
Witches Impact

The Church has long been at war hunting witches for centuries but now a new generation of hunters and witches have emerge, with there own story that tangles and intertwine. Who is the real enemy here and what are they after.

Jpeak19 · Fantasia
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1 Chs

The First Encounter

The War between witches and the hunters of the church organization has been going on since medieval times now in the modern age the use of a system power called Nesca has help the Hunters to push the witches to near extinction.

A young man named Luó Renshu is said to be a prodigy who will be the greatest witch hunter of the new age even without having taking out a witch, but what makes him a prodigy is is unlimited potential, He was given the Title Beacon and aims to live up to it on his first witch hunt.

"Hey Why do I have to wear the uniform while Luó Renshu gets wear what he want." the boy angrily complaining look at his outfit his named Kong Zhiquang.

"When you get a title like me then you will get to wear what ever you want, plus that outfit is not my style bro."

The two bickered back and fort with each other. They were two good friends as close as brothers, always challenging one another in various things.

"Can you two please be quiet we are almost to the spot so get your parachutes on." The man said with a stern expression on his face.

He was there mentor Rainier Guozhi and the one who tasked them on the first hunt they are on right now.

"Are you ready Luó because I don't want you to be the one that makes us fail."

"I can say the same to you Kong."

They both smiled as they fist pumped each other.

"Remember Luó you are tasked with location one and Kong you go to location two now go."

As the planes cargo door opened a big gust of wind blew in as Kongs brown hair blew wildly.

The boys diverted in different directions in the air one headed in the west direction while the other went to the east in the starry filled night sky.

Luó landed in a forested area not too far from a moderately populated town.

But before he went any further he took a blue bandana from his pocket and stared at it with his fist tightly clenched before tying it under his black hair on his forehead.

"The report that Mr.Rainier gave me says that the witches hideout is only 2000 meters from here, I should make it there in 3 minutes if I enhance my speed for a bit."

Luó swiftly traversed the forest surrounding the town arriving at a big mansion where it is said in his report that this is there hideout, it was well kept on the outside with a short cut lawn and beautiful garden at the back.

After surveying the area of the mansion for a while longer he noticed the silhouette of three people in the mansion.

"I better use the Search Skills to make sure they are no nasty traps waiting for me."

Skills were spells that were taught to hunters that could use Nesca , they are also special skills that can not be taught but achieve through certain experiences.

They don't to seem to be any traps around the house I guess this will be a piece of cake after all, I hope Kongs location is alot harder so I can be the first to finish."

Luó stealthly approached the house, climbing the sidewall of the house and entering a window on the 3rd floor.

He then made his way quietly to the second floor where he last saw the silhouettes, without make a noise, There in the living room was one girl watching tv she looked to be about 15 years another girl was sitting at a table near the Kitchen doing homework she looked about 16 years the same as Luó and a older girl was in the Kitchen.

"These are the witches I expected them to be older people, well as they say don't judge a book by its cover they could be powerful and evil." Luó whispered quietly under his breath."

The next few moments will see Luó making a critical decision.

Luó calmly walked out from where he was hiding making his presence Known to the three girls.

"Who are you and how did you get into here." the girl at the table said in a angry tone as she stood up with her body trembling in fear."

The youngest one rushed to her side holding on to her tightly.

"This is where it ends for you witches." Luó said coldly as he took out his Short blade Katana.

"I knew this day would come, you too hurry to the basement and lock the door." The Girl in the Kitchen rushingly said as she took out a stone from a drawer in the kitchen.

"What are you Going to do Sister Yan." the smallest girl asked her in a frightened voice.

"I will hold him so hurry now Xiao and take Xia with you."

The two followed her instruction and ran to the basement as quickly as they can.

"This is my first witch hunt so make it exciting won't you." Luó confidently proclaimed.

"Why are you here Hunter?"

"I just said why I am here to hunt you witches."

"But the three of us do nothing to harm you or other humans." she argued in a soft and stern voice.

"You feel you can trick me you have been the enemy of the church cursing and destroying human society."

"It was the church who hunted us we tried to use our talents to help build humanity but because we were different we were shunned and killed.

"Enough I will end this now." he shouted as charged to strike the Girl.

"Budup!!" A shiver went through Luó's body as everything around him turned black.

"Where am I?" As Luó looked around all he could see was a lush green field with beautiful blooming flowers.

"You are in my Garden and I have summoned you here my child."

A soft and mysterious voice he has never heard before came from behind Luó.