Zara and Xander we packing so they could run away from the house. Mira sat on the chair next to the table unable to move or say anything. They were all scared the kind would come back and take them all to the dungeons. Mira didn't move or say anything. She just sat there looking through the windows. There was a loud knock that had them all in awe. They all looked at the door but didn't go and open it. The door was knocked again and Xander walked slowly towards the door to open it. He slowly opened the door and there stood a woman covering her face with a cloak. She quickly walked in and closed the door behind her. The three siblings stood there in panic. The woman removed her cloak and they saw it was the queen. "You have to leave the city gate now! The king has moved up the execution of Nara and it happens at noon." She told them and they all stood there in fear. Tarnia began helping them pick up their stuff and packing it but the siblings just stood there. She saw them looking at her and she walked to Zara. She took hold of her shoulders and shook her. "You are the oldest now! You need to take your siblings out of the city. It's almost noon and Joram will kill your sister and to please his guests he will come for you all." She told Mira who wiped her tears off her face and nodded her head. She began packing with the queen and Xander. "I brought you three horses you take them and got through the market gates. Go to Hatali I have a friend there he will give you shelter and protection until the king has stopped looking for you." She instructed them and gave Zara a bag of silver coins. "Where is Mira? Where did Mira go?" Xander asked in panic when he couldn't see her on the chair she sat. Mira's jaw dropped and she fell to the floor. "She has gone to the town square. She has gone to Nara." She said to her brother. The queen saw the look on both the siblings' faces and she immediately knew it was Mira who had used magic and Nara was trying to protect her. "We have to get her back. We can't leave without our sister!" Xander said to the queen. Tarnia looked at the two young siblings filled with fear. "Don't you worry, go and wait for her at the market gate. One of my mean will get her to you. Now hurry and go!" She told them but they were hesitant. She took their hands in hers and said. "Your sister meant everything to me. I promised her I'd protect you so I will protect Mira. Leave!" She assured them and they hurried and left the house. They got on their horses, covered themselves with the cloaks and rode to the market gate. The queen wore her cloak back on and rode to the town square. She rode and stopped by the old inn. There she met one of the men and gave him fifteen pieces of silver. "Get the girl out of the city Darren." She ordered him. He took the horse and rode towards the execution post and the queen rode back to the palace.

Mira got to the town square in time. She walked through the people who stood there waiting for her sister's execution. She walked closer to the gallows covering her face. Her sister stood between two guards with her hands tied behind her. People threw things at her and scoffed at her. The other witches watched from afar in fear. Mira walked closer and Nara could see her from the gallows. She shook her head to signal her so she should come any closer and Mira immediately stopped walking. She had tears in her eyes and Nara smiled at her from afar. She wanted her sister to know it was alright but Mira's heart broke. The executioner waited for the trumpets to be blown from the palace to continue with the hanging of the witch. The rope was put around her neck and Nara closed her eyes smiling. Mira started trembling but she couldn't move since her sister had told her not to move any closer. Joram standing on his window gave the signal to his me and they blew the trumpet. The queen heard the trumpets and she stopped riding her horse and she felt her heart break. Xander and Zara looked at each other in pain as they waited for their little sister by the market's gate. They held each other's hands and sobbed for their sister. Mira watched as her sister's body fell through the hole and he body hanged their lifeless. She began shaking with anger. She felt her blood rush and adrenaline increase. She looked at her sister's body and the pain she felt made her scream with everything she had. As she screamed she blew the gallows and everything around away. She screamed with all her might and the winds blew hard with her scream she had everything around her blown away and people had to bow on the ground so they were not taken away. As she screamed that hard and her powers unlocked that her siblings felt it. The looked at each other and they knew Mira had her powers unlocked. Tarnia stood there looking at the winds blowing at the town square. "Mira. You need to get out of the town square now." She whispered. She understood why Nara had gave up her life to save her sister. Reeva walked towards his brother and he looked at him. "Do you believe me now? He asked Varsui who looked at him in awe. Reeva's eyes dimmed and Kitoli who had been looking at him all this time could see how heartbroken he was and she didn't quite understand why he was so worried about a mere servant witch. Joram and Manol looked through the windows in shock. As Mira calmed down so did the winds. She fell to the ground and as she touched the ground Darren got there with the horse. "Mira give me your hand now!" He said to her and she quickly reached out to him. He rode his horse away from the town square to the market gate with her and she looked behind her to where her sister's body lay on the ground. Darren rode with her to her siblings, who had been sitting by the gate worried. When they saw Darren riding with a woman they both stood up and Mira got off the horse. Zara and Xander both ran and hugged her. "Are you crazy? You could have been killed!" Mira scolded her sister but Mira just looked at her sister and Zara felt the pain of them losing Nara. She hugged her younger sister and Xander hugged them both. "You need to go. Mira is in danger. The kind of power she possessed with tat bracelet on is going to have the king looking for her and shut down the city gates. Leave." He warned them. "Thank you for taking my sister out of that place." Xander thanked Darren. They all got on the horses and rode out of the city.

At the palace Joram had his guards come in immediately. They reported the news of what had happened at the town square. Reeva stood quietly as the guards narrated that it wasn't Nara who had caused the havoc in the city. Reeva looked relieved by the news that the witch who had such powers was not the one they executed. Kitoli looked at him confused. King Joram gave his orders. "Find the witch. Bring the whole family to me! I will kill each and every one of them!" He said. The king's guard left to find the witches at their home and shut down every city gate. Manol stood behind the king and Hansu walked to him. "How did you miss this Manol? It is your job after all to sniff out your kind." He confronted him. Manol looked at him and he folded his hand. "She had the scent. That kind of magic is too powerfull she could hide it. In all my five hundred years I have never felt power like this." He tried explaining to them. Kitoli walked to him and she grabbed his hand. "You better not be trying to double cross us because it is our blood, vampires and wolves that has given you this long miserable life you have Manol." She firmly warned him. He pulled his hand away from her and boswed his head down facing his king. "I'd never betray your trsut your majesty. I have served all the kings who came before you." He professed to the king and the king walked out of the room frustrated. Reeva walked close to Manol. "You would betray whoever it is for just an immortal life Manol." He said to him disgusted as he walked out of the room. Kitoli followed him out of the room. "Why were you relieved the witch didn't die?" Kitoli asked Reeva as he walked. He immediately stopped walking and she caught up with him. He had a poker face on this time. She smiled and looked at him. "Why did you look relieved the witch who unlocked such powers is not dead? Do you know her?" She asked him again and he just looked at her. He was about to reply her when he saw the queen walk out of her chambers. He took a deep breath and walked past Kitoli without replying her. She saw the queen waiting for Reeva at her door and she was annoyed. Tarnia bowed her head down to greet Reeva and he put his hand put. "Walk with me your highness." He said to her and she put her arm into his as they walked away. Kitoli's fury grew much and she walked back to the throne room.

Reeva and the queen walked together quietly just to make sure they were far from Kitoli. Tarnia walked with grace and she was smiling as they walked in the garden. Reeva noticed the smile and he stopped. "You look rather happy for someone who just lost her beloved servant." He commented and the queen just smiled. "I am just noticing how you have a secret admirer sir. Kitoli follows you like a little puppy." She replied him back and he just looked away. She continued holding on to his arm and he didn't seem bothered by it too. "Why did you help me Reeva? You barely know my servant but you still helped me." She asked curiously. Reeva walked away from the queen. "It was the right thing to do your highness." He simply said to the queen who didn't believe him. She stood besides him. "I do not believe you. You do not involve yourself in matters of anyone not even vampires. Why this one?" She asked him concerned. He took a deep breath and looked in the sky. "You must have loved her. Whoever she was she must have been very special. Just like Mira." Tarnia said to Reeva who looked at her with a forced smile. "Mira? Is that the witch's name?" Reeva asked the queen and she nodded her head. He repeated her name in his head and left the queen in the garden. The queen sat on the benches in the garden and looked in the sky. She felt her heart break and tears streamed down her cheeks. "I know you had a really good reason to protect your sister Nara. She is power." The queen said to herself as she looked in the sky. She stood up to leave when she saw the king standing behind her. She carried her dress and began walking away but he grabbed her hand. "Where were you all this time?" He asked her harshly. She pulled her hand away and replied angrily. "I was praying for my servant. The woman you wrongfully killed." The queen was harsh and she looked at the king with hate. She began walking out of the garden. When the king shouted. "If you helped them escape I will kill you Tarnia!" He threatened her but she didn't stop walking away from him. He knew this was not good for him and he felt frustrated that the witches had gotten away from him.